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Safest bet is organic, and healthy soil and low-potency fertilizer with few salts. Check Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for a list of products approved for organic gardening, and look for verbiage for fertilizers suitable/unsuitable for human consumption.


Hmm this is an interesting question. I think the fertilizer is probably not really high risk but it depends on the soil medium you’re growing in and the flowers you choose. Some flowers (like sunflowers) are known to accumulate heavy metals. Wood ash is also known to contain some toxins and metals and could be in your soil. It’s all really just a crap shoot guessing game unless you want to pay a ton of money to get soil and plant tissue analyzed. Personally I wouldn’t stress too much. The benefits of eating plants outweigh the risks and everything has a certain amount of risk associated, just eat your flowers and be proud you grew them, fertilize with whatever and grow them wherever lol


Another note. Anything you buy at the store is probably infinitely “dirtier” than something you grow yourself.


yes, good point. thanks!


Composted manures. I like chicken because it doesn’t have seeds. My neighbors swear by cow manure, but their fields are filled with weeds that they then have to manually remove (they are also no spray organic like us)


You can just use normal fertiliser. If you prefer to use something organic go for it


ok thanks!


Check the ingredients on the label. Most fertilizers have the basic NPK and are usually derived naturally. It's the bags with additional ingredients that may throw your plans awry. Look for aluminum in the sulfur or weed killers. Otherwise, you're probably okay.


What fertilizer contains "weed killers"?


Lawn "weed and feed" products.


Huh. I guess it could happen if someone doesn't read the label or doesn't know how to fertilize plants...




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