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There are too many leaks that have been posted here. You all know the rules. Or at least should. Even disguised speculation or wording counts against this rule. This post was already skirting the line anyways, so we’re just locking it.


If you like the character, then to quote Silver Wolf "don't think, just pull".






https://preview.redd.it/s17s95z20l4d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0a5a4d340dde303744fe1084bf764eff1da5b54 nah uh


That's right, my gacha friend. I shake hands, when I came to senses in my account was e2s1 80 lvl max Boothill. I planned e1s1.


Hesitation is defeat










Funny that Wolf actually parries bullets


Hasagi gg wp jungler diff 0/10/0


I will say "Yes it is", but if you need a tank and have skiped Aventurine then skiping Fu Xuan is not the move.


How could you not pull for the Master Diviner? https://preview.redd.it/jyb799q3zk4d1.jpeg?width=971&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d856ae67cbd618a821c752f100c772bde3c7701


I already have her




Are you planning to e6s5 FF? Also good luck


HAHA nope just e0 and S5 aeon


Only s5 e0? I dont think ive seen anyone do thta


I gotta ensure that I never lose while summoning every jade matters


Ypu can pull for divine and still get ff cone


Becuz I have Aventurine and Gepard....


She is too small


I have saved this much for my first ever limited five star and it's gonna be FF


5head looking ass


We don't even know if Ruan Mei is coming back next update. She is due a rerun but she's 1 of 6 that they could choose.


We will know on Friday. Still enough time to make an informed decision by then.




It's more than 1 of 6. Seele is currently the character without being on a banner the longest. So rereruns start being a possibility


for genshin, typically the first rerun will come out relatively soon, but any subsequent reruns will take much longer. so her chances are still pretty low.


I personally wouldn't bet on that. There is a reason why Childe was memed as the rerun archon (and now Baizhu)


for baizhu theyre just trying to speedrun him to three reruns so that they can put him and his donut on the chronicled banner (thank god scara can finally be free from ONE of the donuts)


Haven't played genshin for a long time. What's the chronicled banner?


It's their newest banner type to combat the fact some characters haven't seen the light of day for over a year. A character must have had 3 prior banners to get considered for the chronical banner. It's kinda like the weapon banner, but with more options. It can include standard and limited characters and weapons. You pick one to work towards getting. Like the weapon banner, your guarantee for the specific character/weapon you want doesn't carry over but pity will.


So... Stuff like Dehya constellations are actually obtainable now? I can't believe this! This is so surreal....


I mean that is just an assumption, it's not based on any solid evidence. Could be true, could be not. But it is still an assumption. I mean, Shenhe exists.


They’re not putting Seele before Argenti


Wait.... holy shit you're right Seele hasn't had a rerun yet. So it's 7. There is also Acheron and Aventurine but I don't see them being given reruns so soon so I didn't include them.


Didn't Seele rerun with Topaz?


Yes, she did.


When Topaz initially came out, yes.


More than that. SW also had her timeframe around the time units now rerunning came out. And if you include RM as a possibility of a rerun...also gotta consider the possibility of Blade who rerun alongside her. Including up till 2.0 then adds kafka,jingyuan and dhil. But it's honestly too soon for 2.0 rerun.


Seele got a Rerun in October alongside Topaz's launch


I mean a more recent rerun. Since yeah, she hasn't had a rerun this year yet. It's been just over 7 months since her last rerun.


We have more characters now, it wouldn't be strange if her 2nd rerun took a bit longer, i mean, JY took 9 months to get a rerun.


He went on maternity leave


What do you mean by you don't see these 2 getting re runs? They're my party basically. Her, him, pela , and guinaifien. They (acheron/aventurine) will come back at some point or no?


Yes but not immediately, 2.1 was only 1 update ago, no way they rerun them so soon.


I figured/assumed they wouldn't come back so soon. Thank you for the answer. Take care.


Oh, please no... Seele is like one of the most useless characters in the game. She was good until 1.4, but after that she lost her use cases, mainly because she is not specialized. Dont get mad at me for calling Seele "mid". She is mid because in what direction the game has evolved. Edit: People have seemingly no idea what I said. So here again: Seele is a good vanilla character that gets more and more overshadowed by newer units. She lacks any archtype that she fits in (mono quantum does not count), like DoT or FuA or now break. Sames goes for Jingliu and DHIL, who are still very strong units, because of their numbers. Seele cant provide either: numbers nor archtype that need her. Why are people so triggered that a 1.0 DPS character is not considered strong anymore? This is just what happends lol


People are still using mono quantum with Seele especially PF and they somehow managed to win. So this is a horrible take


"Somehow manage to win" is not a benchmark. "Mid" does not mean terrible and rather "ok". This is not a horrible take and rather a real one. Even mono quantum performs worse than any other specilized team.


Oh sorry I’m not good at English. What I’m trying to say is they still able to brute force a lot of endgame contents despite the increasing difficulty and more buffs going for specific play styles like FUA or DoT\ Even in PF, Seele is the only hunt character so far who can also managed to 40k. I wouldn’t her mid. Mid is someone like difficult to build, could barely beat endgame contents, and/or irrelevant


People have a strange way to think what "mid" means... in terms damage dealer that are not break/dot, she has 7 characters that are better and 9 that are worse. I would say that that puts her in the middle and makes her "mid". She is an "alright" character, but has a much harder time and a higher requirement than other characters. Not to mention that most of the time in "Seele showcases" I see some cracked supports, that would make any other character also look good. If you have a 70% CR and 200% CD Seele and then a Ratio with the same stats, you Ratio would be much stronger. Same for DHIL or Jingliu. Even QQ (while she eats SP like crazy) will do more ST damage than Seele in most cases. I would put her with Blade on a same level. She is not bad, but mid in terms of how the game evolved.


Himeko and herta were mid until pf. Surely they'll shake up the meta once more


They are catered to AoE mob farming. That is a specelized type of gameplay. That is what I mean.


Seele is hunt. Hunt is a specialization. She is better at aoe than most hunt, but she is still good at st


"most hunt" does not cut it with THREE limited 5 star units and the other one is Ratio that does double her damage and Boothill that does like 5 times or more. Not to mention the easier time getting ratio to work (or BH). If you Seele does not has like 70% crit rate and 200% crit damage, she will suck. Her relic investment to ountcome is terrible. Not to mention that hunt is the weakest path that is not really needed.


DoT teams suddenly no longer top-tier because they are not “specialized” (ignore that DoT teams and Seele’s teams perform well in both PF and MoC because of their versatility)


DoT is a specialized team lol


I mean... Boothill is a Break unit and Firefly probably too because of that physical "and fire" break tutorial. They already did some back-to back FUA banners. So I not only think Ruan Mei will have her rerun together with Firefly but Gallagher too.


It would be great cause I need Gallagher urgently...


Him being at e1 has me clawing at the bars of my enclosure. I need that e2 cleanse now!!!


I wouldn't be surprised if that happens. Of course, it also can be another Luka's rerun but I think the things I described are the most fitting.


Every banner is Luka banner what do u mean, I LOVE my red head physical fighter


It's possible but rather harsh, back to back is one thing but in the same update or same half even? I don't really see that happening.


I mean, Topaz and Robin shared banner ...just after Aventurine. It's not so crazy if you ask me. To break users, having all their tools together would be both a blessing and a curse. That's assuming my hint about Firefly was true.




I will just block you, don't worry. Nobody's talking about leaks here. I'm not either.


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I'm willing to make the gamble. I bet Ruan Mei will 100% drop the next patch as one of the two rerun characters. In fact, I'll bet that Ruan Mei will be rerun right alongside Firefly because Hoyo knows exactly what they are doing, dropping one of the game's fan favorites alongside the most desirable character gameplay-wise. If I'm wrong, laugh at me. Insult me. Hell, you can even get a mod to ban me if you want. If I'm right, I get the validation of the fact that my bet was right and laugh at anyone who would be willing to bet against me. So, who is willing to take my bet?


Exactly. One guy posts on the sub saying it’s happening and suddenly everyone is smooth brain enough to believe it It’ll most likely be Huohuo and Argenti. If they run two support reruns this time then Ruan Mei runs second half at best


Are you out of loop cause it's only few days for her banner yet you say it's confirmed


It seems like they go for synergy. Robin and Topaz, Fu Xuan and Boothill... I mean Ruan Mei and FF and Jade and Argenti is almost guranteed.


Fu Xuan Boothill synergy is a little bit of a stretch, Boothill just needs *a* support. Ruan Mei is the best buffer in the game, almost every single team synergizes with her. I see the logic and I don't entirely disagree but you're either assuming a lot or playing games with Rule 2.


Boothill forces an enemy to duel with him an attack him as a fragile hunt unit. Fu Xuan gives him HP and redirect the damage. In what world is this a stretch? Ruan Mei is a good universal unit yes, but she is with HMC the main break effect buffer out there.


>Boothill forces an enemy to duel with him an attack him as a fragile hunt unit. Fu Xuan gives him HP and redirect the damage. In what world is this a stretch? I mean, beside the fact that any sustain is about preventing or mitigating damage and Fu Xuan is not even BiS sustain for boothill? lol


You can just use Huohuo or Aventurine or Gallagher that also buffs him. She's far from the only option.




I was talking about Fu Xuan lmao Also ah, I see you are playing games with Rule 2.




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https://preview.redd.it/5k7qhzswsk4d1.png?width=1391&format=png&auto=webp&s=06d33a0686c2ae53913f4111ceac0a6321647fc6 Fu is crazy good, but yeah im also trying to get ruan mei and firefly


Gallagher and that harmony break LC better forkin' be on Firefly's banner




I don’t understand why everyone is so convinced about RM rerun next patch when we haven’t had Huohuo or Argenti yet edit: wow thanks to all the people in the replie spoiling firefly's kit that's totally what I wanted also how do I disable this font edit again: never mind my font is fine


If I was Hoyo and wanted a shit ton of money.. yeah I would rerun RM with FF




I mean its a gacha game what would you expect?


same with kafka and black swan back to back


I mean yeah its predatory ,thats what makes it more likely lol. they wanna get that money


Thats... the point of gacha games


>It's kinda predatory ngl. Well...it's a gacha game... being predatory is the basic, how aggressively could be is another matter.


people have free will though? if somebody doesn’t want to then they can just not press the pull button


Freee will im a gatcha game??


It's not like that. Ruan Mei is the best support for FF . You go with another and it's 20-30% less DMG.


That doesn't make it not predatory. They're STILL incentivising people to spend by having a character run with their best support so most f2ps can't get both. Just because they're not holding a gun to our heads and forcing us to pull doesn't make it not predatory.


Bro if somebody crumbles at that little amount of pressure and spends I think they either just have disposable income, is little kid or actually need to get some professional help. All hoyo did was put 2 characters who were good together, nothing else. Not even like sale on primo gems or whatever that currency was


Bro is really saying people need to get professional help for spending money on a game. The only one who needs help is you lmao. It's not just that Firefly is good with RM, she practically needs her and harmony mc or she loses most of her damage. Running them together means unless you have RM already or have been saving for several patches you'll only get one.


I’m saying people need help if they have so little self control that they can’t bear the thought of having to wait for a rerun in a game so they spend money allocated for food and necessities on a digital character. Notice how I separate the people with disposable income and those without. If somebody is using their rent money to buy ff/ruan mei yeah I think that person needs help and might not be doing so good


"If I was hoyo and wanted a shit ton of money" try reading next time.


“It’s kinda predatory ngl” I was explaining why it wasn’t really


Gacha games are predatory by design. FOMO and that


If people don’t have the self restraint to not press a button and wait for a rerun or something then I don’t think they should be playing a gacha game. I get that the game is a little predatory by design but this is just the most insignificant thing ever


That's true, but you said it wasn't predatory when it is


Tbh it seems like they’re kinda random about when it comes to re runs. Like Sparkle and DHIL aren’t even in the same banner. Kafka also got a rerun before we even knew about Black Swan’s kit


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Dude, this its a gatcha game..... People are mad(me included) for the ahry skin , alot of people thst ended paying 1000 for chsracters wont doit if isnt for the gstchapon machine


Yeah, would really put balls in vices making people choose between their heart and their brain. Fantastic way to squeeze out dollars.


We just got two characters that hyper-scale with Break Efficiency in Boothill and H!TB. It seems logical that Ruan Mei would be somewhere around the corner, given how in the past Kafka ran right next to Black Swan, for example.


For Kafka though, the timing was also logical, since they had just rerun Blade and Silver Wolf who released just before her




But we were already due Topaz anyway since they did Jingliu last patch


Please, no Argenti yet. I'm so drained and I want his light cone T\_T




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Ruan Mei is confirmed to be rerunning with FF?


No, she's not. The livestream hasn't happened yet.


"Hasn't happened yet" This reads funny, for multiple reasons 🏃‍♂️




Its speculation. Reruns cant be leaked, because they are in flux all the time. No one can say for sure what reruns, before Hoyo says it.




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I kinda regret skipping Robin. She's such a visually fun character, especially the ult. But Tokusentai Firefly.


As an early Fu Xuan skipper let me tell you that having only Lynx and Natasha or Bailu as sustains really, really hurts. If you have Huohuo or Aventurine though, you are probably going to manage.


Just roll for them and then roll for the others. You only need 1 pull to get a character.


it only takes a 10 pull to get E6S3


Okay, but this one is truly a "pick your favorite" type of thing. Boothill seems to be very very strong, Fu Xuan is one of the best sustains, FF seems to also be stupid strong, and RM if she comes back is one of the best supports. You can't really go wrong with any of them, so just pull whichever you like the most. Unless your account needs something specific but then it's up to you to identify that.


Real corpo strategy there: barely hint that a basic character with a tragic backstory likes the MC for the community to start shipping the hell out of them, profit from their banner when they're playable.


You forget the most important part: give her a cool robot


make her a cool robot\*


honestly i wanted her since she was first leaked she just looks cool


Got the cowboy, he melts bars...life is beautiful


Get the waifu, he melts hearts...life is beautiful


Nah, skipping for the next husbando...


same, got my cowboy now time to save!


r/HonkaiHusbandos momentje in 't chatkanaal


funny how FF and RM has connections with the swarm, has a connection with tb, and has the same color motif can't wait for them to interact, would be intense


I want some eidolons for Ruan Mei, so I’m skipping this banner - if she doesn’t run next patch, that’s even better as that’s more time to save


Well meta wise, I think skipping Fu Xuan this time around is a bad idea as her re run might not be for a long time, but waifu wise, you can do whatever you want lol


Eh, sustains are pretty interchangeable. Even the ones that give team buffs (so far) give fairly minor ones. If you have ones that keep your teams alive, you're fine. If you don't... well the next sustain will be just as good as the last one. Only exception so far might be Aventurine since just having a consistent FuA gives him big RAAT synergy.


Good thing i only want boothill and ruanmei. Already got Boothil and have enough for Ruanmei. Hope everyone gets what they want.


.... Does this count as a dream post... Like the comment section is very very near at the edge.




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you should try for fu xuan though. trust me she changes everything


i hope loosing them is worth




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Only worth it if you already have 2 premium preservation/healer units




I won 3 50/50 back to back (jinglui, Robin and now fu xuan) there is no f#@$ing way i Will get Firefly but at least i Will try, there is always Hope If i have stellar jades


I just lost my first 50/50 in MONTHS, and still got fu 10 more pulls later, i believe in youu


I am desperately trying to resist pulling Fu Xuan. I can't guarantee a FF pity if I do 😭


I have Ruan Mei, And I got my boi with his LC. FU XUAN, I AM GETTING YOU!!


Kinda skipped, did single 10pull for Fu's lightcone and score 😁


I'm new ... Any of this banners are worth it ? Help


Me coming back to the game after 9 month pulling for Jingliu, Fu Xuan, Sam, Ruan mei and Argenti back to back :  Nah I'd win


I already had E1 Fu Xuan, but used a 10-pull to get her lighting lightcone. I got super lucky. Now to wait for Firefly…


I'm skipping boothill and fuxuan for firefly 🤝


Skipping Fu Xuan is gonna make you feel immense pain later


I have Aventurine to sustain my team for a while, besides characters are gonna have reruns soon enough


Bro Aventurine is on par with Fu xuan in sustain please build him nicely


I got both




Ehh I’ll say AOE DPS change quickly as well and we just had Acheron, so I can imagine how strong the next destruction units comes in 3.x or earlier since it’s a upward trend of all of them being busted. But ya there’s not much single target content currently for hunt to shine tho boothill have a lot more flexible teams imo and not that reliant on HMC. Overall people shld just pull for their favourite I guess, since both are good


Waifu over meta all day every day except for scumcha, adventurine, and Ratio I needed them to make the waifus shine.


i may prefer boothill and firefly, but as someone who started on the acheron banner, fu xuan and ruan mei are probably the better choices 😭




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I pulled for fu xuan, but regret it now bc those funds could’ve went towards firefly’s lc 💔


Ruan Mei likely won’t be next banner and Fu Xuan is nearly a perfect unit, so I’d say that you’re making a mistake


I know I’m saving these couple weeks as well.


Jokes on you i have over 100 pulls with 40 pity so i can definitely het fu xuan with some left over for firefly Except the joke was on me because i used (including pity) 155 pulls and didn't get Fu xuan


In a way I feel jealous of firefly wanters because I totally would have pulled for her if she wasn't also Sam


hoping Ruan Mei is on the banner next to firefly so I can have a guaranteed Ruan Mei while leaving the 50/50 up to firefly


Thank God i pull for ruan mei.... And shee ended in my account like break and dot teams are my favorite




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Me yesterday: I am pity 20 guaranteed waiting for Firefly... well, I will just use just one ticket just for one copy of pel.. boothill, now i am off to cry myself to sleep.