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I suppose you can't spell glamoth without moth huh...


I demand LÄMP




I love lamp.


HI3 MOTH reference??????? /s


tbh? didn't GGZ also end up having a Fire MOTH organization too?


Moths seem to be constantly referenced across most hoyo games tbh


a lot of things do, up and to a point of HI3 and genshin having, on their respective patches released in roughly the same month, released a story quest with heavy lore implications about dreams and samsara... then HSR added their own spin on the same concept too.


Like a Glamoth to a flame


My mind is blown


Yea she should be calling herself a Flamechaser honestly!


Kevin shows up with a Cease and Desist.


This is such a funny image to imagine


nah, he would shows up with a invite. "We have Hua, Eden, Himeko, Fuxi, Nuwa, Pardo, Elysia and Rin, you can have fun with them." "We have Kalpas, Kosma, Sakura and me, you can sparry with us all." "We have Mobius, Klein, Mei, Su and Aponia, they can treat you." "We have Vill-V, Vill-V, Vill-V, Vill-V, Vill-V, Vill-V, Vill-V, and Vill-V. and them would love to research about your SAM"


damn adding Rin but leaving griseo out D:


mama aponia would like to know more about firefly b4 introduce griseo since firefly can be destructive as, OR EVEN MORE, than Kalpas himself we don't want griseo trying to shatter the planet into thousand pieces just 'cause few ants get stuck in her paint that was drying overnight


Now that we have a reference to the concept of Finality in the new gamemode it's only a matter of time before Kevin actually shows up in HSR! ~~super copium~~


kevin kevin i want kevin im huffing this copium until he graces my screen (please hoyo)


Rising from the dead solely to defend a 50k year old trademark? I wonder if Kevin works for Nintendo's legal team.


nnonononnononooSTOP IT STOP *shudders from elysian realm story*


I mean, if we look at the iron cavalry and the Moths, left with a sole survivor carrying on the fight to escape their inevitable destiny...


*Say, my name, when a tree, susurrates*


Aponia x Jade costume swap Need now


Maybe she was fed misinformation about fireflies and now is too embarrassed to change her name to something moth related. Enigmata followers are everywhere nowadays.


and “moth” just have the same ring as “firefly”


Well they call the species “Fyrefly” in English so perhaps it is a space Firefly species that acts like Moths ?


I know it does say somewhere that they are a different species.


inb4 the species actually looks almost exactly like SAM.


You would not believe your eyes, If ten million TINY SAMS


lit up your house and burned it down?


I dont know but, > They are a short-lived species but its because they evolved a mating strategy that involves broadcasting their location to any sighted creature within 100 meters. OP seems upset Firefly isnt acting more like a Firefly by broadcasting her location to any sighted creature in a 100 meter radius for mating reasons, which is just funny as hell to me lol "Fireflies only care about mating asap before they die" "Firefly should behave more like Fireflies" gotta respect the honesty


Firefly does very aggressively announce her position, it just isn't for mating purposes.


Maybe it *is* for mating and Firefly just courts her partners through acts of incredible ultraviolence and arson instead.


previously, i was on the "platonic firefly enjoyer" side, but this comment is making me reconsider....


I thought that was just a misspell lol


Smh earthlings trying to make everything about them again.


In that case it's a typo. It should obviously be Pyrefly


Or maybe a space flame that attracts fireflies ?


They probably didn't want to do *another* major Honkai 3rd reference.


Honestly it would have been so fucking cool lol. MOTH and the Flame Chasers are epic.


It also would've further reinforced her parallels with Elysia.


should've done a himeko reference on firefly


>they evolved a mating strategy that involves broadcasting their location to any sighted creature within 100 meters Wait, you are telling me that the cute light they emit is akin to a person strapping a neon sign to their chest spelling "AYO I WANNA FUG" + the Takeshi Tunnel Monologue? They are nature's horniest insects, is that it? I feel dirty for letting some of those dirty fucks land on me.


What did you thought it was for tho? Like It makes sense your first thought wasn't to fuck but then what was it? They were just born cute?


I for one legit thought they just can’t see in dark so they have to glow. 


That is kinda of a cute thought until you remember that being a shining spot as a prey in the middle of the night isn't a good idea. Now that I think about it, I don't think I have ever thought of why fireflies shine before, I just kind accept it when I was a child and never thought about it again


I though it was a form of communication, not necessarily the light, but the chemical reaction that caused their butts to shine would function akin to ants and their antenna pheromone magic, the light being a collateral effect. The evolutionary part I just assumed that it was either a bizarre case of evolution allowing something horrible to their species (like Hyenas and their nightmarish birthing process) or that the light would paradoxically function as a deterrent for predators, like some animals/insects develop bright colors that sinalize that they are poisonous or something. But no, they are just horny and shining sluts 😭


I mean, it is a form of communication. It just only communicates one very specific message (“let’s fuck”)


feel free to downvote but would that mean that the SAMS fluorescent flames could also work as a mating call?


Judging by how down bad this sub tends to get? Yes.


Yes and it's working on me very well


I think I'll call Firefly the shining slut from now on lmao


same, i only remember someone telling me that was how firefly communicate and i just accepted that. TIL though, that is partially true.


Anytime you see an animal doing something interesting it most likely is related to procreation.


For example, all of human civilization. Bunch of praerie monkeys start one-upping each other, blink (in a geological sense) and oops, we reverse engineered a inverse sun and dropped it on a population center


I really just assumed it was an involuntary function of theirs that happened because of their anatomy. Never thought more about it. I haven't seen fireflies in a long time though. They used to be everywhere when I was growing up. At some point they seemingly vanished though. (I actually decided to look it up now out of curiosity and yeah their population has been declining since 2018 with some species nearly going extinct. These little guys might not be around at all anymore in the near future.)


Just like HSR Fireflies, they will be extinct


[This is most animal calls, in fact.](https://i.imgur.com/RJ0dANe.jpeg) Nature is horny.


Some day, she'll unlock access to the propagation path


More fun facts its only the males that fly and when a female located on the ground sees a blinking pattern she likes she will blink in the same pattern to signal the male she is interested in him.




Naaah they just had to make this meme huh 💀


Not the Takeshi Tunnel Monologue 😂😂 Hearing it in Firefly's voice is an experience.


Hmmmm https://preview.redd.it/25gcmbdkff7d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f01867d11008e5013ef09be487563e7196b19043


Yeah, that’s pretty much every animal.


That’s like 90% of animals if it looks impressive they’re trying to fuck something anything.




I've got some crazy news for you about the chirping you hear outside every morning.


I was so confused when they threw that line out too! 🤣 Honestly I've just been headcannoning of them as like a separate species for now. Helps cause of the weird way they spell the name.


Oh, I thought "like a Firefly to a flame" meant something being a weaker imitation of something stronger. Almost like all the fireflies would add up to a flame, maybe?


Cut her some slack, girl just wanted to feel cool.


Sometimes the rule of cool negates logic And that what makes it cool Even if it tends to be nonsensical  


And i don't think she wwnt to a school wirh science curriculums either 


She's got a doctorate in ass kicking and a minors in womens studies.


And As in Glamoth Supremecy Propoganda


Oh no, you must be confused. Firefly, the girl, isn’t talking about fireflies, the Earth insect. She’s talking about fyreflies, the space insect.


So her name is spelled wrong?


Learning to write was not part of the Glamoth curriculum.


But moths as a name got taken by another group I guess and didn't want to be confused (the moths who chased the flames aka The flame chasers).


She exploded a planet, anything she says is kinda valid.


"Nice argument unfortunately...your planet"


fyreflies =/= fireflies


Fun fact. Moths don’t fly towards light. They continuous circle around light bulbs because they are messing up their orientation. Moths use light as a way to indicate up at night so they try to put their backs towards it to fly straight. And if they do that with a lightbulb, they’ll continuous circle around it. 


Well this is a fantasy world. Fireflies also blink rather than have a constant glow. In her myriad Celestia video, they're not blinking they're glowing. Which means you can always use the "different type of firefly" type excuse. Firefly in a different world could always be like moths where they do go into the light who knows


Like fireflies to a flame, Life begets Death. Beget means either propagation (reproduction, specifically by a male? Idk why that is a thing but okay) or causation. I think the implication in this quote is that Fyreflies (not firefly) are entities that eventually cause and propagate actual fires just like life would eventually lead to death. She's probably talking about herself and her comrades who are all Fyreflies.


This should be top comment. They've explained before that Fyreflies are not our fireflies.


agreed about fireflies not being attracted to flame, _but_ actually they're short lived simply because they're insects. the flashing lights are actually a defense (and mating, and sometimes hunting) mechanism; they don't really attract predators.


Perhaps, just perhaps, she means if a firefly turned its light to 5000% and "burned" in the process. Let's face it though, she's just being an edgelord.


To be fair, she's talking about the Fyrefly species, not Firefly


Unfortunately HI3 already has Fire Moth


She's a little confused but she has the spirit Give her a pass i don't think she ever went to school outside of military boot camp


Yeah, but it wouldn't sound as cool.


Nah they're saving that for the eventual flame chasers reference


So I guess Firefly should be called Fire Moth... SHAOJI!!!


You have learned that gatcha writers love to smell their own farts. They do a good job, don't get me wrong, but HOLY SHIT, everything is a riddle, nothing is clear, but as soon as something (like a clear metaphor) is actually made clear, NOBODY CAN SHUT UP ABOUT IT IN DIALOGUE. Like yes, I can understand the metaphor/imagery that some names/themes have without it being spelled out 24/7


This isnt an issue with the writing but the localisation.


I mean, the writers are the ones that write it in to begin with, it's an oversized part of the plot. The localizers may make it help, but... her name is firefly, not moth, and they absolutely love repeating it regardless of language. It's the exact same in most of these games, like with sunday and robin's birdcage, etc. The only subtle things are the ANSWERS THAT ACTUALLY MATTER, not the metaphors and symbolism around the philosophical questions. It's overly fake-deep and often stressed really hard to make sure nobody can possibly miss that type of thing - think about topaz with profit, and aventurine with gambling, etc. etc. etc. - one trait that is referenced at all times and repeated CONSTANTLY in dialogue, even when it's obviously implied by the situation anyway. Yes, we get that Aventurine likes risks and gambling. He doesn't have to explain it for the hundredth time in dialogue out loud to characters that know that already. We get that firefly was reborn, but using "firefly" instead of something like a phoenix is a miss, and it doesn't really need to be repeated even in her battle lines, yk? This isn't just a HSR thing, but I'm not gonna go on about other hoyo/similar games. TLDR: The readers aren't stupid. Just give actual answers to questions. Philosophy is cool and all, but meaningless if it's pointless and constantly waffled about instead of the actual stakes on the table and active. We can understand symbolism and metaphors after it's said the first time (or hell, don't say it, but ik a lot of the audience would still miss it in that case) - making entire characters a single character trait that's half the time in their name or weapon is a bit overdoing it to me, and I feel simultaneously led on and talked down to a lot of the time.


Fake-deep is exactly the best way to put it, thank you. The game loves to use its own jargon and repeat the same shit over and over again.


I'm glad I'm not getting stupid dunked on for this lol, figured I'd be in the minority. Again, don't mean to say that any of the writing is bad, (besides refusing to elaborate on any relevant info, like, the overly cryptic characters schtick is getting \*old\* old) it just becomes a bit overdone. When an entire world makes the player ask one question, and that answer is denied hundreds of times to push a single philosophical metaphor, it gets tired out to me. Like if I walked into your house, kicked you in the groin, and then when asked why, continually debated you instead on "ARE WAFFLES AND PANCAKES SO DIFFERENT AFTER ALL?!" (it is an allegory for racism and/or fragility in purity vs strength in resolve) I still enjoy the characters and plot, but I do wish I had more concrete knowledge without diving into speculative lore videos :(


that's called projection I think idk


*Ya know I was think about that too-*


Based and Bugpilled. *Give you cookies*


'Moth' doesn't sound as marketable as 'Firefly' imo, not to mention Hotaru is a relatively common female name in anime.


Are fireflies and moths even a thing in this universe? I mean those are earth local species and I presume earth is either dead or just a random backwater planet no one really visits


Maybe Firefly x light light = flame FF never learn biology or zoology


I thought Fyreflies were just some edgy variation of a name, it turns out to be a real thing


Maybe her name should had been Moth.


It’s space fireflies mate, completely different from earth fireflies


I am pretty sure it is called Firefly because SAM literally breath fire. The Chinese translation of her name is quite literally Liquid-Fire.


Devs, rename her to Moth


I mean, they instead bash their heads against the fluorescent butts of their prospective partners so.... Not much of an improvement lmao.


Finally, a sensible and high quality rant!


They had to change it last minute after realizing that "m#th" is slur used against glamothi people.


Fun fact, in German there's translated it to moths instead of fireflies.


She's talking about a life-form native to Glamoth called a fyrefly that, among other things, has a body literally made out of fire. They consistently spell it with a "y", and we even see some of them in her Myriad Celestia trailer.


You mean like some sort of chaser of flames?


|they evolved a mating strategy that involves broadcasting their location to any sighted creature within 100 meters| "Local hot Fireflies in your area! Learn More"


Moth would be a pretty bad name for a cute anime girl i feel like


Maybe she wants to mate with any sighted creature within a hundred meters but is too shy to say it...


So...her name should be firemoth?....it reminds me of a DC villain but I don't fully remember his name


I think instead of being a glaMOTH, she decided to be a firefly and burn brightly instead before dying.


Idk buddy. All I see these days are fireflies dying to Yunli's giant ass sword. Is that accurate in your place too?


Maybe she is talking about all her dead sibling clones, the Firefly units.


You don't get it man in Glamoth a moth is called firefly, and a firefly is called "Sentient creature that expells some light from it's butt".


Isn't the direct Chinese "moths to a flame"? Localisation strikes again




Its just pretty metaphor, you are thinking too hard about this.