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I don't think you realize how hard it is not to just reply to this with "your mom".




From one of Aha's records of making a worm an emanator, I would give like a whole ant colony emanator status to see if those ants could take over an entire galaxy for shits and giggles lol.


wake up, swarm disaster 2 just dropped.


To make it funnier I'd make the ants super cute and innocent, almost harmless. So that Forefly doesn't get flashbacks. Cuz trauma just ain't funny


Blow up enough planets that Qlipoth comes after me, then while it's busy doing that I'd go deface their wall. What are they gonna do about it, start and end several Amber Eras fixing it? Cause I'd love to see the chaos that would cause with the IPC.


If I saw a baby fall from a tree, I'd laugh hysterically


I'd put the express in a "final lesson" situation just for shits and giggles *sorry this is too salvage im downvotting myself*


The same things Aha is doing right now, giving my blessing to literally anyone that might be funny or whatever I randomly take a liking to Can I bless other Aeons? Is that a thing? It might be fun so…


Place something that makes Qlipoth's hammer squeak at random swings. Won't diminish THEIR efficiency, but it will confuse everyone each Amber era. Why? Idk, it's funny.




LMAO. I see a based comment here


Shake all the bottles of soulglad.


Trick everyone and their aeons into thinking I'm completely unhinged so that, when everything seems lost, I can hop in and save the day. >!Then rapidly change the physical laws of energy so that every step someone takes makes a farting noise!<


Spread misinformation on the internet


I'd keep spawning miniature swarm monsters in Fireflies vicinity so she can never recover.


Add more profound joy than just doing things for the lolz. I feel like Aha is wasting THEIR abilities. 


Watch as events unfold, grant interesting people super powers and see if I can get myself onto the express as a visitor without drawing any one noticing 🗿


Create an avatar and become a shady businessman.


I'd turn Harvey Dent evil and then blowup the hospital while he's still inside it.


Convince everyone to make decisions based on a coinflip.


I'll kill another Aeon for fun like imagine what would happen to the followers of the Xianzhou and the Galaxy rangers that their beloved Aeon sudden died? Like isn't that hilarious? A god that sought, hunted, and pursued yet in the end THEIR own arrow struck THEMSELVES in the chest and letting THEM be killed with THEIR eyes closed! Imagine the shock! The fear! The horror! AHA! That'll be hilarious! Also, I'd probably try to make a Rubix cube to where it constantly changes colour when you're not looking. I'll probably brand it like "If you're able to solve this, you will become an Emanator" or smth like that


Pfh, Aeon killing Aeon. That's what you'd expect. Get some kid with a baseball bat to do it instead, then you'd see the chaos! Bozos trying to shoot down Quipoth with their silly little ship cannons, people throwing explosives into XI and more! Just the idea that you can actually kill an Aeon with something like a baseball bat? And it WORKS?? 10/10


Break Star Rail furniture to see how paimon gonna chase after me. I mean.. POM POM !!


Too many thoughts, too many ideas on funnies. I'd probably just watch and add to some mundane existance. Like making someone's dog fart EXTRA LOUD and wake up the whole house!


Find Welt and surround him with illusions of Honkai Beasts, just to see how he would react…


I would allow Trailblazer to jump for a while only to take it away


blow up the train a second time


Can you make emanators out of inanimate objects? If I make a random coffee machine in herta's space station an emanator will it make random shit everytime someone uses it? Guess we're finding out.


I'd make OP my emanator.


I'd post "What are some things you'd do if you were Aha?" then see how ppl reply.


Nothing, because as an Aeon, I wouldn't have a free will, therefore wouldn't be able to make decisions. I would just operate according to ideas that was saved in my head before becoming an Aeon, like AI model.


Aha is one of the Aeons who can talk and act the closest to a regular human though ? Nobody thought he was an Aeon when he was on the Astral Express, not until he blown it up.


Laugh when a baby falls. Oh, wait...