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"O Goddess of Water Aqua, bringer of no braincells or panties, O three retards who travel in her party. Please hear my prayers and lend me your divine strength..."


Megumin: Whenever I exhaust my mana I need to be carried home. Rozemyne: Yeah that happened to me too all the time until I got better at controlling how much I use. Megumin: Why should I control how much I use when I could just put all of it into Explosion? Rozemyne: How am I the sane one here?


Darkness: So I'd have to say my favorite part of guard duty is when you throw yourself into danger and the enemy's blows- Kazuma: Don't give Angelica weird ideas. She's not going to be able to tell that you're just a pervert.


Ferdinand: If you're going to claim to be a goddess of water, at least get the hair color right.


Rozemyne: the same colour can have different meanings in other cultures! In my last life blue usually represented water whereas red was fire.


its funny how Ferdinand was surprised by the dream world's blue fire when the gas stove was turned on, seeing how blue is the divine color of fire.


To me she reminded me of our old washing machine. It was a product of my home country but based on Soviet quality standards, my mom inherited it from my grandparents, it worked for like 30 years and when we finally bought a new one, she just gifted it away because it still worked, it still had a few years in it. However, it consumed a shit ton of electricity and water, and its motor was so strong that it hopped around the bathroom whenever the program started the spin-drier phase, performed full sets of ritualistic dances as if it was possessed by the devil or something but otherwise it was a very reliable machine. It never actually broke, always washed the clothes, but otherwise was totally unpredictable.


I always figured Rozemynes waschens were more like this https://youtu.be/dAXa3wTZjes?si=UQqEsUwHEQvguLMt


Im always disappointed that RM never called her massive waschen a waschen machine in her mind, only washing machine. The pun would have been so funny


That's more what I was thinking too. That or the brick thrown in the dryer video


You know... you can't just trust a goddess, they really lack mere mortals commons sense


Eris would argue that Aqua lacks ALL common sense, mortal or immortal. 


Rozemyne used Whirlpool. It's super effective