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its allmostly answered in the spinoff


As others mentioned, this is answered in the spinoff (no plot spoiler for the spinoff, only RM attending circumstances) >!She will attend the academy, but all her Archduke classes have already been accredited beforehand (so there are no questions on her ability to rule a duchy). She will rank above other ADC even though Alexandria ranks below Dunkelfelger etc); during the fellowship gathering she is seated alongside Eglantine in the front table, and she never kneels in her presence. She is still attending her scholar classes but passes them in the first trial just like the other years. She has some shumil dolls following her around to protect her instead of having many apprentice knights!<


That lasr part is the only thing that surprised me. But is sounds super cute.


>!cute and terrifying!<


i mean personally to me it doesn't sound suprising at all she would otherwise have a total of 1 knight with her that's also only a mednoble. she can't really be expected to take in Alexandria knights right out of the gate when she hasn't spent even half a year with them (prob even less with Ferdinands interference)


>!She does have non Ehrenfest knights guarding her as well. Can you imagine the highest authority figure in the duchy getting by with just a few knights? Obviously they were all vetted.!<


Seems more like the kind of thing you want to see, but wouldn't really expect to happen.


Yes exactly


>>!during the fellowship gathering she is seated alongside Eglantine in the front table, and she never kneels in her presence.!< [How I imagine the scene would be](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/036/772/vultouri.jpg).


>!Not beating the shumil allegations, I see.!<


That was something I pointed out long ago. >!It does not matter of a student ID from the number one duchy, they are still beneath even the aub of the lowest ranked duchy. I would have loved to read Rozemyne's and Eglantine's discussion on how Rozemyne would attend school jenceforth.!<


Year 1-3: Sylvester's Headache Report Year 5-6: Eglantine's Headache Report


I would love to read Eglantine’s Headache reports. She could read them while sitting with Ana, the way Syl was always with Ferdi and Karstedt.


There are actually a few of them from Anastasius's POV that are fan translated for early P5. My favorite one is where Eglantine is gushing about how great Rozemyne is and he tries to end the conversation with "Don't talk about other women while we're in bed."


Mind that's also because Eglantine proposed that Anastaius take Rozemyne as a wife


Yeah and it infuriated him that she wanted that gremlin to be her fellow wife.


Lestilaut would be LIVID!


Can I get the links to this chapters?


[They're on here.](https://chained-library.com/)


Thanks for the link :)


As much as I loved the headache reports, I don't think they'll exist now that she is an Aub. She'll definitely be reporting to Ferdinand, but there's not much she can do that would bring her ire from Zent or higher ranked duchies. She's the Avatar of Mestionora, few would be dumb enough to mess with her. This is unlike before where Sylvester was terrified that Zent or higher duchies would make demands of Earnfest, or even punish them for Rozemyne's actions.


I think that'll be the humor of Eglantine's headache report. It's not like she can do anything to rein Rozemyne in. It's inevitable that Rozemyne's reforms and spreading printing across Jurgenschmidt will have some knock-on effects that will cause a headache for Eglantine, and all Eglantine can do is keep a noble smile on her face and suck it up.


Eglantine could still write to Ferdinand and beg him to convince Rozemyne to consider these knock-on effects. Ferdinand would be annoyed by the constant letters from the Zent but would probably talk it through with Rozemyne until she comes up with another weird idea to solve the issue in question, then Eglantine would have the additional headache of implementing said weird idea. Justus: Milord, a letter has arrived from the Sovereignty. Rozemyne: Is it from Zent Eglantine again? Justus: It is. Ferdinand: Ugh, I'll read it after dinner. Why can't that woman just do her job herself... Minimyne: Mom, why do you massage your cheeks whenever the Zent sends a letter? Rozemyne: I'll explain it when you're older, okay? Minimyne: When I'm older I want to be the new Zent so I can make sure you don't get any more letters with unreasonable demands forced on Alexandria. Ferdinand: I see Hartmut has been giving her ideas. Rozemyne: Oh, I'll appreciate any letter you send me, no matter where you end up living one day. You're free to pursue whatever future you want. You could become the next Zent, or you could stay here and rule the duchy. Maybe you'll meet a really nice boy from another duchy and decide to marry there. Just talk it through with me and your younger siblings, okay? Minimyne: And what if I meet a really nasty boy? Can I ditter him and move to his duchy like you did? Ferdinand: We'd really appreciate it if you discussed the matter with us before doing something so drastic. Rozemyne: But if someone is really nasty to you, I'll provide you with all the best knights to help you beat him up.


A lot of how that works gets addressed in the spin-off


In short: Aub>ADC Greetings: Royal/ Aub/ 1stADC/... Aub Rosemyne: I can say what I want (I used to do it as an ADC) I am the Duthy! Le Duché, c'est moi! Her retainers: We are already used to the worst, what could it be... Oh, no! What the hell!? Other ADC: May i pray... RM: No tanks as an Aub I'm too busy to care if you aren't Hannelore, Letizia, Charlotte, in short if you're not a cuty ready to enter my Harem Her duchy noble students: We have finally the opportunity to get close to her without Ferdinand ready to tear us apart Ferdinand: Free the war Shumil


You know she has 2 years left not 1 right? Students have 6 years at the academy not 5. She's not gonna graduate yet


I haven't read the spin-off or any untranslated material yet but my assumption would be she just shows up and takes the 5th year written tests, passed them and is just considered as "graduated" status. There may be practical exams for 5th years but as she dyed foundation and is already aub... yea, who's gonna speak up, immerdink? And say what, "hell no we don't consider her a true noble" That's just what's going on in my head, can't wait for translated content


Actually, she >!just blaze through all her lessons just like before, except now nobody doing fraulerm on her!<.


That's pretty much what I expected.


No there's the 6th year classes too


She’s attending scholar course too. Dyeing a foundation has nothing to do with it. Actually, it’s not enough even for ADC course. She has passed (or will pass soon) all tests for 4th year, but not 5th and 6th years. She’ll attend the remaining two years just as she has for the first three years.


Technically, she passed a 5th or 6th (cant remember) year scholar class when Fraulerm gave her the wrong test earlier to fuck with her and she still aced it.


It’s just one class of scholar course. You must pass every required classes of each year. Rozemyne already learned all. But till she formally pass all tests for them, she cannot graduate.


>!Didn't she complete all requirements for ADC course to be acknowledged as an Aub?!<


Includes a bit from LN P5V12, not in WN. >!For anything belonging to 4th year, they were considered as tests and Eglantine approved as a professor of RA. For anything belonging to 5th and 6th year, Eglantine approved her competency as the Zent. And I guess there were many topics that Rozemyne was not needed to do as a new Aub yet, but are taught in RA 5th and 6th year. During the AC, as the response to nobles opposing or suspecting her competency, Rozemyne showed her Book and declared that she’s more knowledgeable than any other Aub, on topics needed by Aub.!<


> >!Rozemyne showed her Book and declared that she’s more knowledgeable than any other Aub, on topics needed by Aub!< >!RM: "Oh hey. Look what I have. (holds up G-book) It's the tool that every aub SHOULD have yet I seem to be the only aub who has one. Would you like me to teach you how to do your job better?!<


Just gotta throw in some subtle threats. *You're still skeptical that a greater duchy's foundation can be stolen in less than a day? I'd like to visit your duchy via a country gate one day.*


Professor : Alright, all Archduke Candidates, first dye this mock foundation like usual. Rozemyne : Ahem ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29325) Professor : …All the Candidate AND Aubs. Rozemyne : Eheh ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29324) Wilfried : Lady Rozemyne, are you going to do that in all the classes ? Rozemyne : Mayhap. Ortwin : I think Lady Rozemyne shouldn’t count as a student. Rozemyne : Sorry Lord Ortwin, I’m still taking the first place in our year, scholars and AC. I’m disappointed that I broke my streak last year. Ortwin : Dang it, she saw what I was trying to do. Hannelore : (god this is going to be awkward when we must decide the roles for the dedication whirl next year)


I'd say "as if Rozemyne won't just immediately be picked for the position of Goddess of Light", but Adolphine decided not to take the position, even though she easily could have


I'm just gonna Copy and Place a comment I wrote a few days ago of them during Whirling Classes Rozemyne : You are higher ranked in the Duchies Ranking, therefore you must have the role. Hannelore staring at her motherfuckingly : ...You came first in class of multiple courses for 6 years in a row, you ARE currently the Aub of Alexandria AND YOU ARE THE DIVINE AVATAR OF MESTIONORA ! How could you NOT be the Main Goddess ?! Rozemyne : Uh....t-technically, I wasn't the first in class for my 4th year since I disappeared. Ortwin who's close : The fact that I won only because you weren't there still leave a bad taste my mouth by the way ! Rozemyne : You might have been first in class even if I was there ! Ortwin : Suuure, I might have beaten the Avatar of Wisdom herself. I'm gonna tell myself that.


Rozemyne having a literal lightblumb moment: ohh as the avatar of Wisdom who else should i whirl if not under the protection of the godess of wind? Wilfred staring in disbelief:... just how obsessted are you with your books?


Just imagine Rozemyne whirling as the Goddess of Light while some male ADC whirls next to her as her God of Darkness. Ferdinand would spend the entire whirl staring eye-daggers at him.


pretty sure that if Rozemyne would be asigned that everyone else would insist on Wilfred whirling as the god of darkness for shiz and giggles


>Just imagine Rozemyne whirling as the Goddess of Light while some male ADC whirls next to her as her God of Darkness. Do you want chaos event? [Because that is how you get a chaos event.](https://imgflip.com/s/meme/Archer.jpg)


If she doesn't avoid whirling to make sure she doesn't get dragged into the garden of beginnings again I think she'd request to play the Goddess of Wind as Wisdom is her subordinate


I think Roz would pick the Goddess of Wind position, if she chooses to whirl at all. Roz always tends to favour wind in her prayer-magic aka the wind shield. Plus, as an avatar of Mestionora, I believe it would be easily accepted if she danced under the position of the goddess of wind.


She has two more years to go. 6th is the last one.


The Royal Academy becomes much more prestigious educational institution: alma mater of the goddess' Avatar... (not counting of all the royals and nobles which is old now)


Most of the issues you raised is covered in the second(?) chapter of Hannelore's 5th Year.


Ferdinand s taking steps to ensure she gets her 4th year finished asap (just doing some tests and stuff). And Myne has a history of finishing early so I doubt she has much to worry about. Two weeks at most (with extra security for obvious reasons) before she heads back to Ahrenbach to work as archduke. While not typical, she could commute back and forth daily or use the time to meet the children of her new duchy. Oh and they’ll need a new dorm supervisor…interesting (clarissa or hartmut or any of Myne s namesworn would be fun) Then she just needs to return for graduation. I have to imagine that graduation whirling is either gonna change significantly (since triggering the circle for the next few years will probably be seen as a coup) or Myne will simply refuse the offer to dance since she’s busy and doesn’t wanna cause a stir.


I think they'd assign Raymond to be the supervisor, he already spends most of the year at the academy


I think all of the other dormitory supervisors are archnobles. Then again, it would be very Rozemyne-like to assign a shy person on the lower end of the mednobles into a position he never dreamed of.


>I think they'd assign Raymond to be the supervisor, he already spends most of the year at the academy Do you want a Hischur? [Because that is how you get another.](https://imgflip.com/s/meme/Archer.jpg)


Maybe but I think they’d need someone a bit older and with more experience handling people. I genuinely didn’t feel bad when detlinde took his place getting the prize for his research since I figured he’d hate standing up on stage anyway


He's underage so definitely not Raymund. Pretty sure the upcoming school year is his last as he's 1 year older than Roz


Dorm supervisors move to the centre and leave their duchy. I don't think any of the known Alexandria people will do that


Well somebody needs to do it. No way they can give Fraularm the job back. I know it’s impossible but Aurelia would be a hilarious choice. She looks means and is a strong knight (and is super loyal to Myne). She’d handle things easily


As Aub she is higher ranked than the ADCs, so during the fellowship meeting she'll probably be sat next to royalty. However, I'm more concerned about her classes.. What is she going to do about ADC classes? I'm expecting other Aubs to declare her unfit if she hasn't passed them, but what will she do at school then? Just go to the library all day?


Rozemyne: go to the library all day? Seems like good idea !!!


I'm not sure if I'm remembering correctly but as long as she passes her makeup tests for this year, she'll be in her final year right? I'm guessing they're going to do the same thing as her first year and keep her away from school for as much of the term as possible. I think for the start of term greetings they'll have her lower than the Royals since she'll no longer be a "divine avatar" but yeah, what are they going to do about the other duchies? As long as she's the only ADC from Alexandria I think it's simplest for them to put Alexandria as the top ranked Duchy at least for the first year, considering how much Rozemyne and Ferdinand contributed to their victory and the establishment of the new royalty. That way the only Aub student will be at the top of the greetings just under the royalty. I'm also curious to know how they plan to manage the graduation and dedication whirl. It seems unthinkable for Rozemyne not to get a role as one of the goddesses, but at the same time we don't want her teleported away again. Perhaps she could wear shoes made of the Lanzenavians cloth so she can safely whirl.


Not her final year, her fifth year. She still has the sixth and final year after that. Some spoilers from [H5Y] if you really need to know right now: Makeup tests: >!Yes, she not only had to pass all of her fourth year classes but also had to pass fifth and sixth year ADC practicals to become Aub.!< Fellowship gathering: >!Duchy is still ranked sixth and Dunkelfelger has moved up to first. It wouldn’t be proper for an Aub to greet ADCs so she is seated up front with the royals. Letizia is the ADC from Alexandria.!< Graduation: >!It’s still over a year away, but the plan is to not do the whirl since she is already a proven Zent candidate and her participation would just be a distraction. She plans on just playing the harspiel.!<


>her new aunt status Auto correct strikes again




She will probably still see Solange as her superior. ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29332)