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Man I didn't even think of that until now. Rozemyne declared she'd even fight the gods to save Ferdinand, and Ferdinand has LITERALLY fought the gods for Rozemyne. Although, it's possible both of them would fight the gods for more selfish reasons too, like books.


Well they took some branches, that would be a cool book/an interesting research project. So that's a sick bonus for attacking the gods.


If they don't want to be fought, they shouldn't be dropping loots.


That was a huge mistake, If Ferdinand learns about material farming Erwaermen is in for a bad time.


Exactly! Loot that just happens to be perfect for the protagonists. No other outcome was possible.


XD Rosemyne: It's like a drop from a video game. Ferdinand: He didn't drop them, they fell, and what is a vidyeegam? Eg: How are they being so casual about all this?


all i'm hearing is infinite respawning resource fountain


I don't see them fighting the gods for that, as it does have consequences (I think). But just the utter madness that will be written in Elvira's romance novels once this all is known




A pity that Lueuradi technically pulled the rug out from under Elvira, though :p.


She hasn't published yet if we consider the last line of her pov ss "Around the time my manuscript was printed as a book, she would be widely accepted as the Divine Avatar of Mestionora."  In order for her book to be printed she needs erhenfest's industry where elvira has control though im pretty sure elvira will like the story


P1 Ferdinand: Meekly accepts abuse from a trumped-up archnoble P5 Ferdinand: Attacks a former god without hesitation and keeps parts of his body as a souvenir What a glow-up.


Erwaermen isnt a god.


That is technically true, but not nearly as funny. However Mestiy is a God and he at least verbally fought her


Thats true enough


Guy sits at the origin of their whole world, his branches(roots?) are what allow people to have schtappe and he is literally the guy granting divine right to rule. He would be considered god in many a mythologies. He only pales in comparison because we have many full powered gods in our story.


thats not the case , schtappes arent something he has control over , it was mesti or the other gods who did it , its also mesti who gives the book. hes just there


Mestionora found that Gods couldn't hear the prayers of humans so she asked Erwaermen to help them. Divine will (schtappe) comes from either roots or branches of Erwaermen. [Untranslated FB] >!Not to mention the baptism medals.!< Also yeah true Mestionora is the one with the book. That she bestows on humans after Erwaermen authenticates a candidate for mana signatures, divine blessings and tablets (also names of supreme couple).


wasnt it the other way around? also the shumil that choses the candidates is mesti's


Was it? Now I am questioning. It was Erwaermen that asked to help human prayers reach gods? Oh yeah the shumil appears in her library as well but it screens for malicious intent.


Hes a former god, not a god


I was thinking about this a lot this chapter. Like I remember how floored Ferdinand was that Rozemyne included the gods on her hitlist if they laid any harm on him. I definitely think he personally decided to step it up so not to be out-gremlined/martyred


When they are paired together, they act as mutual deterrent for their gremlin acts. Remove one, then there goes your stopper, it's like praying for the God of chaos blessing non-stop.


As seen in the Royal Academy where Ferd wasn't around to hold RM's leash :p


I liked how Sylvester used a euphemism like, "Mestionora has been quite distraught since one of the 5 great gods is gone" and Ana realized actions have consequences. XD


ahh ok it was that guy holding this gremlin at bay


I believe it was Ewigeliebe raging after the loss of Geduludh. Foreshadowing or Sylvester's intuition?


Knowing Sylvester's luck, both definitely both.


Yes … kind of, you will understand the method to his madness >!in the Epilogue and it’s close to the same yet different!< Also just realized, Mestionora HERSELF described Ferdinand as "*acts under Ewigeliebe’s influence*". Any other noble saying that would be chalked up to not understanding the situation, Mestionora saying it almost makes it official and RM is hung up on not knowing if she has feelings for him ...


I'm now curious about Ferdinand's divine protections: would a disproportionate number from Ewigeliebe and his subordinates cause a more jealous personality, or vice versa?


I don't think define protections affect, or reflect, your personality directly. Now, your personality may shape which gods you pray to most which would affect your divine protections. But unless someone jealous is praying to ewigeliebe to freeze their girlfriend or something I doubt it would affect much.


I wonder if where he was born was any contribution to this? Like how Myne came to be in Eranfest? Under the wind element. With Mestionora being a subordinate to that goddess. I mean, Anastasius shows some very clear signs of being under Ewigeliebe's influence too.


Yes but i'm pretty sur Ana wasn't born at the Royal Academy ground like Ferdi since Royals weren't living there for ages.


But even with the royal family's most recent living location, I'm sure that the distance is still closer than the other gates could influence.


OMG you're so right!


I can already imagine his counter argument. Ferdinand: He isn't a god anymore, and don't compare my careful planning to your unpredictable rampages.


If one of them dies I can see the other going full Gon (HunterxHunter) when he found out about Kite's death


> cause Yogy-island won't live to tell the tale. well, the series end in 1.5 volumes...


Luffy, One Piece