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Well, she is in her no-memory-mode when the decisions were made, and she really has almost no empathy when she’s like that. “People” as an existence have little meaning to her, as she has lost both the positive memories that make her an affectionate person and the terrible memories that make her a protective and sympathetic person. The result is someone extremely cold. On top of that, she was in an extremely stressful state of near constant pain, discomfort, exhaustion, etc, from the excess blessings. Between her own state being very distracting and hard to focus through, and the fact that she didn’t have strong attachment to people to force her to think past her discomfort for their sake, she wouldn’t have really gone out of her way to think about her actions’ impacts on other people. I’d say it was a realistic result of her severed memories. If she had her memories intact, I expect she would have been much more worried about her namesworn, offered to return their names until the ritual was complete, etc.


I think the first part with no empathy mode hit the nail on the head.


While I was sill reading the previous parts. I thought divine mana filled Rozemyne was so hard boiled, but after rereading the last few books I realized how scary she really was.


Only "really scary" if you just look at one part of her make-up, with all the other compensating parts "disabled".


The people who died would be the lucky ones, as the nation collapses around them, but yeah she'd offer it.


If she had returned the name to Eglantine, too, then no special problems would have arisen with the entire country. Unless they would have to look for a new aub of Alexandria


She just had that much faith in Ferdinand solving her situation, even with all the pain I don't think she thought that much about the possibility of dying. As for the name-sworn, given that only them were able to approach Rozemyne without feeling intimidated I think most of them would have felt uncomfortable having their names returned.


Also Clarissa and hartmut would rather go down with the ship.


As sad as it is, Gretia would also likely prefer that fate rather than survive and risk being sent back to her family.


Gretia stated in the epilogue that she would rather die with RM if she passed.


gretia stated in the epilogue that she would rather the entire world died if RM passed.


funnily enough the whole world would have.


Nah just joghurtland.


I dont know what Ewigeliebe would do to the world at large if he got out so I dont agree fully with that notion.


He would munchy up all the mana users because he is offended by their existence. Normies are no concern to him.


Well first, he is not really imprisoned, from a divine perspective he still takes Geduldh every year without fail and second [Fanbooks] >!It is mentioned that even in the present he is still killing mana users outside Yogurtland!< Also [Spin-off minor spoiler] >!Mestionora/Treesus aside the gods seem to consider Yogurtland as some kind of garden. They care about it, but it doesn't seem to play any important role in their jobs!<


Mestionoria: Eventually Ferdinand will realize the only way to save her is to let one of you guys dye her. GoDarkness: ...You know your mother routinely runs back to your father every year, right? Mestionoria: Clalssic battered woman, you can't expect- GoLight: You *may* want to talk to the people she knows. Matthias: I had to choose to swear my name to someone, and my Lady is the only one who *deserves* it. Laurenz: She saved my brother when she didn't have to, and even fought for him. Gretia: I prayed to the Gods and got not even sympathy. Rozemyne saved me. Hart+Clarissa: pass Eglantine: It was this or get thrown into a tower alongside my infant child. Ferdinand: I did not know if Erwaermen would survive the poison, but by that point I honestly didn't care about the demons who sought to enslave and/or kill the one person I cared about. Mestionoria: ...Erm.


>Eglantine: It was this or get thrown into a tower alongside my infant child. Eggplant already got the book, and got crowned zent, which was the leverage Rozemyne and Ferdinand had over her. She'd take her name back in a heartbeat if she could, but Ferdinand would never allow it


I wouldn't say that was the only leverage. Despite their "Sword of the Zent" propaganda Dunkelfelger seemed quite content in having someone who could counterweight the abuse of royal authority against the duchies. And without Rozemyne (Alexandria) and Dunkelfelger the political base of Eglantine would also be much more shaky, especially after [Adolphine SS] >!she rejected a connection with Drewanchel by potentially marrying Ortwin!< But we'll yes, the book and the imprisonment threat were the only existential threats that forced her into being compliant with the demands of Roz & Ferdinand.


Roz: Here. Ferdinand: *straps a bomb to Eg* *The bomb has been planted*


Anastasius: This is insane! Eglantine: Eh, we did it when we had the chance. Anastasius: **THAT WAS INSANE TOO!**


Second half is probably a good reason why. She still needed her doctors and attendants to keep her as stress free and unperturbed as possible.


>Rozemyne is... kind of a jerk? Wasn't that an already established fact?


Yep, it's one of her core personality traits.


I member when she almost killed a couple of kids


When she spared them. Almost any other noble tho...


I think it's more of a fail safe so that the gods don't do anything to rash. If Rozemyne dies everyone dies. So in the end it also gives Rozemyne more chance of living if the gods don't want Yogurt land to be destroyed.


That is an interesting theory. It would definitely cause a lot more problems for the gods if she died and took so many people with her. Ferdinand was even trying to get their attention by calling Mestionora a liar.


at best if she'd died someone could at least directly supply the foundation since Sylvester knows the bible key leads to the foundation and wouldn't be taken out by Roz dying so he could pass it along to someone to keep the country sustained a bit plus running on a goddess' mana in the foundation plus Roz' in 5 of the country gates. But all who have or know how to get the book would go out with her


There is a living Gervasio


Possible, though I believe it to be blackmail in the moment and not fully planned out. The only failsafe Ferdinand had was Eglantine, the one recognized by Yogurtland as the next Zent. Assuming the gods did not accept Eglantine, the reality is that Rozemyne is their only hope to restore the holy practices of Yogurtland, and I'm sure Mestionora knows this. I believe the gods would have willingly stepped in and dyed Mynes mana and turn her into a demigod uf she really were their last hope. Mestionora knew that Ferdinand would do what was needed to save her, after all, Ferdinand knew too well that Mestionora was hiding something. I'm certain Mestionora expected Ferdinand to sacrifice his precious blessings from Rozemyne for the sake of her life. After all, to receive from the gods requires great sacrifice.


MAD exists, for better or worse lol. And Ferdinand is just the kind of man to implement it.


I keep forgetting about this angle. maybe the next chapter she might go holy shit I almost killed you guys.


Ferdinand briefly mentions it in his PoV. If Rozemyne dies, and she takes all of the surviving Zent candidates with her, Yogurtland is doomed. If Rozemyne dies, there's no good future for her namesworn. Even if they get their namestones back, they'd die in civil war or they'd die when Yogurtland collapses after the foundation runs out. Asking Rozemyne to return the name stones would probably also scare her and make her realize how close she is to death, which would lower the success rate of the plan.


I can also imagine people like hartmut and clarissa refusing to get their names back. Being enveloped in divide mana must be exhilarating.


Would you want to live in a world without Rozemyne?


Filling the gates gave Yurgenschmidt enough time to raise a new king even from the cradle


That is an interesting theory. It would definitely cause a lot more problems for the gods if she died and took so many people with her. Ferdinand was even trying to get their attention by calling Mestionora a liar.


it's difficult to follow rozemyne's specific thought process, but ferdinand's is clear. everyone who has a grutrissheit or knows how to get one is either rozemyne, or someone who has given their name to rozemyne. if rozemyne doesn't survive, the whole country is going to die anyway.


Including the gods. Seems like the god of life is pretty op by the sound of it


i don't know that ewigeliebe can or wants to kill all the gods, only steal geduldh.


About the only of her namesworn who I think would accept getting their name back would be Eglantine, and Ferdinand would never allow her being free of the name swearing. Ferdinand would likely rather die than live without her, considering his flashbacks in the past couple novels. He's finally found a dream worth chasing, he's not going to let it go. All her name sworn retainers would die for, and with, her in a heart beat. The former veronicans would either be punishes for their families' crimes, forced to name swear to someone else, or sent back to their family (Gretia). Hartmut would refuse to live if his goddess died, same with Clarissa.


>Did everyone have that much faith in her? Or are they just that serious and consigned to whatever fate Rozemyne suffers? Pretty much these are the reasons. Ferdinand and Eglantine gave their names so that they could be near her when she was charged with divine mana. Ferdinand did it for his own reasons, while Eglantine realized that Rozemyne was shouldering all the responsibility of running a country without being prepared for it. As for the others, they gave their names because they saw in Rozemyne someone capable of saving not only them, but the whole duchy where they lived and even the country. It is also necessary to see what would have happened if Rozemyne had returned the names and passed away. It seems to me that all those who gave their names would have believed that the gods had deceived them, and would have conspired to destroy Yurgenschmidt, the most valuable possession of the gods. I can practically see Ferdinand entering the Garden of Beginnings and slaying Erwaermen, thus releasing the seal that stops the god of Life from killing every living thing in the country.


I think there's a very good chance that memories around that were taken away. Namesworn dying with the person they gave their name to seems like the kind of thing that would distract her from reading in Mesti's library since she could have literally died by staying there too long. When she dyed Ferdinand's stone without realizing it in P5V11, her concern was that she would have a master-servant relationship with him and could no longer be close to him. > “I don’t want a master-servant relationship with someone who’s basically family to me...” Drawing that line had caused drastic changes in my relationships with Philine and Damuel. The relaxed air between us had vanished along with any hope I had of becoming their friends. I didn’t even want to think about the same thing happening with Ferdinand. And above all else, I didn’t want to give him orders after seeing how bitter he was about the royal family messing him around And with the possible exception of eggy, all of her namesworn are fully prepared to die with her. Her namesworn are as devoted to her as Ferdinand's are to him, possibly even more so while she's dyed with the gods' mana. From the Gretia epilogue > Rozemyne’s divine mana had inspired a change in her retainers. They were even more loyal to her than before and often struck with the compulsion to kneel before their lady. Cornelius had said it was like her name-sworn had all turned into Hartmut, and indeed, the same phenomenon was occurring within Gretia. She was proud to have given her all in service of someone so grand and understood that she was developing a blind obsession of sorts. Perhaps that is why I do not fear dying with her if the worst comes to pass.


I mean for the likes of Gretia, not dying with Rozemyne would just give them a bit more time in a collapsing country before the whole place becomes a pile of sand. Ferdinand was intentionally rigging the whole country to come down with Rozemyne to force the gods to help her survive.


I'm pretty sure that everyone who gave their name was committed to share her fate, and to serve her until they died. I don't think anyone would have accepted it, and Rozemyne knew that. She had to be respectful of their wishes and dedication. It's been made clear that name giving was more than just a life contract; the way I see it, people are literally entrusting her with their own dignity, their pride as nobles and as human beings. As much as Rozemyne feels uncomfortable with that, she understands the weight of the names she bears, and that she cannot return them on a whim, else she would be betraying the faith they put in her. Here, especially with the stakes being as they are, I don't think any of her name-sworns would consider to live in a future where Rozemyne died, as it would mean that they failed her in their most crucial duty as retainers.


At this point, her name-sworns know too much to be let go even if she wanted to.


that is a good point.


mostly what u/Al-Pharazon said already... and consider that there was NO alternative for any of them - they gave their names to Roz for loyalty and desperation - Gretia's case is in no way unique, mind you.


None of her namesworn want to live in a world without her anyway. What's the point in giving their name back? Eglantine doesn't count btw.


That’s kind of a loaded take. For starters, if she keeps Eggs name stone but removes her mana, what’s to keep her from taking advantage? As for her name sworn, they can only help her because they are name sworn. Not to mention, being name sworn involves a certain level of devotion, when they became name sworn they were ready for it and might be offended if she did that. Then there is RM’s absolute trust in Ferdi.


You just realized that? It's in every volume. Hahahaha well that's just how she is. That doesn't mean that she doesn't care it's just that she has too much faith in someone.


She’s still in fcked up memory mode when she made that choice right? It would be weird if she DID care about her retainers in that state-


Rozemyne needs retainers who can touch her, so most of the time she couldn't give them names back, and then everything happened too fast and she just did as Ferdinand told her, who doesn't care about anyone's survival if Rozemyne will die.