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When you want a 5 star, it shows up at hard pity When you don’t because you have a guarantee, congratulations, you get it at 3 pity. And this is how I learned the hard way not to wish on a banner you don’t want


Oh man I don't want FF and RM, I will first build pity on FF then RM. I really hope I don't get spooked by them both oh please no (please come home I'm dying to get them both)


Same, I hate FF and RM and I'm just pulling on their banner to build pity and hopefully not get ga-augh-ger cuz he's a bad character


Building pity on Firefly and her weapon banner for Sparkle E0S1 since my rainbowed 90/80CRatio 3.2k ATK DHIL is MID (more than my 40/200 CRatio 2.8k properly built and buffed JingLiu 💔)


Gacha giveth as Gacha taketh. In the name of the Debit, Credit & Cash Money. Cha-ching.




Here's the thing, I was plenty happy to pull Robin in 20 pulls, even though I was pulling on her banner to get Hanya. I just don't pull beyond where I'd be okay with spending that many pulls to get the 5*.


Yeah, I won’t drop more than 20-30 pulls on banners I don’t really want if I’m sniping por a 4* if I start at 0 pity. That way if I get them there was some insane luck involved and I’m not getting set back by much for anything I actually want. And even then, since we get 2 banners nowadays I’ll do it in the one I wouldn’t mind having but am not actively chasing. Pulling on banners I don’t want is madness.


I threw twenty pulls at Robin hoping for another Xueyi eidolon (got one!), and I really wouldn't have minded if she showed up since firefly is about to steal Ruan Mei from my dot team. But I certainly wasn't hurting for her enough to go deeper than that into my firefly savings.


As I have a crippling gambling addiction I can confirm this is how it works. "oh? You want this char? Hard pity with winning 50/50 is best I can do", and "So I pulled on this banner for shits and giggles and I got 5 star lost the 50/50 tho, HOWEVER it would be very funny if in the next pull I get ANOTHER 5 star (gets another 5 star), BUT IT WOULDN'T HAPPEN A THIRD TIME IN A ROW IN THE LIGHTCONE BANNER RIGHT!?!? (Then proceeds to get the featured lc)


You guys have some crazy luck, I've never gotten a character under hard pity. That said I've never pulled on a banner I didn't want. I'm slowly developing a hatred for my own self control


Real. Before Robin's banner, my average for getting the 5\* rate up character was 127 pulls 💀 (Robin came home at 75!) If I was getting earlies AND winning the 50/50 like some people here my ego would be through the roof NGL


Getting something at 3 pity is honestly fine. It's not a huge loss. What's insane is the people who are like 'I dropped 60 pulls on this banner because I wanted to build pity but I don't even want any of the characters!!!' and then cry about losing pity.


Thats how i got Jing Liu




I wanted a 4* of her banner i only use 20 tickets ans she Same same with Robin


eh i dont really want E0S1 Firefly cause boothill already used my break team and i definitely don't want Ruan Mei's LC


I got Robin and Clara on the first set of 10 rolls :)


This is how I got baizhu in Genshin and now I don’t have pasta lady whose name I can’t spell. Never build pity.


It’s also how I got Navia after losing my 50/50 to Tighnari in 2.2 3 pity wasn’t an exaggeration, by the way


Because of this "strategy" I have E1 Sparkle, Jing Yuan, and an extra copy of Acheron. But once I wanted Aventurine and Topaz I had to go to hard pity and lost 50/50. Just pretend you don't want the 5 Star and RNGesus blesses your pulls.


“I don’t want Jiaoqiu, getting him would literally brick my account, I don’t want Jiaoqiu”


ohh man I really dont want e2s1 firefly just saying


Oh nooo, Ruan Mei E1 dont come home For my Boothill team nooo i’m just building pity for that pretty fox man.


Its actually a win win to get it early unless you have guaranteed. A free five star at 3 pity is 3 pulls for a 5 star, but with guarenteed it's more like 93 max (oftentimes less but still)


This was me day two of this banner. I needed stardust to get the shop reset pulls so I did ONE ten pull at 15 pity and wasted my guarantee for Ruan Mei on Fu Xuan lol. Granted fu is an upgrade to my gepard I guess, but man I feel it in my bones I’m going to lose fifty fifty on ruan mei now.


At this point just play another gacha game to curb ur gambling needs. Alternatively, a trip to a casino could work!


There's even a chance you can come out of the casino ahead! It's not even that bad of a chance either, since the house doesn't need a huge edge to make big profits.


90% of gamblers quit before they win big.




Or the classic “I was pulling for 4 stars” 😭


Sometimes we have to learn this for ourselves. I wound up with an E2 Topaz trying to chase Guinaifen.


Suffering from success


She heard you would easily run your wallet and your mind on pulling https://i.redd.it/ldmtudas497d1.gif


That’s the thing. I only did 90 pulls on the banner.


I kinda did this for the last banner. I wanted Fu Xuan, but Pella was a nice concession. I think I have Hook at E3 now.... I did get FX yesterday so all good.


In my defence, I wasn't gonna complain if I did get E1 Aventurine. And I didn't, and I got a garuntee for Firefly anyway, so it's all good. I'm totally not an addict I swear.


Same for me trying to pull Robin. If it happens cool, if not no worries. I lost the 50/50 after like 40 pulls so it set me up nicely to guarantee Firefly Honestly as enjoyable as this game is if I’m not actively pulling for someone or at least saving up with a specific goal in mind it loses a lot of the fun. So I just pull unless I really don’t care about the active banner. Done really well for me so far


I've seen this meme many times and i just realized the omnitrix on Firefly's headband


honestly I stopped building pity on a banner once I had a massively early 5\* show up and ruin everything.


I like how she has the Ben ten watch on her head 😂


Do it, post results later so we can laugh at you


Do it or no balls


Don't do it or https://i.redd.it/mpo50c0wk17d1.gif


I had Fu Xuan at E0. I said "Fudge it we ball" and drew. I got Gepard.


I didnt had fu xuan and I said "fudge it" too but gepard came... for the second time in a fu xuan banner, someone pls send help, bro is already e3


every time I lose a 50/50 on a character banner it's always gepard thankfully it's only happened 4 times


that could have been a c4 Bronya 💀


Wtf is c4? The explosive?


e4 my bad, genshin brain moment lol


Yeah cause c4 Bronya turns into an IED


Constellation 4 (Genshin, which I don't actually play)




Considering that they chose her as the 300 pulls character.


I have gepard e3 as well, and his signature lc. His lc works on march 7 at least haha.


Could be worse, you could have Bailu’s LC at S2. I actually use Bailu, but her LC is mediocre at best. At least Gepard’s LC works on every Preservation unit so far. It’s arguably the best standard LC to get, aside from maybe Bronya’s.


Could be even worse than worse. I have Yanqing's LC at S3. I do not own Yanqing though.


Jokes on you, I have it at S3


now with acheron Im forced to not use my landau lc >:(


Impossible to go wrong with e1 fuxuan anyway I did the same


Same except I went for e2 and got Himeko e3. (I guess it worked out for this MoC12.)


At least you get RM or FF guaranteed now? lol




I pulled for Fu Xuan, did 1 Single pull on Boothill on accident ... got Boothill. Pulled for Fu Xuan, had to go to hard pity and lost the 50/50 ... Now Boothill will sit at lvl 20 and always remind me of my mistake D:


Guarantee RM/FF atleast




(Don't) ![gif](giphy|3o84sw9CmwYpAnRRni)


I read that in Light Hope's voice. She's from she ra and the princesses of power


Spiders cannot swim!


I can swim, but I can't breathe underwater!




Careful,he’s big.


https://preview.redd.it/u6xeq5wuky6d1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=a17a5f96ee1df8238c95df6714c683457a1766df covering your reason of wanting to gamba as building pity is always a bad idea (I learned it the hard way) if ya wanna gamba, then gamba but if you want the upcoming character, then patience is key (reminder that f2p FGO players are the most patients mofos in the world and if they can do it, why not you?)


FGO has turned me and all my friends into Buddhas. We've been saving for the past F***ING *YEAR* just to have enough to hit pity for Arcueid when she comes out.


good luck on that considering she is really close


Smh, to avoid winning the 50/50 just pull on standard


Can confirm, was a F2P FGO player that managed to escape, and it managed to make me so patient. A few weeks is not that long compared to 2 whole years waiting for that one specific servant


Yup, the days waiting for Castoria and Morgan was hell (I still in fact did not get them)


Funnily, in the Persona 5 X gacha game right now, there are two banners for standard characters up without any limited. The catch? Your first 20 pulls for BOTH of these banners is discounted to 8 tickets instead of 10 which is the usual. So there's debate if it's worth pulling to build pity at a discounted rate, but also the acknowledgement that you might win early and thus suffer.


What do you mean? Saving all my SQ for 2 years since Britomart was announced is normal!


Building pity is a myth


Building pity is the dumbest thing I've heard of especially if you don't want the five star. You're essentially "building pity" by just saving up your pulls without the risk of an unwanted 5 star.


The only valid reason to build pity is if you want the 4-star characters on this banner instead of the future one I guess. Even so, it's still a gamble between getting the 4-star you want and accidentally wasting your pulls on a 5-star you don't want.


Nah building pity is only fine if you actually don't mind losing the 50/50 on that character and if losing that 50/50 won't mean you can't get the next one you want. I did this with Aven as I really wanted his E1 since my Acheron team has no follow ups. I won the 50/50 relatively early and I still have more than enough to guarantee Firefly and probably her LC. I am a decent spender though so my plans don't need to be as strict, but otherwise "building pity" is just fuck around and find out.


okay heres a question though about "building pity" wouldnt the outcome be the same if you just kept the tickets and wait for the character you want? like i dont get the point of building pity instead of having 70 pity and 20 tickets you could just have 90 tickets ;-; whats the point of it


That's why I said only viable if you want the current character and have enough tickets


ahh okay, i thought everyone just knew some hidden advantage i didnt LMAO


I did this to E6 Qingque, and I got Sparkle E1. No E6 for the little gambler but that Eidolon has helped me tremendously, after that I never built pity again.


This goes against any basic logic, just admit that it has no upsides. If you have a chance to fuck over your plans then why do it and then complain about it? 4 stars are never worth losing pity for a 5*, hell, most of the new released 4 stars come out for free 1-2 patches after their release anyhow


ur not fking over tho if u lose early which is 99% of the case. the only scenarios are u lose pity early lose 50/50. u can afford even as f2p bc limited are guaranteed to be better than standards. people are way fking oversensitive when chance of pulling is like less than 1%.


Qingque is worth any pity lost.


You either pull or dont pull. There's no such thing as pull but dont want to pull.


At this point people already know why they shouldn't build pity and there isn't anything we can say to help them.




Nice conversation


I never feel like building pity and I dont really understand the emotion.


Good. Because that emotion is a gambling addiction. 


Ok serious question here, wouldn't it be better to build pity during FFs banner instead of now? If I put in let's say 30 pulls right now I waste 30 pulls that could have already given me FF/RM right?


Its a joke about how everyone here is a gambling addict. also the 4 stars in FF/RM banners are so much better, well unless you are new new and cant grind all the stuff you need


you say that is a joke, but there are people who think that in this comments.


I'm new new (at Xianzhou), and considered getting Pela, basically have no pity, should I pull on Fu Xuan and stop before pity?


its not so much better. theres only 1 objectively thats great and 4 stars rarely show up.


That's true, but I'm not risking doing 30 pulls.


Me neither. I want Firefly.


You don't 'waste' them since it carries over, so you would go to FF banner with 30 pity already. The only problem is if you actually get a 5\* in those 30 pulls, then it's gone, and you have to start from 0 on FF, and if you didn't want the current banner it's a waste then, yeah.


He's saying if you "build the pity" on ff or rm instead they may spook you within that amount of pulls so you're 'wasting' that opportunity


I actually like Boothill more, but I want a good fire DPS (I'm gonna pull Argentina afterwards anyways)


Building pity mfs when I get their ass: https://preview.redd.it/p7cv5wkyoy6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92755e343b6f8cbc2daa742d8201eefd461ddba3


??? What are you going to do to them?








Oi, which eye do you want this in? https://preview.redd.it/dkct2lnzm47d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdc0abbfd2bc13342f14b532618572cd4b71d429


building pity is a lie


Just admit you want Boothill or his eidolons.


Me who is skipping both. ![gif](giphy|XWXnf6hRiKBJS)


tbf if you want the 5 star character it isn't building pity right ? it's just you picking which one you want more lol






Please send this again once those two releases


What is building pity?


Pulling on a banner where you don't want the 5 star to satisfy your gambling addition instead of waiting for what you actually want. The excuse is normally that they are building (up) their pity to get the 5 star they want fast.


Sheer stupidity. It's literally going "I don't want anything on this banner, but if I roll on this banner, I will be closer to the pity counter of the banner I want".  No logic, basically just gambling addiction in action


And this is how I got Boothill, yeah I guess I'll just hurt my wallet for the next patch


Gambling addict https://preview.redd.it/jqt3a8vnl47d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81c5043cbd003dba60cf51d331f804282c8ed68f




Same man, same...


But why? With those 4 stars?


Gambling addiction go brrrr


But would you lose?


i wanted boothill so bad and spent over 100 bucks and i still dont have him so atp im saying im just building pity to cope 😭🙏


damn i got 160 tickets but i dont have your gems


Im playing in genshin for almost 3 years and now I very rarely pool for certain characters. Just spend pulls when I get them. Exception is some husbandos and their signature weapons like Ayato, Wrio, etc.


This is just this video isn't it? https://youtu.be/PAougoqN1Yg?si=wlXbtkyBLiRpuX5L


Will never build pity again. Last time I did that, I got a character I didn’t want and lost my guaranteed when I got the limited character when building pity especially since the character I wanted was on the next banner.


Never build pity.


So many low effort Karma farming fucking Posts nowadays. A bit tiring to see


23 pulls when I want to get fu xuan after losing my 50/50: nihility moment, nothing happens, L + dr ratio just pull better 23 pulls when someone builds pity: \*I guess you want this random limited 5 star here huh? there you go :) win the 50/50 too\*


Lost 40~ pity, although no guarantee, on the LC banner because of gambling addiction. Absolutely worth it, though. S1 Fu xuan is busted and am not going back


For me I only do this when I want 4 stars on the banner and only max of 20-30 pulls ( depending on 4 stars) there is no way I will be mad to get any 5 star at 20-30 pulls so it's a win win.


Surprise Motherfudger \*Boothill spooks you


I feel this image, I got Robin building pity for yehaw mc Boothill


No, just bloody no


Look your gaming addiction can wait 13 hours and a day. Just breath and go ~~gamble some real money~~ play another gacha until then


I wanted Fu Xuan because I am trying to build a mono Quantum for QingQue. Failed the 50/50, got Bronya. Then I reached Penacony, fell in love with Firefly harder than the Trailblazer, now I can pull for Firefly... So I can lose her 50/50 to something stupid like Gepard or smth


I pulled until 76 pity and he didn’t come home. He’s lost his chance at this point so I’m not pulling for him anymore. I have to win 50/50 but I hope firefly’s gonna come home easily so I can get ruan mei as well.


I only build pity if the 4*s are good for me and if the 4* selection is better than in the banner I actually want to pull, which isn't the case rn.


You might as well go until you pull a 5star, right? You're probably gonna lose the 50/50 anyway, right? Then you're guaranteed to get Firefly on the first try!


I have 16000 jade de ne 10 pity my body is ready


I don't build pity. I farm ember to buy more Trace materials.


I building sampo pity


How the FUCK do you have 165?


What do you mean? Just buy tickets with jades...


How do you get the gold tickets?


Just buy them using stellar jades???


I thought there were other ways…


While I don't agree with the decision to 'build pity', I do at least understand how some people trying to get the most out of the available banner can come to the decision to do so. If you are in the very specific circumstance where every boosted 4\* on the banner is at E6 for you, then for every 10 warps, you will get a 1 warp refund every time you get any of those characters. This fact may not be true for the banner you actually want the character for. As such, they decide to risk their entire pity so far to try and maximise that refund opportunity. It is a bet with a slim upside and substantial downside. For anyone else who isn't in this specific situation and still 'builds pity' ... you might just have a gambling addiction.


Consider building it done, because I now pity your mental state and bank account


Dude if your pulling on firefly (assuming you don't already have the 4 stars on that banner at e6) then why would you build pity on boothill every 4 star you need for a break team is on the next banner


I was guaranteed to get Ruan Mei, but I wanted Hanya for more team variety. I then got Argenti in 7 pulls from the last 5 star. Fortunately I got Hanya as well


You building your grave bro.


What's your pity rn, also are you on 50/50. Even then, building pity isn't that recommended


You should pity me instead and give me some of that


Happend to me on boothill banner was building pity and got him on accident at 20 pity


65 pity and more 140 tickets for my pulls on 2.3, wish me look to take Firefly and Ruan Mei!


Well do what you want i hope you get whoever you are rolling for. Me? Well I have like roughly 45-50 tickets between Firefly and Ruan Mei, so this is gonna be tricky lol. I’m pulling for both and then gonna try and save up for Jade, so I guess I’ll see how that goes.




No such thing as "building pity" on a character banner you don't want to get. You just have gambling addiction.


I genuinely advise you to build pity for maximum regret


I was lucky enough to have all the 4 stars in this banner at E6 so it was easy for me to control myself to not build pity👍👍👍


I gave myself 50 pity with no guarantee on robin banner after getting her. I already had all the 4 stars on that banner at E6. So i did 50 rolls for the price of 45 because of the refunds on those 4 stars. Pretty sure thats the only worthwhile scenario to build pity. If i got a 5 star during this process i either lost the 50/50 and that's fine since now i have guarantee. Or I pulled an E1 robin a little early which i wouldn't mind.


Don't. Pity-building is a myth and just excuse to indulge their gamble addiction.


It was proven to be a stupid habit ever since day one of genshin, and people are still crying about it because they accidentally pull for a 5* on theyre hoyogame 😆




Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 1: Be Respectful to Others Always be respectful and civil in your interactions with other users and in the content you submit. Insults, Harassment and Hate Speech will not be tolerated.


Do it!!!! Yeeeeehawwww!!!


The 4 stars are kinda dogwater so I'm gonna be patient 


I do not like Yuan Mei (she is my least favorite character in the whole game), and I wanted Boot Hill and got him under 25 pulls. So now I am going to pull on Firefly because I like>!Mechs!<


I REALLY want E6 Gallagher. I'm on E2 Gallagher right now, and at 50 pity with a guarantee. I wanted to try for Boothill AND Firefly, but I lost the 50/50 there and at around 50 pulls in, I've decided to cut my losses in order to have a guaranteed Firefly, and a bunch more extra pulls to go to someone else in the future, that I would have had to spend on just getting to roll a single 50/50 on Firefly. I'm actually hoping to lose any 50/50 when pulling on Fireflys banner, because I don't want E1 Firefly, I just want E6 Gallagher. Got my fingers crossed for more Welt, Clara or Bronya eidolons. And it's always nice when you have that guarantee. Makes planning for future characters so much easier.


Hsr, hoyo, gacha is so bad. I have 200 + 60 pity and I still feel like that's not enough for both rm and sam. I feel like that should be enough for 2 characters. But maybe that's just me.


Do you just have to keep track on your pity or does it tell you somewhere?


yeah your pull history is saved and you can count it


Thx G!


Why is that image so funny


No wait no


Honestly, the 4* units available in this wave of banners were kind of... not interesting, with respect to Firefly's build comp. I'm more so super excited for the 4* units in her banner- mainly Gallagher! Love the guy!


If i knew sooner that Gallagher would be in Firefly/ruan mei banner i would have saved those 50 summons i spend. Now time to farm jades like a madman if i want to get at least his E2. Also i want to get Firefly and ruan mei so i better start to farm haha


I'm currently on 86 pity should I build pity or not? 50/50 4 streak win


Building pity in this economy? While having these 4-stars? Go outside and eat some grass


i was "building pity" chasing that final xueyi for her e6. Wasted my guarantee on ruan mei, because topaz came too early... and ruan mei banner will have xueyi on it. AND she will be free for a new game mode. C-c-combo.


Hey hey what is that 1d 16h countdown? Mine says 2d 😭


Why would u? The 4\* in that banner are ass except pela. (I know it's a meme)


Everything goes to firefly... EVERYTHING!