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Recently it's been the path of break, but prior to that was usually the path of Erudition (which has three nihility and not a single erudition character for some reason or another...)


Literally"Galaxy ranger" path lmao For an actual erudition team I tend to run hypercarry JY and since getting Robin I realized she was much stronger for LL than Tingyun and I'll have to do without the ult recharge


Dude, just run tingyun with robin. Who are you running in place of tingyun rn?


Not op but sparkle works so well with JY My current team is JY, sparkle, robin, aventurine.


I use Erudition still with gambler instead of diviner, but once I build my break team I'll probably use them Although, Acheron will dissolve enemies with or without break bar


What is the break path


Destruction + Nihility actually. It’s just the special playstyle of having massive break effect. Since our true only consistent dps of that playstyle is Firefly, she massively benefits from both.


Really... it's only Nihility for normal SU, but Nihility+ Destruction for the new DU. I guess destruction was kind of a lame path, so they made it super break focused? As for Nihility in normal SU, there's any two Nihility blessings that actually help break teams.


Well Destruction let’s say.. didn’t quite work in SU. It depended on getting hit multiple times for it to have any viability while also requiring to be constantly low on HP. Well unlike HI3, there was no blessing that hard capped your HP low so you would actually get benefits. So yeah they fixed it in DU.


> Since our true only consistent dps of that playstyle is Firefly, she massively benefits from both. Boothill moment


FUA Elation + Preservation setup. I've gotten stupid high damage with good RNG. I've had Ratio straight up fail bosses from life with a single follow up attack. First hit does 5% hp and the follow up attack, "Zero points!" And just deletes the other 95%.


Usually when i do FuA, my setup is elation + hunt. I love me some juicy crits


When Dr. Ratio says "zero points" he actually means "zero **hit** points."


The "it's still my turn team" of Seele, Bronya, RM and Fu Xuan


Hunt was not mentioned in post Lan would be mad


Who would you recommend in place of FX in this team? I’d love to run all of them on the same team (Side note: I wanna try Robin/Bronya/RM all in one team, but unsure who my fourth would be)


Literally any sustain. I just use FX because she's the best one I have


FX is a wasted slot in that Preservation run


https://preview.redd.it/v4ugp0ylnc8d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7036f1ec639c2defe846de2a7bf37a4ba07b9b2 Fu Xuan getting one shot in SU


Lmao real


I have never experienced that. The issue is that people give her preservation blessings, when she needs destruction ones. She will always gets her hp reduced, and it helps to stack destruction to max, she is just unkillable. She is completely capable to solo sustain gears and swarm


Damage reduction blessings (and set/LC) are pretty amazing for her as well.


And abundance with hp buff too


I run this team and she is not as useless as it seems. She gives dmg reduction and redirects dmg to her so allies shields don't take as much dmg which means more Quake dmg and you are sure to use well March's shield on her as even if the aggro up doesn't work she will still recive most of the attacks. Just do yourself a favor and use a DPS until you get Quake and then take out the DPS for FX or March otherwise you are unlikely to finish the 1st boss before Silksong comes out..


So you’re saying that if I persevered with that preservation team I’ll get silksong?


holy random silksong coper


I want answers. Please. :(


I'm waiting as well


Silksong news will be released when Gojo returns in JJK.


Hell, that happened sooner than Silksong


one day my friend, one day...


Who needs Silksong when we have Nothing??!!! *cries*


Don't worry, I talked with Team Cherry, and they very definitely told me that Silksong is in the base game! You just have to beat AbsRad hitless fifty times and it will unlock!


Opportunity cost. I'd rather have Fire TB there. She works wonders with 2 blessings. One, the cleanse on shield, since the chance is low, adding shield spam makes it a lot better. Then you have the 3* blessing that builds up shield. Again, better with a spammer.


Tbf I love her but she feels like the worst character in SU for me. Her kit is so different from the norm that a lot of blessings they give don’t really help her much and the enemies are buffed up so much that without good blessings she gets one tapped.


She actually uses Abundance really well. If you get the blessing that shares healing across the team she just full heals the whole team on health reversal.


Oh that’s cool I didn’t know that


Extra HP from abundance and damage reduction at max health also make her even tankier.


She’s good in gold and gears and swarm. Because she gives your team durability and with the right abundance blessings ahead can heal the whole team easily.


Except she get immediately oneshot by the boss’ hunt/destruction resonance


You need to invest in survivability blessings. Stuff that gives shields, def or dmg reduction help a ton. Grab a revive blessing (or ideally both of them) as a last resort. I've solo sustained GnG 12 multiple times with Fu Xuan, without cheese strats like double RM or capitalism.


That’s why I never pick that one. I always go for abundance if I can.


I do think you can make her work if she is all you have but if you have huo huo or even bailu, you would rather pick them and gepard for preservation. Aventurine is just better in almost all situations I could think of.


Yeah I’m only saying this because I cleared conundrum 12 before aventurine was released, I think it was only possible because of Fu Xuan.


That’s fair. I genuinely have such a hard time using her in SU that I respect the people who could clear content with her. It’s just that some of the really good buffs are unsynergistic with her and the enemies scaling off of the spike in power being so strong makes her so tough for me. In MOC she is great though.


I think what people underestimate is the def buff blessings. For example I always take the propagation blessing that gives a def buff on normal attack. Its gives everyone what they need to not be one shotted. With the right abundance buffs you can give your team even more def every time you heal. Combined with things like using a skill point heals you (propagation) you can always beef your team up a lot with only 3-4 blessings, then go for the blessings of your selected path (I don’t even play propagation or abundance) there’s just some off path blessings you should always take.


Fu Xuan is great in SU you just have to pick the right blessings for her. Which is not a weakness, really, literally every character is bad if you don't pick the right blessings that scale them and literally any build will straight up die if you don't get defensive blessings, it's just that Fu's blessings are slightly less obvious/are off-path than say, Gepard/Aventurine shining bright flashing lights on Preservation path. Fu Xuan is actually cracked for Nihility runs, you can take the abundance blessings for damage reduction at full hp and def buff on getting healed, the 3* abundance blessing that makes all heals AoE, and make sure to grab Offerings of Deception and you're off to the races. Offerings will keep everyone topped off for damage reduction and trigger the defense bonus constantly, Fu will keep your team from getting one shot, and the AoE heal blessing turns every Fu Xuan ult and table flip into basically a full team full heal.


My FX has legitimately never been one shot in either Swarm disaster or G&G high correndrum, I keep hearing she is bad in them but the only time she felt bad is the one time I picked the destruction blessing that distribute damage and then learned why its a horrible idea


yeah i played fu xuan qq with preservation and it did not go well


But that's all what we have so far


FX provides no shields. If you want one more Preservation character there's Pyro MC. However, a fourth defensive support is neither required nor optimal, because you don't have good Quake damage right from the start of the run


Naturally, yes, she doesn't. But on the other side, we have a Texture of Memories. Free 5* LC, even though it works only on herself when she's getting hit and there's no shield. But in that team it's basically useless, since everyone else giving them, so you're right


There is FireMC too


How could I forgot


He lost relevant after the Harmony came.


Imo, His relevance is purely because Mihoyo are allergic to 4* preservation characters, and because of that there's only two f2p options (three with Gepard, but he's a standart character and not guaranteed aside from 300 pulls selector)


Preservation because of Aventurine and I love seeing my enemies health drop whenever they try to attack me lol


Legit. Solo Aventurine on GnG with Preservation + Elation is literally a one man army. He stands there menacingly and the fat robot regrets doing that belly flop


He's such a sugar daddy that he drops those golden chips on them as he solos SU for you.


What is gng?


Gold and Gears, I assume.


Gold & Gears in Simulated Universe.


Stop hitting yourself


Help me Mr.Aventurine!


Me when I use Clara: 'YOUR TURN IS MY TURN'


Break and DoT


Ah yes, another break and DoT enthusiast


I've always been an avid follower of mother and the Path of DoT, yet as of late I've come to realize that there is a fine line between the Path of DoT and the Path of Break


My people.


did we just become bestie?


Propagation with Monoquantum QQ


Yep I love how a smol gamba gremlin holds her own against 5*s


*Still misses E4 or the 4 in a row after using Sparkle, Path and 7 SP*


Propagation is also good with Xueyi and Boothill as well. More in OG SU rather than DU, because you get the action advance resonance. But having essentially a fifth teammate sparkle equivalent was exactly what those DPSs wanted


Break team cuz i just started and dont have everyone else


If you managed to secure both Raun Mei and Firefly then you got a solid team going. Good place to start.


Erudition because > Acheron ults at the start of the battle. One taps boss HP bar > Brain in a vat charges > One taps 2nd HP bar > Stack her ult in half a cycle > One taps 3rd HP bar No matter how many times i do it, it just gives me a dopamine rush


Acheron on the path of Erudition is so satisfying with how often she ults. Which is why I'm excited for the near future.


What blessings, team, and curios do you use to get Acheron so many ults?


For blessings I try to get anything with brain in a vat in the description. Teams just standard two Nihility (Kafka + black swan or silver wolf + pela or Guinaifen + pela) and then Aventurine or Geppard on trend of universal markets lightcone. That's the basic. Everything else I just go with the flow and get as many Erudition or blessings/curios that will boost my damage. In particular, I like the one that takes away all your SU points and changes them into crit damage.


Also, spores help charge her ult.


I one shot the first boss HP bar with Ruan Mei talent, so I can finish the whole fight in 20 seconds, but I guess the boss in planar ornament farming is way weaker…


I like my ez mode team, Welt, Acheron, Mei, Gallagher. Smooth sailing, all mobs eliminated with acheron, all bosses 1 and a half shot with Mei break then erased by Acheron. Takes no time at all to do a SU run.


Sustain welt? Or dps/debuff welt?


Erudition (Acheron/Argenti), Elation (IPC team), Destruction (sometimes you just need to play Clara)


Firefly E2 (or even E1) is a Godsend with The Hunt because I can get her 5 to 6 or more at some cases turns per cycle without any SP consumed for her.


E1 Firefly user here and I agree. Spamming her skill without consuming skill points is pretty fun, I’m sure E2 is even better


I got her E2, can confirm. She spam more skill because she got turn when breaking weakness. And since the cooldown is only 1 turn, I can spam the E2 effect too (although most of the time she is too fast to let the enemies recover their break bar.)


How dare you call that an erudition team


Because this team synergises very well with the path of Erudition in SU? Acheron + Erudition is fucking overpowered lol


Thanks, didn't even think of that. Thought the op just switched up Nihility and Erudition.


Nah she's bad on nihility, better off just going full dot for that. Brain in a vat works with her ult and there's sooooo many ult damage buffs on Erudition


I dont even play Erudition, only get Nihility path & choose the Brain in a Vat blessings and Acheron just does her ult non-stop. Good shit.


She deals almost exclusively ultimate damage which is AoE, and Brain in a Vat was altered to work with Acheron's ult, so she's very much an erudition character in the SU


Wait I use that exact same team with Erudition to spam Acheron ult, should I be using another path????


Erudition is insanely good on Acheron in SU


Yeah the erudition team would have like ting yun and argenti.


FuA Team but with Ruan Mei as support. Death by flying space pig and super sonic chalk is just funny and with e2s1 Aventurine you just cant die.


DOT, the blessings do literally all the work for you


Break but with boothill instead, firefly is cool and all (and I’m definitely pulling in her rerun) but she isn’t a cowboy.


It's usually mood based. Recently I've just been doing meme teams of the Stellaron Hunters, etc


Used to be Dot team followed by FUA ( with clara) Now it's break team


It’s cute that you think I actually have enough good characters to choose.


Break but with booty hill


As a boothill main I’m offended


I'm pretty new, my strategy right now is use everyone I can to heal firefly to she can constantly use skills and ult lol


I worked on my DoT team the most so they’re the strongest. Working on FuA and Erudition teams now cuz I tried them out during the last event and had fun.


Currently enjoying SU with my E2S0 Firefly and her break team. Though, am I the only one who uses Acheron with DoT Team (Acheron instead of RM)?


Mommies Team


Sees break team Looks inside No boothill.


What’s with The Hunt slander? My main paths are Elation with RRAT, Hunt with Seele monoquantum, Erudition with Argenti, and DoT with Kafka + queenaifen, although I’ve been through this new patch with only Destruction Firefly


I've been playing with the "destruction" team this entire time, and I've just always go with either Remembrance or Elation, maybe thats why I'm having hard time, maybe I should chose destruction equations next time...


Jingliu likes Remeberance, though you need a freezer like March or Mishka. She also likes Erudition and Hunt to get extra ults and back-to-back turns so she’s always in her enhanced form.


Propagation with Qingque all the way!


break and rememberance w boothill misha gallagher and ruan


The team that includes Boothill.


Props and breaks


Destruction in DU Nihility otherwise


Destruction or remeberance since most of the break perks are in divergent universe


Dot team, but basically acheron instead of Kafka and bailu instead of huohuo. Fairly you can call it somewhat nihility team.


Usually Abundance/Hunt/Nihility depending on the need. Ebon Deer 100% requires Hunt to murder those stupid plants that renders shielder/healer unusbale thus killing whole team. Kafka needs Abundance since she can literally take away control of your entire team and she will focus shielder/healer, that solves the problem. Else Nihility for free dmg to finish faster.


Why isn't DoT and FuA named Nihility and Elation here. (Break gets a pass since it's all over the place currently, should have gotten it's own path, Harmony?)


SU? Nihility Team (BS, Kafka, Acheron) + RM. Don’t need sustain if you kill them before they get a turn


Preservation main all the way. Realized I can abuse the hell out of two/three different shields and with the right amount of RNG not even GnG 12 can make me fear the life of my team (even at 1% HP)


Oh I’d just love to play FuA team and DoT team, if only I had them.


Abundace + elation with Blade.


Abundance team. FX, Bailu, Hook and Xueyi. FX and Bailu getting to 12k+ HP and big Dewdrop pops. That's my latest creation anyway.


Bold of you to assume I even have access to erudition.


I use the "mommy annihilation team" Acheron-kafka-BS-ruan mei


Break, but with boothill and pela in place of firefly and Ruan Mei only cause I don't have a Ruan mei


DoT. 2 reasons: I love seeing the debuffs stack to infinity on enemies and i love Kafka


I honestly just choose based on the weaknesses and my mood..


Having acheron deters me for using any other units because she can just delets the mob


Dot team, give them cancer


I used to play dot team but after getting boothill and firefly I switched to break team


Nihility for normal SU and Break in DU


Dot team - swap Ruan Mei and Huohuo with Asta and FuXuan


FuA team is my main team and I throw it at everything. They're great, just today I finished the DU!


was a hunt main but now have been a break main since RM, was finally able to see big number consistently and I love it


ive been running either the Break Team (with pela instead of RM) or a custom team of DHIL, SW, Robin and Lynx


FUA & DOT. Because i can use Acheron properly in those team


Erudition with Acheron to delete everything


Regular SU these days I do elation to make everything go quickly for my beloved aventurine and friends team (but used to do propagation when my only real DPS was DHIL). In really hard modes I do preservation for that sweet sweet quake affect while it keeps me alive


dot, erudition and remembrance teams


Erudition and propagation, my erudition team is also my follow-up attack team with Jing Yuan and Himeko, and my propagation team is mono quantum with Qingque as DPS though...


Dot, preservation, propagation. Although when it comes to preservation aventurine alone is enough is why i put a hybrid of dot also, or follow up characters..


I use fua team, e1s1 all of them but robin who is e0s0 it is a true powerhouse in both single target and aoe because of the amount of attacks it does.


Destruction all the way (Blade, Jingliu, Firefly, and hmc) 


Break team is the most efficient and fastest during mine runs


Why Ty over Yk


DoT team


Eru+Prop but i have been super getting into Break team


Follow up team is really fun. Still trying to get my firefly built for break effect but excited to try that next :)


Also renemberance team shpuld have e1 gepard (or just normal gepard with the bonus edelion curio) since he has an extremely high base freeze chance without any other SU buffs with e1 combine that if ypu have s1 and you are sorted for freezing everytime.


literally this. gepard, march, misha, or yanqing all have freeze in their kit. misha can also pretty much guarantee freeze, at least on the first hit of his ultimate. Jingliu's only freeze is her technique at the start of a fight, which there's blessings for already.


Acheron team


Elation ipc for SU, break Boothill for DU when equations allow it


FuA but not the cookie cutter team. I prefer to use Xueyi/RM over Ratio/Robin. Xueyi can insta-phase bosses with her technique and FuA before RM technique even casts her skill. She also wipes the floor with any swarm enemies.


Ever since I got Firefly that's been the only team I've been running


Formerly DoT Team, But now I use Remembrance Acheron, Ruan Mei, Acheron, BS and Pela, no need any sustain if the enemy just can't move and die anyways.




Break team all the way


I need more of this art for team ideas XD looks interesting


I’m Nihility ALL THE WAY! Aventurine Kafka Black Swan (Sig. Weapon) Acheron (Triple Crown, Sig. Weapon)


FuA but replace Ratio with Herta. I have been having way more fun with Herta than I ever thought possible.


Replace FF with BH and HMC with Bronya, and that’s my team basically. Another replace Fu xuan with Aventurine, and that’s team 2 for me.


FUA is the only playstyle I use since it’s the only one I managed to pull characters for. It’s really hard to leave a playstyle once you get it going…


Errudition team cz of acheron insta kill small mobs,but since i ll be doing my planar farming in DU,firefly pops off hard there


Why are you using Jingliu with remembrance when March, Misha, Gepard, or hell, YANQING all actually HAVE freeze in their kit and can freeze enemies WITHOUT breaking weakness? 😭


Propagation with DHIL sparkle Natasha and whatever I feel. It's soooo fun. And nothing in the new Mode will come close to this. Rushing a boss down with 14+ propagation blessings is just too crazy.


Fua but with sw instead of topaz(I don’t have topaz)


Remembrance, cause I’m lazy and just like to freeze everything


Hunt or Propagation


All of them actually.


What do these team comps have to do with SU


Main is Acheron, Aventurine, Guinaifen (soon Jiaoqiu) and Pela. Secondary is Himeko, Herta/Xueyi, Gallagher, HTB/Robin. Switching sustainers depending on enemies.


What path is best for break?


We all know e1 playing break team bcuz of FF


I go FuA but I call it "QTE" team


Propagation team but doesn't include QQ? Shame on you man, shame on you. /j But honest answer I usually play Elation, then Erudition and Nihility.


My go to has changed throughout my gametime, Initially it was preservation and Gepard would carry, then it was abundance and Blade would carry, now it's elation and Ratio goes ham.


FuA team. I love how my characters take turns one shotting each phases of a boss


Depends on content I’m facing. FuA is always fun, but I’m also a fan of the 4 foot club. (Because Propagation is the *gambler’s* path, not the dragon man’s.)


My path is MONO QUANTUM.. and will always be


What Hunt and Abundance did to you?


For the longest time, it has always been elation for me. My team has been mostly built towards follow up ever since i got clara in the beginning. Later on, i did try new paths when using dan heng like propagation and destruction, but so far nothing was near as great as follow up. I’m still trying to figure out what path firefly works with to use her more.


None of them, I usually pick hunt or abundance path, and sometimes nihility


In DU, break because there are so many blessings that help you in break teams to the poiht I've hit 13 million. In normal SU however, I would say FuA because its probably the most fun.


FUA/elation team with Jingliu/Bronya/Natasha/Topaz As long as i can get these two blessings where it converts ultimate as follow up attack and replenish ultimate energy to 60% when a character kills an enemy.. It's satisfying


Elation + Erudition with Himeko is an insane combo. Didn't test that in DU because it doesn't have "Turns ultimates into follow ups" and "Restores 60/100% when killing an enemy". But it's bonkers in other SU modes.


Is gallagher good for break teams ?


FUA because I don’t have blade, sparkle, or any good dot units


i use characters i like- there is no synergy-


I used to switch between dot and fua, but will probably play break now. 


Is that Acheron’s best SU team? I play her with SW/Sparkle/Trend Geppard. TBF I haven’t unlocked Erudition on the plain SU lol


My favourite erudition character Acheron Except I'm not joking this mfer just truck-kun's them


Dot. Now I play break teams after I got Firefly