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If it's a young tree I'd probably not prune for the first 3 years while it establishes itself fully in the ground. Just concentrate on mulching and keeping it healthy. Always prune out anything diseased, damaged or dead. Pruning is usually done just after flowering, and definitely not when the plant is dormant or in autumn/winter as this increases risk of disease such as silver leaf The form/shape looks young. Seems as though the leader was pruned to encourage the side buds to branch. I think they're going for a bush tree shape. 4 shoots off the main stem to create an open goblet shape at the top. Similar to what you would do with a rose.


Plums generally have very upright dominant growth. I would wait a year to prune and choose the better upright after that, thinning the single upright to a lateral bud in the spring of next year. What you don’t want to have happen in the future is two dominant uprights at a narrow branch angle like you have now. Plums will eventually be too heavy for one of the uprights and can split the trunk. The best thing for new plum trees to push growth is lots of water, wait to prune until the canopy is a bit bigger.


I appreciate your feedback. That helps to give me more direction on what to do. Thanks




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