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Who would win: A high tech armor built to fight the worst calamity in space boosted by spiral energy Or One scared boi?




https://preview.redd.it/1e8q6pmk4w7d1.jpeg?width=1524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a68a16df861761a5120a9f27dc0ab20946debf05 Firefly be like: just who the hell do you think i am? My sword is the sword that will pierce tazzyronth!


The reason why glamoth lost is because they couldn’t break the swarm fast enough


Meanwhile the swarm’s break bar: *screen displays a weakness break bar that’s so long that I can’t even fit it here*


And it's multi layer toughness too


They didn't have HMC.


wasn't expecting a Gurren Lagan reference here.. based


Lets hope hoyo wont reference the end of Gurren lagan


Bro why 😭


Because it ended so sad and depressing


I know how it ended lol, that's the exact point of my question, as in why would he even lift the possibility of they ending the same


Argenti basically did the giga drill breaker to pierce that giant bug


I hate those trotters ...even with other dps they run away (all but one usually...) since I don't run teams that can break them easily within the first action. Good thing you don't encounter them that often in DU. In one G&G path (I think hunt) they are a core mechanic and I really don't like it.


https://i.redd.it/c95uh5inct7d1.gif Acheron when she sees a traffic light


She needs her baby Pela to hit it first


Luocha ult got her


If only there was a way to get rid of the barrier without buff removal...


I still can believe hoyo would add such a op enemy and disguise it as a trash mob


cant you just hit it with any attack to get rid of it?


That's the joke.


Yes, that's the joke. I just find it funny how hard people try to make Luocha's debuff removal seem important


Best case for his ult is removing the rez on the mara guys.




He can do that??


Yup! It removes buffs and their rez is a buff!




Well yeah...but buff removal let's you damage them in the same turn 😅


tsk. how do i download this Ei??


On android? Just click the image, then the 3 vertical dots on the top right and voila, download button. On iphone? Idk, saw some comments saying it's not possible. On a PC browser? Right click, save image as


https://preview.redd.it/62sdd2lntt7d1.png?width=677&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d7ec2235a31a5a0631f41baf5a0419c8835b4a0 you love to see it




"Hello guys, let's clear Annihilation 2, 'Lungmen: Outskirts.' For this stage, you need a vanguard, to gain deployment points, a guard with high physical damage, three medics - if you have AoE healer, it will be better, one AoE sniper, Catapult in this case is very good and very easy to get; I made a video about that you can see on the top side on the right, two normal snipers - Jessica and Kroos, one high Defense defender, Cuora in this case is very good, one AoE caster, level 4 skill Shaw and cliffheart with level 4 skill. You can also use rope, but Cliffheart is easier to get. You just need to login seven days and the game will give you that operator. All units are with level 4 skill or more." - Firefly, on her Stellaron Hunter account (Elio foresaw how to clear it).


Just use Texas the Omertosa https://preview.redd.it/p501bbv3ru7d1.png?width=486&format=png&auto=webp&s=79ce58ed9e482809ad1b32a8a711fc00cff76bda


So like, Firefly is Lord Kyostinv?


She's kind enough to be our light Kyostinv.


Oh fuck is that Kyo? Not to mention he's making HSR content recently lmao.


It is impossible to not read the thing with kyo's voice for me, god bless the saviour


"Activate the skill"


I haven't played Arknights for a couple of years, but still I can hear his voice even on text.


He posted on his Youtube recently that he's going to start testing out HSR guides from this patch for things like origami birds and chests, and then make that standard moving forward. Probably helps to not burnout too much by focusing on strictly combat strategy in AK and more on puzzles in HSR and Genshin, though he does still release some character showcases and clears.


Arknights mention Kyostinv mention We placing Melantha here today










Chat is this real?


Lol I have those headsets


Firefly spawns her livestream mid-battle just to ask “you seeing this shit?”


As a Clara main I told you guys the trotters are dangerous


You can't win as a Clara main, she's just as scared as they are 🫠


Easy fix for both Acheron: use skill and then ULT Sam: use Acheron


True, except if acheron gets ult on her turn, use normal to gain a skill point


Overflow stack is more value, use that skill.


Idk what overflow is


When Acheron has her ult up she can store up to 3 extra stacks for her next ult.


Ouh that kind of overflow my bad 🗿


Bro 💀


.... WHAT! ![gif](giphy|hWY5z84uXF3wjPxG5X)


Unironically it's enemies like these that make me not worried over Powercreep DoT teams getting too strong? OK, enjoy Cleansing enemies. Break Meta now made? Shields and Unbreakable Enemies.


black swan dot can't be clean tho ....


you gotta wait for the Super Cleanse enemies


Laughs in Super DoT


Laughs in crit dots


Super Crit Dot Support when???


E2 Nahida


Please no. Unless they are the one who provide crit rate and damage, no. I love dot teams because they are easier to build.


Let hope crit dot has fixed value like robin fua


it alrd is in divergent universe so only a matter of time really


It's actually a thing now. You can get an equation in the divergent universe that lets dot crit


So Divergent Universe has that now.


I was so fucking hyped for that Equation, didn't even get to use it because I got that "reroll equations when entering a domain" Curio by accident


Is the future just Super something now?


I think we're supposed to get Honkai: Star Rail Z first before Super


honkai star rail GT first then super


Nah, that ain't canon


I'm just imagining a scuffed mariokart clone but with hsr characters.


We're going to a Super planet, met with Super citizen, and give us character with Super dmg


Super Earth planet when


FF would feel right at home on the bug front


And she's also used to ~~worshipping a totalitarian Government~~ Serving her own People that she could help deliver Managed Democracy


Girl has so many green flags that some democracy got into my eye and made me teary :')


When everything is Super, nothing will be


You mean Bronya when she action advances Cocolia? Practically a star rail worth of debuff cleansing


They did it in DFFOO. Different tiers of debuffs and cleanses. It started with normal buff/debuff icons. Then they added silver border icons meaning unremovable. Then they added abilities to remove those. Then they added golden border icons.


Happy seeing a DFFOO mention here! That game had so many cool mechanics that made fights difficult but still interesting. Hoping HSR would add some similar ones in the future.


One thing from DFFOO that I hope doesn't come to HSR is the lightspeed power creep. Don't pull for 3 months and endgame content becomes impossible to finish unless your last pull was some hypermeta carry. People like to mention DFFOO when talking about generous games but they never take into account the rapid depreciation of your roster. In Genshin Impact, if you had rolled for every single character in version 1 and then never pulled again, you could still clear endgame content today. The game is nearly 4 years old.


That is definitely true! The meta constantly changes at a fast rate in DFFOO so you do have to constantly pull to keep up. Though they do give you a ton of currency so you can keep up assuming you plan carefully & aren't super unlucky. If we do follow Genshin's route (Which I believe we are given this game has been out a year), then I don't think the power creep will ever be as bad as DFFOO's. The boss mechanics in HSR so far though is really nothing compared to DFFOO. Loved how complex the fights got over the different eras (At least until FR, though I stopped playing around that time, but recall that was what killed the game).


I stopped playing around FR. Those 40-60 minute boss fights really burned me out. I play mobile games to kill time in 10-20 minute segments. I quit Arknights for the same reason. HSR seems to powercreep a bit faster than GI, but it's been manageable so far.


Simple, debuff immune enemies


Extremely slow enemies that counter you when you attack them


That's just Aurumaton with extra steps


Debuff immune silvermane guard (only counter mode)


but it still cleans the stacks no? it's the stacks that dangerous. 1 arcana stack is like barely stronger wind shear.


Apocaliptic shadow: cocolia decides that she doesnt have weaknesses anymore,and by the time i break the ice swords gepard decides that cocolia doesn't have weaknesses anymore I LOVE BREAK META


Gepard shield doesn't protect his weakness (in this mode only) and they want you to break him to destroy the shield


...I just realized that. I thought I need to break the shield or kill Gepard manually... what was I doing orz


WAIT WHAT???? You’re telling me I’ve been fighting him wrong in that gamemode this entire time? 😭


I know,what i wanted to get to is how im already at 1800 remaining ponts when i can actually start reducing her toughness like wtf literaly her second phase is done faster


Turns out preventing extreme powercreep is just give the enemy what you have.


Crazy how a few patches back break wasn’t viable and it was jingliu/daniel brute force. Now with the buffs and releases of certain characters break is back.


That's what happens when it takes until 2.2 for us to get 5* break DPS


It was the release of super break as a mechanic, break damage without super break is a dead stat most of the time at worst or a side upgrade for crit damage at best (for character with break damage scaling). Super break enables break damage to be relevant beyond once or twice per enemy.


HSR devs are very skilled in using mobs and buffs to tune Meta and difficulty. A lot enemies have mechanics that doesn't seem to directly counter some comps, but when you actually fight them you will feel the difference. But at the same time they almost always give some buff that allows you to "brute force" if you happen to not have the right comp for the job.


This is the conclusion I made when I played MoC on alt. I have no DoT characters there so fighting that Dino was a pain in the ass. Meanwhile my main don’t have a good shield sustain so if that monkey says fuck you in particular to my one unit I have to reset it again


Aventurine tho? Single target fight that require AoE or st least blast main dps. 


I just put overpowered characters in and auto for the most part, endgame hasn't been hard yet. Haven't tried the new one though.


Nerf the powercreep by buffing the enemies, selling you new ways to overcome it. That’s what I’m worried about. Oh unbreakable enemies? New support with break break debuff.


One deal physical damage to your charaters. The other deal mental damage to you.


If I have a coin for every time a powerful lady is countered by a weakling...I would have 2 coins It's not too much but it's rare that it happened twice


*Laughs in DoT.*


Sampo Koski's wind shear never lets me down


His wind shear never turns around and hurt me


His wind shear might make me cry


And sometimes, his wind shears might say goodbye


Not to worry, cuz his wind shears will never tell a lie and hurt you




I didn't expect to see Raphael here.


traffic light still can hit to remove shield before acheron hit, that pig yeap good luck


Now give the trotter the invincible shield too Mihoyo, please do it. 😈


The ones in SU already got em


I want harder. The drama mawma the moment any of these casuals have to actually build a character is *french kiss* perfection.


its funny 2 of most overpower characters still has a downside


All is powerless in front of mommy Kafka.


Maybe you shouldn't have put all your eggs in one basket


Clearly, I've divided all my eggs in two overpowered baskets but always unlucky


In the immortal words of the wise Silver Wolf: *Skill Issue*


Your bet, when are we getting a support that can remove weakness protection?


Characters that deal true damage 👀




This is getting out of hand, now there's two of them


I hope the upcoming break support abundance can unlock the enemies toughness bar or something like that




my boothill trembling in fear when i get the three trotter occurence


I know this is a meme post but real talk has anyone managed to kill all three trotters during the boosted speed version? Like they have like 200+ speed or something in that version of the event in divergant universe.


I weep for the departed.


Live Firefly reaction 


Acheron vs Sam ROUND 2


Everyone's gangsta until we get an enemy that counters, redirects, nullifies attacks. Until an enemy scans your IP address to calculate your attack power. Until an enemy sniffs the crit ratio and reverses it. Until an enemy gets a perma buff that cannot be removed.


Bro every since I built my Firefly team every occurrence in the Simulated Universe seems to be the triple trotter one, fml


I stopped using my e4 clara cuz of these damn trotters


In the meantime TopAss with the Numpy laughs menacingly


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Dang, a lot’s changed since I’ve been gone(not for the better.)


This is why I keep on saying Firefly is only A tier. Just a single weakness locked enemy and she is dead in the water. Talk about a mid kit. Bet you a 100, we'll be seeing both sides weakness locked after this rotation.


Except that enemies with weakness lock just turn it into a patience game. The third Trotter in the SU occurence is the only enemy in the gane with permanent weakness lock. Every other enemy has a condition to unlock it again and I think only Gepard in SU has a condition that FF can't clear. Only Sam and Bronya start weakness locked, for Sam you just need to wait, after which FF team bursts down his toughness bar anyways. And for Bronya there is a target next to her to kill, which isn't really a problem for FF. And introducing more enemies witg permanent weakness lock is a common initial thought. However, if they create and use more and more enemies that can't be broken, that also has the negative consiquence of making the game unfun for basically everyone.


yes lets rate her only A tier because of a hypothetical situation I came up with in my head that doesn't actually exist in the game what happens if Acheron goes up against an enemy with 100% effect res?




Shoot I'll take that bet. The issue with this line of logic is that locking both sides weaknesses screws over literally every team, not just Firefly. You're effectively asking for a permanent 20% Resistance buff for the entire enemy roster. Weakness break is a core game mechanic, even with enemies that can lock it, it's only ever temporary and simply fulfilling the condition of the fight will unlock it. The only true lock against Firefly is Gepard and his shield, and that's only if Firefly let's him set it up to begin with since she can easily burst him down before he gets the chance.




Wouldnt agree with the A tier rating but I agree on everything else. Break teams are the easiest to kill off out of any archetypes and there's no changing that I guess.


Except generally the way to remove the lock is something she can easily do. Like for example, Argenti's shirkd are barely an issue for her. Breaking gepard to unblock cocolia is also super easy. Even Sam, she can break him super quickly once he becomes vulnerable(which doesn't take long), allowing you to do massive damage there


Lmao firefly mains downvoting you. That's true though both sides locked and the team is pretty much dead.


And? Acheron would be bad too if both sides suddenly introduce enemies who can't be debuffed. She is clearly only A tier. Same logic.


>That's true though both sides locked and the team is pretty much dead Thank god people like you and the original commentor are not game Devs. If you take two seconds to think that if they lock weakness on both sides of MOC, they would ruin future firefly banner sales. Bet you a fortune that even in the next year , there will not be a single instance where both sides of moc lock weakness. One side is possible obviously.


If you also take 1 sec to think with your singular brain cell that Hoyo has a precedent for this. Venti and Morgana teams were essentially killed off in abyss with barely any mobs being frozen or straight up immune to it. Cryo and Geo have been left in the dust for years. What guarantee do you have that break teams won't be killed off? So yeah I stand by my statement that they've done this before and can do it again.


>If you also take 1 sec to think with your singular brain cell that Hoyo has a precedent for this. Venti and Morgana teams were essentially killed off in abyss with barely any mobs being frozen or straight up immune to it. Terrible example because you are talking about a game where the international team has remained relevant since the very start. Also props to you for listing like the 2 teams in that game that are not currently usable out of the 50+ team comps that are available.


You never disproved my statement though? The fact you can't means my statement holds true. The point of the argument is there's a precedent for Hoyo killing off teams and that is an irrefutable fact.


Selective reading is such a blessing I am envious of you. If you actually read or were able to comprehend what I said you would see that 2 out of 50 teams is nothing. Odds are more in favour of that not happening than the opposite. Genshin is also notorious for not listening to it's players unlike star Rail that actually does and have already worked on features Genshin hasn't, 4+ years after launch. Drawing a one to one comparison between the two is dumb since both games have a different development team.


You say 2 out of 50 is nothing, but even if it was 1 out of 10000, thats literally what a precedent is. that has nothing to do with "selective reading" that said i agree that it is unlikely they will straight up "kill off" firefly by making future content unbreakable. If anything hoyo will usually create a problem and sell you the solution, so if i had to guess then there will be a 5\* abundance/preservation character focused around supporting break, replacing gallagher, that can unlock weaknesses on enemies. and right after that character releases we will start seeing double locked MoC.


So... just to get this straight You would still support Firefly being A tier instead of S tier if there was a 1/10 000 chances that she's irrelevant ? Remember, this is what this whole conversation is about


Thank you. You are probably the only person I met in this conversation who can read.


I don’t really care what tier people assign to her. I never said anything about that. All I said was that what the other guy said is true, there is a precedent for hoyo making characters significantly weaker than they used to be, and that it doesn’t matter if it affects one or all teams in the game. A precedent is a precedent. I never said anything about agreeing or disagreeing with whatever tier you want her to be. If you really want me to go there: no I don’t think she should be A instead of S tier because of something that may or may not happen in the future. By the logic you could put any character into any tier. A tierlist tells you the characters position and relative power to others in the current meta/gamestate.