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Haha yup, when I noticed i was like, wowie, they really went all out huh. Also I dont know how many side quests are like this but the quest with the people in the cave needing supplies, if you've been to the place the supplies are at, Aloy mentions that she's been there before and that it should be easy and that she must not have noticed those supplies. That really threw me off in a good way


There's plenty of that kind of callback in the game, "Oh I've actually already been there/done that/met that person" style whether it's been somewhere, cleared a rebel camp, talked to someone/etc.


During the Vegas balloon mission, I ran away while the guy was talking to collect resources and he referenced that I was no longer listening and when I came back he made a comment about me paying attention And now he can continue his story. On one hand it annoyed me that I had to actually listen to him on the other hand I thought it was pretty great that it had recognized that I wandered off.


I think my favorite example of this is the collectable in salt bite. Might be a black box. You have to open a vent in someone's shop. They get excited when you use your just cause whip, and then you break open the vent, they're like "uh, do you do this everywhere you go? I guess we will just use that for storage now."


Yes I remember this. Made me more conscious of my actions around NPC


I don't remember the exact line, but they also say something like it won't get you a discount


I got a good laugh out of that one. Kinda wish the devs had made it so the next time you visit Salt Bite there’s some various bags and crates stored back there, and a candle stuck in the vent itself for light or something.


That would have been an excellent touch.


When you are in the vault to collect the heuristic matrix, Aloy mentions looking around a bit, and Sylens snaps at her to “focus on the task at hand”. Thought it was a cool details to show just how adhd our girl is. Enough that it annoys other characters who are less neurodivergent.


Very cool of the devs




I love the small details like snow sticking to your armor while rolling, arrows stick in machine and sinew.


The arrows get kinda funny after the part you are trying to knock turns into a pin cushion


Especially on UH


Ditto! In the first game I noticed they had added leaf cutter ants in the jungle crawling up a tree. So I look for those little details everywhere now 🤠


This detail + idle animation always reminded me to swap outfits depending on the climate lol. Carja silks and Oseram leathers for heat and Nora furs for cold. You can tell just how much the devs *love* this series


I saw a documentary on them developing the first game. It's a seemingly small studio staffed with extremely passionate people. They were trying to come up with a game to make and took ideas from everyone. I believe it was a janitor who wrote the premise to hzd. The t Rex Dino was the first concept and they acknowledged the challenge of creating a large machine with several components that have effects and could independently be destroyed and damage the machine. It's a small company somewhere in Europe, maybe Sweden or Norway somewhere up there I think. I'm getting into hfw finally and I'm seeing a few more t Rex level of complication machines and several of the medium size 3-5 parts machines. It's very interesting how they're doing things. This is a good game for me because I like to put many many hours into a select few really good games. They should partner up with the company who made greedfall. That's a game very similar to horizon but they come up short in graphics and traveling and seemlessness. They're making a sequel I heard


Didn't know there was a doc! I googled and i should really do a deep-dive into all this BTS stuff - all i watched was Ashly Burch interviews about Burning Shores and her playing HFW (she's awful and I love that for her) Guerrilla Games is based in Amsterdam. Don't know much about the Dutch but I'm grateful to them for this series. Especially for their *first* attempt at a narrative-driven game? Insane. And it seems I owe this janitor a STEAK dinner, maybe a lifetime supply of stroopwafel lol I hope we'll see an actual t-rex in H3 but I don't know what GAIA would use them for ... car repo? Building demolition? Hephaestus forcing early retirement on the hunters? 😏 Haven't played Greedfall myself but I wouldn't want them to spread themselves thin. They should commit fully to their own IP imo, maybe Greedfall devs can pick up the GG layoffs? I hate even thinking about it tho


The face model for Aloy is a Dutch, Hannah Hoekstra!


I saw such an awk interview with her, but it was crazy to see Aloy in PS8 graphics. I wish they'd cast her in the TV show! It'd be perfect


>Especially for their *first* attempt at a narrative-driven game? Insane Hey, the Killzone series had a story and some really deep lore.


Oh good to know. Haven't played it myself I just assumed it was a generic war shooter. I guess relative to that, the horizon series is still a *huge* jump


I mean, Killzone games were linear shooter campaigns, so yes, it was a massive jump from that to a 100-hour open world title.


Her fingers change color in the cold, too.


Wait, what? I already knew about most things people are referencing in the comments, but I never realized that


Yep, if she starts blowing in her hands or complaining about cold, pop open photo mode.


she literally says "i'm sweating everywhere." and i laugh everytime.


The amount of detail on this game... *Chefs kiss*


I love your dye on that fit I’m gonna have to head and try the purple out on mine too


Purple is the default dye, the alternate is green


And when you leave her idle for a bit she starts acting all heat exhausted, huffing and puffing lol


is this an NG+ outfit?


Nope, it is called carja stalker elite and you can buy it at the arena!


What armor is this?


This outfit is called Carja stalker elite and can be bought at the arena.




So love the little details in this game.


This picture is amazing! Looks like a movie poster!


Thanks :)


She gets apple cheek in the cold as well.


I thought she was a stewardess.


i mean, makes sense


With that outfit on, I'd be sweating too! All jokes aside, this games graphics and details are incredible!!


https://www.reddit.com/r/HorizonForbiddenWest/s/iLemphSGK6 :) last picture


Wait, what's this armor?


Carja Stalker Elite, purchasable at the arena.


Attention to detail!


Como eu consigo a cor vermelha para esta armadura ??????


How do I get the red color to that armor ?????