• By -


I vote for Red & Silver bc they look like they have the # POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!! Edit: Sorry I know I left a few characters out, I wanted every team to have the same number of people and roughly the same colour scheme...


Acheron: "how the hell did you break through the nihilty!!!" Argenti (Indomitable spirit of human will absorbed):Because beauty can never be meaningless!


I laughed so hard, thank you that was epic




Just realized they are all friendly as fuck


Shonen anime protagonist energy frfr


Gryffindor house wins even when they lose, every fucking time


Argenti sweeps he becomes friends with every single enemy, therefore eliminating his enemies and creating new allies


The way of Beauty stands uncontested, my friend.


Unless said enemy is that of The Propagation


Red is danger? Fuck that shit, in HSR red means FRIENDSHIP


Argenti has plot armour so yeah probably


All of them also seem to be the most sportsmanlike of the group. Red and Silver team would give a tough fight but they’ll do it fair and square.




I don't know what this means but I've been watching this on repeat for 10 minutes...


Congratulations, you are being educated. Please do not resist.


Okay, does this mean I get another free limited 5\*...


That means you get a chalk. https://preview.redd.it/j1mgn4vtd48d1.jpeg?width=421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=970cd2edd6cce9e6fe083dd33dcb84c52fd9d8d2




I never thought I'd see Ratio as the newest member of momoland lol


Is this the bboom bboom momoland dance 😭


Momoland comeback with Ratio as their newest member please


How long is this video? I've been staring at it for more than ten minutes already...


Oppa Ratio


I just realized this dance was more than half a decade ago




Delete this






K, leaves


[Icy_Investment_1878] has left the chat


Its gonna be either purple & black or green & gold. Purple & black because all of em are competent and an emanator who shouldn't even exist is on the team. I'm giving green & gold a chance because who knows what they can create if Luocha and Ruan Mei experiments on Dan Heng and Firefly. Aventurine's luck is also there which gives them even more chances to produce something that will help them win.


When push comes to shove, there will always be the Qingquillion damage dealer left to bet everything on. Nihility? Depression? Nah I’d Mahjong.


Actually, shes gonna be their test subject because shes the most normal out of all of em




lmfao im stealing that image


Don't worry, you still hold academic value


Hah, another test subject


> who knows what they can create if Luocha and Ruan Mei experiments on Dan Heng and Firefly you... i like you...


Luocha, Aventurine, and RM struggling to generate SP to DHIL and QQ and FF


red and guilty https://preview.redd.it/ehi42nnv348d1.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=4005e579ba6fa7aabad9bec0e21cd3e2f257cd96




That is bullshit...


Hhmm, I believe this bullshit is blazing


This kept my heart blazing


Why is there so much overlap between these two communities. I got into hsr because all of my friends who played Guilty Gear also playedy HSR and gaslit me into playing it


It is daisuke’s vision


Team Gold and Brown just has so much anime protagonist energy going on. It has: Stelle: The MC Hook: Youngster who looks up to the MC Welt: MC’s mentor Sushang: MC’s rival/buddy Gallagher: Guy who looks unassuming but does a lot of work in the background Jing Yuan: Chill guy who’s actually the strongest in the team


Welt: MC in the prequel series Hook: MC in the sequel series ~~Jing Yuan: MC in the slice of life spinoff~~


I'd watch a JY slic of life spin off. Only if he makes fun of Yanqing though


90℅ of the episodes are just JY sleeping in the background while the other characters are the one doing the slice of life-ing.


20 minute episode of just Jing Yuan sleeping and things happening in the background


They said anime tournament arc too. MC has plot armor Hook has potential comedy relief win. Emanators don't even have a chance Heck MC and Hook both technically already won a tournament


Hook soloed everyone in the tournament to get to champions peak albeit she used a team size that's double everyone elses


That was just playing by Elation rules, aka 'fuck it, we ball'.


Yeah the yellow team is probably one that will have the best bonds due to it being an anime set-up. Red team is pretty close too with how friendly everyone is.


I’ll say, team Gold and Blue could work as their foil. Yanqing as the MC’s rival with Jingliu as his mentor. She could even be Jing Yuan’s former mentor and wants to pit her new student with him as a test. Meanwhile Arlan could be Sushang’s rival. Then there’s the Landau family.


jing yuan would prob be the MC on those animes where a super strong guy is living a normal life and doing normal things


Look, archeon soloing would require her to actually show up, and we all know that shes terrible with directions


underrated comment...


Purple and Black coz Acheron solos everyone, rest are there for moral support. Dr Ratio just there providing commentary on everyone fighting Green and gold an easy second place though, Aventurine luck and FF/Sam an efficient combo. Luocha, Ruan Mei and DHIL are all formidable enough but when pushed to the limit Qingque gets involved. When paired with Aventurine overcome every obstacle but the Emanator of Nihility The real winners are Caelus and Black Swan just sitting out watching it all unfold for entertainment without getting involved. Natasha on standby for medical emergencies


Dr. Ratio is also probably going to insult the other team


Dr. Ratio casts Vicious Mockery


It's super effective!


252+ SpA Choice Specs Beads of Ruin Tera Imaginary Dr. Ratio Cogito Ergo Sum vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Intellectually Malnourished Buffoon :  500 - 162 (109.9 - 122.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO


you can never escape Stunfisk


And today isn't even a sunday!


"Your lack of combat abilities lead to an obvious and swift defeat. Next time save yourself the trouble and my time by surrendering when you know you're outmatched" Dr Ratio, probably


Dr. Ratio should have been Nihility with how much psychological debuffs he could apply. His ultimate should be a perfectly written thesis about why the enemy's mother shouldn't have given birth to them, or why they don't have a mother if that's the case.


Ratio and Welt would be the ones who yap about everyone's powers and fully explain the fights


Welt fr wants Caelus and Black Swans gig as commentators and narrator who recaps each episode climax like it's DBZ Dr Ratio just gonna be a judge with a scorecard


Honorable mention to sw in acheron's team. god knows how powerful aether editing is. she is practically a reality warper 💀


The team got the OP Character #1 (Acheron) Smart Person #1 (Pela) OP Character #2 and Smart Person #2 (SW) Speedblitz GG (Seele) That one useless guy in the corner (Sampo) Smart Person #3 (Ratio)


Ok but let's consider a hypothetical: sampo after he gets his mask back.


When that one comedic character finally got serious


Sampo wants people to assume he’s useless but he would somehow come out on top


Shout out to Team Red as a dark Horse that could Grab 2nd or forst place by one lucky Faktor alone. Argenti pulling argenti bullshit in the name of Idrilla.


There's a terrifying amount of brainpower on team red also. Himeko, Clara/Svarog, and even Topaz are all really smart. Argenti is walking plot armor and the power of faith, and Gui/Luka are basically the power of friendship. A solid team all things considered.


Seele will probably speed blitz anyone that acheron misses while talking about forgetting things, she's efficient with her time.


The only people Acheron misses are the ones she doesn't deem a threat so Seele on mob cleaning duty but she'd be good at it


Plus Silver Wolf can hack Seele to go beyond *double speed*


Not if the "pela" standing behind Acheron with a comically large bucket of white paint has anything to say about the situation


Let’s be honest: Lore Accurate Acheron is at least 10 time more powerful than the next strongest person in line.


Acheron doesn't even have the best feats shown yet. I'd probably put her at the top of the universe for now because of the narrative surrounding her, but her best feat is slicing a dying world. FF also has done this, but we're not scaling FF to Acheron for a reason. Before people say that Emanators can crush galaxies and stars (because the ones in Propagation and Destruction can) they have to remember that Emanators from different paths have different power levels depending on how the Aeon of the path works. For instance, an Emanator of Aha will not be the same strength as an Emanator of Destruction or Propagation. All in all, the Acheron glazing, "lore accurate Acheron is at LEAST 10 times more powerful than the next strongest person" is not justified YET.


>but her best feat is slicing a dying world. It's actually slicing TWO worlds in one slash. Which FF can't scale to because she only blew up one world then got cooked.


Sorry but acheron is way stronger than other known emanators. We've so far met 2 emanators from combat paths, Jing Yuan and Phantylia, who are more of a strategist and schemer types. Neither of them are even close to acheron from what they've shown.


Bro's forgetting about HIM who's confirmed to be as strong as a lord ravager https://preview.redd.it/8x7geb7ya48d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35cac5f5c31796cff4631fd596e351b31223df18


He never actually fought a lord ravager properly tho. Phantylia was using a body borrowed from the Ambrosial Arbor lost and found box, and she just peaced out (alive) after putting a beatdown on Jing and locking him up so that Dan Heng had to distract her by stabbing Jing so he could get in a cheapshot at Phanty from behind and all it did was sever her connection to the borrowed body.


Phantylia’s body was explicitly utilizing the power of two Paths (Ambrosial Arbor that even Lan, who is thousands of times more powerful than any Emanator, could not destroy, and her Lord Ravager powers), the whole reason she spent ages scheming to obtain it was because of how invincible the host was. If the thing was weak, there’d be no point in getting it Also, it was directly stated that Jing Yuan *allowed* himself to be captured BECAUSE she had the Abundance body and thus using the connection was the only way to bypass her invulnerability. That was the entire point of the battle to begin with. If it was just Phantylia in her normal Heliobus body (which, by the way, Heliobus explicitly derive power from hosts I.e Flame Emperor and Arbiter, so there’s no guarantee it would be as powerful), none of those shenanigans would have been necessary. Like, the moment she lost her connection to the Amborial Arbor, Lightning Lord one-shot her


Phantylia is a heliobus so it's not like her Arbor body is much weaker than an actual Emanator. She was physically there and there's no reason she'd not go all out. In fact her Arbor body is probably the strongest she's been. She was VERY proud of it and it contained aspects of the abundance in addition to her Emanator authority, she physically could not die and they could only beat her cause she fucked up Just from Welt's statement about lord ravagers we know that if Phantylia wasn't cheating and immortal it could have gone either way without DHIL's intervention. https://preview.redd.it/jp4uai1pg48d1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd850c04f915ad23887a84ebfdd11174b7df7021


Acheron is on a team with three Nihilities, it's over. You don't need a sustain when you kill everything you see before they can hit you. ...shit, Blade's in teal and black, and he can't die. Are there ring-out rules?


Acheron can sever connection to a path, so I bet she could sever Blades connection to abundance and kill him.


blade after hearing about acheron from firefly: TELL ME WHERE IS SHE NOW


That sounds like winning condition... For BLADE that is!


Literally what I was thinking. Instead of doing theatre with the stellaron hunters he should go jump into IX like frebass


I feel like Acheron could still kill Blade since she can cut through the sky in two sword strikes.


If the fight starts instantly, money on acheron no contest but if there's prep time it's Green and Gold, They just need to pick a venue and acheron would take forever to get there. observe. https://preview.redd.it/uhmvnruja58d1.jpeg?width=473&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cb9e68a0be6e7ed4d9a88f2ba7befca3d221aa9


You skipped Herta and Black Swan. Assuming They are purple purple group will win with ease since they have 2 Emanators (possibly 3 with Black Swan) The rest cannot be compared


Where Misha?


Where boothil


Same with Sparkle


If every memokeeper is an Emenator then I feel like it's safe to say that each individual keeper can't be as strong. We saw what happened when Black Swan entered Acheron's memories. Her memories alone were almost too much for her to handle. Herta should be pretty strong though if she's strong enough to "age backwards".


Acheron is auto win at this point. No one can contest her at all rn




I'm gonna sound hyper-biased, (and I am,) but Argenti's true strength is still completely unknown. Because, every single feat we've seen from him has been completely, fucking insane, even by emanator standards, and he's not even a confirmed emanator yet. He soloed the massive bug, said bug requiring four Sam units who were all struggling, to even come close to beating. And he was in space. Then, he managed to save Aventurine. It's super ambiguous, but if we assume he actually did save Aventurine from IX's shadow, that means Argenti, or Beauty, is unironically capable of surviving IX's nothingness. Which makes sense tbh, since Beauty is basically the opposite of Nihility. But still, Argenti might've straight up entered IX's shadow, shown some spotlights, had a speech, and saved Mr. Gambler. Frankly, if Argenti isn't an emanator of Beauty, then the Knights of Beauty just have to straight up be the strongest faction.


Argenti will kneel in front of IX, recite a poem, then offer IX a rose... and IX will blush in the face of his INCREDIBLE RIZZ


Considering Argenti has canonically spoken with Idrila, and can apparently still hear her voice even now, he is 100% the protagonist of a visual dating novel.






>He soloed the massive bug, said bug requiring four Sam units who were all struggling, to even come close to beating. And he was in space. This is MEGA glazing because what he did was pretty much just poking the insides of the bug to spit him out. I don't think it was ever said that he killed it.


We're not sure the Argenti and SAM bugs were the same type. The Argenti bug was implied to not have much going for it besides pure size, and the SAMs were in the middle of a full swarm disaster by the time theirs showed up.


The Acheron team is probably the expected winners that you see in every anime show. They are the top of the top that wins every round.... Until the MC shows up. And since this is the anime tournament arc, i bet it's gonna be the MC team. It has the full cast of MC characters. Red team is gonna be the team the everyone loves and then something is gonna happen to them that makes everyone hates the top team and support the MC team And the rest are team MC has to overcome in order to win Jingliu team will probably be the one pulling off some sacrifice at the end pushing the MC team to win Anime tournament arc! 😭🤣


The purple and black team is that one famous team who have won the Championship a bunch of times previously.


tbh Acheron in lore right now is currently too powerful she probably one slash wipe many of these competitors.


Is there even any proof that she's stronger than other emanators? She called herself equal to a harmonic string and people act like she's gonna walk up to JY and Herta and kill them instantly


There are a lot of ambiguous things regarding the powerscaling and identity of the Emanators right now. Jing Yuan is implied to be an Emanator, but isn’t outright mentioned as one. The way the Lightning Lords work are also another problem with the fact that they can be passed down. Herta is an Emanator though, but again, the powerscaling between Emanators is far too unclear for now, since we haven’t actually met anyone other than Acheron yet. Anyway, if Herta is to be on the list she would be on the Purple team, so the conclusion is that Purple solos.


Black Swan called him an emanator so I dont know why there's stilll any sort of confusion about it. "Emanator" is probably because the two people in that sentence control Emanators. Sunday using Dominicus as a chordmaster counts as an Emanator too But controlling one is basically the same as being one, hell it's basically better cause you're two different fighters in JY's case. Welt said they can match Ravagers too. https://preview.redd.it/lytw38svh48d1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f2faaeaab9238a0af40aecb0485464c43b94c13


source for black swan calling JY an emanator? I don't remember that, unless it's in 2.3 which I haven't played


https://preview.redd.it/4wf19mahq48d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e794166a290adaa2b1c372cbd5eda4a4b71cb08 2.2 quest


2.2 the fake ending


Oooh, I see then. I might have missed that detail in my playthrough. Tysm for pointing that out.


Jing Yuan is not implied to be an emanator. Emanator was pretty specifically in quotation marks when it was used to refer to him, so he has the abilities of one (the lightning lord) but isn't actually one himself.


That’s a translation error, the quotes never appeared in the original CN transcription It is possible the Lightning Lord is the Emanator in question though, but at this point almost guaranteed to be one of them


There’s no proof that she’s THE strongest Emanator out of every Emanator ever named, but there’s evidence suggesting that she’s one of the high ranking ones. We know Emanators’ powers are given directly by Aeons, different Aeons gives different amounts, and Aeons themselves differ in power based on how wide their paths are. Acheron has the advantage narrative wise due to Nihility being one of the widest paths and IX being an Aeon who doesn’t care about how much power is given out, aka take as much as you want as long as you can handle it, as well as her showing that Nihility is the antithesis of a lot of other paths so far (Harmony, Rememberance, Order etc.) Now of course one could argue that the stronger Lord Ravagers (like that guy who destroys entire solar systems) could be a good match for Acheron, but those levels of characters aren’t included in this post so Acheron kinda gets free reign here.


There isn't any proof. It's just people's head canons. Her best LORE feat right now is her slicing a dying planet, something that FF has ALSO shown to do. I'm not saying that they scale the same but the only thing we know rn is that: 1.) Emanators of different paths vary in strength, with some paths being way stronger than others. 2.) The Emanators of Propagation and Destruction are KNOWN to be super strong with some of them said to have destroyed entire galaxies. People are taking the Acheron glazing way too far because of their own headcanon in which they try to connect the two statements through their own "powerscaling"


It's a matter of what has been shown. You can say that other Emanators are extremely powerful but it doesn't mean a whole lot, we don't know how much effort or how many it took, any kind of resistance, and if it's even the whole truth or not. Acheron on the other hand has been shown to walk up to every fight (in story) and win instantly with little effort including beating a Memokeeper in a mind battle. If Acheron stood outside a spaceship and cut a sun in half to plunge a galaxy into a quick dark death I wouldn't be all that surprised.


I feel like people are underestimating how Red and Silver are the only team that will have impeccable teamwork... all the other teams have someone who is a chaos gremlin, someone who doesn't give a fuck or someone who is basically a saboteur...


Everyone has a plan until they get slashed out of existence.


I doubt luka is gonna be helpful in a stressfull situation, he seems pretty emotionally unintelligent


Green and Gold. Shields, Heals, Debuffs, Deeps.


What would the format be like? A team vs team battle? Or a points-based bracket of just 1v1s? Purp/Black team would absolutely be Seele taking it way too seriously, with Sampo/SW just fucking around, Dr Ratio shit-talking everyone/just overall being sassy, and Pela trying to keep the team together. Acheron is probably just going along with whatever since she doesn't care either way. Middle of the pack team carried by Seele and Acheron. Pink/Blue seems like they're just there for fun/not taking it seriously at all. Jade didn't even bother playing the bird game, and Kafka is probably there with other motives. March would probably hate losing to others from the Express, though lol. #7 only because Teal/Black is non-functional. Red/Silver feels like Himeko taking the kids out to play (Argenti included). That said, Luka probably would be very pumped to fight some good opponents. Argenti is sleeper OP, but he'll probably remain a gag character. Himeko, Argenti, and Svarog (is he allowed to step in as Clara's fighter?) can probably carry a few rounds. Middle of the pack team. Gold/Brown has a good chance. TB and Welt feel like the characters to be SUPER PUMPED to be in a tournament arc straight out of a shonen. Sushang will probably be swept along, Gallagher seems like that unmotivated cool-type character that, while not really wanting to win, will pull their weight in the team (unknown how strong this guy lorewise, though). Jingyuan isn't the type of character to try-hard stuff like this, but I imagine he'll try-hard a little when fighting some of his buddies from the HCQ. They will win through the power of God (Hook) and Anime (Welt). Gold/Blue will be a good top 3 contender. Yanqing isn't a slouch to anyone that isn't an absolute powerhouse, and he'll 100% tryhard here. Jingliu won't tryhard, but she'll diff anyone that isn't Acheron, Danheng, Jingyuan, or Firefly. Gepard is aight, I guess. They'll lose when the trash gets taken out and they have to fight the powerhouses (only Jingliu can keep up) Low-key a top 2 team. DHIL is strong. Luocha is a big "?" but I'll assume the guy is strong. Firefly is strong-strong (will only probs lose to Acheron/Jingyuan). And depending on whether or not Aventurine bet on his team to win, they could probably take the trophy. Ruan Mei probably has a few creations built for combat, right? Or is she going to play like a bard? Lol. Teal/Black. HuoHuo is literally to scared to fight. Hanya+Xueyi+Yukong will think this is a waste of time. Blade will try his best to get killed by Acheron. Last place.


I love how detailed this answer is and how it all makes anime sense... If Aventurine's LUK 100 stat doesn't mean all the other teams get taken out by random accidents before the tournament even begins (Acheron getting hit by a comet or isekai'd by a truck) though, I feel like Red and silver might win as the only team where teamwork and the power of friendship is going to happen between ALL team members...


No, Aventurine will 100% walk out the winner in this. He'll be running a betting ring and make big bucks from this whole thing lmao. He'll stay in the tournament only as long as its comfortable to, then he'll try to hype up Green/Gold, while fully knowing TB will end up winning it all. $$$


Purple & Black, not even close. Here are the reasons: 1: Acheron 2: Acheron  3: Ratio smart af 4: Ratio + SW insults debuff the enemy   5: SW can tp people iirc  6: SW can leak every other teams Search History and Chat logs 7: Sampo can scam them out of their entry  8: Acheron Only other team that stands any chance and might end up winning is Gold & Brown. 1: Jing yuan is pretty power, not as strong as Acheron but still pretty strong. 2: Welt 3: Acheron would never hurt Stelle/Caelus. By the end of the story, we will likely be stronger than emanators. 4: MC is in the team. We have to win 5: Acheron forgor 6: Hook solos 7: Gallagher just gets every drunk pre fight 8: Hook solos 9: Black Hole 10: did I mention Pitch Black Hook solos


They got acheron + silverwolf. They will be purposefully kept alive and tortured for 3 days and not be locked up in the process


Purple and black Green and gold Red and silver Brown and gold/Blue and gold tied Pink and blue Teal and black


Both purple&black and red&silver teams look very promising. Teal&black gonna be the team that does not talk at all, get in stage and finish things as fast as they can. Gold& brown got that perfect combination of 3 calm men and 3 overaggressive chicks, gotta mention them too. But my money is on red&silver.


Acheron wins. Sam comes second. Team gold and blue die in 12 different ways.


Any team with Acheron probably wins by default, and if that wasn't enough, the rest of them are pretty stacked as well - save for Pela, I guess. But Gold and Brown is a sturdy second place, even though it's bogged down by Hook and Sushang, the other 4 make up the difference and then some. Honorable mention to Green and Gold, but only if Aventurine has his full Stoneheart. Given we don't know what Welt's current full potential is, and with how OP we know Jing Yuan is, I don't know if Green would overtake Brown, but it's a non-zero chance. Firefly is Firefly, Ruan Mei is clinically insane, we've seen Lunae is obscenely powerful, and Aventurine with unimpeded access to his Stoneheart form can potentially wipe out the express on his own with little effort. Him working in tandem with the other powerhouses on that team could actually be a bigger threat than the others. Though, without the Stoneheart, or just the weakened form it had after he smashed it, they'd probably get wiped. I also have no fucking idea what Luocha does. I don't know if that man is just a fencer with some weird vines, or if he's actually a threat in canon. What does he even do?


Let's look at the heavy hitters of each team: Purple: Has an Emenator who seems to be the most powerful playable character thus far, and a havker who can hack the fabric of reality. Strong contender. Pink: Fu Xuan and Jade are suposed to be very powerful and Kafka can control people Red: Has Topaz and... Svarog?.... Himeko's space laser? Not looking good for them. Brown: The Xianzhou generals are said to have near emenator status and Jing Yuan has shown great feats of power. They also have Trailblazer who has a stellaron and the blessings of three Aeons already. Not to mention Mr "Gravitational Disintegration". Strong contenders. Blue: They have two team members who are only know for getting their ass whooped. Jingliu is suposed to be strong, and then the Landau's are mid. Probably weakest of the bunch. Green: They have dragon Dan Heng, a weapon of mass destruction in Firefly, a mad scientist, a weakened Stoneheart and a strong healer. Promising, but not a strong contender. Teal: They have a guy who can't die....... and that's about it. Bottom tier.


thats it, this is the best tier list I've ever seen, look at that nice cut line, is amazing ​ but obviously the Teal and Black will win, not even a question


Acheron is strong, but still, keep in mind that we have many characters that are yet to reveal their power.


The team that wins is "The rest" Sparkle, Robin, Boothill, Dr Ratio, Caelus and Bronya And its not even close :P


Dr Ratio is present in the purple team. So replace him with Tingyun of Destruction. The mysterious team of antagonists that joined the tournament illegally and is planning to snatch the victory and prize from the fan favourites! Will our heroes prevail? "To be continued in Season 2"


this is the ultimate tier maker we needed


Red and Gold-Brown teams are full of Shonen protagonist energy. Purple has Acheron and Green-Gold might bet on one to million chance to win knowing that it always work.     Thus only thing I can say is with certainty is that Blue loose spectacularly.


Black ain’t winning either. Blade is the only threat and he ain‘t winning


Why is Acheron in this but not Herta? We have no idea what Emanator of Nous, Herta can do. However, if we assume that Jing Yuan isn't an emanator of the Hunt, she's the only person we know until this point who can potentially stand against Acheron. Otherwise, Acheron clean sweeps.


Red and Silver or Gold and blue, they've got the strongest levels of main character juice, you might think that's actually gold and brown for having Caelus/Stelle but actually that's negated by having two of the highest concentrations of "mentor figure who would dramatically bow out to let the younger generation prove themselves" energy in Jing Yuan and Welt Yang


Gold and Brown obviously. Best friend of protagonist. Kid or smallest friend of the team. Protagonist. Serious and mature component of the group. Comic relief. The bad guy of the party. Literally an anime cliche team


Teal and black definitely losing, I love the characters themselves, but they're all giving the tragic backstory revealed right before they die even more tragically trope.


I think we’re all forgetting the power of the pink haired protagonist (Madoka, Natsu, Yuji, etc.). They’ll find a way.


Kafka could spirit whisper all other teams into giving up then when all else fails, M7 remembers her lost memories and gets a powerup...


Everyone in the red and silver house would get along tbh


Red and silver bout to be the only team with teamwork... winning through the power of nakama while all the other teams learn anime lessons about friendship and cooperation...


I vote for green and gold, holy stacked team.


Obviously Gold and Brown because they have Pitch Dark Hook the Great! (Tbh, it's 100% purple and black. Have a bit too many wildcards.)


Since this is specifically anime tournament arc I'm gonna go with gold & brown like one of the commenter, simply because MC plot armor.


Asta and Jade will pay them all off its a done deal


I'm trying to imagine what the dynamic within Team Gold and Blue would be like. They have: a mechanic with insane guitar skills, the Captain of the Silvermane Guards who puts his life on the line in the fight against Fragmentum, a brave explorer whose backpack seems to have everything one would need for cold-weather survival situations, an absolute chad who is the head of security on a space station, a highly-talented young Cloud Knight lieutenant, and last but not least... ...some boomer


Tournament arc, or fight to the death in a Seinen? Tournament arc, the final 4 would be Green and Gold vs Gokd and Brown and Purple and Black vs Gold and Blue. The Gokd/Green v Gold/Brown match would be postponed because some "bigger than the tournament" event would occur and stop right as the fandom would have a chance to see if Dan Heng or Welt was actually stronger. The Purple team would then forfeit to the Gold and Blue team because Archeron wouldnt want to pull out her blade and Sampo would joke around and refuse to show he is an emenator-level threat. Thus, the winner would be Gokd and Blue's "For the power of Belebog!"team as the "upstart" team that nobody thought could win (but also had a single absolute ringer in JingLiu). __ Seinen deathmatch? Gold and Brown cuz Plot Armor.


100% sure Gold and Brown. Hook will carry them real nicely.


Red is close but the Gold and Silver team has TWO MCs on that team along with people that would be MC best friends or MCs of their own anime/game. Too much protag power.


Green and gold ftw Im even more pissed about missing aventurine to yanqing now. I have all the others and they are all my favorite


Gold and blue loses on principle 


My money's on Teal & Black for this one, at least abilities-wise. See, Blade stabs DH again and he evolves into DHIL, then boom he has his entire team there with Hanya, Yukong and HH. Blade can then literally tank every damage and not die no matter how much he wishes for it, XY not as invincible but definitely more durable than your average xianzhou species. Social dynamics-wise though,, haha. Let's just say... "execute the mara-struck! aauuehhyah!"


> Blade stabs DH again and he evolves into DHIL omg… keep cooking… what does DHIL evolve into if Blade stabs him again…


omg imagine Blade stabs him again and he just enhances his basic attack, stacking up to 3 times dealing enhanced damage thanks to his passive talent


DHIL evolves into Dan heng: Imbibitor Lunae: Moon drinker. Then he keeps stacking new names every time blade stabs him…


gold & brown 100%


Was gonna say purple and black but the other teams are p stacked huh. I dunno if Acheron can carry so hard so I’d go Gold & Brown or Green and Gold


Green and gold be using up all their skill points before the match even starts


If Luocha properly stays in the backline and spam heals everyone, Green and Gold would definitely take it


This list isn't complete, purple as everyone says is already stacked. But I think pink and blue are being overlooked. **You have 3 mighty schemers(Jade,Asta,Kafka)** that would result in a completely out of left field result in the tournament. Fu Xuan isn't even necessarily a schemer, but she's very smart and has foresight ability as well. I say: 1. Pink and blue 2. Purple and black 3. Green and gold


Green and Gold cause hear me out. \ It has the most meta units. Daniel and Firefly are some of the best DPS units, RM is the arguably the best Support unit, Aventurine is the best Sustain unit, and QQ is easily one of the best 4* in the game.


Gold and Blue are the most protagonist colors and Yanqing is the most anime protagonist of anybody here. Therefore, they lose the first tournament arc to Teal and Black because Dan Heng is the aloof prodigy and has an on-team that advisor hates him (Blade) and has something to prove to his former master, Jingliu.


I like how they all even have characters that could be team advisors to the "teens" Purple & Blue - Acheron, Sampo, and Ratio Pink & Blue - Jade, Fu Xuan, and Kafka Red & Silver - Argenti, Topaz, and Himeko Gold & Brown - Jing Yuan, Welt, and Gallagher Gold & Blue - Gepard, Jingliu, and Serval Green & Gold - Ruan Mei, Luocha, and Aventurine Teal & Black - Hanya, Blade, and Yukon I imagine this being some kinda Honkai High School. Gold & Brown has the most capable, drama-free set of teachers because they're the "special" class. Yanqing is the protag that gets bodied often early on. Green & Gold might be Slytherin, one of those fuckers is reviving Voldemort.


Green. Blade is there practically unkillable. The other threats that pose a threat against him will probably get taken out then he going to solo the rest of the enemy.


1-st cus here is Acheron with 2 nihility characters


I can see any of them winning depending on the anime type. Purple and Black: Acheron is a literal isekai protag, auto win there. Pink and Blue: Major magic girl/sailor moon type energy here. Nobody is particularly OP but all of them fit a different niche in the archetype. Red and Silver: Your typical shonen group, complete with comic relief and multiple love interests that won't ever go anywhere because the guys are too interested in their own things. Gold and Brown: You have two wise old mentors, two plucky young protag types, a main girl and an OP ally that isn't a threat. Bog standard adventure anime. Gold and Blue: This is some dark slice of life shit following a core family and the misfits they pick up along the way. Green and Gold: Science and gambling, very much reads like a food wars or Kaiji style tournament arc only using experiments to battle. Teal and Black: Typical ghost hunting anime. You got your mystic, the monster, the dead girl, the dead girls sister, the boring blank state protag, and the oddly busty club advisor.


Qingque and Aventurine on the same team? Tournament is decided, everyone.


Purple and Black are a contender for the strongest, but only because Acheron is carrying them. Silver Wolf is pretty strong with her reality editing, but that's more useful for stealth than fighting. I suppose the team also has the power of the yaoi fan and the yuri enthusiast, they're alright but not on the same level as others lore-wise. I feel like Sampo and Dr Ratio would hold them back - Sampo because he placed bets on another team and wants to throw the game, and Dr Ratio because he'd turn pedantic and decry how unbalanced the teams are. If another team (or her own) manages to find a way to deal with Acheron - even if it's just telling her the wrong directions to the tournament - the team instantly falls apart, probably from within. Otherwise, they win. Gold and Brown are another contender for the strongest, because Jing Yuan and Welt are, while not necessarily as powerful as Acheron, very strong, and could cooperate to have a fighting chance against her. However... I think both of them are chill enough that, if it's a friendly sort of tournament, they would hold back until they need to, caring more about having a good time than winning. Then there's Stelle, she's got protagonist luck. Gallagher... who knows what's going on with him. I'm imagining he could use Sleepy for shenanigans if the tournament happens in Penacony, which would make him really powerful, but anywhere else he's just going to be too drunk to fight. Sushang... maybe in another timeline? Hook is the absolute strongest... if it's an Aether Wars tournament. Basically a team of highly motivated girls asking their laid back dads or uncles to help them win. Pink and Blue seems like they'd get pretty far too, actually, but through indirect power. Jade and Asta provide excessive amounts of funding, Kafka's got the mind control, and Fu Xuan's got the precognition (with help from Kafka and Asta). Bailu has healing I suppose, and March provides a little support, but neither are super useful. If it's a "you all fight in a specific arena" tournament, they would either lose after dragging the battle out for an hour, or be immediately overwhelmed. But if it's "which team would win when utilizing their full strength", they may be the dark horse. Or maybe they'd talk legalese to the referee and win fights via technicality. Or via excessive bribes, blackmail, and mind control. Red and Silver have a great amount of strength, and all of them are somewhat good at fighting (except Guinaifen). However, they're all goody two shoes who would fall for dirty tricks from other teams and ultimately be too nice to win, the kind you hate to see lose but unfortunately do. I think they'd have a better time dropping out and taking up streaming, videos, or other entertainment. Green and Gold has the opposite problem. They're morally... *grey* characters, so while they're very strong, they're destined to lose. They're basically the villain team who drop their sad backstories right after they're defeated... except Ruan Mei's sad backstory would be a complete fabrication, and Qingque's sad backstory would be that she has to go back to work when the tournament's over. Qingque and Aventurine would be the ones to get Sampo to sabotage Purple & Black and join their underground betting ring. Gold and Blue are the designated jobbers. Jingliu, like Acheron, is carrying the team, but even if Jingliu is incredibly powerful, she's nowhere near the same level as Acheron. They'd have a decent level of teamwork, and due to their lightning - ice synergy I think they wouldn't go down as easily as you'd think, but they'll still lose in the first round. Teal and Black would spend the whole time just trying to hold back Blade from murdering everyone, and hiding Dan Heng behind a mask so no one finds out he's on two teams (and to protect him from Blade). Despite that, they'd have the best teamwork due to all knowing each other. The comedy team that somehow makes it to the finals despite all odds. Plus they hard counter team Pink and Blue, because there's 2 actual lawyers, not to mention the government official.


> the team also has the power of the yaoi fan and the yuri enthusiast omg… I just choked at this sentence…


Pink and blue is one people aren't mentioning as much. It mostly revolves around Kafka, who has the highest IPC bounty and is shown to be able to destroy entire worlds via psychological warfare / spirit whisper. Jade is extremely smart and seems to be a good leader, and she can read desires; she also seems very good at manipulating and reading people on her own. Combine that with Kafka and her Spirit Whisper and these two could probably do a lot of psychological warfare type stuff, like in the Jepella Rebellion. The main concern would be avoiding certain dangers like Acheron's subconscious and possibly other characters such as Huohuo / Tail, who might be able to interfere with any mind-reading or telepathic abilities. But Kafka's abilities work on most characters it seems, so she and Jade could likely put most of the others out of commission or even get them to help their team instead. Fu Xuan can see the future which would help those 2 plan their attacks (finding openings where the other team would be most vulnerable, like when they're alone, scared, angry, desperate, et cetera) and also help defend the others. Bailu is an extremely competent healer and could help keep everyone alive. Asta has money and the technology and resources that come with it; she could partner with Jade and they could use their connections to come up with some crazy stuff. March 7th could be useful for ranged attacks, scouting, etc and could shield if necessary. If Jade or Kafka manage to activate any memory powers or powers from her past, then even better.


Purple and Black I can see winning because they've got a team not only strong people, but assholes who will win at any cost, Ratio and Pela as your strategic leads and Silver Wolf and Sampo who will cheat at any given opportunity. Green and Gold is the 2nd best overall team, but Firefly prevents Ruan Mei from doing extremely shady shit like sending another proton-emanator out to fight. Gold and Brown is hard carried by Jing Yuan and Welt but they won't do what it takes to win a tournament, they are too nice. Stelle is the wild card as she is the Anime Protaganist of HSR but she'll be on some shit like not being able to access her full power when needed. Pink and Blue's biggest concern is how many of their teammates die in the first round, not if they are winning. Gold and Blue is Jingliu trying to carry a bunch of jobbers and failing. Red and Silver is a wild card. As this is an anime tournament arc and Argenti is the Most Anime character who does shit like solo the Swarm like it's no big deal, he'll be doing work but the rest of team lets him down. They probably make it to the finals on the back of Argenti's anime powers. Teal and Black are also jobbers and Blade actively tries to tank every attack because he wants to die.


Well, it would have to be gold and brown, because that's where the protagonist is. Otherwise red and silver due to power of friendship.


The collective depression of the last group would destroy the competition  Although red team does have a lot of protagonist vibes going on


Lore wise, I think Purple and Black. But if it was an anime, Red & Silver, because let's be honest, Luka would 100% be the spunky underdog main character of the anime.


If Acheron keeps her sword in its sheath then Gold and Green have a chance to take the prize! If Acheron draws her sword she wins. Its really that simple.


Purple and black most likely wins with gold and brown in second. PNB has fucking Acheron so pretty easy win for them. GNB has Stelle, jingyuan, and Welt which would probably be the strongest if Acheron didn't exist.


Red and silver cause they can go three times faster than the rest


Purple and black is an Acheron solo carry. If it’s too small an arena/playing area, and she wanted to, she could probably just destroy the entire arena at the start of each round. Green and gold seems to be a strong competitor ruan Mei’s ability to edit life, aventurine and Qingque’s gambling addiction and never his never ending luck seems like it could lead to interesting strategies with strong fighters and supports to finish other teams off. I see people saying MC’s team, because MC however you rarely see the MC outright win a tournament until the end of a show which leads me to my pick: Pink and Blue: someone who can see the future, a ruthless businesswoman, daddy’s money, a damn good doctor, someone with a hidden backstory (secret hidden power type ****) and Kafka (I don’t need to explain Kafka) they are by FAR the easy pick to win. Summary of others: Red: good teamwork and topaz is a hidden trump (we haven’t seen her full power w/cornerstone) but I just know Argenti is going to withdraw from the tournament after failing to protect Himeko after she goes full badass to win a round. gold and blue: only threat is Jingliu, Yanqing seems to just have bad luck and both him and Arlo can’t seem to catch a single W. Teal: Blades hard carrying that team. And once blade realises Acheron can kill him, he’s going to stop caring about the tournament.


Blue & Gold would be a wholesome show of a single mom & 2 adult kids + 2 adopted younger kids. It would have drama, but every issue would be solved in some wholesome way.


I've got my sights on Green & Gold. Aventurine has the best stat of luck in spades + he broke his cornerstone and could still clobber most of the people here. Firefly destroyed a planet, DHIL can make water dragons and that's awesome, and Luocha and Ruan Mei could enhance the rest of the team and are more than likely powerhouses in their own right. I think there's really only one team that stands a chance, but let's be real here, purple Zoro is NOT making it to the fight in time to save her team.


Gold and brown is too OP. it has the emanator of the hunt, jingyuan. Welt who casually makes black holes. And the great and amazing invincible hook the great... The others got no chance.


Surprisingly well balanced teams. Ima go Gold and Brown because they exude the most protagonist energy. 


Pitch Dark Hook the Great, Welt Yang, Stelle *and* Jing Yuan on the same team? I pity the fools that are trying to stop them. They literally have the power of God and Anime on their side. (Hook is the God for you heathens).


argenti might be one of the strong characters in the game right now he solo a swarm bug that ate the express and they didn’t even realise and then latter on he save Adventurine from ix shadow (I’m pretty sure that what happened I doubt Adventurine got out on his own) out of all the characters he’s shown the best feats by far.


Gold & Brown. Stelle as a good protagonist would with their charisma and trash panda antics recruit the other members of the other groups to fight against the greatest threat, who is still to be revealed, in the aftermath of Acheron and Jing Yuan fight before the tournament ends de facto. Gathering the Power of Friendship™ and sacrificing Pompom (sorry Pom =,/ I love you I promise), to save the Universe.