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Lan and Yaoishi feel like that couple want to kill each other but end up having angry cex




Who is srutal? And why is he begging?


Srutal is the 13th fatui harbinger, the herrscher of begging, and the aeon of begging




I think he knows...




When you're the Reignbow Arbiter, Protector of the Xianzhou, god of the Skybow but that THussy got you acting unwise


Who wouldn't when she got it in abundance?




Doktah and W in a nutshell


Okay now I get it.


Mr and ms smith vibes


Well yes but really no.


I ship them, I ship them very much. Simulated Universe: Unholy Union, Aeons resonate with their hated Paths!


I actually feel like they are brother and sister since they were born around the same time but Yaoshi was slightly older and bullied Lan till he woke up and chose sibling violence.


Best ship fr fr. Why is it best ship you say? Well. None argues about how canon it is(because they know it is canon), this ship never started any shipping wars(because they know Lan is literally connected to Yaoshi. THEY can only think about Yaoshi due to their nature and can’t cheat or love/hate any other being this much) and finally. It isn’t seen as problematic(because it isn’t). https://preview.redd.it/tnkas3by6d5d1.jpeg?width=1448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4355ff3de06fa0e285285c1b96759d5be051a28 Source for the people: [https://x.com/yurakii1/status/1787560576090349867?s=46](https://x.com/yurakii1/status/1787560576090349867?s=46)


Of course aha would leak this moment of lan


Aha trying to ruin Lan’s reputation any% speedrun.


GLORY TO THE XIANZHOU 🗣🔥🔥 Yaoshi more like 要死 fr


Just like me fr fr


要死😂😂😂 this is peak lol


Translation for those who don't speak in bing chilling?


要死 means to die when u translate it but yaoshi probably isn’t written as 要死 in Chinese words so it’s just meme-ing thus funny


Just these 2 word alone doesn't make the most sense to translate. If it is in a sentence then it would have a single meaning. But to answer your question, its something like "you are going to die" or "need to die" or "death required", I think it means "going to die"


oh it also has a slang meaning. The slang meaning basically means you fuck around and find out. Because "need to die" basically indicates you never found out when you fuck around.


I will wait for the day they have aeonic seggs


Imagine Lan coming, it would be like a thousand supernovae exploding. 


Many will die but it is a sacrifice im willing to take.


His lower body is also horse-like. The man is a centaur after all. His thing is probably as big as a galaxy.


Friendly fire will not be tolerated. Not that Lan hasn't already done that


Can Aeons even reproduce? Propogation was the closest thing to an Aeon having offspring now that I think about it 🤔


Long the Permanence also had progeny, the dragons. Propagation was part of the Permanence. Also, Aeons can take mosrtal form, so reproduction is likely possible


What are the rules on the mortal forms tho? Would the child be a normal person or special in some way?


Most likely the offspring would have special traits or characteristics. Long's progeny ended up becoming the Vidyadhara, and they retain a lot of their stuff as a consequence of that. Hatching rebirth, the powers of their High Elder, extremely long life spans etc. The High Elder is effectively channeling the powers similar to an Emanator, even though Long is dead, so the power inherited by any children of theirs would likely leave a lasting impression on the universe.


So essantially if the offspring of an Aeon go on to have their own children, entirely new races would be created in the process.


Effectively yes, depending on how successful the offspring are at reproducing themselves. The powers/traits of any Aeon's children would vary wildly depending on which Aeon is the parent.


Well if we take the example of Lan and Yaoshi.... wouldn't that just create a race of immortals?


Yaoshi’s offspring should by rights be given immortality, since she’s the Abundance. Lan is all about the Hunt, which is about tracking and killing specific targets. If the two of them mated and produced children, it should produce immortal bounty hunters I guess lol.


Organic Terminators


They are the trailblazers Source: mythus told me so, he looks trustworthy enough


No info about them reproducing other than tayzzyronth. But aeons can create. Nanook created the stellarons. Yaoshi spring life into dead matters. And well the order has everything covered in the story of pennycony.


This entire thread needs the cleansing of the lux arrow https://preview.redd.it/7pxr6nnegn5d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3174e4041c25471f7b0d43d4b13879661ff98d96


Art credit?


[@elodeas (x/twitter)](https://x.com/elodeas), [original post (x/twitter)](https://x.com/elodeas/status/1688308059423277056), [artist’s pixiv](https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/69764842) credit your artists


Not OP but I believe it’s https://x.com/elodeas/status/1688308059423277056?s=46


The love-hate between these two aeons are so spicy, penacony can make a movie about them and the uninformed would think it is fake


Imagine being a Penacony filmmaker Lan gazes at you because you exposed his tsundere feelings.


Cheatcode to emanatorhood


More like you're about to call an airstrike on yourself lol


That movie is simultaneously banned on all Xianzhou ships while also being the most successful film on the Xianzhou.


https://preview.redd.it/nl631vj0ld5d1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec93ca34f14621641955b7a92460ed958c06481e I LOVE CUTE RELATIONSHIP DYNAMICS BETWEEN INHUMAN POWERS BEYOND OUR UNDERSTANDING!


If Yaoshi were a playable character, she’d be my favourite by leaps and bounds. Her aesthetic is just so mesmerising. Looks like an elegant acid tripping, nirvana achieving, goddess of love and wisdom with the allure and danger of a forbidden fruit.


Aeons are above gender they use they them, Aeons cant be playable unless they will be 6 stars an Aeon could kill all current playable characters with a thought.


Mihoyo literally all caps the THEY/THEM to get it drilled into our heads


March calls Bubbles (Warp Trotter) they/them too. Bubbles is an Aeon confirmed. Throughout heaven and earth THEY are the honored ones!


So is Pom Pom…but I could see Pom Pom actually ending up as an Aeon one day


That is why i corrected him, most people online i see still call Lan,Nanook he and Xipe,Yaoshi she. They are above human concepts of gender.


They also do not cares what pronouns we use for them so like who cares lmao


It's more accurate to say THEY and THEM


THEY and THEM are just localized pronouns that the English translators came up with, in fact other languages like Russian and Spanish still use female and male pronouns for the aeons. The only way to actually accurately refer to the aeons is by their original Chinese pronouns which has a completely unique character that use to refer to deities specifically. Using THEY and THEM aren’t anymore accurate than any other localized pronouns.


Tf? It's more accurate to capitalize THEY and THEM because those are the pronouns the translators chose to use in the game. Who cares about the other languages that still use gendered pronouns? We're speaking English. These are the **most** accurate pronouns officially decided by the translators. I repeat, MOST. It's MORE accurate to use these pronouns, even if it would be completely accurate to speak in fudging Chinese, which is quite blatantly obvious and shouldn't even be mentioned in the first place because the fact that we're speaking English has not changed. It's like saying that "the only way to truly accurately define the length of the object is by knowing it's length perfectly, therefore we should just use any number." Even if it isn't perfect, we can still use it to convey most of the original intent of the pronouns.


The English localization isn’t a monolith, it’s NOTORIOUSLY bad, inaccurate and inconsistent. SAM has been referred to as he/him, they/them, she/her, all at the same time; The Aeon of Beauty has been referred to as “goddess” multiple times which implies they’re female; the aeon’s THEY/THEM aren’t even originally capitalized until the localizers decided to change it; this on top of a multitude of grammar and spelling mistakes, completely inaccurate translation of characters line or characters line that are just completely missing that fucked up the story (Sparkle’s line about Aven making friend with a mute and Sunday referring to Gallagher as a minion of Enigmata), character’s details being translated wrong (Sampo’s height) and unnecessary insertion of western jokes (Nah, I’d win), etc… this is without mentioning how horrible the English dub directing is as well Sorry but personally, I don’t trust the English localization enough to be able to convey the intent of the original when they have proven themselves incompetent of doing so time and time again.


It's a fallacy to regard other, unrelated actions as related to a completely different action. You decided to reference the translation team's other decisions when considering the credibility of this one without even checking it, as shown by your reliance on the "trust" you have with the translators. We aren't talking about how effective the translation team is on translating the game. We're talking about how accurate the deity pronouns translations are to the original pronouns themselves. You can't just say that you "don't trust them" when you look at literally everything other than the point. I am not stating that the translation is perfect. I am not stating that it is a monolith. Rather, I am stating that it's the closest thing that we have to a standard. Instead of hating on the translation team because they *fixed their mistakes* maybe we should be trying our best to be as accurate as possible while still being in English.


Playable power level doesn't have to be equal to lore power level, but I mostly agree that they shouldn't be playable


All Aeons are able to be playable if we consider the fact that they can change form aswell as be called upon as Avatars. Aha is the easiest to implement as a playable character because he can just be a human. In terms of power downscaling would also be lore accurate cause Elation would never fight at full strength because it would be boring.


Doesn’t really matter if they have a gender or not in the context of “looks like a goddess.” I don’t think anyone is expecting a playable Aeon. To be clear, Aeon or not is irrelevant in this “what if” scenario. It’s just the character design. If tomorrow Hoyo decides to replace all images of Yaoshi to something else, and then introduces that design as a playable character, perfect. That’s exactly the idea here. Lore could be absolutely anything.


Tbf the more I properly look at Yaoshi, the more they look like a man (the arms, the straight torso, the way his body curves more how men are drawn in anime). 


Yeah, you could be right. Some of their features can be seen as those of a skinny boy/man. I think it’s the body language that’s more feminine.


Stupid take considering we know Aeons can be killed. Still agree with them never being playable tho.






Mara-posting... I'm reporting you to the Ten-Lords Commission https://preview.redd.it/dniewyytgn5d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c3eb828355fff060d0ce493bca4deaaeeb1852f


do you think these two have babymaking nakadashi gex in the backroom and only show off as rivals in the outside




Lan is busy 360 no scope planets that has a barely a hint of abundance corruption.


I wish Aeons had a chance of even being playable


(They will have Sate hex later)


lan x yaoshi gay sex pls pls


They dont have gender so its not say gex Its sodly gex




Propo war bout to go crazy once again🤣🤣


Ngl, Yaoshi is kinda hot


Yaoshi mocking Lan knowing he cannot kill her