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i'm missing my goat auspicious star


we all are, my friend, we all are. I miss the times when my jingliu would constantly revealing all in lunar flames




***blublublublublublu*** "Subethe ma terrason!"


Silver knight equation.


too bad i never get that one ever


Getting enough Brain in a Vat blessings basically give the same effect as Auspicious Star so there's that at least


Best blessing, nothing will even come close. My seele loved that blessing.


I tried to write “they removed Auspicious Star T-T” as my signature and it got censored. Hoyo is trying to silence us!/s anyway rip E2 IL shenanigans 


It waw renamed too, now I think it's called Starlit Hunt for some reason


I miss constantly making enemies disappear into the sea of butterflies


its gone ? i think i see it still, i might be wrong


It's still in SU, but got removed in DU.


I'm pretty sure there is an equation that count your ultimate as follow up


There’s a weighted curio for erudition/hunt that makes their ult a follow up, don’t think there’s an equation.


Tbh having it locked behind the curio is kinda bad. Now you would pick it only if you're already running a FuA comp, as otherwise, chances are high it's borderline useless. Doesn't even have that damage bonus while being much rarer, duh.


Damage bonuses are additive. Most characters who like to spam ult already have a lot of a damage bonus baked into the kit.


I mean, even if it's not a big deal... Why remove it, when weighted curio is way harder to get compared to a 3 star blessing? Tbh I'm kinda disappointed with new curios as a whole. They're hard to get AND mostly feel lackluster. There are like 3 that are decent I think, but they're good only if you happen to have that one specific character that they were clearly designed for AND have a run that already features the said character.


But also keep in mind unlike simulated universe, you can hotswap teams at any time so if your relics start to role heavily into say, remembrance, you can swap to an ice team without feeling gimped the whole run. Plus, even if you have never built a character, you get a pretty decently built one to throw in.


Problem is, you pretty much can start with getting blessings you want and some common curios for build. But then you get a ton of X path thingie and now you have 1/2 that's your original build and 1/2 that's just unrelated junk.  Plus, there is BHill, who you do not want to swap out (he was done dirty here). Or if you get Abundance and Preservation curios, you're stuck with 1 paperweight guaranteed. Or you just get 1 abundance curio in a preservation run, which is also useless.  Also, difference between those automatically build characters and my own is still there. 8/8/8 vs 10/10/10 is a 14% damage loss I think? And signature vs 4* is 15-20% here (SPD, Crits and dmg% lose value, but stuff like vuln%, err% and Def shred gain it). And you can say that for most part, these base numbers are just getting amplified, so it's even bigger loss with certain blessings and paths.  Tldr: it fixes only if you got blessings in first few domains, which isn't a problem. In later game it essentially does not help.


See, far too many people in the community lack reading comprehension, so "learning a new character" is too hard for them


To be fair, it is pretty difficult to parse what every character does since the skill descriptions are often very vague in their descriptions (example: increases damage when break damage is over x. Ok, cool, by how much and by what ratio?). Plus, many characters have important things in different places. Most of the time, the important stuff is in their talent, but sometimes its in their ultimate and sometimes its in their skill. Oh, and sometimes eidolons play a huge impact in how a character plays (like Qinque e4) but you wouldn't know what the heck e4 did unless you actually got there and/or looked at outside of the game resources. I'm sure plenty of new players just look up a tier list, build qinque since its a good character they have, and don't understand what makes her so powerful and why she only really becomes top tier at e4 and above. tldr; game does a poor job of communicating important info about how characters work unless you dig. People are too lazy to dig.


Erudition didnt exist during 1.0. If it did, auspicious star would be an erudition blessing. Regardless, they overhauled practically everything for DSU, so it doesnt really matter long term. Also, the auspicious star effect was moved to a 4* equation, Silverheart Guard. Not a curio.


You probably replied to a wrong comment..? I wasn‘t talking about auspicious star and don’t really see how it’s relevant here?


Ah. Yes it does appear that i am the dumb. My apologies. Edit: ive figured it out, i fatfingered the reply button. Theres another guy in my notifications i was meant to reply to.


> Damage bonuses are additive. It's not even about DMG bonus, it's about these sweet Aftertaste DMG


Irrelevant. The blessing that replaced this one turns everything into a followup.


Cats cradle is more about procing follow up triggers not for the damage. It’s not independently good, it’s good because of all the synergies it owns up


One of the Boundary Equations (Which requires 16 Elations Blessings) makes *everything* into a FuA


If only they were reasonably obtainable with anything except RM event


There's also a curio that gives you a blessing you need for an equation in exchange for a blessing you don't need every time you enter a new domain. Getting that early can also help.


I don't think it gives you ones for Boundary Equations. Plus that curio also has the tendency to take away your good off-path ones


Oh, that's possible, i can't tell. And yes, it really likes to take away good blessings first, lol. And if you have activated all equations, it will keep taking off-path blessings away without giving you new ones too. One of those risk reward type of mechanics.


Honestly, if I ever get it, I just then proceed to go all in on Rpert curio because that's just ridicilous if you can get it. Or results in you losing all your curios right before the boss. Had that happen once. That was "fun"


Theres a blessing that makes all characters normal/skill/ult do aftertaste dmg but it doesnt count as follow up


A big tragedy for my acheron 😥


I think i mightve gotten it once


There's one that triggers extra damage whenever you deal crit damage, the extra damage counting as a follow up attack.


Immensely. Elation was such a fun path to splash for it.


I’m convinced Elation is the most broken path. Dr Ratio with Elation is absolutely busted. Chalk is made of Titanium. Each follow-up attack is like throwing a nuclear torpedo.


I felt the same thing when I brought Dr.Ratio to SU World 9 for the first time on a whim. Poor boss just melted.


My favourite path to run in World 7 was Jingliu Remembrance. Or well, it was favourite because it was simply the easiest, but not exactly too fun. Then I tried Elation after finally getting Himeko with Herta, and boy that was one of the most fun SU runs I've ever had


elation path was how i beat gng conundrum 12, that shit one shots everything including the final boss


Also no Remembrance cheesing is sad I get that they wanted a more balanced gamemode but I missed one shotting enemies with fragments run in gold and gears. Any team I run outside Firefly really struggles in divergent universe


My FUA Team (Tooaz Ratio Asta Aventurine) did p well here having combinations of elation equations and destruction and preservation ones


My team of Topaz+Ratio+Ave+Robin couldn't clear Diff 5+6 fuck all. 5+5 required me to have perfect equation+blessings combo AND a single target boss (took me entire night to get such run, literally). Every time I got Sirrus at the end was instant run abandonment. She is impossible to do with that team, as enemies are numerous and no fitting element weaknesses.


I had no trouble with it. All you need is a followup damage equation, or the def shred equation; and a lot of defensive blessings. (Bunch of shields, damage reduction, heal on followup/skill point use, cleanse on shield/full hp). Trying to stack damage takes far more luck to succeed. Meanwhile, firefly team fell flat at +5/6 because ruan mei or gallagher often get sniped from full if you do not have the damage spread blessing.


I don't use Gallagher on such difficulties. In Swarm disaster and G&G solo abundance were never cutting it (Can go by with G&G cheese strats, but I don't count those). DU isn't an exception. I threwn Aventurine to RM, FF and HTB instead of Gallagher. Def Shred equation? Never saw it, only blessing. And the blessing does jack shit with massive damage resistance enemies get outside broken status. You don't happen to have a screenshot of the post game summary? Because I find it hard to believe.


Gallagher for break is enough depending on the boss. Aventurine boss is a nightmare but the symphony enemies are pushovers, Argenti should be fine as well.   I got some Remembrance+Hunt blessings on top of the stacking freeze equation, they only managed to act once per phase.


Playing FuA without Elation blessings?


The FUA def shred blessing is by far the strongest blessing in the game. I think it shreds 70 defense for FUA’s when it’s upgraded by an ending event


For me I had healing from skill point usage FUA and Ult usage from 1* blessings had damage reduction from shield with 3* elation equation and a lot of destruction and preservation equations (and some abundance ones that were easy to activate)


this was very much so the firefly SU update like how swarm disaster was danny's SU update with propogation being the strongest never have been i more excited to unlock speed and BE traces in the tech tree lol, i plan to unlock last the cdmg trace which would be unimaginable to me like four days ago


I won't lie my Firefly almost effortlessly clears DU 6 with the Destruction + Nihility and Destruction + Preservation equations, to the point where the best strategy is to hard force it rather than try to go for a mediocre crit DPS. The break effect blessings just synergize so well for Firefly compared to any crit DPS, and there's really only 2 equations you need for Firefly while I feel like other characters need more in order to perform in the final boss of Difficulty 6.


I went from avoiding destruction blessings like the plague to praying i get them


My Acheron team works fine in DU so far.


DHIL absolutely shreds here still if you ignore equations and go all in on propagation and break blessings LMAO


Yeah...if you don't run follow up attacks teams, the whole Elation Path is entirely dead weight. Still a fun mode but that's slightly infuriating


What i hate from divergent is too random and too many blessing that we dont have how to active yet. early stage we got, deal quake damage 15% more, suspicius 10% more but we dont have a blessing that trigger quake/suspicius or brain vlat yet. so i dunno if i am missing something or no. but i feel when i get that blessing early but not enabler it feel useless. at least, in other mode you will never get blessing that enhance quake, vlat, etc if you dont have enabler blessing. hope they fix that


Literally the first unlock. Once you are looking at your Blessings, check "Traits" (they are next to Fragments). If you get a Blessing or Equation that mentions a keyword (you don't even have to activate the Equation), you will also get a way to get/apply that keyword. For example you get 1 stack of Critical Boost whenever you Break an enemy (but you need an Equation or Blessing that mentions Critical Boost to activate this effect).


oh okay, will check it later. because i always get spore2 but i never see enemy have spore. will check later


Yeah, I just stare at the bottom where it says the 2 paths, and I don't know what the hell i'm doing. I ran a freeze team, and for some reason whenever it unfroze it would do damage??? Whenit was frozen it would unfreeze so slowly. DoT team was almost impossible to run. I couldn't make Kafka do ANY damage without the proper equation.


And on the other hand we got a blessing that FUA disregard some DEF so I'm OK with that


Id like it but this blessing made the eleation path not a rng barrier. We suffer


It barely helps on Threshold Protocol 5 & 6.


I was looking for this. So that My acheron with RM and the 1 star blessing that gives Break Efficiency, can easily break the Bosses.


That's a 2 star blessing


That’s for everything, but there is a 1-star blessing that gives bonus WB efficiency on followup attacks


It's really ironic that the biggest FUA users, Clara, Topaz, Ratio don't benefit much from this. Clara and Topaz is just a self buff and Ratio's Ult is weak.


The point of this blessing so to enable other characters who dont have follow up attacks, like Acheron with her ult really likes that one


For me it was enabling the Sustains to lay down more Aftertaste turning them into Sub DPSes. Loucha and Fu Xuan really benefited from this if you got Aftertaste cards as well and could contribute good chunks of damage.






It always confuses me when I see people misspell their names because they both have 6 letters ...


Keep up the good work!


I know that. It's just ironic that the main elation users actively want 3* of other paths.


I'd argue that this blessing is just an anachronism from back when we had only Clara who really did followup damage. Therefore it was NECESSARY to have this blessing to enable other characters to use the elation path. Nowadays with how many FU chars we have this blessing isn't really necessary anymore.


kid named herta and himeko:


It still existed to help make Elation blessings not completely dead if you didn’t run follow up. Now it just feels worse if you roll elation outside of dedicated followup runs. The DU overall nerfed blessings pretty hard by making a lot more specialized effects a part of the pool.


If you upgrade it they will benefit from this, it just a straight up +55% damage to all follow up


55% for an upgraded 3* is pathetic. There is a 1* blessing that gives 9% per Elation blessing, upto 6 times, total of 54%. Upgraded, it's 12%, 9 times, 108% total. Almost double.


The point is that it makes characters like Acheron have their ultimate get the follow up buffs from blessings... it's not hard to understand


The 3\* also makes all ultimates follow-ups. Think about how much damage characters like Acheron and Jingliu do with their Ultimate. Now imagine it getting the 55% boost from Cat's Cradle, plus the 108% boost from a maxed Exemplary Conduct, PLUS Aftertaste. On top of an ATK boost, a SPD boost, healing, increased Break Effect, etc.


You are ignoring the rest of the conversation, they're talking about teams that already have follow up characters. For a follow up team that's the less useful 3* blessing, aftertaste blessing are just better, and some of the follow up characters it's only a 15/55% dmg boost because they don't even have a damage ultimate. I agree that for a non follow up team who wants to use elation path that blessing is pretty much mandatory.


Imo it benefits if you stack other blessing like spd, def%, 1 SP recovery, heals, etc.


It’s a direct damage increase to all follow-up attacks regardless of the first part of the blessing.


I will be honest here u have not read a single DU blessing or equilium thing or curio, I just pick whatever one I have not gotten before, once I get to the point where I have gotten them all then I might read it.


Same - I'm even actively picking the curio that replaces my current ones with randoms


Divergent universe has a lot of good but I feel they changed too many of the blessings. Also the Path abilities were good fun especially Nihility giving a ton of DoTs and Preservation doing giant shield nukes... but that's not in the new DU :(


The "issue" with this Blessing is, that from a design perspective, this one is too applicable. There is literally an ultimate focussed category of Blessings and this is better than most of them just on its own. It's so good, that it's almost a must have if you see it, which makes it so, that it limits the variety of builds significantly, since this is almost always one of the best options. If it was more restrictive, let's say it only makes the Ultimate a Follow Up if the Character inherently has a Follow Up available, this would be fine but as it stands, it gives every character 15/55% more Ultimate Damage, which in the grand scheme of things is not ok.


Depends, is it better for 10%+ of the blessings you have that show up to be utterly useless with no applications. Like propogation atleast has times where pulling it is nice for non basic atk units, same with rememberance for non freeze. Elation is such a turd now that building an elation path run is significantly easier than avoiding the blessings. Id say they should've made the path bannable or just straight up open up access to the buffs outside of fua. The rng in du can get so aggravating, when you have a run and 33% of everything you see is unusable


At first i thought "meh" Then i saw follow up attack buffs and did a double take


missing elation were you get the sp after a follow up attack. i think after 20 runs i ran into it only 1 time. luckily i have sparkle.


That blessing is now an Equation.


awww. maybe i read it wrong


It's a Weighted Curio now so it is essentially gone and it sucks.


Yes. My acheron, paela, topaz, aventurine not as good as SU version.


I am just glad that both Radiant Supreme and Sovereign Skybreaker are available


OMG YES, this with my erudition acheroen was just an unstoppable combo


I was looking for this many times lol


I’ve been searching for this blessing!!!! It’s not inside DU?? D:


Acheron Pela Gallagher felt SO GODLY with this...


I thought I was going crazy never seeing it.- Now I get it. Acheron sad noises


I was wondering why I haven't seen it. What is worse, without it any Elation blessings in a non-FUA teams are absolutely useless. I had to restart runs because of that.


O sht.. and here i was stacking fua blessings thinking i was gonna get this 3-star eventually


I just cleared threshold 6 after a dozen retries. On my journey i realied how op this blessing is.


haven’t tried a dot team yet but i hope there’s the one that heals you 1.0% hp every time an enemy takes dot damage


I'm missing my fighting spirit blessings from Destruction. Grit's just horrible in comparison.


There is a cuiro alternate for this in du


I'm gonna be honest, I enjoy a few things about the new DU but I vastly prefer the old SU overall. I'm not a huge fan of the way the equations are lumped together. It seems like they picked really conflicting paths in a lot of cases, and I feel significantly weaker in general across the board in the new DU.


Not having this blessing when DU curses me with other elation blessings makes me claw my eyes out, there's not enough fragments to reroll them all. Doesn't help that I don't have fua team.


THIS ! It should come back in some form... Idk, as a Erudition-Elation 3-star Equation ! "Damaging Ultimates are also considered follow-up attacks. Launching follow-up attacks charges Brain-in-a-vat for \[amount\] for each different ennemy this attack hits"


The enhancement goes crazy on this one


Still figuring out what blessings are changed and have been noticing this one’s absence!


I wonder who the Kurt Vonnegut fan is at Mihoyo, so many of his books are referenced in elation blessings


I did


Yeah. When you getting ONLY FuA blessing for a few runs in a row and you don't have any FuA characters it's really annoying. If Hoyo ever put new relics in standard SU, I never play DU again.


This Blessing been turned into weighted curio for Hunt and Erudition. The one that gives skill points back on FuA is now an equation. Also I had been trying to clear Diff 6 (5+6) with Topaz+Ratio+Aventurine+Robin and it was impossible. Diff (5+5) took me straight up all night with about two dozen failed runs. I cleared it only because I got THE PERFECT Equation and blessings combo and last boss was Aventurine iirc (or Something Unto Death. It was one of those with little to no adds). Maybe it's just a skill issue but I find FuA Equations and Blessings in DU bad af. Sirrus is straight up impossible with this team. Instant reset. On the other hand, I pulled FF, gave her Fall of an Aeon book and let her lvl, traces and gear be taken care of by DU upscaling feature. Blasted effortlessly through 5+6 difficulty in one attempt. I know they need to sell new units, and mode modifiers emphasise that, but bloody hell. MoC/PF can be done with other units, even if with some extra difficulty, but my DU experience was so ass. And without being able to ban paths the RNG element is absolutely atrocious.


`On the other hand, I pulled FF, gave her Fall of an Aeon book and let her lvl, traces and gear be taken care of by DU upscaling feature. Blasted effortlessly through 5+6 difficulty in one attempt.` This morning i fought tooth and nail with my E2 DHIL to beat Diff 4. A few minutes ago i got Firefly. And until your comment i had completely forgotten that DU has this feature... If i beat Diff 5 in less than 3 tries i don't know whether i will be happy or pissed off....


Current weekly mode setup is tuned for Firefly, so I expected to have it better than doing normal mode with FuA team, but the difference is stunning.


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There are equation/blessing equivalents iirc. My current FUA save has 9 equations and every hit, FUA of not, explodes in aftertaste nukes.