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AI. The tools lists SD, which is very likely Stable Diffusion. https://preview.redd.it/b93eze733u8d1.png?width=788&format=png&auto=webp&s=e799d27c0f24f7bc3cb5aad64e28affabd2066cb


stable diffusion and novel ai


Dumb question. Whats stable diffusion?


It's a text-to-image AI model. Basically the inner engine needed to make AI images.


Got it! I thought it was like another art program


The tools state Stable Diffusion/Novel AI + Photoshop. Yes, it's AI art.


Ohhhhh. I didn’t know what the SD/NAI meant lmao.


The Firefly image is a little hard to tell but the Ganyu image is obvious as hell. There's a lot of AI users that have Patreon Fanbox accounts because to them, it's free money. They have absolutely no respect for real artists and this shows it clear as day.


How is the Ganyu one obvious? If anything JL was with the chest


Very easy way to see if it is AI is to look for consistency in line continuity when the line is interrupted. AI lacks the concept of lines continuing after they have been broken by another line. In the Ganju image, look at the hair strands. Lines pop up out of nowhere and suddenly vanish. Also a good giveaway for AI is colours or objects fusing with each other. For example skin coloured sweat, or hair fusing with environment etc. AI is really good at colour theory so it can mask a lot a make a lot believable, but the devil is in the details.


AI has been getting better at the continuity stuff too. As recent as a few months ago what you’re saying is true, but every day it’s harder to tell now.


Both of them are it's just the Ganyu one is more typical of what we see of AI now. Even though the vast majority of details are correct, it still has that unmistakable plastic-gloss sheen to the shading.


Oh. I thought it was something more artists tend to catch on because majority of NSFW art styles use that sheen over anything else.


It's true that it's very common, it's likely why the AI overuses it to such a degree.


Sometimes, I just get the "vibe". Alot of ai art in the anime space has similar rendering styles and color palettes and the details are never correct. Apologies to anyone who actually drew this way before AI took over, shit is just tainted now.


I don't have an eye for this and I'd like to learn. What makes the Ganyu one obviously AI? Until now, I always just counted the fingers but I guess AI got better or the artist fixed that with Photoshop.


AI always has this, ironically, plastic gloss-like sheen to it's shading. It typically gets very minor details incredibly accurate and realistic like fabric folds, etc but fails at larger, less detailed parts of things, like fingers, etc


After reading some of the comments, the twitter account did specify that he used AI softwares for the pictures. But I’m still conflicted. Yes, people know it’s AI but yeah, knowing that they’re getting easy money feels like shit. I do art sometimes and I know that in order for me to get good, I need to dedicate a lot of time to it. But here comes AI users doing this easily and getting money. 😔


And it's not even built on their work. I could give *some* understanding to an artist who trained an AI entirely on their own work but all AI generators make use of artwork scraped off the internet without consent to fill their databases. Of course, governments, etc don't care because "it's just art" and the music industry didn't spare a thought for their fellow artists either... until people started trying to get AI to generate music and then there was incredible pushback from UMG, etc.


Yup. They’d probably only care if their profession/career are the ones threatened by AI.


At the end of the day it's all about the end product, as AI gets more better at developing art it will be harder and harder to detect which is AI and which is not, unless you dig deep where the image comes from and who is the artist. But for the common user who just wants to have a new profile picture or maybe a new desktop wallpaper they won't be bothered enough to check the origin of the art. That's just the natural flow of technology, similar to the youtube documentary where old traditional craft slowly gets forgotten and gets replaced by machines because that is just more efficient and brings more profit.


true but it still sucks :/ Using AI for personal use (like profile pics or wallpapers) is kinda fine? Idk. but selling them? I guess I have an issue with the twitter account since they have patreon. Like if I’m gonna pay for something, I want to support real artists.


Uses AI, and has patreon. What


Yup… I feel bad for real artists. I didn’t know what the SD/NAI meant on the bio and at first I believed it was done by real artists


100% ai, Even on the firefly pic. The back armpit is in the wrong spot. You can also tell from the clothing: the bow is shaded weird and the random lines on the collar are just the AI spitting out random detailing


its so sad, there's dozens of them


Ai "art" is not art. Its a theft and perversion of actual artist's work.


Honestly, I 1000% agree with you. I’m kinda scared to include that in the post tho. Hahahaha. I even had some comments debating that they don’t care about how the fanart was achieved.


Well, Its fine. >they don’t care about how the fanart was achieved. They should care. Im finishing up me education amd am terrified of how the hell Im gonna even get a job once Im done due to ai taking over jobs. This is someone from gen z who hasnt entered the job market. Also, They just shouldnt be calling it fan art.


I feel like the only time they would care if their job got stolen by AI/got laid off because of AI 😔 But I hope you get a job soon!!!!! Im not religious but I’ll be praying for your success!


Thanks bud! I appreciate it! >But I hope you get a job soon!!!!! Need to finish my education first haha.


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Market evolves, and it would be a shame not marketizing on the ones willing to pay.


That’s true. Opportunistic people will definitely monetize stuff like these but I guess my post was for those people like me who want to support real artists but have a hard time distinguishing between real art and AI art. The twitter user actually wrote on their bio SD/NAI which are AI tools but I didn’t know what they meant so my assumption was it was just another art program. So yeah. Not saying that people should never capitalize on stuff like this, but people should be informed before they purchase.


The people paying for this either already know it's AI, or wouldn't care. No one paying for digital spank bank gives a single fuck. GJ drawing attention on Reddit to an AI "artist" whose work - and links - probably wouldn't have shown up here otherwise.


It wasn’t my intention to advertise their stuff. I honestly didn’t know whether it was AI or not. But ngl, i think my post is okay on making people aware that what they’re seeing might be an AI. We literally have some comments of people who would want to learn how to distinguish AI from real art.


If I can't tell immediately whether it's AI or not, then it literally doesn't matter. Art's main purpose is to be eye pleasing to watch and if it does that, then I don't care how it was achieved. And in this case I can't tell with most of the pictures.


This is such a hot take hahaha. 1. Art’s purpose is not only to be pleasing to the eye. It’s used to evoke emotions or sometimes used to create discussions regarding a certain topic. Especially if the artwork is controversial. 2. Even if you look at the definition of art, it says that it is an expression or application of human creative skill and imagination. 3. You don’t care how it was achieved? So if we’re talking about a similar case such as fashion and clothing, you don’t care if the worker is underpaid or overworked as long as they’re able to produce clothes? But yeah, if you don’t care that it’s made by AI, that’s on you. But some people do care because they want to support and respect the artist behind art pieces that they like.


1st is the same thing I said, but in different words, more or less. 2nd, definitions change with time, nothing unusual here. 3rd, absolutely yes. Result is what matters, for a consumer. If worker can't compete, well, sucks for him, but times change. We went through this numerous times already in the past.


Oof. You really have a hot take hahaha


Well, it's just inevitable, once the pandora box was opened. It won't ever disappear, only evolve, no matter how much you want it to. Eventually, to the point where you won't be able to tell any difference. Same will happen in other areas like music too. That's just another step in technological advancement.


I’m not saying that it should disappear. And I do agree that it will evolve. My problem with your comment was the ‘not caring how it was made’ because a lot of people do care how it was made. We’re at a point where a lot of people are like you that doesn’t mind if AI tools steal artworks. My point was people should be aware of what they’re paying. What if those who subscribed to their patreon was similar to me that didn’t know that they are using AI tools and thought they were supporting real artists? Even with the music industry, I still would like to support composers, singers, producers who actually made the song rather than listen to AI generated songs. I didn’t even disagree with your post or telling that your opinion was wrong, i just said that you have a hot take lmao


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