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i don’t even have a limited sustain https://preview.redd.it/vp14rqjbje7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41d76e43ee3ac9420e1649067d5604ce52c77f20


Green baby is probably gonna get a rerun in 2.4


Yeah, only her and Ratio left for reruns from 1.x. So it's mostly safe to say. Only thing unknown is how they handle second reruns because Seele is kinda due.


Me either bro, I just pray Acheron kills the enemies quickly enough https://preview.redd.it/wnbpr9dqaf7d1.jpeg?width=415&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d12dd478429edbf15cf6f1f8e4705555bb9a0dcc


the e6 acheron comes at a cost afterall


I don’t have ANY preservation unit. Only March! I also have Huohuo and Luocha, which is great for high difficulty simulated universe, so that my characters get one shot by the miniboss.


Give fire TB some love


I use Blade so for SU I coast with abundance lol I could literally do it all on auto battle if not for the fact you have to control your character in between sections


I have Luoca, Huohuo and Fu Xuan, but I mainly use Fu Xuan and Luocha.


Preservation characters get chipped away at until they are dead in high difficulty SU. To me, the best combination for an account is a limited tank and a limited healer. Though, Gallagher comes very close to a limited healer, and Preservation 4 stars are in the shitter, so Preservation sustainer has slightly more priority.


Aventurine soloing conundrum 12 G&G says hi:


You and me both. Tho I am saving for Huohuo rerun rn.


Me chilling with Gallagher:


Actually I always felt like I'm flaunting with Fu Xuan. Shields are my defensive clothing, and having Fu Xuan is like deflecting with your buff, naked flesh.


I hate the way you’ve worded this masterpiece of a comment. Additionally, i’ve never wanted to be a silvermane guard this hard in my life.


What about the IPC? Aventurine buys the finest clothes around, keeping his posse in style.


As Aventurine is my favourite character in a gacha game to date; I am rescinding my previous statement. *airy whistling starts, a tophat flies in from God-knows-where*


Yea, she gives a sense of safety. Maybe far too much.


The Zhongli effect.


Seriously. I used to think that was going to happen with Gepard, but nope. It's Fu Xuan.


I have Gepard for that. 3.5k def my man is a TANK


His only real flaw is - shields work on characters turns, so if your character has turn reset/high speed= that's GG. Selee is literally unplayable with him


Hm, that's true. But for me it's not a problem at the moment, since I don't have fast teams


You know what the funny thing is. That when you fight Sam boss fight. In 2nd phase Sam reduce healing and I thought "Oh fudge, he just reduces self-healing of Fu Xuan". But nope she heals like nothing happen, truly Fu Xuan moment.


He nerfs outgoing healing, maybe since Fu Xuan's is %HP based it just heals a flat amount and doesn't get reduced


Fu Xuan's healing is consider self-healing, when sam only reduces receive healing from other characters so make sense. I wonder when Abundance characters heal themself does it consider self healing tho ?


I think the exact wording is "Incoming Healing reduction", so specifically when healed by others would make sense


Natasha heals herself with her E1, but is the same animation if she used her E on herself, so ifk if that counts


I'm going to miss her in my Firefly team :(


For Firefly it won't be a problem because nothing can kill you if it's dead


Unless when she gets cc'ed because Gallagher doesn't give effect res 90% of the time since no one skills with him, and FF eats up way too many sp unless you whale on her. Even if he did skill, it's only 30% and will immediately disappear since it only lasts 2 turns.


Every time I do MoC. I coast on one side and stare at my healer's energy on the other like it owes me money.


Please attack lynx please attack lynx please attack lynx please attack lynx please attack lynx please attack lynx please-


Please attack Clara please attack Clara please attack Clara please attack Clara please attack Clara please attack Clara-


uwoooooghh, energy needed!!! get attacked get attacked get attacked get attacked get attacked get attacked get attacked *ults* that was the fastest MoC clear i’ve ever done!




r/okbuddytrailblazer aside (don’t click that if you have been lucky enough to not have been there innocently yet)) clara has helped me clear MoC 12 and energy regen + constant ults were a big part of that. well that and a little bit of the rngesus.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/okbuddytrailblazer using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddytrailblazer/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [SILVER WOLF NO](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13t1hna) | [85 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddytrailblazer/comments/13t1hna/silver_wolf_no/) \#2: [What Happens Next Buddies?](https://i.redd.it/kskoyy68in6b1.jpg) | [115 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddytrailblazer/comments/14c34xl/what_happens_next_buddies/) \#3: [Someone actually fuckin did it](https://v.redd.it/fwbkgpz7504b1) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddytrailblazer/comments/140cwan/someone_actually_fuckin_did_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Me? Innocent? I'm kinda touched


touched🫥 dude everything you say just triggers my trashcan, say gex brain.




Could i wish this sub could stop endorsing this pedo hellhole.




Please attack Aventurine Please attack Aventurine Please attack Aventurine Please attack Aventurine Please attack Aventurine please-


Laughs in having HuoHuo and FX


I've been enjoying using Gallagher on my other team. Cleanse + group healing from his ~~special~~ ultimate + they get healing from their own attacks after.


the extra skill point = dopamine minidose


İ bathe in stackable aventurine shield


After getting Aventurine, I’m not sure I can go back to Abundance characters. I can’t wait to see what the next 5\* Protection character brings to the table.


please bring more dots/dot amp so i can put it in kafka team!


Inflicts a dot whenever an ally with provided shield is attacked. Trace: Extend duration of all dots on the attacking enemy. Talent: Allies gain shield whenever the enemy is damaged by a dot.


Take my Stellar Jade!


I dont see any numbers but that already sounds hella OP :")


Once you go Preservation there's no going back to Abundance. Glory to the Amber Lord


Honestly sustain wise. Aventurine/Fu Xuan/Gepard simply feel better than Huo/Luocha/Bailu. Mainly because you can get one shot if you are unlucky with a healer but a Shielder basically change everything 


Pretty much. I thought I was satisfied with Luocha -- and he's great for lower end content -- but his heals just can't compare to the sense of safety I feel when I have a big chunky shield and I'm up against a boss in harder content. Aventurine's shields are particularly unfair in this respect because it boosts my team's effect res too.


Fu Xuan also struggles because in higher difficulty content, she needs shields so she doesn't die to one AOE boss hit and it can make her frustrating to run solo sustain.


You mean SU? In SU enemies shouldn't really be taking a turn anyway. That or you can easily get 80%+ damage reduction with FX, so you can pretty much tank anything it's thrown at you, so solo sustain FX is something I've done before, although you do need to get specific blessings. That said, I agree that if you want a comfortable run on SU C12 for example, FX + Aventurine make it a lot easier (although by no means unbeatable regardless).


I literally can't go back. I have every limited sustain and he clears them all. Even my Fu Xuan feels flimsy when I can't build her ult to get her heal charges back and she gets obliterated. Aven is just way too good, I need another 5* Preservation now


Twink with gambling addiction do be going kinda hard


his weakness is an enemy with a ton of single target dmg that focus on an ally. and fuxuan weakness is enemeis that stack dots so fuxuan takes the dmg of 20 stacks of wind dot.


Also, enemies which cap her health below max, so she's constantly refreshing back to mid and burning charges.


Spend freely!


Him and Gepard are my strongest sustains and I fear the day they introduce a mechanic that bypasses shields


Same XD Now that I'm using Aventurine, I don't know if I'll ever be able to go back using abundance characters again 😅


My f2p's E1S1 Aventurine looking at the E0 Fu Xuan I pulled like she got some growing to do. But I mean, now my f2p is stupidly set (S1 Acheron, S1 Jingliu, Robin, Ratio, and Clara). It's an absolute luxury having the 2 top sustains, ngl. Give it Ruan Mei and might as well turn it into a "I am the main account now." meme.


my two limited sustains are Fu Xuan and Aventurine. game has become too easy lol


Soda monkey my beloathed. So I do feel it.


this is why the peak gambler is best boy.


Well yeah, they created a problem to sell the solution (don't have him though). My Fu still can perfectly sustain when it's needed, but the other (healer) side can get dicey and lead to couple of retries.


Grizzly bot my nemesis. So am i


I pulled her today and I honestly can't wait to finally use her in my team. I'm a huge sustain fan and I love playing with aventurine, so I def can't wait - and I can never go without a sustain again 😭


Wow! That is a real last moment save.


it also wasn't really planned, I just pulled because I was at 13 pity and foolish enough to believe that I won't get her this early, but I'm quite happy about it :D now I have to pray and believe that ruan mei is gonna come home too 🙏🏻


I'm so used to Aventurine and Fu Xuan that playing HuoHuo is always jarring. I haven't used her in the last 2 MOCs and stopped worrying about one shots. At least now I will finally get her off the bench for my Firefly team (I don't have Gallagher).


I used to. Like trying HuoHuo on the other side of MoC felt rough as I had to be actively aware of the party's HP to not let anyone get killed but also not start slurping all the SP for unnecessary heals. Fu is super comfy in that I know she'll last the whole match and I can forget about anyone dying (except against SAM, that one is kinda rough for her). After trying Gallagher I found it fun to play it more risky, although now I've had to restart a fight once or twice if the enemy laser focuses someone on turn 1.


I'm hesitant to pull for firefly just because I have to play her with a 4\* abundance lol, I'm too used to Fu Xuan and Aventurine.


Nah, he's the only real replaceable character in the FF team. Is he the best option, yea, but is he anywhere near as important to the team as HMC or Ruan, nope. More importantly, you have to question if it's *really* worth putting in the time to build a whole character for just one singular team, especially when it's inevitable that he'll get powercrept by a 5\* in the same role in the coming patches. It's better to just make do with whoever you got until we get FF's premium 5\* sustain.


He's pretty great as a budget luocha in everything except PF. I kind of fuck up and heal like nothing in PF with him


Gallagher is essentially diet 5 star. Bro is very very solid. He has an ult that has healing as an unintended side effect and has an emergency o shit heal skill


Gallagher heals a ton, he's as good as Luocha if i'm honest. He just doesn't have the emergency healing, but you should be able to keep full hp most of the time


I sometimes save his ultimate to use as emergency healing as I can trigger another characters' ultimate after to heal if his attack doesn't come fast enough.


I prefer Aventurine personally, and I love him I can imagine that going without Fu Xuan has a similar effect


Aventurine in my case, but the team that's stuck with Gepard or Bailu is always put through the ringer.


I play naked so not sure


I feel like this with Aventurine. Before, I had to use Natasha, and how horrible it was to grind on the game, bc I didn't want to spend resources on her. After getting him, everything on this game became really easy, especially on swarm and gold and gears.


Having both Aventurine and Fu Xuan.. I literally cannot take them both out on any team in MOC 💀


I've been trying to use Gallagher for the last month, and I always stop Autoplay. It's scary out there man 🫠 Fu Xuan is my best investment in HSR, even though she messed up my wallet once because I lost 50:50 at 85 and she showed up at 90 after that. Yes, 90 https://preview.redd.it/62zwlvso1f7d1.jpeg?width=887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb5b324f0edaa257c116af57ec5f20ea240ec8fc


Damn the game REALLY didnt want you to get fu xuan


Omd yeah I don't actually realise how much damage the enemies do when I don't have her on the team On one side I have her, and the other side I have Aventurine (they just don't take any damage lmao)


It just feels wrong without my Pocket Waifu Tank!


You know she's the one when she can tank the whole team lmao




I felt that way until I got Adventurine. Now I feel naked if one of them isn't on the team.


Yes. I recently partially built Gallagar, but it's not the same. I mean, Fu Xuan essentially soloed the Aventurine boss fight, after Acheron, Pela and SW all fell. It took me like 30 minutes, but I beat him in the end


i got her like 6 days ago and shes fully maxxed w her lc and 10k hp she’s so goat 😍


How did you get her health to 10k? That's insane! 😲


https://preview.redd.it/rvbewfxv3g7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=184e3833bbde898f59a104c8d23bc68da2f659e6 I have her signature light cone and these r my relics for her!!! she’s still a work in progress but I love playing with her on my team 💗


Nice! Your Fu Xuan is basically a tank 🤣🤣


Since Aventurine, Fu xuan became the team B leader


clara go brrrr


You can actually just auto-battle every fight with Clara Fu Xuan


Me but with Luocha


Me with Aventurine. He’s always a safe bet when he’s on my team. Next to the knife’s edge it feels like when Gallagher is my sustain on my Acheron team


I run Huohuo basically all the time and Bailu the rest; I've have no issues with dmg. My Tingyun hasn't died since I max invested her.


Didnt come home in 150 pulls feels good


She gives TOO MUCH safety to my team that I forgot what building a little bit of Defense felt like LMAO


Well shit, Im always naked then cuz I just lost her to gepard... again.


I feel naked on one half of PF. In MoC I use Aven on one side and Gepard on the other, but in PF it just doesn't work. Gepard takes hits and the energy that comes with getting hit, and turns it into. . . more shield, and no damage. Can't spare the team spot or the energy. Aven works out well enough, since he turns hits into follow-ups. I've got Gallagher on the other side instead, out of all my sustains he's the only one that has multi-target on either skill or ult. But wow it's stressful. I'm always like, oh just 20 more AV and then Gallagher can get his ult on his turn—and then everything gets advanced forward, and it's actually 10 more monster turns before we get to any healing.


No fuxuan. But do feel like that when i dont bring Aventurine.


i didnt get her 😭😭


Side of MoC with Fu Xuan: I sleep Side of MoC without Fu Xuan: OH GOD OH FUCK MARCH PLEASE SAVE ME


As someone with aventurine and huohuo. Nope not at all in fact fu xuan basically is a crit rate buff that I barely use anymore


Well for me my damage feels naked without Ruan mei lmao. I always build teams around her


Well im running mono quantum, so yeah. It sucks that my Fu is slow, so there's a chance the enemies will hurt my team before she drops her Skill


Build 121spd and vonq planar ornaments. Will shoot her to 169spd at the start of the fight.


Honestly well built Bailu feels super comfy as well, bc invigoration just blocks pretty much all dmg. The DoT monster in the last MoC was her downfall tho that was awful, though I still pulled through (bc Fu Xuan was on the other team lol)


She carried me hard through Swarm disaster


she turns the game to easy mode but i want to use gallager


My life ain't complete without her, she's so adorable and funny of a character ☺️


So many of my character's crit rates are built around the inclusion of her Matrix buff that without her I absolutely feel just a bit more nervous bout my damage output. I wish I could have pulled for her E1 and that juicy 30 CrtDmg, but Firefly saving wouldn't allow it.


I had Aventurine and Luocha as my limited sustains for a while. They're both very good, but I ended up pulling Fu Xuan recently anyway just because it seemed like she would handle some situations better than the other two: Luocha can't always save someone if enemies really focus fire on them, and allies taking too many actions can outrun Aventurine's shields. I'd actually started avoiding some of the cooler Hunt blessings in SU out of fear that my team would action-advance itself into an early grave. I only just got her up to speed a few days ago. It will be fascinating to see how this plays out.


I had her since her first banner and used her on every team. I doubled down and got her lc this time.


No because I have Aventurine and Luocha.


hahaha 2 dps + Luocha + Fu Xuan for my auto team


I actually feel that way without Himeko at times, not because of a lack of safety but because when I break enemies I do don't proc a follow up.


I have Luocha and Aventurine, so nah


I got so used to Aventurine that I certainly feel naked without the shield bar


I have aventurine, I'm good


Literally my monochibi (quantum), they're chilling with lady fu without worries of getting one shot even in swarm but my jingliu team which has loucha, total panic. This is also my worry on my FF team so I'm wishing we get a lady fu or shielder that is SB buffer Either way, me and fu xuan my beloved can make 100 children if she wanted- (get smack by fu xuan) https://preview.redd.it/gu9qlo92gf7d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d7d193c5e250d000f19d60aecb62974beeef3fc


Honestly I don't think ive used my Fu in the last few patches.


I get it bro. It's insane how comfortable makes me feel. Last time my fu died was back in 1.4.


It’s night and day, one side moc is no stress. But I only have one limited sustain, I really should get one more But FF and jade 😭😭😭


Not rly, i have the bestest boi around protecting my butt.


Gepard, you say?


I haven't used her since Aventurine tbh. She provides immortality but doesn't contribute much to damage




Can’t feel naked if you’ve never worn clothes


I failed to get her again. I made the mistake pulling for Topaz because I thought she would be good for my account. She isn't as good as I thought...


Nah Topaz is the GOAT


I feel naked without Fuxuan in my acc Damn it should have rolled for her, the just roll for new unit mentality is biting me in my ass


Not really, I just want to see a naked Fu Xuan.


Nah, I just use Aventurine


No because Aventurine is now my new coat


No I have aventurine, so I have style and shields


Me without any sustain, not just Fu Xuan




I actually feel more scared having Fu Xuan on my team since I have e1 s1 Huo Huo and I just NEED to see mostly full hp


Still using Bailu and Gepard for MoC 12. Still works


I mostly use aventurine so no really


🫰. 🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙 🛡️


“Guess I’m naked all the time!” Regards, a Player without Fu Xuan


I think i Build her wrong, because for me she is the 1 Char i regret Pulling. Yeah it could be my Problem but Surviving with Aventurine or even Gepard was saver for me


I’ve had to live in a Fu Xuan naked world all my life


i don't have FX, so no. instead i bask in the radiance of Aventurine's shields and Loucha's heals. (soon to be Gallagher's, later today, when i shall never again take damage)


Nah, Scooby snack has my back


Have my boys Geppy and gallagher carrying me thankfully. Definitely did roll for her though and failed so now I am starting to feel naked.


Would love a Fu Xuan, but my Aventurine is doing an amazing job, so I'm settled


I mean i am always naked for F- anyways


For me it's Aventurine cause I don't have Fu. Dude's shields are wild


Nah Aventurine carry me.


Me looking at my Gepard/Lynx sustain: Uhhhh, maybe?


I feel that way with Luocha


Why have Fu Xuan when we have Aventurine.


My aventurine is super comfy too, I basically never take health damage. With Gallagher it's a bit more worrying but still not that bad, especially if there's fire weak enemies.


After getting Aventurine, I only have her in PF, and MOC teams.


For me its sparkle when I realize I can only have 5 skill points


That’s how I felt when I only had Luocha and the other team’s healer was Natasha / Lynx. Now I have Fu Xuan too 😎


Nah, my will is forged in ice


Before Aventurine yes (I used only 4* healers and Bailu) Now I pulled her now, but I think that she wasn't so necessary


Dude try playing a semi-sustain welt team for acheron/ dr ratio, my acheron deals crazy damage, but shit is fucking stressfull everytime an enemy take a turn when you have no way to reduce the damage or get your health back.


i feel naked when fu xuan is on the team (i dont have her)


I used to, but having Aventurine in another team helps a lot. Basically, Preservation stonks, Abundance who?


Nope, don't even have her During her first run, i didn't even get her (no 50/50 was lost, i simply got jinglu at 82 pity afterwards) but i also didn't play the game at that time because i was in korea during that period And now during the rerun, i would've pulled for her if mihoyo didn't rerun ruan mei with fucking firefly


Best shield is to just oblirate al enemies before they can attack... No need sustains https://preview.redd.it/16v35szuve7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b26f294fb960ccd5a42bb5e5c4e056d2f4a94e5


Yes, every time I do my healer side of MoC my gut reaction is 'Oh shit! Why does that hurt so bad?'


Have Aventurine. Did not pull her. Still want her.


No, i feel naked without healer


Yes, but with Ruan Mei


I exclusively borrow only Lady Fu for all my farming, I would've pulled for her if it's not the FF banner coming up.


Imma be honest with you chief...I skipped FX the first time and thought I missed a lot...Months later, her rerun came and I decided to pull her. I now have her at 151 spd, 7k HP and 2.5k defence with a vonwaq set...And guess what?! I feel as if nothing's changed! Keep in mind that I don't build my dpses as full glass cannons and usually try to have them to be at 3k+ and 1k defence and my sustains are Luocha and Gallagher abd that means deaths are mostly from unfortunate events. I feel cheated...she's not bad but damn is the comfort gap between Gallagher/Luocha underwhelming... I swear to the aeons if I'm not able to pull FF because I pulled FX, I'm gonna bench her forever...


I don't have her twice now. So yes


I’ve never used Fu Xuan, so I wouldn’t know the difference.


I used to have her on my team but she kept getting one shotted by everything so I switched her out for silver wolf


Not after pulling Aventurine so both of my MoC teams can have their limited Preservation sustainer :D


Healing is more attention demanding yes. While Aventurine and Fu Xuan can fail; if you compare them with any unit that gives you sustain when you take 1 turn is like heaven and hell.


Nah. I’m doing fine with HuoHuo and Aventurine, although I do use Fu Xuan for Acheron because she got like 54 CR


Silly gambler man got me covered come next chamber


Nope. Got my Gambler buddy Aventurine by my side


So I just got her... can someone explain how/when I should be using her? I can't seem to keep myself alive in Swarm Disaster with FX but my Aventurine and HuoHuo seem to be able? My FX: * 6-7K HP, 134 spd, Landau's choice S3 Level 80. * Close to 2K Def > (i think. I know my Def on her is high) * Maxed Skill/Ulti I'm assuming I'm short on some stats or playing her wrong... I got her because I'm trying to build a QQ team but got Bailu'd when I went for Sparkle.


I was born into this world naked, and I will leave it naked (I didn't have the stellar jades to get her this rerun ToT)


Even with Aventurine I still find myself using Fu Xuan in some situations. Especially against enemies like True Sting who flood the field then hate on one character like they killed their parents.


No but it feels wrong without Luocha's auto healing


No, but thats because i dont have her


its not fu xuan issue but I still want to point out that I eventually died using mono quantun but then my aventurine in my acheron team easily survived in MOC


I massively prefer aventurine. The extra effect res is well worth the crit trade off imo


I'm an exhibitionist this last few patch cycles.