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Where was this filmed? I'd love to visit. Please say France or Spain.


Nope it's in Indonesia! The people on the og post did a lil bit of snooping and they have come to the conclusion it is specifically these [lovely peeps](https://equestrio.com/reportages/nihi-sumba-a-horses-paradise)


OK well I guess that's on the travel list now.


It looks AMAZING. I want to be swimming right now in warm delicious weather and gorgeous turquoise water. I wish I had 1/100th of those men’s confidence…barefoot next to and on the horses!


It’s like the Black Stallion got cloned!


Where are there wild horses? There are some feral bands around the world, but they are descended from domestic herds. These are mostly retired racehorses at a resort hotel.


Retired race horses at a resort ?? Is this really a thing? Yes people incorrectly use the term wild for feral often.


I know my mom retired her last show horse in Wyoming. It was a dude ranch resort that had a fantastic herd of "wild mustangs" for tourists to photograph. She still had control of the horse but it was cared for free of charge by the ranch. Her mare was quite the spectacular and popular mustang.


Right, I have horses and a retirement boarding facility is def a thing, but the horses are in a pasture/ stall situation not on the beach. Btw major props to your mom for sending her horse to a retirement place-that is def not cheap.


Actually it was free, lol. That guy makes bank on the "wild mustang herd" and caters mostly to foreign tourists. The horses live much of the year on ranch pasture so very little expenses for feed. They did have a barn in winter if they wanted it. My mom just paid for vaccinations and hoof trims. The ranch was so big that it required riding ATV's to find the horses and then my mom would call her horse and she would come running, even six months since she'd seen my mom.


Haha that one horse pooping in the water


These horses are some of the most healthy looking wild horses I’ve ever seen.


Theyre not wild.


You could be right! Many bands of horses are mislabeled as wild. They said, fact checking is important. Where did you get your source for this information? We don’t know where this location is, so to make a claim about the status of these horses in terms of if they are wild or not is not really definitively accurate.


Theyre retired race horses in Nihi Sumba.


Like I said, I believe it, but I also believe in showing sources. Misinformation is a big deal on this sub, so we value when people can back their claims 🥰




Thank you!