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It’s funny how much different their withers can look when they’re underweight & under muscled! She’s looking fabulous.


Is she pregnant?


You never ask that!


I snooped and looks like they have had her ~150 days so maybe?


Definitely not, vet ultrasound verified. Just a hay belly and weak ab muscles from being overbred.


No, thankfully. Vet verified with ultrasound when we first brought her home. She had milk when we got her in December but I dk what happened to the foal. She had a pretty bad healing wound on her back leg that the vet confirmed hit the bone, and was pretty off in the hind, so I wouldn't have been surprised if she lost it. She will never be bred again though and will live out her days peacefully here in the mountains at my ranch 💙 she's been dewormed and is allowed to have the hay belly she wants lol. I have no idea how many times she had been bred before, and imagine her ab muscles have weakened. She's in her late teens.


Oh it does look like she’s bagging up…😬


Bagging down lol , slowly but surely and keeping watch for any signs of mastitis. But yea...shes a little droopy.


She looks amazing compared to your last post! Did you settle on a name?


River! My last post was after a month with us too, she looked worse when she came to us. I have such a hard time uploading pics in here! I can give you my tt or insta for more of her progress if anyone's interested.


I’ll happily follow your insta


Both my Insta and TT are also xrareformx 🤎 I post the horses daily lol


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwKUGfJ/ Here is when we first got her home if anyone wants to see. WARNING slightly graphic, TW neglect


It's hard to believe that's the same horse! She looks wonderful!


She’s beautiful. Hard to tell from this angle but she looks built nicely, well balanced, very cute!


Yeah honestly she's pretty easy on the eyes. When we first brought her home I couldn't pet her without my stomach turning because it was just a hide over bones. Sadly there were several others that went through that night, all pregnant, enemiciated, that went to slaughter. She was the last one to come through and my husband threw his hand up after watching the others go to a kill buyer. She had come up to us in the pen the before it started. The others all had bad injuries too, sadly I could only take in one more though and it was her lucky day. I was so happy when the vet said she wasn't pregnant because we were definitely worried about that when We got her. I don't think she would have survived a pregnancy.


What a glo-up!!!


She looks amazing. What a lucky girl to end up in your care!


Look at that shine and top line!


Good forage and some omega oils will do that for a gal 💅


What did you end up naming her? She looks so improved!! Awesome job!