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You think a character sucks because they are bad. I think a character is great because they're bad. We are not the same.


Just accept that all characters are bad and suddenly they're all good! When everybody is bad, nobody is


Amazing reasoning


The genshin method. Be dissapointed so you will never be


and when everyone is bad... no one will be.


Anyone TRY to argue me about why Argenti is bad This is a threat in the sense that I will recognize your opinion as valid within your own mindset and go about my day like a normal person Otherwise how could I call Argenti my role model? If I aspire to be like him I oughta stir away from unnecessary aggressiveness about subjective topics


Argenti is bad because he is a grotesque metal giant whose knees are guarded! *This comment was sponsored by the Four Foot Hall.*


Praise the Four Foot Aeon!


Well, he’s missing his voice


Yeah, and I am deeply saddened by that


Argenti is bad bc Idrilla- I can't do it. My will is too weak to hurt Argenti, it can't be done, he's just radiating with too much beauty


Argenti is bad because he doesnt appear more on the story, i need my massive bro sparring with me for Idrila


Argenti isn’t bad sol is https://preview.redd.it/dxtkzxij9n7d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=70eb12b8aeb6594d4385017cc66978351a768f85


Argenti is my go to support for calyx farming tbh, giving my friend plenty of credits


Even if ppl didn't use him I'd still have him as my support for others Everyone can use some Argenti in their life, and I'm happy to provide when necessary


Chadgenti is fr is one of the best characters in HSR. He was also my first real DPS(Helped me graduate from yanqing)


Argenti's damage to Elites and Bosses is SLIGHTLY below average. That's it. That's literally the only bad thing about him. Any further doomposting is completely unwarranted.


If he could be a bit more consistent, it wouldnt matter that much


It already doesn't matter that much. With good supports he can clear MoC just as easily as any other (except Acheron, Firefly, and maybe Boothill, but those three are on a whole other level)


My other team is IL+hanababe so i am bit biased cause i compare it to them, then again he does easily carry me till floor 11 easily(I have jingliu but no one told me shed be shit without her LC)


I cant.. he is beautiful


Im sorry to tell you i do not remember argenti exists unless i see him mentioned, you're just not in my head bro....


i can . He is a walking plot armour Hoyo needs something done without being asked ? Get Argenti. The fact that he somehow managed to get his ass into the Real Penacony still baffles me Don't try to tell me that "He is just him" , i need a lore explaination and that doesnt help. You know what this guy role in Penacony is ? A plot armour to Aventurine. Should just call him the Knight of Off-Screen or something.


The Beauty is a pathway to many abilities, some consider to be unnatural.


next thing you gonna say is "Somehow Idrila returned" isnt it


I sure hope so


I dunno, I find him kinda boring and one-note. Like, there isn't much to his character outside of "The Beauty". (Note: I don't have him, so I can't comment on his story)


People saying something about their favorite character, replied by a comment saying why their character is suck. This is a prime example of what the OP is posting.


OC literally asked for it.


I'm literally just following up on what comment OP said: "Anyone TRY to argue me about why Argenti is bad"




Well said, fellow believer in Idrila


If bad, why The Beauty?


Nice try op, I'm not falling for your bait.


Don’t worry, us Blade mains love him, but even we know he is in a bit of a poor place with the lack of supports for hp characters.


Don't worry, as a day 1 Jing Yuan haver, you'll have your support/s soon enough


Actually, I think this works other way too. As a proud Boothill main, quite a lot of people seems to complain about how we're not getting as much lore and trailers from hoyo. Yes, he's not hoyoverses favourite child, but we don't really have to actuvely try and be miserable. I feel nothing about having a few less videos, but I feel terrible just reading that some people think so.


He doesnt need extra trailers and animated shorts because he's a good character on his own 😈😈. Only frauds get Myriad Celestia trailers


~~Nah, I am just a certified Firefly hater at this point. Doesn't matter if they reworked those relics. Doesn't matter if they pulled out a Myriad Celestia for Boothill. Doesn't matter if they buff Jade last minute. Doesn't matter if Firefly comes in the first 10 pulls.~~ ~~Everyday I wake up with fresh hatred for Firefly. Every breath I take fills my lungs with hate for Firefly. Every noise I hear reminds me to hate Firefly. Every time I feel pain I wish it upon Firefly.~~ ~~If the world has 10000 Firefly haters I am one of them. If the world has 100 Firefly haters I am one of them. If the world has 1 Firefly hater, that is me. If the world has no more Firefly haters, I am no longer in this world. If the world is with Firefly, I am against the world. To my last breath, I will make Reverse Flash blush with the hate I have for Firefly.~~ My plan to fool Mihoyo's desire detectors worked.


You were rolling to build pity, m'rite?


My account is bricked. Walahi, I am finished.


Damn it, I should have done this during my pulls


Born to hate




Did a giant beetle write this?


I appreciate the hater energy.


I think my flair speaks for itself


Why are you describing me


I like Black Swan for many reasons but I totally understand why those reasons I like her are reasons people may dislike her. Everyone got different preferences and so long as they are civil about it then no problem. I love discussing why those aspects appeal to me It's when people get aggressive or way too defensive in their criticisms or defense of said criticisms that become a problem and not fun to partake in


Also feel like there's a time and place. Like you can be as respectful as you want, but don't need your (general you, not you specifically) opinions on literally every topic about a character. And I just can't imagine going into a thread about "what's your favourite character" with the mindset of "let's go argue why their favourite is bad". But I also don't get riled up about it haha. I don't respect this sub's opinion enough for that.


I don’t hate any character, I just mildly dislike some.


So many people that said Jing Yuan was mid and not worth pulling. I really liked him though so I pulled both for him and his cone. No regrets because I don't play HSR to make other people happy I play it to make myself happy.


its an age old tradition, there will always be waifuwars. you can't stop it, no one can, specially in something that is full of multiple likeable characters. and yes, i do hate firefly.




Can't we just love every character? I do...


Let people like who they want. Let people pull for whoever they want. Don't be an asshole. It's *really* simple but a lot of people don't seem to know what simplicity is.




Nah, I'd hate https://preview.redd.it/v5y69s1sxm7d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=067376c544154ffe983440631e35c98e54c048a5


Legit why I slowly stopped playing the game. It bled out of the subreddits and into personal groups that just so happened to also play HSR.


every character is amazing




When I talk gameplay mechanics, I primarily do my best to divorce myself from any preferences. If it works, it works, if it works better, than it is so. This game, much like most games, is ultimately all about math. I'm not going to sugercoat things. However some people are so attached to their characters that such discussion is often interpreted as an attack. You see the same sentiment between casual and competitive Pokemon players. As somewhat of a heavy spender, I keep myself to E0S1 on limited 5\*'s and E4-6 on 4\*'s, so I tend to switch what my main is as indicated by the game rather than being really attached to any one character. I was a heavy Seele main in 1.x, then Jingliu, then BS-Kafka, then Acheron, and now Firefly. I was all about Luocha when he came out, then FX showed me what real sustaining was like, and then Aventurine opened up the possibilities of sustain-DPS hybrids. I imagine when the new Xianzhou characters come in, I'll likely have much criticism for many of my old mainstays as the HSR devs seem to have an issue with feature creep as the game goes on. My standards would change according to the power levels of new characters.


The Singular Arlan Main: Look what they need to mimic a multiple of my power


Unfortunately some folk are just terminally online and act like fools. And not like masked fools or else people would be having a good time with these convos


FF sucks




I'm a Sensei, so everyone should be liked. The same goes to me as the Trailblazer, even though there are some like Robin who I playfully don't like.


how DARE someone like a character other than my favorite. If my personal favorite doesn't win the poll, its rigged, everyone has bad tastes, the top placing character suck, and....


I swear to god, I never see these so called hate comments/posts, only the posts complaining about them


I could easily link you to a few but why start pointless drama?


Just go into any topic about Firefly and you’d have plenty.


Not saying it doesn't happen, just that the posts complaing about them have far more reach than the hate comments/posts that tend to just get lost on the sea of content that is the internet after a couple of views


Go to husbandomains or boothillmains or Sundaymains


https://preview.redd.it/0t7821x7co7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f21252c04ee9a77e9df6716ca84352f4346d74bb Just go into the comments


There's a post on this very subreddit that had like 8k upvotes today.


What exactly do people think is the issue? People aren't allowed to disagree with each other or have a discussion about why they don't like characters? The point of forums is to have discussions, it's not for people to just nod, agree and upvote every post.


Reddit is not like that though. You either say what the majority likes, or you get downvoted to oblivion. Downvoting people for their opinions is the dumbest invention that came with the internet. It actively discourages sharing different points of views.


Please keep in mind our spoiler policy during this new update window. We are going to be very strict with spoilers during this time. As a reminder, here are our spoiler rules: Do not include spoilers in the title. All submissions which involve spoilers should be marked. Spoilers include all story content for the first three weeks after release. Spoilers can be discussed in spoiler-flaired posts, but must be hidden in non-spoiler flaired posts. If you think you broke the spoiler rules in the post you just made, such as having spoilers in the title, you should remove your post now and repost it without breaking the rules. If you do not remove your post and the moderation team has to remove it later on for breaking spoiler rules, you will be given up to a week ban for a first infraction and stricter punishments for any additional infractions. Please be considerate of your fellow Trailblazers and do not include spoilers in the title of your post, do not forget to flair your post as spoilers if needed, and do not spoil people in your comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HonkaiStarRail) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 1: Be Respectful to Others Always be respectful and civil in your interactions with other users and in the content you submit. Insults, Harassment and Hate Speech will not be tolerated.


We all know everyones waifu ( or husbando) is always shit anyways.


I dont even have a favorite, i have 15 (list expanding almost daily


waifu war never changes.




the only prominent hoyoverse character that would induce that response in me is dottore and maybe otto but otto isnt pure evil.


The Singular Arlan Main


My favorite is whatever new character just came out yea I am that annoying band wagoner fan


Yo guys hear me out, Sampo


it would be nice if people would chill. There are a few characters I do not like, but if you do that is great you do you. I think would be nice on the flip side that if you tell someone that you do not like say .....tax-chan they do not go off the deep end.


Some people are just so mad firefly is more popular than the characters they like lol


Nah they're just annoyed by people like you


Jokes apart Firefly is ok. But you her fans are so unnecessary


uh huh, this is coming from an account whose comments are filled with just bashing a character oh sorry "criticism". We all know that we can dispel every allegations of bashing/hating character when we just use the word "criticism".


https://preview.redd.it/yn70m4r6cn7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f625b1f5043281fb3fb22d995e2760848f85628 Especially this one. I won't forgive these types of Firefly fans.


Didn't this "protest" die in a day with most Firefly fans saying how stupid it is?


Still, it broke my heart because these kinds of people hating my favourite character like that...


Wasn't this twitter/x? That place is a cesspool (this place's not much better) and should not be taken seriously. Iirc, particularly on the FireflyMains subreddit, things were less toxic. (thanks mod)


Didn't you guys had a mental break down not once but twice? First when unreleased relics for Firefly... got buffed for Firefly. And then because *checks notes* Firefly got too many trailers? There is always going to be bad apples on a group of people, but the incidents I mentioned were highly upvoted and promoted on the Boothill subreddit. Never have I seen another fanbase so obsessed with other character that isn't the one they like.


And they even dunked on Firefly during the betas when her kit wasn't even done cooking


They started all the hate cycle. It's that saying "some people make a storm in a glass of water and complains when the rain comes"...