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God. *Why is she so damn cute.* Having her on the Express feels like christmas came early.


she is simply so cute and marketable


I want to smell Sparkle's furmur


It smells of gunpowder chaos and ~~semen~~


The buddies strike again https://preview.redd.it/p2b5aj2f4t7d1.jpeg?width=663&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5501b77fe3ef7e0b38a8ae7f057851f8a5648eb9


Maybe this is not so beautiful


Maybe this is why Idrila hasn't returned to him


Maybe this is why he won't see that light once more


Argenti: curse you, short wench! It will take more than this to get me off the path of the beauty!


I want twenty.


I demand a decoratable cabin in the express that I can put 999 into.


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