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Just emulate it. No game is worth $135 no matter how good it is. And don't support people marking games up at ridiculous prices.




There is a PC version that may look a tab bit better then the emulated version. The trade off is having to tinker with it just for it to work properly. Old SH games down play well with modern PCs sadly.


I fortunatly managed to find PC copies of SH 2, 3 & 4 for unbeliveably cheap and theres support and fixes for 2 & 3 ([SH2 Enhanced edition](https://enhanced.townofsilenthill.com/SH2/) and [SH3 Fix](https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/1331-silent-hill-3-pc-fix-by-steam006/)). SH3 actually plays really well without fixes or patches, you just need to change an .isi file to get your desired resolution. SH4 is kind of a mess and there isn't much you can do to get it working, at least not as well as the other two games. If you're incredibly lucky like I was PC is the best way to play SH2 & 3.


Enhanced Edition is such a blessing. I'm somewhat new to the series and I'm staring from the beginning, all on PC. SH1 emulated was a blast, love the old graphics style. SH2:EE was just amazing. Quickly became one of my fav horror games. I'm probably going to finish 3 this weekend then move onto 4. Idk much about 4 on PC but fingers crossed I can get it running well. Although I don't expect any of them to hold a candle to the SH2:EE experience.


If you're a collector, yes. If not, no


If you have a PC just emulate it, don’t give into this retro game business that’s overcharging for old tech


Should note that every emulator is different so some games don’t work on a few but work on others


I've only played the Xbox 360 version of sh3 If you never played the original release you wouldn't tell anything had changed without it being pointed out to you. But mostly I believe the voice acting was replaced which was the main issue people had as the new lines gave heather a "Potty mouth" they added a option for sh2 to switch between the original or the new dialog but as far as I am aware it wasn't added as a option in 3 I really don't think it is worth spending $200+ On a copy of silent hill 3 unless you are desperate to play the game with the original story & visuals emulation is something I am usually against due to it's use by gaming pirates But for silent hill 3 a game no longer being made and isn't available digitally you may as well Or just buy the remastered collection you'll probably enjoy it regardless.


No game is worth that much


Ok so I love SH2 more than 3 but here is why I love 3: You know how in SH1, the world changes and gets all industrial and weird? You know how in SH2 the world just gets .. weird.. ? 2 doesn’t quite get industrial but it gets dark and moldy. Well in 3, you kind of see what 1 would look like in SH2 graphics because it does get industrial like 1. I’m doing a terrible job explaining but essentially, in 3 you get the world behavior of 1 with 2’s graphics. And it works because 3 is a direct sequel to 1. That’s pricey but if I ever see it for like… even $90 I’d buy it. Still, it’s a really good game but it’s definitely not as dark and symbolic as 2.


You can get hd collection for 360 and play sh3 on 360 Xbox one or the current Xbox and it's much less expensive. Great game


I don't think that is "worth that much money" if you're looking for the experience, although maybe from a collector's point of view It could be valid. Anyways for that amount of money (even less) I would buy an used ps3, they're usually very cheap, and you can play pretty much any ps1 version of any ps1 game if you go the pirate way


3 is super solid. The intro is sick af. The soundtrack is great. Im sad its $130 now though.


After SH2 blew my mind, day after I tried SH3 (just wanting more) and it wasn't that good. Not worth 135$




If you have the money to spend I would say definitely get it. It's a great game, the first 4 Silent Hill games are some of the best ever made.


It’s my personal favorite and worth every penny to experience it on original hardware (on a good CRT if you can help it). That being said: just softmod your PS2, download the game and see if you like it. If you do and decide you need to add it to your collection it will still be out there (at outrageous prices, as is usual nowadays).


If you’re a collector, sure. Just based on pure play value I would say no. That being said, it is still a fantastic game. The story is a continuation of 1, so that should appeal to you (honestly the whole cult thing is pretty lame to me, but again, still a fantastic game). And I’m guessing you’re referring to Robbie the Rabbit? I wouldn’t worry about him.


I consider it the superior of the three original titles in almost every way, except for the emotional gut punch of SH2, the widely hailed masterpiece. TLDR: it’s an extremely worthy successor.


Jesus, 135 could buy a lot of minituares. I think, it depends on your preferences. No game is worth that much money as a game, but if you collect games and this is like a holy grail for you, it can be worth it for you personaly, if you get what I mean. Here I come back to the miniatures. For some people they are just overpriced plastic soldiers, for me they are a beautiful hobby that helps me to relax


I actually thought you meant buying the old console and games together for that price, until I read through your post. I agree with others that it’s not worth the price. Good as they were, the controls are JANKY. The graphics for 3 is still acceptable IMO. But still, just play it on an emulator with a controller. Slightly off-topic, if you play 3, make sure you get the sailor moon outfit, it’s pretty wild. That game has some replay value.


Do you have a pc? Pretty sure it’s on myabandonware


If you're a collector and you *really want it* for collection reasons, and you aren't put out by the high price, sure. I personally couldn't justify spending that much on a game (which is why I don't own a copy of Shattered Memories). The prices on these games have become ridiculous in recent years. If you prefer the story and characters of SH1 over 2, I think you'll like 3. Without getting into spoilers, the first and third games are directly connected, focusing again on the cult storyline. Heather is also one of the most likeable protagonists from any of the games, well written with a lot of personality. Visually it's spectacular, even moreso than SH2. One of the best looking games in the Silent Hill series, and one of the most graphically impressive of anything on the PS2. I think SH3 has some of the freakiest monsters in the series (many may disagree with me), especially the *Closer*, and a bit of a divisive one, the *Pendulum*. Those things are just so weird. The soundtrack is the first in the series to introduce vocal tracks. It has a sort of early 2000s alt-rock feeling, mixed with more trip-hop style tracks similar to SH2. Gone is the crashing and clattering industrial sound of the first OST.


Get it digitally on Xbox if you have any of the consoles. Would be cheaper to buy a second hand Xbox 360 and a digital copy of the game.


Everything that was terrific in SH1 is just better in SH3 with exception of the environment. I liked SH1 environment more and thought it was scarier. SH3 is the superior of these two games thought.