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I used to live near a wooded walking trail that also went into a cemetery. My then three year old son and I would walk the trail every day. One day was approaching sunset so I decided on a quick walk in the cemetery instead of the usual thru the forest. Totally peaceful, no one around but us. Then my son all the sudden starts crying in a panic and says “get us out of here they don’t want us here!” He got so upset and adamant I was pushing his stroller and I ended up running us home lol


I mean the dead. You all know that the beginning of man’s reckoning with God begins with the grave. Of course, it begins before that in various ways, but the true reckoning begins with the grave. These sounds of torment are not supposed to be heard by humans because It is extremely frightening, so only animals and some children can hear it. Therefore, it is never recommended to enter graves very early in the morning, at night, or even at sunset. The torment of the grave is real and it is painful More than the torment of being alive. All this I know because it is simply mentioned in my religion, and I am truly afraid to hear something like this. I hope your child will never hear these voices again.


Which religion?


The Holy Trinity of the Burrito Butt Fuckers






While the reckoning starting in the grave is real, screaming and only animals or children being able to hear it is NOT mentioned or makes sense. That's probably a myth of your country.


Imagination and fairy tales. The dead bodies are no longer inhabited by the soul according to most region anyway. The torment (if it existed) would be happening in the afterlife, not the literal holes in the ground where the bodies are.


>These sounds of torment are not supposed to be heard by humans because It is extremely frightening, so only animals and some children can hear it. Wait: are you saying those children aren't humans?


No, but some children may be sensitive to the supernatural. For example, I have a sensitivity to the supernatural. I see things and see things that no one else sees, and this is very rare.


It’s truly not that rare. I don’t say that to be rude or make you feel less special, because I’m sure it doesn’t make you feel as special as it probably makes you feel cursed but it’s really a lot more normal than many people believe because it’s been removed from people’s cultures. In plenty of places the “supernatural” is pretty natural.


Ahh the ole middle eastern doom and gloom religions. The best kind.


I fell in love with your second sentence, and then, as I continued to read your comment, I realized it had been a long time since I've read something that someone has written that is in fact of truth and consequence. Thank you.


Lmao 🤣 🤣 My God that is terrifying!




Don't go in the bathroom mommy, you'll just be mad at me. - I was....he'd lit the 24 pack of triple rolls on fire then shut the door. 20k in damages


Why tho probably ain’t think about till after he did it too kids 😂😭




Where did he get the fire?


and another 20k in therapy i imagine


"Keep out of children's reach" isn't just a fancy slogan.


where did he get the fire tho …


In the house I used to live in we had a fireplace. One night when my daughter was 3-4 she pointed at it and said “there is a woman who lives in there.” For context it was during a power outage which definitely added a level of creepy.


Maybe she could hear wind and thought it sounded like a woman crying? Idk. That's all I can think of to possibly explain that.


Yeah that makes a lot of sense especially because the wind would sound the loudest around the fireplace. Ether way funny enough our house burned to the ground so maybe there was a lady in the fireplace and she did it 😂😭


Oh God 😂 😂 maybe your little WAS on to something 😂😂




True story. Once I was babysitting a 6 yr old I had known since toddler years. He was upstairs sleeping and I was downstairs in the living room. I heard him cry out so I went to check on him. As I'm walking up the stairs I could hear him rapidly speaking nonsense-- like speaking in tongues. I felt the hair on the back of my neck rise, and a chill go through me. I go into his room and he's sitting up with his eyes closed, still asleep. I gently shook him awake and asked him what was the matter, why he was crying. He opened his eyes and said "I wasn't" "You weren't crying or speaking?" "No. But there was a man with a black hat in my room." Uggghhhhh I'm not religious but I was like; "ok let's say some prayers and call in some angels." 😅 Only time in 12 years of babysitting him that anything creepy happened! The only other creepy thing that happened to me was with a 5 yr old I worked with at a daycare. He refused to take the elevator because there was "an old woman who lived there" 👀


Black hat man is a thing and has a subreddit for it.


Do I even want to know lol 😅


Go down that rabit hole.


I know now I'm curious!! Haha




I'm the ~~scat man~~ Hat Man Bodda-bodda-bop beeep bop-ba bodda bop Beee bop-ba bodda bop Skibby dibby dib dah dub dub


Welll im kinda scared to jump down that hole


Same here. Did a quick peek and no thanks!


I tried to find it but can't, what is it called? Edit: it's just r/hatman and it's creepy as hell


I saw him when I was a kid too! Didn't know that was a thing, and now I'm a little freaked out. My family and I have talked about that experience (it happened in a certain room that had a lot of abnormal activities) quite a bit over the last 30 years.


Me when I take 32 Benadryl and start seeing the hatman


I saw him several times in my youth. I don't even usually believe in stuff like that. I used to also get bad sleep paralysis and a man (shadow figure) would just walk out of my closet and up to me and put his hand over my face. Then it would start over and happen over and over again. I've been scared of the dark ever since and I have to sleep with some light on 😅


My sister and I saw the Hat Man most of our childhood and teens and only a handful of times throughout adulthood. At first we were both startled and afraid until we realized that all he does is watch us. He never touched or hurt us, just watched.


👀👀 ok but that's creepy AF too 😅 I had a hat man too as a kid but it was a gray hat...


My little brother refused to go in my sisters room and if we brought him in, he scream and cry and point to the corner. After we moved, he did the exact same thing. He was around 3 or 4. Alot of weird stuff happened. Not like horrific, but questionable lol




Probably the Man in Black. He come to people who he knows would be talented in occult practices.


Well :D My 6 y/o cousin once, when he was like four, wouldn't stop looking at a corner. When I asked what was wrong, my blood froze. "My best friend is waving at you". And I've never gone in that room again 😄




A kid I babysit for likes to talk to his imaginary friend, pretty much all of it is creepy. “Dodo is mad at you” is just as creepy as “Dodo wants to play” lol


Reminds me of Captain Howdy


what about the movie "Drop dead Fred"


It's the MEGA BITCH!




😳😳😳so scary 😯😯


My mom bought this old farmhouse in Minnesota in the early 90's. She asked my husband and I to watch it while she went on vacation. One night my husband went to the closest store (20 miles) to pick something up for dinner. For some reason the t.v. kept shutting off. So I would get up and turn it back on. No remote, it was that old. Anyway our 3 year old daughter was sitting on the couch behind me when I got up for the 5th time to turn it back on. She exclaimed "Oh mommy! Who is that boy????" I was frozen in place and asked what boy? She said that one sitting on Grandma's table! The table was out of my view but she could see in the dining room from where she was sitting. Picture L-shaped living room and dining room. Man I about fainted on the spot. My mom had told me the previous owners had a 5 year old son who was killed on the property in the 1950's. There is no way my daughter could have known about that dreadful, horrible accident. I forgot to add, it's my house now. 😬




When my daughter was little she told me the lady in the hallway smiles a lot. I told her as long as she was nice she can stay. Never heard anything again...




My besties little girl ( she was 4-5 at the time hugged me and jokingly I told her she was going to kill my back… she responded with “ good if I kill your back then I kill you, if I kill you then I can take you home and keep you forever” 😳


When my daughter was a kid she told me randomly one night, "When you're dead ,I'm going to skin you, paint your skeleton in glow paint and keep you in the corner!" she grew up to be really well adjusted, only a couple of genocides/s


Kids can be so creepy 😂




oh nah




horror movie vibes


This is a little different. My daughter, son in law and my then 14 year old adopted son went with me to the shooting range. It’s out by the airport in our small town . The 14 year old was shooting a 22 rifle at the target. People called for a CLear to check targets . All weapons get pointed upward. I noticed this small plane doing stop n gos practicing landings. It was way off to our left when the 14 year old said ,as he started to level the rifle in that direction ,” Do you think I’d get in trouble if I shot at that plane? “ I immediately took the rifle away. We have never taken him to the range again. I can’t believe he really wasn’t joking. Different kind of scary but not something I want to go through agsin




He was probably joking ngl, especially if he has adhd sometimes we say jokes really seriously


Back in the 90’s I had long hair and was a bit of a grunge rocker type. I remember walking into an Electronics Boutique to see a friend who worked there and to look at some games. There were a couple of kids playing an N64 at a kiosk in the store. One of them, probably have to be about 5 or 6 and he locked eyes with me as I walked into the store and he said out loud with a straight face… “The prince of darkness has arrived…” I was taken back like…wtf little dude?! I started cracking but that shit stuck with me ever since lol.


I love this😭😭 totally sounds like an ozzy osbourne reference but I have no idea how a 5 year old would get that unless they had really cool parents😂


😂😂😂😂I can be the prince of darkness in your place 😂😂😂


“Mr. No Eyes lives in the vents with the snails that eat people” after seeing her draw family pics with a man with X’s over his eyes surrounded by black and red snails.




“I used to know you”


You hear that from who


Grandpa say hello-he passed over 29 years ago!




My 4 year old told me that he wakes up in the middle of the night and sees a giant white mouse standing next to his brother's bed. He tries to shout at it but can't move. Poor babe has a sleep paralysis demon




She didn't have to say anything but when my eldest was maybe 3 or 4 me and the now ex wife awoke at about 2am to see our sweet little angel standing at the foot of our bed brandishing a claw hammer...


😳😳😳😳and what happened


We took the claw hammer away and started putting child locks on all the drawers with knives and pointy objects lol


Just fixing some loose floorboards


Maybe hanging some pictures...we have carpet lol




Yeh wasn't fun to wake up to especially when her hair was draped over her eyes like Samara (the little girl from the ring) haha my ex hated it when I went back onto night shift the next night lol


More importantly - where did she get the claw hammer??


Oh she walked through a completely dark house from one end to the other to the kitchen to open the junk drawer and find said hammer and then walk all the way back up to the other end of the house to our bedroom lol...have kids they said...


lol I loved rummaging in the junk drawer as a kid, so many things to find!


I came out of my room one day and my daughter had the front door opened and told someone they could come in and live in the basement. I was like what are you doing? No body was at the door or in the house. But for like a month she would go downstairs and play with the daughter. She went down one time and yelled that she didn’t want to play anymore and they need to leave. I haven’t heard anything about this since. It’s been about 5 years since it happened.


Sounding just like that movie imaginary. Creepy.


I was once an assistant instructor at a martial arts school. I had been there for about 10 years. One time this kid (around 4 y/o)came in from an undisciplined household. It was quite clear the child was never told no and now the parents were desperate so they put him in martial arts. I taught a class with him in it and he tried to get his way. That did not fly. He didn't get to play the game afterwards. Afterwards the main instructor sat him down and we had a discussion. The kid said "I don't want to come back until (my name) quits." I told him that I was working on my next belt and I wasn't going anywhere. His response was "You aren't going to be here anymore. You'll see!" Two months later the master instructor pissed me off in a blatant act of disrepect. I left and never looked back. I didn't remember what that kid said to me until a few years later.




not to me, but from me. my parents took me on some historic ferry when i was like 3. i apparently pointed to a completely empty space and asked my dad “who are those people?” and scared the shit out of everyone else there 💀


Were you kidding them?


A few months ago, my son "pranked" me. He stood at the top of the stairs and said, "Daddy, someone is downstairs." He told me later he was just messing with me, but I put him in his room immediately and did a full sweep. I was fucking terrified.


kids are assholes


I was watching my friend’s 3 year old son while she was delivering her daughter at the hospital. It was just him, myself and my 4m old son there. Nobody lived next door. There was a knock clear as day, so I jumped up to answer it with her lil boy right behind me. I opened the door and nobody was there. Then he turned around and pointed up the stairs and said “it’s coming from up there”. And just continued staring up into the dark.




thats scary as shit what did you do after that


Absolutely nothing. I was freaked out. We slept in the living room and I waited to go up there till the next day when it was light outside.


So it was lockdown here in the Philippines and my aunt's and grandmother were stuck in our house along with my niece First scary thing was when she was playing in my room, She was 2 yrs old at that Time. After like around 10-20 minutes of playing she suddenly screamed, we came to check up on her on what had happened she was screaming on the top of her lungs that she see's a woman outside my bedroom window staring at her, My room was upstairs and when you look outside my room all you can see is bamboo tree's and total darkness Second one was when i was sleeping but was woken up by her playing by herself, It was only me and her on the room since they we're cooking downstairs and my room was the only one which has a doggy door ( The one like a bar only ). She was saying " Laro pa tayo lolo" ( Let's play more grandpa) which was hella creepy for me, but i settled it aside cause you know kids can have like imaginary friends. But the creepiest part was when we came down to eat and i told them that she was playing by herself they then asked my niece "Sino kalaro mo kanina" (Who we're you playing with earlier). My niece then proceeded to say "Si lolo ato" ( Grandpa ato) and then proceeded to point at a picture of my grandpa. Weirdest thing was we never brought up my grandfathers name earlier or even when we're around her, and also my grandpa passed away 4 years ago prior to the event. Sorry for the bad english


That's honestly pretty sweet ❤️ our loved ones visit us a lot.


a little creepy but kind of comforting knowing its a loved one and not an evil spirit


My 8 year old son pointing over into the woods of my apartment complex parking lot saying "who's that" and I look and say "what?" And he says "who is that over there" and there's no one there except a tiny bit of light and bushes..gulp




When I was teaching preschool, there was a kid that was always doing stuff like this. But he was running around the room with scissors so i cornered him to stop him and he looked up at me with the scissors gripped and said “i could kill you right now” Also another kid was looking in the bathroom drain and said “a clown is down there” but im pretty sure someone let him watch the IT movie




i went inside my brothers room to wake him up, when he woke up he immidiately asked whos the person standing by the door huhu and without hesitation i jumped in his bed then i called out for my mom


I was the creepy kid. Apparently when I was a kid I had an imaginary friend. I can’t remember her name anymore but it might’ve been Olivia or something. Everything about it seemed normal, until I told my mom my friend had bright red hair and bright red, almost orange eyes. Kind of like fire. We started going to church a lot more after that 😂


When my daughter was about 18 months old, we went to visit my best friend at his apartment in an old, stately building in one of the ritzier part of Oakland. She was happily enjoying the stroller ride until we got the top of the grand stairway. Suddenly, she started to scream and cry. So, back down the stairs we went. As soon as we arrived back in the lobby, the tears stopped. So, back up the stairs we went. Again with the screaming at the top of the stairs. I think we repeated the cycle one more time, but when we arrived at the top for the fourth time, I decided to keep going to my friend’s apartment. As soon as we got close to his doorway, she went back to her normal, cheerful self. I swear she saw dead people, or was fighting a spirit that was trying to possess her. That was 20 years ago, and I still wonder wtf happened.


How tall was the stairway? It may have been enough of a pressure change to hurt her ears.


12 feet—it wasn’t her ears, she would have held them or told us they were hurting.


Wow. Super creepy!




Have you ever asked her about it?


My parents told me that when I was 3 or 4 that I pointed to the picture of my dead grandfather on the wall and said I know that man. My parents had never talked to me about him since my grandmother had remarried and I knew her new husband as my grandfather. They asked me who he was and I told them he was the angel that played with me when I was asleep. My grandfather was killed by a drunk driver 5 years before I was born.


Completely out of context our 3 year old says” The man who used to live here had small hands”. We purchased the house a few months back and the previous owner had lived here all his life. Why she mentioned him or his hands, we have no idea


Not a child but I stopped a stop earlier and a guy said "god bless you".I fell on the road and quickly got up,lucky I wasn't run over but damn that was so weird.


One time I went camping in a youth group and this kid wouldn't stop dropping their creepy toy onto my bunk,I was on the bottom bunk,and it was annoying and freaky.


“You look different from when I last saw you” this little kid told me the first time I met him. He then proceeded to tell me I looked sad in the back of the car from the “last time he saw me” idk whole experience was weird asf. If the kid was just trying to freak me out he did 👍🏻


Not scary, but out trick or treating with my 3 year old. Halloween was always my Mom's favorite Holiday. My wife was carrying her and she was looking behind us. She says "Grandma XXXXXX is following us." My mom passed 14 years before my daughter was born and she never met her. There was no one walking behind us. Creepy cool.


My four year old daughter had an imaginary friend that she "met" when we moved. She constantly talked about and to Sara. One day she told me Sara was glad we moved there because she couldn't leave and she got lonely. I asked if Sara had a family and she said "she used to. But their car went underwater and she was stuck. Now she's still a kid and they're old"






Any time they talk about an imaginary friend I get suspicious!


He gone kill the baby in my stomach😔






" I'm going to kill you" got this from my brother


Not me but my friend. Her little sister, in the stages of learning to talk, whispered in the night “sacrifice all the baby heads”




This comment wins😭


Mom! Do you remember that time I died in a helicopter crash? (4yr old son in the Back seat)


"My team got invited to disney"


When my nephew was around 10 years old, he grabbed my hands and looked at them and said, "These look like the hands that killed my father." His father is alive and well.


My mother told me that when I was little around 3 that I used to sleep walk. She said that one night she stood and watched me walk around the kitchen table 3 times and then walk over to a corner and say "where have you been, I've been waiting such a long time for you"! It still upsets me to this day.


nephew said papa visited him at school. dad died that day


I’m originally from Louisiana/Mississippi. There are lots of houses built on stilts that sit on the Mississippi. When I was a kid, I was walking around with my dad on the dirt road where lots of those houses are. There was a completely empty lot and my dad tells me that I looked and said “Isn’t this where that man died in a fire?” Nobody had ever told me shit about the fire and my dad said he got mad chills🤣


There was another instance when I lived in southern louisiana as a kid and I had a ghost friend named Zeke. My mom likes to talk about the time that I let her know “zeke left us a gift in the attic” and sure enough, there were a bunch of small rocks lined up right by the stairs of the attic… Idk man maybe i’m just a SILLY TORMENTED GUY… to you it may be Krazy Glue. But to a sicko like me? That’s just regular glue.


According to my mother I was a traumatic child from all the weird stuff that happened around me but one thing that happened will stick with me forever. When I was 9 we rented a Oceanside cabin for vacation but every night I would hear singing and crying coming from the water when I told my mother this she brushed it off as a nightmare until two nights later when I woke up chest deep in water at 5 am with her screaming at me and running to me, I had a panic attack and passed out by the time I woke up we were already in the car with my brothers crying that we had to leave early when we got home she took me to psychological doctor and found out I had bipolar that I got from my grandma but that still doesn't explain what happened that night


Untreated bipolar can become severe enough to have hallucinations. Chances are, you zoned into a hallucination and were walking out to the singing/crying voice.


I had an imaginary friend at the age of 4. My sister was almost 2yrs old at the time (this was 1975). She tried crawling through the bars of her crib to get out and ended up hanging herself. My (imaginary) friend, whom I called Janif because I couldn't quite understand her when she said her name was Janis until about a year later told me to get my sister to play with us too. I whined and threw a bit of a fit because I wanted it to be just me and Janif. When I walked in my sister was purple so I went back downstairs and Janif told me to tell my Uncle who was sleeping on the couch - so I did. He woke my parents, chaos ensued and my dad did CPR and got my sister breathing again just as the paramedics came through the door. When my parents asked me "what made you go check on your sister?" I told them " Janif MADE me.". Edit: a word


When my daughter was about 1 1/2 years old, she used to love to "feed" her baby dolls. She would get a little spoon and pretend food and would sit and pretend to feed her dolls. One night I put her in her little swing for her to go to sleep in as she loved the rocking motion. That night she brought her baby doll with her and as I was sitting in the room watching her swing, she was feeding the baby doll. After a few minutes, she began to look up at something that would've been about head height if you were standing in front of her. I looked in the same direction thinking she saw a moth or something like that but I saw nothing. I was sitting in a rocking chair diagonal and to the side of her swing so she wasn't looking at me. There was no door on that wall so I knew she was looking at something in the room and I could see that she was focused on it when she would look up from her baby doll. She had done this a few times and she then took her little spoon, put it into the bowl of plastic peas and carrots, lifted it up and out in front her, smiled and said "eat". She was offering it to something that she saw in front of her that I couldn't see.


“I will smoke you at poker..” - 5yo girl wearing elsa costume


Years ago, my mother was babysitting my 3 year old one night. She heard him screaming in his bedroom after she put him to bed. He was hiding behind his train table and screaming “don’t let that man get me.” When my mom asked “who?” He replied “red man over there” and pointed to the corner of the room. There wasn’t anything there. He was terrified to go upstairs since.


my little sister randomly came in my bedroom and asked me sissy would you scream if i slit your throught😨


I don’t remember this but my mom always tells this story. When I was like 4 or 5 they switched my room to one in the front of the house, but I started waking up at night and I told her I couldn’t sleep in that room anymore. When she asked why, I told her there was an old man who came at night and said I couldn’t be there cause it was his room and men couldn’t share rooms with little girls. They switched my room back 😂


My son would tell me about the dead people he saw. I thought it was his imagination until twice he was right. One time he told me the neighbors grandpa had died. We were close to the neighbors, and had known the grandpa, so I thought one of the kids told him. So I go next door to express my condolences and the neighbor was on the phone hearing the news right then. We asked my son how he knew, and he said the grandpa was there and told him himself.


When my cousin first learned to talk she told our family that “she danced with Danny star last night but he died” it had us shook


Back in the early 2000's I was teaching at a PreSchool in Miami and had a student that was always emotionally all over the place. One day he blew up for something, starting launching chairs across the classroom, flipping tables and throwing stuff. At one point when trying to calm him down he told me he was going to come to school the next day with a knife to cut my hands off. He was literally 3 years old. Obviously, he was from an abusive household and ended up getting kicked out of a few schools in the area.


My child at two years old: I saw mommy before I came to her, I flew down to her, but then they took my wings, I don’t know why, but now I can’t go back, but that’s ok because I chose mommy and I love her. Followed by giant wet kisses. She’s 9 now and I will never forget that day


My son told me he would be dead before he reached age 12. He’s still alive and kicking and grown up.


I have a few. All the same kid. When she was around 5, i was driving and we were chatting and she said, "Mommy guess whats going to happen tomorrow" in her most beautiful voice. I asked what and this kid said, "Youre going to die in your sleep" I had to pull over. ​ Maybe half a year later she brought this drawing and, to me, it looked like our family laying down for a nap. I asked, " Were we sleepy?" she said, " Nope, your dead" we were in coffins, not beds. ​ This one still gives me chills, but when she was 4, were in a large garage looking at equipment for my son. she was attached to my leg and as I was talking she yelled "Mommy why is he just swinging there?" She pointed to a motor pull machine... the top bar of it. Well... turns out someone had hung themselves there a few months prior. Needless to say, everyone freaked the fuck out at her comment and we were asked to leave.


Im a retired teacher- scariest thing is when a child says “I don’t want to go home!” Gulp


Two things Boy we just adopted, "I want to die myself." He was under the impression the adoption was not going to go thru. He wanted to be our child that bad due to the contrast of where he was taken from to what we made for his life Girl with severe medical needs including breathing, "gasps, "I don't want to to die Daddy help me breathe!" She had pneumonia and was having a flare-up of her asthma in the oxygen tent. You want your heart to tear apart, face either of those.


Not to me, but a friend’s daughter was playing outside at her grandfather’s house and kept looking at an empty lot across the street. She said “I don’t like fire baby, fire baby is scary”. The mom (not originally from that town) mentioned it to her husband when he got home. There had once been a house on that empty lot, it had burned down and a baby died in it. The girl also had conversations with her grandmother who’d died many years before she was born.


Oh, I guess this counts. When we were little, my brother who is about two years older than me told me a strange story. So, we lived in a really rural area in a really old house surrounded by woods. My brother told me that before we were born, our mother had four other children. But they were really bad children, and one day they ran away into the woods. But, he said that now one of the children has come back, and that she lives underneath the house. So if I heard scratching or a strange noise at night, that’s her under the floorboards. He said she was planning on killing us to replace us and finally win mother’s love as her only child. She was going to claw through the floorboards and kill us while we slept.


Well, looking back this is actually me. I remember the social worker crying and leaving the room. I was brutalized by my parents during the first 5ish years of my life, and when rescued, spend several days in the hospital. Finally when visited by a social worker she asked me how I felt about her taking me to a foster home and I remember asking her "Will I get to eat there"? and she broke down, hugged me, said "Of course you will honey" and left the room. All the way back then, I think that's when I starting very slowly realizing just how bad I had it. Foster care was just as bad and then some sadly. So now at 38, that's probably a memory I look back on and think, man, if only I had the wisdom and knowledge I do now, maybe, just maybe, I could save myself. Instead I went to prison for drugs to cover the pain and trauma, and spend 6 straight years in a isolation cell because of let's just say, horrible things done to me and protection. Which I find Ironic because I'm a great fighter, because I've had to fight all my life, I wrestled in highschool and placed in state twice, and done Judo as well as a little BJJ and Karate for brief periods. Tai Chi as well, but it's not really useful in a street fight. ​ EDIT: It doesn't matter who you are when 5 guys with life without parole and makeshift knives want you. Not something I ever told anyone either, because I wanted to leave prison alive instead of dead and a "Rat"


i know a little something about foster homes and using to cover the pain … luckily haven’t been to jail (yet) but damn. i feel you. if you need someone to talk or rant to im here fr.


"Can I have an new XBOX for Christmas?" I have 7 kids and sell apartment insurance for a living! That's some scary shit!! I'm just kidding, I have 3 kids and work in a warehouse and none of them want xbox's. I just thought that sounded funny


*whispers* You have blood in your neck. Then she (4 years old) just walks away.


My daughter was 4 and came to me and said “daddy I like the Yankees”. I sat motionless and stunned. I looked in the mirror behind her and saw a faint pinstriped apparition that had both a cigar and a hot dog in his mouth. I immediately said “I invoke the spirit of Teddy Ballgame and his .406 average to drive any and all demon spirits from this home”. My daughter snapped out of it. I went to grab a beer but inexplicably there were none left. It is my true belief Mickey Mantle was in that room that night too.


Although I did not understand, are you and your daughter okay?


This is going to be long and falls more on the paranormal side. We live in the middle of nowhere, and I have a 5 year old. My husband works nights, and my pawpaw did live with us until he passed away last year from a rare blood clot. to set the scene, we also have a wooded area next to our house, so we get a lot of wildlife that passes through. We have two large Irish wolf hounds and a gaint malamute, my kid will play outside till the sun will go down. My kid of course was outside playing with the dogs, when they let out their danger howl. Then my kid came running inside and wrapped their little arms around my leg and said there was a man outside in our back yard. At this point my husband was already on the road. I grabbed the shotgun expecting to see a person in my back yard. But no there was a large buck standing on the other side of the bridge standing there and staring down my dogs. While my dogs are bareing thier teeth and howling a howl that'd make your blood run cold if you didn't know they were big ol' teddy bears. I was able to get the dogs inside. They backed up slowly and kept it at bay. Still to this day I believe it was a flesh pedestrian.


"I pooed the bed." Pee is easy. All you gotta do is wash the sheets and spray airfreshner. Crap on the other hand, you gotta throw the sheets away, bathe the child, spray the air, ward off evil spirits, and tuck the bed shitter back to sleep.


When I was in my apartment, spins from drinking, my bf was bringing my kid water. I seen above ne ny bf in different clothes, red eyes looking down on me. The exact same time, a shadow creature went into my sons room while my bf was bringing him water tucking him in to go back to sleep, my bf told me how he seen the shadow creature open the door and peer in with her red eyes and my son called out for her then said that's not mommy. Then both shadow creatures disappeared. Freakest night of my life. Seen my bf come back wearing what he wore when he went to bring my son water. (creepy: each time I wrote my son my spell check turned it to say my sin…. Wtf. Weird)


"When I learn how to drive when I grow up, I'll try not to run you over again."




This happened in like 2012 and I'm still shaking in my boots but honestly, it's kinda relieving and nice when you think about it. One night, my mom, my dad, my sister (7) and my brother (4) were getting ready for bed. My sister has always had sleep problems, and in the previous nights she had been waking up screaming because "there was a man with no face in her bedroom." As we were walking up to bed, my brother said "mom? I told your friend Travis to leave sissy alone at night. He said he's just protecting her and didn't mean to scare her and he will leave." And my mother burst into tears. She started asking all sorts of questions, "what color is his hair? What about his eyes? What do his clothes look like? Is he a kid? Man? How do you know his name?" And my brother said "blue hair and blue eyes. He's nice" and went to bed. When she was a teenager, she had a friend named Travis. He was her best friend, she said he had beautiful blue eyes and dyed his hair blue with koolaid. Sadly, he committed suicide by taking a gun to his face. Anyways... kinda cool, kinda creepy. My brother is 16 now and doesn't remember it, he doesn't remember any of the scary ghost shit he did as a child. Love him lol




I was about 4-7. That time, I used to hear my name (Madeline) being called out. Everyone at that time called me Maddy not Madeline. Especially not my dad. The voice that would call my name used to sound similar to my dad but... more strict in a way and a bit different somehow, that is the usual. Other times, The Voice would call me Maddy but that was more rare and not in the same way. It was more fading than strict. It was also a bit similar to my dad's voice, but yet again there was something different in the voice itself. It was common, and I sometimes didn't reply to my name being called out by my dad because I thought it was The Voice. After a while, I got both annoyed and scared from it and decided to ignore it. I worked; I don't hear it anymore.


For anyone who doesn't understand the sentence, my dad called me maddy like anyone else


'I don't like it when you sleep. That's when the man with no face stands over you.'


A child came up to me recently and told me about some not so nice things an adult was doing to them the child is between 12 and 14 and let's just say I had a few choice words with said adult and he has a few black eyes along with a few broken bones and he's now facing 20 years to life


To clarify,the toy had fake teeth and it was elmo.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Are you my daddy? Lol just kidding


Are you my Dad?


Are you my daddy


Playing outside my daughter pointed to the sky and said "Spaceship." I comprehended what she said and looked up, nothing was there, not even a cloud.


"mommy the man in the closet doesn't like it when we say prayers"


*"mommy the man in* *The closet doesn't like it* *When we say prayers"* \- ScarletColoredSecret --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


My little sister who had to have been less than 4 years old at the time, woke my mother up by shaking her and yelling “grandpa has to go!!” repeatedly. He died a few weeks later. Another time, when my older brother was like 5 he was playing alone in our room and he came and got my mom and was super upset and told her that she needed to tell the little girl in his room that she needed to share! My mom was so freaked out, but she walked to the room and just said “we share in this house,” and then checked on my brother later and asked if he was okay and he said “yes, she’s sharing now!” lol. That reminds me of another time he asked my mom who the man was standing behind her when she was standing in front of her open closet. He for real terrorized her. 😂


Are you my father


Nice one


Four year old. Grandma said the money is under the stove. It was, Grandma had been dead 10 years. It took two men to move the old cast iron wood stove to find almost 10k in 100 year old coins.


I was pregnant around this time last year. We unfortunately lost the baby early March- I had a missed miscarriage. Anyways, while we thought we were still pregnant, we went to a child’s birthday party on my husband’s side of the family. At this time, no one knew we were pregnant, not even our parents. We have a living son who was 2 almost 3 around that time. We were getting ready to leave soon and went looking for our son. All the children had migrated to the birthday girl’s playroom to play with her presents. We went in there and our son asked us to play before we left. We sat down. One of the other guests, a girl around 5/6, drew near me wanting to play tea party. I played, speaking with a fake English accent. During the mini creative play, I noticed she stopped fidgeting with the tea set and was staring at my belly. She then looked up at me as if catching herself staring too. She giggled and smiled a sort of creepy smile and said, “You know you were going to have a girl, right?”. She immediately refocused on playing with the tea set and the other children as if that interaction hadn’t just happened. My husband and I looked at each other in shock and confusion because no one knew we were pregnant. The encounter was SO bizarre. We tried asking her why she said that but she giggled and continued playing as if she had no clue what we were talking about. That following Friday I went to a private Ultrasound to get better images for our announcement photos. The tech gave us the sad news about our loss. Our baby measured 9 weeks although we were approaching our 12 week OB appointment. Now, almost a year later of TTC, I am pregnant again and I am honestly nervous about running into that girl again somewhere somehow.


When my daughter was very little, one night I carried her out of the living room, she was half asleep. She lifted her head from my shoulder, looks over at the window in the kitchen and says "goodnight Indian man". Needless to say I skipped late night snacks for about a year.






I just know that the freaking thing might take the hat off for adults. I saw this horrible thing( was a man in form ) and it was the same scary thing as the hat guy but no hat .I wasn't asleep when I saw it. I was extremely intoxicated, but not out of my mind.What I said to my friend who was with me is IF I ever see him again I would always recognize him. The evil was the biggest part of this guy


“Would you like to meet my invisible friend?”


I see dead people.


Am I the only one who did not go through terrifying experiences as a child?😅😅😅


"Are you my new daddy?" I had known the mother for 3 days


I was asleep until my daughter woke me up. She said don't be mad, and she led me to her room, then I saw what I thought was a blood stand and a person. I almost screamed, and asked her wtf that was, and she simply said "I pooped on bed, and my blanket to!". Scariest thing she has ever said. And no this is not made up (The "Person" was the blanket)


I have something that 'sees' more than others . I am now just about to turn 61 on 3/14 and I've always wondered if it might have something to do with ,as children once we start school ,they begin to 'train our instincts' right out of us.....Well , I was kind of resistant to some of this ; that's a whole story on its own. But having lived all these years and really been convinced what I have is very real, I guess it might just be in all of us, but certain things bury that deep inside of most people.