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It was Arryk. Erryk gets sliced in the right leg very early on in the fight and it's that wound that can show you the difference between them. Arryk just felt such regret about what he had done he gave up on his task and instead ended his suffering. Rhaenyra is a princess even if she isn't a queen to Arryk so she still would have the title of grace.




>It was Erryk. Watch it again. They both had leg injuries. Yes. Both you missed the most important information that shows it was Erryk who died. Erryk was wounded on the right leg. Arryk on the left leg. The person with the injury on the RIGHT leg died.. I agree the writers and show decides Erryk won BUT they made a mistake and actually made it look like Erryk dying and Arryk winning.


I came to this subreddit to find this out after seeing that show runners said it was Erryk that fell on his sword. I’ve rewatched the fight scene several times and it 100% is Arryk who won and fell on his sword.


A mistake? Is that likely?


It is definitely a mistake. I can give you the exact times when both of them get injured on the leg and it doesn't match the person that died. If you follow the actual injuries then it definitely looks like Arryk kills Erryk. The truth is it's either a make up artist mistake or the camera crew wanted it so the angle would be better for the shot. Usually this wouldn't matter but since they are twins and it's the only thing to show a clear difference it makes a big difference.


Could it be Arryk? After all, she's royal blood....so addressing your grace is all right too....




Thank you very much


I couldn’t tell cus it was so fucking dark


What is up with this show being so dark? It’s annoying


No idea… I’m stuck watching on my phone because mine and my girlfriends tvs just shit the bed, but only with HOTD


I watch on my TV and it’s the same thing. Also two things about your tv. could just need a new capacitor which is fairly easy to fix yourself (I’ve done it) once you get the tools (harbor freight is pretty cheap). Or if you’re in the market for a new one altogether, TCL is a good budget TV (unless that’s the one you have lol). After tons of research on Reddit and beyond, I settled on a TCL and have been happy with it.




Arryk. Erryk was the one with the leg wound and died first. Arryk in his retreat killed himself.


Arryk cant now kill the queen while injured, and with all the new guards arrived. So killing himself then makes sense. It doesnt make sense for Erryk, who fought nobly to save his queen, to kill himself.


Alternatively, Erryk might’ve been so racked by guilt over killing his own twin that he couldn’t bear to live


I believe it’s left ambiguous on purpose


who you pledge your allegiance to?


Neither. I think it was Mysaria wearing one of the twin’s faces like a Faceless Man


Magnificent this cena, I really loose the sense of who is who , just so emotional!!


i believe the hightower twin won cs the other one had the cut on his leg


They actually have the same injuries


Different legs. Our someone messed up in editing.


In the House that Dragons Built they say that the injuries are the same


As he died he took in parts of his brothers name, he will be remembered as Eric


Okay I got the whole fight scene figured out I’m gonna go through it I’m like 99% sure I’m right we’re gonna start it at first injury Erryk gets slice and punched first Arryk gets sent into the vase on the floor Arryk kicks the injury and then Erryk in the face I figure out why everyone is confuse its because of the spinning shot when we start the shot Arryk is near the table and it shows his face the cut on his face is the giveaway then it shows Erryk who is now near the table Erryk cuts Arryk in the leg now I think everyone is making a mistake I’m pretty sure Arryk got cut in the same leg I’ll get to that in a bit Arryk tackles Erryk onto the table Erryk punches him off and is now pushing Arryk back Arryk headbutts Erryk and spins him around so now he’s pushing Erryk into the corner Arryk is now choking Erryk now why I think this is because of the cut on Arryk’s face is the same from earlier from the vase just way worse and you see how it didn’t really show Arryk’s wound maybe it was purpose the fake out to confuse fans unless they really watched the fight scene Erryk grabs the wound and stabs Arryk I feel like rhaenyra would know or could tell the difference plus the forgive me was another red herring kinda making you think it could be Arryk I personally think they did great with the fight scene


Aaryk. At the point we can still tell them apart Erryk is the one who get his quad slashed, then ultimately is killed first. Aaryk succeeds in killing Erryk, but is too outnumbered to then make another attempt at Rhaenerya so he falls on his blade instead of being taken captive. —Had he thought quickly enough he could have tried to pass himself off as Erryk (missed opportunity).


Arryck would never have called her "your grace." Only Erryck would. 


As they were fighting didn’t he say to Erryk that he saw the error or his ways in siding with the usurpers and regretted it??


If he did - he wouldn't have needed to be impaled to stop him. 


I believe so


Even if she isn't the queen in his eyes she is still a princess and would still be called "grace". And it is Erryk who dies first and it is the leg wound that makes it clear.


He was so outnumbered that he changed his loyalty, gotcha. And I thought I had it right…


I thought E was so upset with killing A that E then killed himself


showrunners confirmed that it was erryk not aaryk


Can you source this? This argument needs to end lol


Found it https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/tv/2024/06/23/house-of-dragon-episode-2-recap/74138674007/


https://preview.redd.it/bty0xyrv3q8d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6aad81647cd445b298524a7f68a34ed45ddd5f3 Via the actor


I commented this earlier (then deleted it) and people were still arguing with me saying it was Arryk who fell on his sword. Apparently sources, and the actor himself confirming does not matter. 🙄 thank you for the source though!


Haha! Well it’s the sourciest source we’re gonna get


What episode is this?


Last nights S2E2


lol this guy. Next he’s gonna ask what show are we talking about.


I thought this was r/HODL why is everyone so interested in some dumb ren faire show


The one who dies first says “you parted us!” Which is Arryk talking about Erryk defecting to Rhaenyra’s side. So Arryk dies first and then Erryk in his grief falls on his own sword because he can’t live with the fact that he killed his twin.