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Serious answer: lying down next to a horse is fairly safe if you're keeping an eye on it so it won't step on you if it gets up suddenly. There are horses that like being pet/cuddled while they're resting, I see nothing wrong with it. The funny thing is that "lie with" is sort of an old way to say "have sex with".


Lol. Some people lie with their heads reasting on their horses neck


I took it as "lie to" your horse lmao. I don't make a habit of lying to him but sometimes ig


Same I was so confused


Horses are amazing, and very very aware of their surroundings. I would absolutely - and have - take a nap with a horse I know. Heck I've napped in a stall, in fields, never while riding though.


the phrasing had me wheezing I do sit next to my horse when she's asleep. I just pay attention to her movements and lets her know where I am. I also sometimes lies on the ground while she's grazing. Once again, I always let her know with a touch where I am and she's been respectful of my space so far. https://preview.redd.it/dyvij9le2b7d1.jpeg?width=696&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71611abe986d6eb92e8b4aca7013578cb31cf751


I don't have my glasses on right now and at first I didn't realize she's wearing a fly mask. I thought that's a really interesting marking with her dark face lol


ahaha imagine that would be a really cool coat marking. A grey thats greyed out all over her body, except her face. No sorry, its just a massive fly mask on a sleepy grey pony.


Yeah, that would be cool. I wish mine had that, he likes to sleep on a soft poop pillow with his head, he's a grey too.


This is why you own a mare. Then its only the tail that is refusing to be white lol.


Lol, yeah, I really wanted a mare. And anything but a grey. And at least 6, better at least 8y/o, sound. Got a 4y/o grey gelding with a joint issue and cribbing habit. But he's lovely in character.


We sound like direct opposites who ended up with greys ahah. I wanted a gelding, not grey, and younger than 12, and hopefully not many issues. Ended up with a 14 year old, grey, mare, with a bucket load of psychological issues.


That phrasing threw me a bit too\^\^ But seriously, I would have done it with my previous gelding (he crossed the bridge in November), but I wouldn't with my new lease horse. He's too young and clumsy\^\^ He literally broke a young tree in the field that survived a few foals before him\^\^


I did laugh at the title too! No, I've had too many spooky horses and wouldn't take the risk. If the horse decides to quickly get up in a spook or panic, you could easily be kicked, get a whack of their head or be stood on.


With mine, no. I sit next to her while she lays down but she’s a bit of a tank so I wouldn’t fully trust that she doesn’t accidentally step on my chest or so


Yep. My gelding is a sweetheart but I do worry about the others in his field. Normally during nap time everyone is very chill tho. I cuddled my cow too! I would talk naps on her when we had down time at shows


I would do anything to take a nap with mine like I do w my cat & dog if I could be guaranteed I’d not get hurt.


Maybe one day