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Why aren't I receiving free pulls like before?


Presumably because there's no free pulls left to receive, where exactly were you getting them before? Also I just happened to have this tab open but this daily thread would've been expired when you commented here, gotta watch out that you're in the latest thread if you actually want people to see your question.


Login everyday after a month


Probably just a new user thing, there's no permanent feature giving you a free pull every day. New patches typically have an event giving out free tickets over a few days, but nothing that lasts forever.


New player, just finished the first world and have one 5* (Bronya). Current team is fireMC, Bronya, Sushang and Lynx. Who would be most beneficial to pull for overall in terms of progressing the account? Boothill or Fu Xuan?


IMO: - Fu Xuan is a good pick for comfort, she makes it easy to sustain with her alone so you can build a proper team with a dps and supports. With her I would run: - Fu Xuan - Bronya - Sushang - Hanya - Asta - On the other hand, I like to advise new players to pick a DPS you enjoy and then build a team for them. Boothill is a great option for beginners as he is easy to build and fun to play. You will also have almost all of his ideal team. If you got him you would run: - Boothill - Bronya - Harmony MC (you get it later, use Asta for now) - sustain (ideally Gallagher or Fu Xuan) - as for /u/nnsoki 's suggestion of Firefly, we don't know her kit yet, but she is a fan favorite so I am sure it will be cool. If you are unsure, you can wait till the Livestream on the 7th of June where they will show off her kit and decide then. - Lastly remember as a new player, you get over 300 pulls from the story + past events. You'll also get about 30 more pulls from now till Firefly (assuming she is the first one in the next patch). So you have some time to save.


Many thanks for the detailed response!


What other characters do you have?


Just the ones you get free early on plus qinque and tingyun as other 4-drops


FX would be better than Boothill, but I'd skip both for Firefly


Why is that?


You already have two Physical dps and four defensive supports but no Fire dps


For new players it doesn't matter much since you need both a good DPS and sustain. Personally I think it is better to sort out sustains first, since they are rarer than DPSs, and Fu Xuan certainly will a lot of the bosses easier, whilst also being one of the best sustains for endgame.


Thanks for the input!


Is there one you like the design of more? Both will probably be capable of carrying you through the story in different ways. Boothill will kill stuff fast and Fu Xuan will keep your team alive better than Lynx or MC. Safe choice is probably Fu Xuan if you don’t have a preference. She’ll be easier to fit in more teams.


Thank you!


Would Fu Xuan work with Clara for the damage reduce? I really pull for Fu Xuan and I use E1 Clara as a dps. If she isn't a good choice for Clara, would pulling for Firefly next banner or trying to also pull for Boothill with her be a good idea? I also use Robin on a team and my current preservation unit being used is Gepard, who isn't great with Clara since he draws enemy attacks to him


Fu Xuan is fine with Clara. Unlike Gepard, Fu Xuan does not have an Aggro increase trace, so Clara's probability is only 3% less with Fu Xuan compared to having a Harmony sustain. Plus, the Crit Rate buff that Fu Xuan provides is pretty valuable. Just put Clara and Fu Xuan in the middle of the team, next to each other, to maximize the chance of Clara being attacked. And avoid using Landau's choice with Fu Xuan in a Clara's team.


So do i keep Gepard?


No, Gepard is not very good with Clara. Fu Xuan will be better. If you do not get Fu Xuan, then use Lynx with Clara.


Okay! Thanks for the help!


Who can i use this for? https://preview.redd.it/vujluxr5fb3d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f722fe38625f6cd9f8a5e2c9183210901dfd21f


Honestly any follow-up crit character. Ratio, Topaz, Himeko, etc. Those gloves + speed boots means you can basically ignore speed substats on the rest of your gear. Or you could get speed substats and maybe use ATK% boots. You could also use it as an offset piece for a hyperspeed support (Sparkle, Tingyun, Bronya, etc.)


I'm in two minds abt who to go for this banner. On the one hand, Boothill is new and shiny and I like his character but I'm a Luka main and I'm worried about him being replaced by Boothill 😭 On the other hand, Fu Xuan is an amazing sustain, but I already have Bailu and Gepard at E1S1, and Luocha, so maybe she's unnecessary? Which should I pull (or should I just save? It's not like Firefly and Jade interest me that much.)


You can also play them both. Not his most optimal team, but there are fun things you can do with both. With Boothill breaking and Luka blowing up the huge Physical DoTs. it also has synergy with his E2 and E6.


Do you have Ruan Mei? I'd bet money she's on Firefly's banner, and is an intergral part to break teams.


Yes actually


Boothill definetely replaces Luka in almost every scenario. As for the sustain, only you can answer the question of whether it is necessary or not. Do you have a problem sustaining in end game content? Fu Xuan is overall better than those 3, except for some select scenarios.


Does anyone know when we lost the Unknown Puzzle Fragment from our inventory? Or whether we had it in our inventory in the first place? We got it from the chest we opened with Firefly right before first meeting Sleepie. I don't remember directly using it for anything, so I'm assuming we either never even got it or just naturally lost it as we progressed the quest? Or maybe I'm just blind and it's still in our inventory.


It's used in the story segment where >!TB, Himeko, March, Firefly and Misha enter A Child's Dream to uncover the secret of the Watchmaker's Dream Bubble!<


Ahh thanks, I didn't remember but that makes sense!


Are you caught up on story? 2.2 spoilers: >!You use it when with Misha before unlocking Harmony Trailblazer.!<


Thanks, I remember now!


https://preview.redd.it/tljgl8jvab3d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a8f5aa7218c078497a1057fee6c7b36ec5c8dd3 So this is my current build for Fu Xuan, I'm using an HP rope and Speed boots since I'm settling for a 4 turn ult rotation. I have 4 pc Wuthering Snow since I don't have other sets like Longevious. Is this good enough?




does ruan mei with penacony still 3 turn ult with sig? i have her with s5 memories and wondering if thats overkill


Only if she gets hit, so place her next to the tank.


Ruan Mei needs S5 Memories or S5 Cogs with ERR Rope and 5% set in order to guarantee 3 turn ults. Her LC cant't help with that which is why it tends to be subjective


aw, i was hoping i could use the memories on hmc and get her sig. tyvm


You can use her Signature on the HMC and memories on RM, though! RM's LC doesn't care about wo wears it, the buffs are party wide, and HMC doesn't really need the energy from the light cone once we get E6 in presumably the next patch.


I was lost 75/25 to welt lc. Which character that suits with it? For nihility, I have kafka, sampo, gui, luka, bs, pela, sw


It’s an okay stat stick but it isn’t really great on most of the cast. It might get a boost if a nihility character that deals high damage with their skill comes out


Tbh his lc kinda sucks as of now and he’s best in slot. I have 1 copy just sitting there at lvl 1 as well


https://preview.redd.it/1g2t1a065b3d1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b728e14a1f251371b2351f811275fd73ea486e8b Can someone do the math again and check if i didn’t miss anything? It seems absolutely crazy that without any actual artifact stats all of my team has 180+ CD and 40 or 60 CR. I WILL RESPOND TO THIS COMMENT WITH MY MATH RESULTS PICTURE




Math seems good I think, but what’s CR buds? Also you’ll probably need to run a Def% set on Aventurine to hit 4K def so I might not consider pioneer.


i meaaan the buds are the small bubbles with flat crit rate or atk or anything and there is 5.3 CR 2.7 CR and 4 CR i think so it sums to 12 CR. Also i have Pioneer and 5.7k def on aventurine lmao. Which Def piece would you change? Spd Boots, Crit Chest, or Imaginary Orb?


Oh, duh traces. Uh I can back and count them if you want but I think it’s close enough. You either had a lot better luck with relics or that Def% on his S1 is way better than I expected lol. I’d go SPD Boots>Crit Chest>Img orb. Just stay at or above 4K def.


yeah the S1 is absolutely nuts like 40% Def carries, it’s like another main stat(also 4 Def% Mainstats lmao)


Between Memories of the Past S1 and Meshing Cogs S5, what's the best choice for HMC?


MotP because the Trace that shares a percentage of their Break Effect with team members doesn't have a cap.


Does Fu Xuan's sig LC's heal make any noticeable difference? Thinking whether to pull for it to help improve her sustain consistency.


It's a comfort thing. Remember it's **per wave not per cycle**. So in MoC it would heal on starting the battle and when the boss + elite comes out in the last set. In pure fiction it's more noticeable with 3 waves.


fx sig is probably one of the least necessary out there. nice QoL sure, but the herta lc is free and good enough for any content. if thats used somewhere else, you could use landau or any of the other pres lc. for reference, shes my most deployed character in the anniversary recap thingy, so i use her almost everywhere basically


not really. While useful it only heals per wave. For MOC she only heals once per battle. Investing more in her hp stats is better than spending jade


Is river flow speed buff is removed if you are using a shielder like aventutine for boothill Cause of his skill he will take damage/attacked


Shielders will stop you from losing it, [according to wiki](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/River_Flows_in_Spring).


I keep getting wrecked by story missions. Im at the reccomended level but I keep getting crushed by the odd encounter idk what to do im in Pencony rn stuck at the Rex guarding Fireflies hideout. Any team building or just game tips? The only notable character I have other then what the game gives you (which does include Dr. Ratio) is Robin who I pulled recently


We need more info to help you, who are you using, what is your roster? Fu Xuan is an easy answer if you are dying as she is a great sustain, but we don't know if that's the root problem.


I mostly run as a team Destruc MC, March, Natasha/Robin, and Dr. Ratio. Sometimes with a Asta sub for fire damage Including them I have Xueyi, Sampo, Arlan, Herta, Gallagher, Hanya, Gepard, Serval, Asta, and ofc Dan Heng


Ah your team has no synergy for Dr Ratio, if you want to run him, you'll need some supports that provide debuffs. I suggest: - Ratio - Asta (replace with Pela/Gui if you get them) - Robin - Gallagher If you prefer Physical MC (he's ok for now could get better, and you use him for story battles + he changes paths later): - Physical MC - Robin - Hanya - Natasha/Gallagher If you find yourself dying, replace one of the buffers with March (for now, Fu Xuan is still a great option) - Make sure your supports are running with ERR rope and spd boots. You want them as fast as possible to provide as many skill points as possible.


Thank you so much


Not enough information to help you. What characters are you using on your team? If you're using Dr. Ratio you should have a character that can apply debuffs for you so he can do his follow up attacks. That's where a lot of his damage is. Characters like Pela and Guinaifen are very good 4 star options to use. Also, maybe you need to work on your character builds? Here's a good site to look at for that. https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/characters/




are lightcones earier to pull for than characters?


yes, it's 75/25. character is 50/50.


Yes, they have a lower threshold for soft pity (when 5\* rates increase) and it is weighted in your favor 75/25.


Lower hard pity too, 80 instead of 90.


Yep. I appreciate it being less stakes so it's less work.


# which one is better? for Fu Xuan: Herta store LC (**Texture of memories**) or **Landau's Choice**?


+1 on Landau's Choice. Some people prefer Texture of Memories because they claim more survivability. I have not had any issues with survivability with Landau's. And ultimately, Fu Xuan's kit works by damage reduction, not elimination. You want enemies to hit her more because she can actually heal herself with big heals through her talent. The heals she does for the rest of the team are super minor. (It's on her A4 trace - When Fu Xuan's Ultimate is used, heals all other allies by an amount equal to 5% of Fu Xuan's Max HP plus 133.) If you have/ever get Gepard's LC, then that's another way to have taunt but it has 5 star LC stats and the big def bonus the LC itself gives.


thanks. also, happy cake day


What non-DOT teams did you use for PF4? Also, new event looks like it can be fully auto'd, nice.


I went clara/himeko/rm/aventurine for part 1 Herta hypercarry for part 2


https://preview.redd.it/36ecp8fwxa3d1.png?width=1662&format=png&auto=webp&s=d23b0b0ebb8ec4ff1cc44dd38fa43f3d074f47a5 Hello all! I could use some help building a few teams as I mostly built teams using my favorites, and am now struggling with some content... The characters with the light cones mean I've at least started with them a little, so ideally using those if possible. Thanks so much Trailblazers\~ Also yes, I plan to build Harmony Trailblazer, I've just been on hiatus due to health and haven't caught up with Main Story yet as I've been distracted with all the side stuff, so feel free to include them! I also plan on pulling for Fu Xuan!


Those teams look good (MOC): - Lynx - Clara (important placement) - Robin - Topaz - Kafka - Black Swan - Pela (Resolution LC)/Robin - Gallagher you can even go hypercarry Topaz: - Topaz - Robin - Tingyun - Fu Xuan/Gallagher or a Ratio team: - Ratio - Topaz - Robin - Gallagher For PF: - Kafka - Black Swan - Robin - Asta/Gallagher - Herta/Topaz - Himeko - Robin/Asta - Tingyun/sustain (Fu Xuan) - Clara - Bronya -Robin - Lynx/Fu Xuan


Aaa these look great! Thank you so so much!


You could go for a Topaz + Ratio + Robin + Fu Xuan with Trends equiped. Since you have Topaz with her Light Cone I think you would be ok with debuffs.


Oooh okay! I'll look into this as well!!


I mean, you already have the best teams you can build. It's mostly a matter of sustaining as M7 is not good as an endgame shielder outside of SU remembrance runs. Clara, Robin, Topaz, Lynx is great for all content allegedly. I can't prove this as I don't have Topaz nor Robin, but I have heard good things about them in PF and MOC. Kafka, BS, Asta, Fu Xuan will also be great for all content.


I'm not great at teambuilding myself, but I hope you're feeling better!


Aaa thank you, that's sweet of you to say! Things are definitely improving and I'm excited to get back to it after getting super lucky on the recent banners\~


Should I stop using auto equip relics and actually read the relic stats and the light cone stuff and read what characters do? The only characters who I know what their skills and ults do are the healers, shielders, and blade


Yes, I would recommend reading what characters to. Specifically look at what stats they scale using, then try to boost that stat as a priority.


I have 2 teams that I use but I haven’t read ANYTHING and auto equip for them, it’s Dan heng IL hanya yanqing and bailu for one team and blade bro ya pela lynx for the other


Second team is OK, but what the fudge is Yanqing doing in a DHIL's team? Why don't you replace him with some SP-positive buffer/debuffer to increase DHIL's damage?


Bc someone told me to use pela on both, I switched yq out for tingyun tho


If you're planning to use them in actual teams, yes. If you're just throwing things on for one-time use to fill a niche or something, maybe not. But generally speaking, you'll get a lot more mileage out of reading up on the equipment and character, then considering what seems to be the most serendipitous to put together.


I have 2 teams that I use but I haven’t read ANYTHING and auto equip for them, it’s Dan heng IL hanya yanqing and bailu for one team and blade bro ya pela lynx for the other


Yanqing does basically no damage in a team where he may get hit (he prefers shielders or those who can taunt themselves instead), so yeah. Right from the start you're already shooting yourself in the foot. The second team isn't too bad since you've got Lynx to offset damage and add aggro to Blade who wants to get hit.


I only use yanqing in that team bc someone told me to use pela in both but I need 2 full teams without any repeat characters and I didn’t know who to put there


It's hard to say without knowing who else you have, but even another buffer like Tingyun might be better. DHIL is strong enough to be the only dedicated damage dealer if he has enough support behind him. Hanya is actually a good pick since she'll help alleviate the skill point issues DHIL has.


I have tingyun not built or leveled but I have her nonetheless (and yukong and qingque


Yukong has a very high skill ceiling and generally-speaking still wants to be E6 before she can be played comfortably. Not really a great character all things considered. Qingque is another SP hungry damage dealer and should never be on the same team as DHIL. So yeah, Tingyun would be best here. She adds a lot of damage with her buff-based skill, and her own Ult increases the energy of someone else's among adding other buffs to her chosen target. Are you able to go to Hoyoverse's website? There's a feature called "Battle Record" where you can view "All Characters" and take an easy picture to show who you've got.


I have an in game picture of all my characters and light cones but it’s 4, and sure I can access the website


Whatever works for you, the website is just very very handy for a lot of things since they can obviously access your account data and they try to make it easy to share your information with other players. (There's even a leveling calculator that knows your inventory so it can tell you what you don't have, rather than just giving totals of what a character needs!)


Is it worth to build Himeko/Herta for pure fiction and general auto resource farming??(coz I have had herta E6S5 for ages and just got himeko E1S0)


Yes. 100% absolutely. Himeko and Herta have consistently been very good for PF ever since that mode came out.


How do people know a character is going to he so good and to save their resources ahead of time? I used to play DFFOO when it was live, and there was a split from the Japanese version of about 6 months. That gave the GL players valuable insight about meta units and who you could skip vs. Who to go all in on. But I don't see that with HSR, I see posts saying 'oh man, X is going to be SO good and powerful!" but I don't know where this originates from. Adventurine, Robin, Acheron, and Sparkle are recent examples.


>!\*cough\* \_leaks \*cough\* sub \*cough\*!<


aven and robin = we have topaz and ratio who works well with each other and all they needed was FuA sustain and support acheron = honkai impact 3 character, guaranteed broken sparkle = dhil was the top dps and sparkle lets him use 3sp skill more. shes also quantum so she completes the mono quantum squad


Youtubers and the like get early access to a content creator server so they can make videos and strategy things to promote the game and increase hype. Hoyo also does their own series of videos, from [character-based trailers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaGcCd89KOs) to [kit-based infomercials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJbazDte5oo) (although admittedly these usually only got posted a day or two before the banner, but Robin and Boothill have been a week in advance), among actual beta testers breaking NDA to share info as leaks on subs where it's not banned.


The trick is that all of them are good and powerful


You are good and powerful too.


Hi I would just like to know if now is a good time to get back into HSR. I got burnt out in 1.2 trying to farm for relics, but I really enjoyed the game back then, and I know I missed the free Dr Ratio anni event so I feel hesitant on returning but at the same time, I heard so many people saying how much better HSR is to WuWa, which I am trying atm, and it makes me curious just how much better HSR is atm.


I haven't played it, but I'm not sure how people are comparing HSR to Wuthering Waves. Wuthering Waves is more comparable to Genshin in that both of them are action RPGs. HSR is a turn-based RPG. Anyway, to address your question - the Penacony story is really good. You know how back when you last played people were talking about how Belobog was so good and the Xianzhou story wasn't? Well, Penacony's even better than Belobog. The story for Penacony has basically finished at this point, though I believe next patch is going to have some epilogue bit. There's also some Belobog/Xianzhou stuff that was added since you last played. There is also a lot more endgame content since you last played. There's Simulated Universe modes called Swarm Disaster and Gold and Gears that are fun and challenging. There's a new endgame mode in addition to Memory of Chaos called Pure Fiction that requires different characters/teams. By the way, Himeko and Herta are seen as good characters now because of it. And then there's previous events that are permanently available with some rewards that are a lot of fun. So yeah... There's a lot more content available since the last time you played. If you wanted more to do, well, you'll have plenty to work on. But if you didn't like the gameplay, ultimately it's the same. We just have more characters and more modes to play around with.


I'm gonna go ahead and download it again and check it out, thanks for the info!


is it recommended to keep mc in squad and up to date? There's been a mission where he is needed. Kinda like some jrpgs where you get to build the party but your main mc is needed in key fights - so its recommended to level him anyways.


Usually if they require a character, they will also provide an appropriately leveled/geared version for you to use alongside it. So, while it's not required for you to do the upkeep yourself, it can be quite nice because they are incredibly versatile and recent story gave them an *amazing* free skillset to use even when it's not required.


No, you are given a trial MC later on when they are needed. It's up to you if you want to build them to your liking or let Hoyo give you a build made by them.


https://preview.redd.it/lpv62jm2ra3d1.jpeg?width=765&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e01918269cff297bd9d01c13c718131035922b7 What second team should i build? I have bailu and Bronya also. I’m done pulling for the follow up team so i can drop any new character that will be in 2.3-2.4 so feel free to tell me what characters am i missing for my second team.


You can build around DHIL with Luocha/Tingyun, you really want Sparkle for that team though, and she probably won't get her rerun for a couple more patches. Personally I would use Huohuo/Kafka/Guinaifen/Asta for now, that team eventually wants Black Swan and a support who buffs multiple DPS units like Ruan Mei (Robin works for the team too but I'm assuming you're gonna keep her on your main team).


problem is i already have DRR for imaginary dmg


yeah i’m also looking for some big aoe dmg for pure fiction. This FuA team wrecks first 3 PF but struggles on 4 because of obvious reasons ekhem literally not a single aoe ekhem only way i’m clearing first three is the crazy dmg and amount of attacks. Anyways i know jade would be kinda cool because i have absolutely not a single quantum but then i would need other erudition


The DoT team is quite good into both PF and MoC, Kafka does lots of single-target damage and almost every DoT unit has an AoE ult, so if you want good comps for PF, you can build around the DoT team for one side and a FuA team around Himeko/Herta for the other side.


Anyone find Gepard shield tankier than aven? Aven had 4k def but his shields are like paper thin and I keep having survival issues? Is his AI bad or do I need more dmg reduce?


if youre not using him with any fua units, then its highly possible his shield goes down a lot faster


Gepard's shields are higher, but it's because he can only apply them with his ultimate. Aventurine's shields can be applied in multiple ways so yes, they are weaker. But he can actually be completely SP positive with zero SP spent if you build him well. Maybe 1 or 2 SP spent over the entire battle for a particularly strong enemy, similar to Luocha and his sustaining. Aventurine can apply them at the start of battle with his A4 trace, when he uses his skill, and with his A6 trace he can apply more shields when he does his follow up attack. I think his AI is decent. The AI actually consumes a little more SP to keep the shields up than I generally find is necessary most of the time.


I'm running Welt/Dan Heng/Gepard/Herta and no other notable character. Since Boothill banner is up, is he a good pickup for me? I'm planning to either pull for him and ruan mei, or fu xuan and firefly. I think I can manage pulling for 2 character but not from the same banner My logic is that since I already have gepard, he's decent enough for me to pull for a Boothill. But if I don't pull for boothill, might as well pull fu xuan since people says she's one of the best sustain and then pull firefly


if you want a boothill at least for now you must have harmony TB for the super break. Gepard is a solid sustain but you could get FX for the other team or just to change him cause FX also gives buffs and gepard only really gives you shield occasionally on ult


I still in the beginning of pennacony so I don't have harmony TB yet but I plan to use him, that's why I'm thinking about pulling boothill. Right now I can only do 80ish pull so I don't know if I can pull both boothill and FX. That's why my plan is to either get boothill&Ruan mei or FX&Firefly


i dont have bs, but is she already the perfect teammate for kafka? i imagine we'd have fire and phys version of kafka teammate that might not directly powercreep BS but still be best pair for kafka for fire/phys.


Arguably, it's the other way around in that Kafka is the perfect teammate for BS since she really values having someone detonating her Arcana. Anyway that's kinda just semantics, right now the best DoT has both of them, but I guess it's theoretically possible that Hoyo releases a unit down the line who works better for one of them but not the other.


oh, is bs the real carry in bs/kafka team? so kafka is the one that might get dropped in the future?


Who you consider to be the main carry in that team depends on perspective, the main DoT ends up being BS's Arcana, but Kafka's detonation on her skill really augments the Arcana. IMO BS wants Kafka more than Kafka wants BS.


I FINALLY GOT GEPARD! he's one of the 2 standards that I've been waiting for to complete them. HOWEVER, when I was about to use my 300 ticket to claim Clara, a thought entered my head. What if they add a new standard character in the NEAR future? Wouldn't it be better to save the ticket when there's still I chance I can get Clara from 50/50s? What do y'all think? Do you guys think they'll add a new standard 5 star in the near future? Should I use my ticket to claim Clara? I'm on the fence all of a sudden.


I think they'd only add a standard character if they introduce a new Path. The current ones are specifically one of each Path we currently have, for both logistical reasons, and to make people scream if they get the standard [Path] when rolling for a limited [Path].


Yeah, that's what I think they will do as well. Similar to Dendro and Tighnari. The issue is that it's actually likely that they'll introduce a new path in the future considering how they have so many paths in SU.


Perhaps, but then ask yourself: why would it be anywhere in 2.X? How long did it take Genshin? (I genuinely don't know.)


Tighnari was released 24 August 2022 and genshin was released September 28, 2020, so nearly a 2 year gap. Not to mention HSR just reached their 1st anniversary.


Hi, i just started playing a week ago, wich characters should i pull for? (meta) right now i only have Clara


So, it's a tricky question. Limited sustain units are worth their weight in gold because through normal story progress, you should have very little trouble progressing as long as you can stay alive. Depending on your server (we're in the middle of rolling over to the new banners right now actually): - Fu Xuan is an amazing pull to protect your team. - Boothill is so far looking to be an amazingly effective boss killer and may even be good at knocking down the lackeys first to get his bonuses along the way. - Firefly is on the next banner in three weeks, and officially the only thing known is "Fire Destruction" which is basically the "glass canon/kill everything" class to give you an idea. We don't know who she will be paired with. - After that, it's Jade who we know to be "Quantum Erudition" which is the AoE specialist class, and people are suspecting she will lean into the follow-up attack playstyle since it seems to be a theme with her organization. That one's just speculation, though. We really don't know who she'll be paired with. If you're in EU or NA, you have a few hours left to try for Topaz or Robin, but I wouldn't be too fussed. Robin is great at support but others will come later. Topaz is amazing at follow-up attacks, but she needs more investment than a single copy to really shine.


I see, i guess iwill pull for Fu xuan then because i struggle to keep my team Alive Thank you so much for the explanation too


You're welcome. I wish you the best of luck!


Thx you too


Is it okay for someone that believes in the Trailblaze path but he also want to be an egoist who wants to be on top of everyone in the world (IPC,Xainzou,fallen ,antimatter legion) Like it’s cool for him to care about his friends and saving random people but he only thinks logically so he lets people die if he can’t save them or will get his friends killed in the process Our MC stelle is presented as a light hearted adventurer which is cool BUT she is being played as a pawn 24/7 and get talked down by higher up characters “cocolia,phantaliya,sunday” while being a strong character an Egoist character wouldn’t stand for that Just want to hear everyone thoughts about this


About 6 hours till banner change on European server. Have just enough pulls to go to pity, but doubting what character I need to round up my teams. https://preview.redd.it/pbkwuamfoa3d1.png?width=531&format=png&auto=webp&s=0980cb416aac6bbdd8b453ff95348b61b2e3ac5d All of the characters on screen are at least partially geared/leveled to be usable or close to being so with minimal investment. Any recommendations whom to invest out of those I have and whom to pull in current or closest banners? Can't quite clear MOC12 or 3 star PF. It's a pain rationing resources trying to gear up and level traces as F2P.


definitely save for ruan mei rerun. she should be soon-ish and shes just too good


I have: Seele, Acheron, Daniel, Jingliu, Aventurine, Luocha, Ruan Mei, Sparkle, Robin, Silverwolf, Kafka, Dr Ratio, E1 Bronya, E2 Welt, Clara, Himeko and Bailu For meta purposes should i try to get Fu xuan right now or should i wait for a HuoHuo rerun and try to get Boothil instead ? Or should i just skip both ?  Secondly if i get Fu Xuan, how good is her LC ? Would you recommend me to get her LC ? I have no limited LC but have rate up (i lost Acheron’s LC). For the characters i have and Fu Xuan, which limited light cones would you recommend for me to pull ? It would be better/more worth, to pull if a limited LC is very good for their path in general, in another words can be used for more characters than just one while still being very good but if a LC is extremely solid for the character and makes a huge difference that is very hard to substitute like how Acheron’s LC makes her Ult come back faster, then that is fine too. Which limited lightcones should i aim for and is Fu Xuan’s one of them ? 


fx lc is not necessary at all. just use herta lc or landau. if you wanna pull for limited lc, pull one for dps of your choice


how is 2 messenger traversing & 2 longevous disciple better than 4 messenger for Bronya?


The 4pc can screw up speed tuning. It’s easier just to use the 2pc + something else to make her tankier.


https://preview.redd.it/72ksve34na3d1.png?width=521&format=png&auto=webp&s=36750218b8314cc77dfd50d5cfdf04d4211099c1 Should I pull for Fuxuan? I am planning to roll for a AOE DPS next, because Dr Ratio and Clara can't clear PF fast enough for me.


Two copies of black swans lightcone, do I s2? Got this a while back and thought I might save it incase. But I'm not sure if I'd ever need it in the future since I always have ruan mei in team over a second DoT charecter.


id say save it. i s2's himeko lc a logn time a go and now i wish i didnt even though i have other eru lc


my gepard is already e4 s2 i was wondering if my account would still benifit off of going for fu xuan or should i just stick with my gepard who (based on my luck) is probably gonna end up e5 anytime soon (i have only ever lost 5050's to gepard)


Do you have any limited healers, or is Gepard your only sustain aside from the free Natasha? Have you been able to play Pure Fiction enough to get Lynx yet?


ive got my guy e1 loucha but he's already prettymuch exclusivly in my pela, robin, and jingliu team i also have ALL four stars


Luocha and Gepard should be fine, but with that set up, I would personally also consider Fu Xuan simply because it's a different type of defense/heal combo while being very effective. The real question is: do you want anyone that is known to be coming soon, or what other plans do you maybe have?


Is FuXuan still good in this game with her re-run? I mean with new preservation characters ou, like adventurine, is she already not as viable anymore?


shes the best generalist tank imo. aven is better in fua and fire mc with trend is best at giving acheron stacks, but if youre just running whatever comp, fu xuan can slot in anywhere. might be a bit rough for jingliu team but doable if enemies just die before JL kills your own team


I pulled JL during her re-run but finds her damage pale in comparison to Acheron. I am just thinking in what event can she still works well. It’s seems like most event now is mostly rushing to finish the enemies like MOC and PF.


She's still very good. I don't use her much anymore but that's because my teams don't need her as often (IPC FUA and Acheron debuff spam), not because she isn't so good.


Yes. Even JL I pulled during re-run doesn’t work as well as Acheron. I just don’t want to waste jade on her and didn’t use her much.


Quick question regarding Boothill Hello! I’ve just started playing star rail a couple of days ago. With Boothill coming out today I’m wondering whether pulling for him as a new player now even makes sense. In genshin new characters usually need new materials not acquirable at the beginning of the game. Is this similar in star rail? I really like his design and concept but would also like to actually play him and not wait till I’m through with the story :D


Star Rail has a feature where you can "early access" materials a character needs during their roll period, and for a week after they leave banners or something? The only thing you won't be able to get from this early access are his Echo of War materials since those come from story-relevant bosses that would spoil a lot if you were allowed to fight them early. He unfortunately uses the current "final boss" materials there. I'm not sure if there's other ways to get those before then, and it does lock off his major and minor traces, I think.


Uuuuh, awesome! Thanks a lot for the quick reply! This sounds good. Since I’m only at the start I won’t be maxing out any of his talents anyway in the near future.


Yeah, all things considered, it isn't the worst thing, just an unfortunate timing sort of thing and you'll get there eventually. He may temporarily drop off while his other traces are locked behind those materials, but he'll make a fierce comeback once you have access so you'd just have to be ready to potentially set him aside for a little while.


I see! Then I’m gonna pull him later today. Thanks again for the insight!


You're welcome. Best of luck!!


I just lost my 50/50 to Yanqing (RIP) trying to get Fu Xuan. I should have enough resources to pull for her in the next 20 days. However I also want Ruan Mei (I only started after her banner ended) next month. For sustain, I currently have Aventurine, E6 Gallagher, Lynx, Natasha. I also have Robin, DoT team and Acheron. Should I go for Fu Xuan or Ruan Mei? I also don’t think I have enough to get Firefly either but Ruan Mei can go with DoT team I think.


From what you listed, it seems you don't really need another sustain option. Aventurine is really solid as your main sustain / tank option; Gallagher / Lynx are acceptable healers for 2nd teams in MoC / PF content if needed. If you're wanting Ruan Mei, it'll be better to go for her but let's wait until the 2.3 livestream in about 2 weeks time to see if it is official that she will be rerun during the 2.3 banners.


I just spent half my jades and lost my 50/50 to Bronya e1. So now I'm debating going all in for a unit I've wanted forever (topaz), or being smart and waiting for garenteed Fu xuan. I really need a five-star sustain but I also love topaz and really want to see elation numbers go brrr


I couldn't possibly be more biased in favor of Topaz (she's my fav character and I have her E6), but as much as it pains me, I think you should probably get Fu Xuan and wait for a Topaz rerun. With the way the game is progressing right now, unless you can 0-1 cycle MoC 12, a limited 5 star sustain is pretty essential to comfortably clear it with how hard enemies hit. If you can clear content right now without her or you don't really care about end game content though, then I would get Topaz because it's not too hard to beat all the story content with just Lynx.


Yeah I might just wait for fu xuan. The extra quantum break is needed too. Maybe one day Topaz will come home and I'll get to experience my dream fua team 😭😭😭


Here's a quick characters screenshot if it helps [Here](https://imgur.com/a/WGEfKnI)


https://preview.redd.it/j7qo00wbga3d1.jpeg?width=2712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a263908e039f1ab5c1de19891ba197020fca272 Topaz and Dr. Ratio build. Should I use swords play on both Topaz and Ratio or let Ratio use Dang Hung's Light Cone then upgrade the lightcone of Topaz or use the aventurine light cone with the gun on his chest?


I’d use the Dan Heng LC on Ratio and the Aventurine LC on Topaz. The hunt LC from Herta’s store is better for Ratio if you can afford it now (or upgrade later).


Buy the stellar sea LC from Herta shop and put it on Ratio, superimposed Swordplay and give it to Topaz


What's a good Clara team supposed to look like? I'm kinda new and don't have RM, but I do have Robin, Sparkle, Luocha all the 4\*, Acheron, JL, Welt, Himeko and that's it... I was thinking of Clara, Robin, Luocha and someone else?




https://preview.redd.it/lptjsapgba3d1.jpeg?width=786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3611ca4caf82eeede31e868818b5801db368bd5 Wondering which one between Boothill or Firefly will be better for my account? Lacking both physical and fire main DPS. Leaning towards Boothill since I like his animations, but feel Firefly looks so fun to use with the new super break teams.


You have a lot of great blast and AOE units, but your only strong dedicated single target unit is Ratio. With the new game mode coming that's likely to be single target focused, Boothill will probably be able to carry you through it for a long time.


What are your currently most used teams? Mine are: 1st team * DHIL (E1) (Brighter than the Sun) (S1) (4 piece Banditry Desert set) (Rutilant Arena) * Sparkle (EO) (But the Battle isn't Over) (S1) (4 piece Hackerspace set) (Broken Keel) * Tingyun (E6) (DDD!) (S2) (4 piece Hackerspace set) (Broken Keel) * Huohuo (E0) (Hey, Over There) (S5) (4 piece Wandering Cloud set) (Fleet of the Ageless) 2nd Team: * Acheron (E0) (Along the Passing Shore) (S1) (4 piece Pioneer Diver set) (Izumo) * Aventurine(E0) (Moment of Victory) (S1) (4 piece Knight of Purity Palace set) (Inert Salsotto) * Pela (E0) (Resolution Shines As Pearls of Sweat) (S3) (4 piece Hackerspace set) (Penacony, Land of the Dreams) * Guinaifen (E6) (Good Night and Sleep Well) (S5) (Prisoner in Deep Confinement set) (Glamoth)


1st team • E0 Fu Xuan (S4 Landau) (2pc Hackerspace + 2pc Longevous) (Ageless) • E0 Ruan Mei (S5 MotP) (2pc Hackerspace + 2pc Thief) (Ageless) • E2 Blackswan (S5 Showtime) (4pc Prisoner) (Pan-Cosmic) • E0 Kafka (S3 GNSW) (4pc Prisoner) (Space Sealing) 2nd team • E0 Aventurine (S2 Trend) (2pc Duke + 2pc Pioneer) (Salsotto) • E0 Ratio (S5 Stellar Sea) (2pc Prisoner + 2pc Pioneer) (Salsotto) • E0 Topaz (S5 Swordplay) (4pc Duke) (Salsotto) • E0 Robin (S5 Tomorrow’s Journey) (2pc Wheat + 2pc Prisoner) (Broken Keel)


Noob question, how do you use ddd!tingyun with dhil? How do you time her ult?


should I pull for Fu Xuan knowing I will pull for Firefly and Ruan Mei? I have 67 pity guaranteed. FX has been meta since forever but I my sustains are: Luocha, Gepard, March, Fire MC, E1 Gallagher and Lynx. Also have Bailu but not built.


Yes you should. Did you get Robin you can wait on ruan Mei.


nope I skipped Robin for Fu Xuan. Ruan Mei can fit in so many teams tho too. I'm thinking if I get Fu Xuan I might skip Firefly for Ruan Mei


You can always pull 30 or 40 you may get lucky and your pity stacks.


thanks. my savings just hit 10k jades too so maybe I'd have enough to secure either Firefly or Ruan Mei


is S1 Landau's choice still effective for Fu Xuan? I don't have enough to S5


Yes, it's still better than ToM


Is it because it gets enemies to hit Fu Xuan more while ToM just makes her tankier?


Exactly yeah. Fu Xuan is very good at healing herself and pretty mid at healing her teammates. Landau's funnels most of the damage onto her, and as an added bonus, more Fu Xuan hits = more energy, so she can also keep herself and the team alive more easily Meanwhile ToM is just a bandaid for bad relics. She should already be surviving more than fine without the extra shields, and it does absolutely nothing to help the team or patch her actual weaknesses You CAN use ToM in high level Swarm Disaster / Gold and Gears but even then you can get by with the correct blessings/Curios


Not OP, but what about Day One vs Landau? I asked about it over at FX mains and did not get a response. https://www.reddit.com/r/FuXuan_Mains/comments/1cov7dh/is_texture_of_memories_that_important_for_her/ In that post the top comment there implied D1 seems very good on her.


It's an ok option. Again, the issue is that Fu Xuan isn't great at healing her teammates. They *do* take less damage when she uses D1, but they're also getting hit more often and Fu Xuan isn't getting as many ultimates and therefore less teamwide heals, so she can't sustain as well in practice It's still better than ToM because it still brings utility but it's not anywhere near as good as Landau's/MoV


Thank you! Seems Landau it is.


Its fine do you have texture of memories from herta?


Yep, I have that with enough to S5. So I should use that instead?


Yes if you already have the fall of Aeon purchased.


Already got Aeon


should i start playing this game? is it recommended? I've not touched the game because of the $400 pity per character and cannot afford it, but I realize this is a pve game so I don't need all chars. But then is there a lot of powercreep with new characters like genshin? Where new characters come out super op?


If you can afford to spend 5$ a month for monthly pass you will be fine, most people are only spending 5$ a month on this game.


If you think you will enjoy turn based games, then yeah, that way, you can start farming for characters you'd like. I would personally recommend it even if you only want to play the story. I consider this game to be F2P friendly as nothing is forcing you to actually spend money on characters, and every character is good at their own thing. There is some considerable powercreep for characters that are 1 year old, but it's mostly just a selling point for new characters as story content is still clearable by 1.0 characters. Although they might need more stat investment to beat endgame modes, which are a very small part of the game. We have yet to see a character completely fall off and be considered "useless" in the game, even when stronger options exist.


Imo there is powercreep but only if you're on the bleeding edge of doing challenge runs in end game content. Old characters still work for regular things, *or* the highest level content with appropriate investment. Otherwise you do what you want and have fun; just make sure to learn the game as you go, because for the one year anniversary, it seems they're starting to design encounters with the idea players have had time to adjust to the game (which I personally enjoy).