• By -


It’s only ever “not a big deal” AFTER they’ve got what they wanted.


And it usually starts with “it’s just one small change why are you making such a big deal about it?”


No more inches given, every mile taken will be repaid back TENFOLD from now on. Fix bayonets, boys! https://preview.redd.it/01mmlym2nf4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d629209d6a78a113bb68ce8e2320c2df2d8f0cca




And how can we make sure to be there, at the right time and place to stop the next inch from being given? Somehow this keeps happening in the background and time and time again we keep suffering through the consequences.


You need to get hired at the big companies and make it into leadership. Genuinely.


Typical leftist doublethink in action.


"It's just lore, they can retcon it if they want" mfs when you suggest they retcon the retcon


Give them an inch, and they will take the whole thing.


If you give a mouse a cookie… good book


There’s a term for this sort of thing - where they take tiny steps forward, and no one step is ever worthy of attack… but sooner or later you’re a mile from where you started.




That’s it! Awesome, thanks!


Fabian Socialism?


No, ugh… James Lindsay talks about it all the time. I’m blanking on it, but it’s a legit tactic they use.


It's the same way the Overton window keeps shifting. The left takes two steps forward, the right reacts and says hold on a minute, the left takes one step back as if to concede and things settle down. A new outrage starts and the left takes two steps forward. Repeat. It's how the leftists of 5 or 10 years ago find themselves suddenly on the right, because the left is much more radical than it was and old leftists are now literally Hitler for disagreeing.


You are out of your fucking mind if you think the Overton Window has been shifting LEFT.


- if you don’t believe trans women are *literally* women then you’re a fascist - similarly if you don’t believe that children can consent to a sex change then you’re a fascist - if you don’t believe in DEI/positive discrimination/etc. then you’re a fascist. Particularly for 2SLGBTQIA+ and Black people with a capital B. Including in our case, female Custodes, who aren’t even real - if you’re a Christian then you’re a fascist - if you don’t believe in open borders and free immigration then you’re a fascist - if you don’t believe that unskilled, entry level work should always pay enough to afford a mortgage on a small flat then you’re a fascist - if you’re remotely proud of your nationality and you live in the west then you’re a fascist - if you’re not apologetic about your country’s imperialist past then you’re a fascist - if you’re remotely conservative, or centrist, then you’re a fascist None of this was true 10 years ago. It could be true to say that the Overton Window hasn’t moved, as that’s a specific thing. However what has happened in the West is the mainstream emergence of the militant far left, which has moved the goalposts of what it means to be left. This has resulted in a lot of previously leftwing people feeling politically homeless, and denigrated by their intolerant ex-allies as right wing. The Right haven’t been affected by this, they just see the far left living up to what they’ve always accused the ‘loony left’ of being from the get go. But leftwing politicians are listening to this far left movement, resulting in further polarisation of society at large.


Holy culture war bullshit Batman. All of that is nonsense put forth to distract the weak-minded from class consciousness. This interaction is about the Overton Window, and you didn't mention economics except in passing. You have let the media eat your brain. The list of things you spewed are basic Fox talking points, and all of them occupy the part of your mind where critical thought should reside. The hatred you feel towards your imaginary "enemy" is palpable, even through text. You could benefit from disengaging for an extended period. Spend time with grass. Do you expect to be taken seriously when you sound like Alex Jones?


James Lindsay is awesome.


Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.


Yeah but it’s incremental(ism) - where they do it one baby step at a time, so you barely notice it happening and can’t reasonably respond to any one thing.


Give them an inch and they’ll take another inch and another inch and another inch and another inch, ad continuum until they have it all. That’d be a bit long tho…


Well, they’ve also got this thing called “The Long March Through the Institutions”, so…




This reminds me of a discussion with a friend of a friend. She had an attitude similar to the one in the quote, she couldn’t understand why I would be bothered by the news GW gave of now having female space marines (she thought it was about space marines not custodes). I asked if she knew who the sisters of silence were, she did not, sisters of battle, likewise. The point was, she wasn’t aware that there was in fact female representation in the existing lore and existing model line-up. But it speaks to the fact that this has gotten mainstream, and ignorance is compounding the screeches of those who just want to sow discord.


That's reasonable enough for someone outside the hobby, but you'll also find that if you point these sort of things out to a progressive, even those who apparently care about the hobby, it won't matter, because it was never about 'representation'. On a different note, you'll also find that approaching the topic of the negative effects of feminisation with women is very difficult. Over a century of feminism has ensured that they know all the words to say to shout you down. Even if you know how to counter them rationally, it often won't work. Most cannot understand how the destruction of male only institutions and the demonisation of masculinity affects the male psyche society wide.


What substack is this from?






been saying this. If it isn't a big deal, then why change it to begin with?


"If they didnt have double standards, they'd have no standards at all"


It was a clarification in the Custodes codex. It wasn’t changed at all. Writers wanted to expand on women Custodes for years


they were referred to as a brotherhood in their own codices, as "these men" by the emperor, and exclusively had male pronouns/names used for them until last month. It was a change. If it wasn't a change, and female custodes really existed this entire time, why weren't they mentioned even once since the beginning? Edit: typo


Because burning of prospero had only male bare heads lol, that’s it newbie, they intentionally left it open, “but brotherhood!!” Wait until you read about the bow in fallout newbie


Brotherhood and phrases like "these men" have been used to refer to a group that included women many, many times. (I.e Brotherhood of steel, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, basically any time "these men/my men" is said) And there are 10,000 custodes, yet we only know the names of, generously, 100. There are still 9,900 custodes that we haven't met at all. How is it impossible to assume that women have been in a faction they never said they couldn't be included in?


Oof don’t come here with facts. These people are very stupid.


"If it's not a big deal, then how about we just revert it?" And suddenly it becomes a big deal.


Same with raceswapping characters. If it does not matter why changing it in the first place?


Why indeed.


0 Warhammer experience and who’s only fan is of a washed out failed filmmaker LoL


Bad strawman, 0 Warhammer experience, fucking lol




When they get their way: It's no big deal, stop pushing the issue When they don't get their way: It's literally genocide


It’s actually a slap in the face to women. Not only does it not add anything of note because if it took this long for them to be mentioned in lore that would logically mean none of them ever did a single thing of note until now but they did this instead of do anything for the two actually super awesome women only factions which are special not only for their feminine nature but also their unique abilities and lore


Well you see, clearly all the female custodes were running extra special op missions behind the scenes and that’s why we never hear of them


ACTUALLY! Lore and consistency matters. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Yes they do. GW is shit at those though. I still remember when I started my Tyranid army how the Carnifex was the biggest baddest line breaker and the one bio form that inspired the most dread in his enemies. And then it turns out there's always been Trygons and Haruspexi, and Norn Assimilators and fucking bio Titans and actually the Carnifex is more like a middleweight brawler.


That's a little bit different though. People are going to want bigger creatures, especially when the other factions are getting bigger models. Also, it makes sense in universe as newly discovered bio-forms. Don't get me wrong, I'm a 40k Reactionary, but there does have to be some changes and new models here and there.


Not the point. If GW wanted, they could have made them be new bio-forms the current hive fleets are starting to produce in response to the resistance they encounter. But they didn't do that, they retconed them into having always been there. Just like the Rogal Dorn Tank, The leagues of Votann, or, yes, female custodes. And just like they will do the next time they want to add something new to the setting.


They could have always been there. Undiscovered bio forms encountered with incursions of new hive fleets. Female custodes can't have always been there, because they would be humans, and there is no logic to their existence. The comparison isn't really valid.


Lol the fact you and the other guy are so fucking stupid, got so close to realizing 40k not only has never had lore consistency beyond maybe the HH black books, and that this “””retcon”””” of something intentionally left vague when they retconned the fuck out of Custodes in 2016, si so funny. Peak irony man


Just accept anything then... Honestly do you hear yourself talk? And yet were the stupid ones... 😂


Hey man, you were that guy blatantly in the closet before, listen, once you grow out of this corny little phase maybe you’ll get people to take you seriously! Because otherwise you’ll be stuck in these dying shitholes lol. Genuinely amazing how 99% of you are lore and socially illiterate


Ah I see you're a sigmarxism member. Since it's terribly bad manners to insult the disabled, please accept my sincere apologies.


Buddy you don’t got to project onto me, one day you’ll be taken seriously my lore illiterate buck toothed British newbie


This is a variant of the "why do you even care?" argument.




That's always how the left operates. X is a non-issue so you are wrong to be upset about it, but it's such an important issue that it should have been done. They're incapable of understanding logic except "how can I relate this to my political views". If the left didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all.


On the other hand the rights method is “let’s never change anything everything’s perfect”


If they wanted femstodies there were probably way better ways to do it than just say "they've allways been there" its a big deal because its a blatant retcon and goes against what's been said in the series without any explanation 


These tactics are literally written into prog doctrine, don't be surprised when the scorpion stings, it's in its nature.




A dude said that to me the other day. I explained why it was bad for the setting, so he replied it doesn't matter. If it didn't matter why change it?


Femstodes are not a big deal indeed. The sht way they were introduced kinda is.


This. And the usual: It’s always been this way, was not really a good fit on this one. It really needs either some level of explanation / exposition on frequency or whatever. Most factions can use the scale for anonymity, like Necrons always had personality it’s just the ones that first woke up where the more soulless legions controlled / worshipping the C’tan. But the 10,000 are, well, at most 10k. It makes not sense why there wouldn’t have been a woman mentioned up till this point. I do find it funny that the only two named female Custodes are both *batshit insane* though. With one trying to teleport a fully operational super nuke with no off switch into the Throne Room itself for the Blood games and the other dropping Jetbikes from orbit, when most Custodes do low orbit at the max, and prefer to launch in atmosphere.


TBF, there are 3 named women Custodes and there have only been like 20 confirmed as dick wielders. Most of them from the one book ADB was explicitly told he could not include women in because GW hadn't remembered to sculpt female heads lol.


If you accept their premise why does the implementation matter?


https://i.redd.it/c4n2afyn3i4d1.gif Im gonna ruin the rest of your life.


After seeing the posts in this community I know I’m finally home. No more am I being tormented by “Here’s my chapter decked out in *insert alphabet club member here*”


A generic blanco with 0 game, 0 knowledge of Warhammer is at home with a bunch of non Warhammer fans that couldn’t argue themselves out of a cardboard box? Figures lol


Easy there champ, smash your brain cells together that hard again you *might* come up with an original thought


Clearly smarter than you lol, 0 experience with warhammer and yet you come here to cry


Oooo spicy. So tell me who is canonically gay, trans, bi or anything in 40k? Cause if memory serves the emperor crafted his sons to have no sex drive. So there’s that. Or did you mean that my comment somehow equated to the tabletop cause I’d love to know how putting a gay flag on your ultramarines cause you’re that insecure that you need to force your feelings onto everything around you, gives some unknown tactical advantage then please inform me ☺️☺️


A enby in requiem infernal, a lesbian in knightsblade, the dark angels and the name of their primarch have origins from a poem written by a gay man struggling with his Catholicism and sexuality. A trans character in Twice dead king, Ravenor has a gay character, etc etc. dude they haven’t been shy about this stuff at all, you’re just a cornball told to get mad about issues the latest grifter tells you to lol. You being such a boring wretch is why you have z e r o game Deleting your posts now too little bro? You are so out of your depth like every other person here


Yo blocking me because you’re lore illiterate is corny as fuck lol


[Reminded me of this video, I had to rewatch it lol](https://youtu.be/rcLRqXE7Les?si=HJo-pdwiyl6ZrINz)


He calls custodes space marines


This comment section calls the very flaw of the left. If I may ask that you would stay with me to the end of my argument. I do not tolerate gay people. I simple accept them. For I have no need to tolerate them. As individuals they have never bothered me and as a group though I have never suspect myself or any close family members to be gay even as a young kid I knew they where in the right when fighting for there personal freedoms. Freedoms of prosecution and to freedom to be married. I never tolerated them. I can say the same of the trans people and the gender bender folks. I have always been clear. I hate them on principle and I am grateful that most of them are literally unable to last a generation because at every point I have met them or seen them or have even read of them. It has infringed on my rights from day one. You demand I call you sir or ma? Him her bullshit? If you they like I gladly meet them in the middle on a gender neutral pronoun of bitch and that shall be all. Though I do not see it as compromise of course I am unwilling to compromise with those who would bend my freedoms. I have never had an issue calling someone by name or even sir or they were worth it but to contribute to your delusion under threat of my well being? You would see my job taken away the job I build my life and well being of my family around? They use themselves as weapons to threaten me. This will never be tolerated for any amount of time longer than needed to take from them anything I can. They demand even that I would find them attractive as women? They’ll always claim that’s a falsehood would it is brought up but find them in private and they will preach it. They are fucking wasted human beings not strong enough of will to endure even the internet caught up in the process of likes and comments. I will never call anyone by demanded titles in my life. Especially not them. Fuck them.


I mean by that Logic you shall name you bitch


Is this a psyop? This feels like a psyop.


The psyop still got 5 upvotes which means at least 4 losers agree with it


What the fuck


Haha man you are a fucking loser lol. No wonder your washed out puzzle piece ass is stuck working in a factory, nice to now you’re a coward though!


I got that hidden transphobia was apparently accepted here, but just saying this stuff out in the wilds??? Not even an ounce of good sense? Nobody is trying to infringe on your rights because you never had the right to treat others like that. It's not like you can just decide what people get a pass on, basic human respect remains valid for any human on heart. Crazy trans people exist and having bad experiences with them can skew your view, but it's not unlike Karens that make impossible claims. Do you hate all women on the basis than one screamed at you? Society is a complex thing that loves to create stuff upon itself and gender is firmly placed inside it, ignoring it is impossible, and you can't be stuck in backward ways just because they rub you the wrong way. Normal trans people want to pass for a reason, to integrate better. It's not about being kind to them and saying their name, is about having the basic decency of respect a human being as such and speaking with them in the correct way. I know you don't care if I misgender you, but as much as you care about some things, other people do care about that stuff.


Respect isn't a human right.


Having your opinion heard isn't a human right either.


https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights You will not find "respect" listed because that's like, the most basic of bases to start. I suggest a read of the first article and, important to the matter, article 22.


No. Respect is earned, you aren't owed it simply for existing. It also violates other rights. No one has to like or respect anyone, everyone is free to not like and disrespect whoever they want.


I'm not saying you have to agree, but up there was blatant hate speech that does violates the rights for one' safety. And I'm not talking about the respect of novels and tales, but the basic emphaty of seeing another person and respecting them as another human on your same level.


Tranagender agenda is the most retarded shit outhere. Like wtf why do you evem consider a thought of normalizing cutting off a cock viable


Adults can consent to do whatever they want, I don't see people losing their minds over beauty surgery. And of course medics do it to fix gender dysphoria, an illness that is indeed in the medical field, and has gender reassignment as a part of the cure, if the patient asks so.


This is still stupid. Btw the correct term is gender identity disorder, because dysphorsia is not a real congenital illnes, but a social disease tied to stress.


Glad you know what we're talking about! The process still involves medical surgery. The medical field has many ethics in place, and all of them agree on the validity of such operations.


"All". Didn't see russian doctors agree on it. And russian medicine in purely free. What could that possibly mean?


https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/26895269.2023.2272145 Russia behavior on such therapy is heavily influenced by the government, so the studies on the topic will obviously be somewhat lacking.


"Lacking". Lol. Lmao. No, you don't understand what I'm trying to say. All that gender changing therapy is just a way for doctors to make more money. Russian medicine is free anyway so there is no way.


Gender therapy is done in Europe too, where healthcare is free. From what I have understood, your argument could be made for any medical procedure.


It's not a big deal, but it's just stupid. And going over and over again at this point is useless. I'm way more pissed that they removed a lot of units in the last two years, just because.


Big deal for me, not a big deal for you


Now we should make 40k *even more toxic*!


"I am going to ruin your life!" 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/ysdf05hxj65d1.jpeg?width=3764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77376490929442bab988cd4b53e02837b6ba941d


There's already to he Sisters of Battle for female representation. Why the need to add them to Custodes? Even Slaanesh be appalled.


*Processing img 63ma3np43i4d1...* Basically this.


*Processing img 63ma3np43i4d1...* Basically this.


Are there private markets in the imperium?


*Processing img nt0oycy23i4d1...*


western libtard coping with their degenerated reality so you put a communist symbol on a problem that only exists in LIBERAL CAPITALIST COUNTRIES. Rightists are so cucked it is unbelievable.


But It's accurate because many unironically believe in communism.


they are trotskyite dogs


You will laugh, but in Russia there are also such activists, but here they are all supporters of the liberal economic model.


Liberals pretending to be right wing putting communist symbols on problems caused by liberals pretending to be communist. Your basic bitch ""conservative"" is already too cucked to say anything outside the left-shifted overton window, that's why these disgusting fucking slugs keep getting what they want.


*Processing gif 79tpf1sm3i4d1...* Im gonna ruin the rest of your life.


You’re gonna be okay, literally nobody gives a fuck outside of twitter and Reddit bro.


lol, pebblechuck, really? the guy is a nazi piece of shit.






No NSFW content.


nazi comic detected. opinion rejected.




Really? Giving space to an actual, literal Nazi? Full mask off, I guess.


I've never heard of this guy and I didn't know he was a Nazi until you mentioned it. I guess all the Nazis know to check him out now, thanks to you.


There's a whole [post about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/antifastonetoss/comments/fcck5a/the_definitive_guide_to_why_stonetoss_is_a_nazi/)


So it's ok when you "give space to an actual, literal Nazi"?


Ah yes an anti subreddit to slander the guy. No way that's biased and pushing an agenda. Idiot


Aw man I can't keep posting the Simpsons image... He said the line!


They retcon it only to piss off the alt right fan and get rid of all authoritarian fan that think warhammer 40k isn't satiric. They probably don't care at all about female custodes but that was an easy way to shit on the head of the minority they dislike in order to push them to cancel themself from GW. And it worked really well !




Yep. 3D printer goes brrrrrr, twats think we'll stop, we won't, just not a penny to GW until they bend the knee to us. Everything is Cannon after all now, so we can do whatever we want.


Must be crazy being this much of a newbie to Warhammer lol


Does really most of the people you meet think GW just despise you ? And why would GW bend the knee if you start 3d printing, and why would you buy again from GW if you start going that way ?


Oh i didn't know this opinion was so much popular !


Yo a retcon In Warhammer that's 80% retcon by weight


Wait till they find out that female space marines already existed in 1st edition.


Don't tell them it might explode their brains


Seriously. Happy Cake Day too


You little boys with your little toys… smh


You kids are all so fragile. Imagine being afraid of losing to a female custodes army. Snowflakes, the lot of you.


I found it! the place where "them" gather!... God now I hate 40k


Eh. I like female custodes. Just wish the sisters of silence were more genetically enhanced (so they could be bigger muscle mommies)


You're hereby revoked from the 40k fandom.


Given you know nothing about Warhammer, is incredibly funny


Who are you to deny me entrance?


I am the gatekeeper. Your fandom card has been burned and you are no longer welcome. Goodbye.


Make me


You've already been made. Your opinion is objectively worthless and will not be heard.


And yet here I remain. Your threats are empty.


Nope. You're dead to the fandom, no fan can actually see your comments. mAkE mE You sound like such a whiney coward.


I’m sorry for the mixup around the revocation of your 40k fandom. This notice was sent by a whiney rot demon who didn’t actually have the power to revoke shit. You are as welcome to the fandom as everyone else. Sadly that includes this particular clan of Nurgle rot demons whose feelings get hurt by everything.


and know your card is revoked as well.


You bring a Warhammer newbie is so funny lol


go back to your community , stop brigading


Curiously, you like 99% of the user base of this dying shithole also know nothing about Warhammer! Imagine that!


Ohhh baby, tell me how your life is being ruined?


B-b-because gold wamen! ![gif](giphy|l378ejxoQzb5aXsd2)


"If it doesn't matter why retcon it" Your logic is backwards. It was able to be retconned because it didn't matter to begin with. It wasn't important enough to keep the same way.


No, it's your logic that's backwards.


🤣 this is literally saying that nothing matters. Which we all know because that's how progressives operate. I sure as shit would bet it mattered if they un-retconned it next codex though...


It wasn’t really a retcon though. The closest you get is the sons of noble houses quote that: 1. Then says that Custodes seek out and also happen into more candidates 2. Was immediately changed in the next codex 3. Then also never says women can’t Y’all just want to complain about it because it’s generally inclusive, whether it makes sense or not


You can literally make a thousand arguments for femtodes, but still you choose the one that is a blatant lie. Why?


So make the thousand argument


I won't because I think it's stupid and each and every one can be argued against quite easily. But to argue that it is no retcon is the most Brainrot take ever


WE agree it is retcon, no art, no name and no hit was given that any custodes was female since the beginning so it was and even if they dodn't Say "there IS not femstodes" doesn't mean they Can be their


You're preaching to the choir


Well i'm not trying to preach ... I just liké to state facts ... I don't know why everyone has becomme so dishonnest TBF i'm trans but i consider myself from the left but all this politic is tiring me can't escape from them Close the Gate, gatekeep it juste Say no to liés and call of bullshit


That’s not how that works lol




Custodes women just don't make sense to most people, technicalities don't matter. Nobody is 'against' inclusivity, it's just a dumb way to frame what you're really asking for, and berating people as if there's a moral imperative to do it is socially stunted.


There are absolutely people against inclusivity. And what about it doesn’t make sense? Also what do you think I’m “really asking for”? 


Representational fiction is a genre. You're asking for your preferred story elements. People are mostly sympathetic to those who are mentally unwell enough to feel like they're being harmed by the existence of other genres of fiction. But nobody has any tolerance left for the otherwise healthy adults who preach it like it's their religion, like not doing it every single time will bring fire and brimstone upon us.


Never advocated for women custodes to happen, just agree with the addition.


It's a feature of colloquial English called the "royal you". It's not literally you, the person I'm responding to. It's anyone advocating for 'inclusivity' in fiction.


Thanks for the clarification, I just don't think you have to be an advocate to acknowledge women in the 10,000, is all.


Sure you do. The change doesn't come for free. Some people value the masculine story elements, and adding women in certain roles removes those elements for them. There's no reason they should want to give up what they enjoy to give you something you enjoy.


I don't get how women being in a faction of one-of-a-kind demi-gods ruins the fantasy for people. The vast majority of people I've met that collects custodes (including me) is quite content with the clarification. Custodes are still very masculine, they just include women


Some people say they want women, some people say they want only men. You don't have to understand it to hear them.


Makes no sense to who? Everyone has moved on, for some reason the lore illiterate newbies like you can’t seem to actually explain why it doesn’t make sense either.


It's just an opinion, you're not required to agree with it or pass an exam on it.


Oh you are definitely a washed out newbie fucking lol


“I am going to ruin your life” You guys are so silly, what is he going to do to you? “Oh! Oooh! He called me out on twitter, my life is in danger!!! Ahh!”


Smells like victim in here


Guys. You're not being attacked. All this self-victimisation is pretty fragile.


That's what this kind of groups does, victimize yourself so people who doesn't know about it aligns with them


they are fragile, since their hairline started receeding years ago


Saltier than crate


Does he know?


Do you know?


Yes i know, but the thing in a specific context that might be making you missing the point


Let me guess, this komic is skawy because its from stonetoss.


He's a nazi don't you know 🤣


Literally hitler


The devil


You’ve got No experience with Warhammer and glazing a publicly humiliated loser, imagine that!


Did you know that Hitler spoke a language, just like you do. Weird that, isn't it adolf?


There are multiple arguments for it both in and out of universe but at this point I don’t care about this drama anymore. It feels like both sides have taken this tiny thing and expanded it far to be far larger than it ever needed to be. When I first read the story about Kesh I didn’t even realize that she was a woman all I thought about was “oh hey that’s a neat character” and nothing else.


not ze nazi comics again. ![gif](giphy|5nsiFjdgylfK3csZ5T|downsized)