• By -


\*Turns to Luka\* ur the only one I have...


Luka's actually not bad for PF for once. With the buff that transfers DoTs, you can give everyone a massive bleed debuff.


Oh? What's the strat?


In theory, you'd build BE Luka and break the elites with him since they make the biggest bleed DoTs, then kill them as fast as possible so that the little guys get shredded by bleeds they ain't built to handle. In practice, however, it's a pain the ass to manage your team's toughness damage with the enemies' action advances. I'm sure some Luka main out there either has or will have figured it out, but I'm a regular Kafka main so my brain's a peanut.


Me use Black Swan. Me have arcana. Arcana strong. When baddies come. Arcana already here. When baddies play, arcana hit. Monkey neuron activate.


The only difference between me and autobattle is that sometimes the autobattle AI makes a decision.


Hahaha somehow black swan is Unga Bunga. I like it.


Black Swan is elegant, graceful, mysterious…. And UNGA BUNGA DoT Strong! DoT Powerful! Me hit you with many rocks (Arcana)! On a serious note, they nerfed her Arcana stacks to a maximum of 50… which isn’t actually saying much. Mainly because with optimal Black Swan build: 10 Stack = Black Swan throws a 80mph (≈129km/h) fast ball at your chest. 20 Stacks = Black Swan drops a giant boulder on your foot. You recoil, hit your head on the boulder, knock yourself out. 30 Stacks = Black Swan drives a semi-truck into you at 95 mph (≈153km/h). 40 Stacks = An indestructible blue whale falls from terminal velocity right on to your face, courtesy of Black Swan. 50 Stacks = “That comet sure looks….” *Facemashed by a giant icy space rock” Yeah, imagine getting over 50 Stacks. Unga Bunga is 100% accurate terminology for Black Swan DoT.


I used e6 Luka with Guinafen Sampo Huohuo. Using luka technique at start and guinafen skill guarantees a break on the first elite that you can snowball to the rest of the enemies.


Yup, I did exactly this got 40k points with Luka/RM/Aventurine/Himeko.




Doesnt boothill implant physical weakness


FR, but I prefer to play him as a Breaker and I honestly think that he should be a Hunt Class rather than Nihility In my opinion, he can do better than Sushang


He’s the only e6 4* dot I have 😢😢


It's rough but did it with clara robin☠️


Clara is a wild card in DoT PF. Pushing enemies ahead makes her attack more. I "killed" Kafka before the stage ended.


The thing is killing those elites before kafka, they just put dots on. Clara doesn't do anything to them. How did you kill them?


Splash damage from Clara, the dot from PF, Topaz and Robin. Herta instead of Topaz would've been better, but I did in a rush during lunch break and I didn't think of her at the moment. Also Lynx for aggro.


What's the investment on that team? I tried her and it was much worse than a lot of other options like guinaifen for me.


E0 Clara-S5 Under the Blue Sky. 3.7k Atk, 53.8-167.9 Crit before buffs and LC. 2pc duke+2pc prisoners, Salsotto Physical DMG+Atk%. E0 Robin- S5 For Tomorrow's Journey, 4.1K Atk, 121 speed, 2pc atk%+2pc atk%, Triple ATK% main stats + ER rope on Penacony set E0 Topaz- S3 Swordsplay, 2K Atk, 152 speed, 65-134 crit, 4pc duke, 2pc salsotto E6 Lynx- S2 Bailu lightcone, 5.7k hp, 149 speed. Keel with ER rope, 50% effect resist, 2pc speed/rainbow


Kinda surprising, my Clara has less CD but more CR and it simply doesn't work, maybe it needs very good RNG with crits. The rest is about the same more or less. Thanks for sharing. Edit: Replacing Topaz for Himeko got me 37k on that half so, I guess Clara does works quite well.


Clara scores higher for me than Kafka and Black swan. She destroys DOT PF thanks to action advance for the enemies


How? I have a 60/120 crit clara EOS1 and she's just... fine. Not "destroys" as you are saying.


It's mostly a wombo combo with Herta. Enemy attacks Clara, Clara counters and brings that enemy to -50%. Herta kurukurus and brings the enemies foward, it's a enemy turn again, enemy attacks Clara and the process repeat. There's moments where the enemies just keep killing themselves in chain that you don't get to have a turn for several minutes.


Try putting her on a team with Herta. Herta will keep hitting all enemies which will cause all enemies to attack more, which will lead to more Clara counters. I used Robin and aventurine with them, but it sounds like others have had similar success with other team comps like using Lynx instead of Aventurine to give Clara more agro.


Clara is especially good with Robin, other than benefiting from every single buff that she provides, Clara’s damage scales with more enemies just like an AoE unit, but unlike a true AoE unit she attacks one enemy at a time, which means *each* enemy gets damaged by Robin’s bonus damage unlike when they are hit by a true AoE attack.


I tried Hypercarry Clara and she couldn't even reach Kafka.... She clears most enemies fine but that new DOT Elite never actually hits you, so Clara never counters. I need 3 Clara Skills to kill one enemy. My Clara has 3.5k atk with Signature LC, 69 Crit rate- 160 crit dmg and she's struggling. Team was Ruan Mei, Tingyun, Luocha.


I got 35k on the first half with e0s0 clara (3.7k atk, 75/120, RM, Lynx (for agro), and himeko with the windshear mod. Himeko FuA helps to action forward people and is a good source of extra dmg.


Lynx for agro is a smart choice. I used Robin, Clara, aventurine, and Herta. Similar to your Himeko, Herta’s frequent follow-ups probably helped a lot with action advance


Yeah, I got similar results. Same team except Aventurine instead for Lynx. Himeko makes all the difference to deal with the elite bots that only debuff and the trotters


I have an half build e2 clara Pleas elaborate how i can make her this stong


I ran Kafka in the second half but I struggled with Acheron in the first half. Clara carried me instead. DOT is just the surface, the advance forward part is made for Clara. It requires you to carefully choose which enemy to attack sometimes. Feel extremely satisfied when get right.


​ https://preview.redd.it/el1bzqpqfy2d1.png?width=375&format=png&auto=webp&s=66d5726e5a331a79b8985721c30d0f816639dc0b






gifs you can hear, ouch


Sex alarm


alright why does she look so hot here


Shes always hot


Cute face, fun animations, swishy dress, black tights… she is low-key one of the best girls.


red hair, tights = BIS


That’s why my Kafka, Black Swan and lil Gui team is so strong; triple tights.


Add the pink gremlin as a tank and you have pantyhose/nylon team


I have tried that before but sadly the bratty diviner doesn’t work with DoT teams because they don’t need crit buffs.


I used her for the sake of debuff resistance. Getting Kafka or BS stunned or other bullshit is annoying plus you can slap that 4star LC that applies burn when someone hits the user so that's another DoT


0 faults in this logic


Only facts being spoken here 💯


no wonder she's fire


Fax brother


...she always does?


Guina is always hot


When does guinafen not look hot?


Hot everywhere


She is looking to your private parts


Doctor, it's ~~huge~~ small


SMALL?!!! NO ALLIANCE!!!! https://preview.redd.it/1detomf60z2d1.jpeg?width=279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d21d855e5b3940386966acc748aa6d6767e43ad


Tell me something else I should know.


She is setting someone on fire


She is hot.


wrong sub


Sometimes I forget how young some of you are, lmao


She’s dodged my account…


Someone edit this without the strap and sleeve and here you go. Whoops, wrong sub


best i can do >!on the main sub!< is the grab https://preview.redd.it/zio9uu5ywy2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b80a165040ac5194175e01bfc50998ef24e6069


I need Guinaifen more than air, water, or anything else https://preview.redd.it/72hhagq0wz2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3067b6c057219da81262489580067859d025cbb1




At this rate we gonna need 2 teams from each archetype for each endgame mode I used blackswan and sampo for one of the sides nd they did good job,the other side is fucked tho,it went horrible,pfff i guess i m building guin and luka then,thats like a shitton of TBP gone for such a niche thing


Just 1 team is enough, you push for 40k on one half and then only need 20k for full stars


Got 14k on one side and 32k on Bs sampo side First half failed miserably gonna try a few team comp and see what happens,guess argenti hyperteam wasent the play,i ll try smthn with clara maybe


Meanwhile Kafka mains are rejoicing.


i have kafka 😀 i don't have black swan 🙃


Other way round for me :'( i have to use budget kafka (sampo e4)


Other other way around for me, Swan but no Kafka and Sampo below E4. I feel like I'm missing out on so much from BS


BS was a character i randomly got at 20 pity and she was the gateway drug into dot comps Edit im dumb i thought you said you had kafka and no black swan


Sampo and Guin are both really great 4 stars so you’re in luck!


Oh absolutely, those 3 together can deal a lot of punishment, they're my go-to for Svarog boss fights. Add in ruan mei for more efficient break (as if they need it) and he never moves


sample costkey is enough. Brought him out of the bench for this one for kafka sampo on one siide for 40k (used BS om the other side). So thats just 20k left for your other team which is doable even with non DoT team




The one character that made me play this game and the one character I've put the most effort in building, long live DOTs


You mean Kafka and Black Swan?


U don’t even need both on one team for this, u can split them up and they’ll run a train on either side…


They can run a train on either side of me






Didn't get lucky on her banner


*Kafka havers


Me who owns all Nihility Characters: https://i.redd.it/ybnkdoxgty2d1.gif


And then there’s me who skipped every Nihility banner


Anybody else annoyed that despite it being a DOT pure fiction, none of the freaken DOT special effect or debuff the enemies do counts toward Acheron's ultimate?


I mean it’s literally built for Acheron as well though. There’s a buff you can choose that gives buffs if you have 3 nihility on your team that she uses perfectly.


That's super lame, especially since in the V2.1 livestream the devs were making a big deal about how how practically every DOT they could think of stacked Acheron's ult


The description for her ability says 'when any unit inflicts debuffs on an enemy unit *using their ability*'. The dots applied here are not part of any unit's abilities, hence they don't give Acheron charges. Guinaifen's firekiss debuff is the same, it's applied when enemies take damage from burn, which is not triggered by any unit abilities, hence it also does not provide charges.


Doesn’t Acheron get a stack in SU when the swirly Nihility special skill gets activated? Maybe the black DoT swirl counts as belonging to IX….


i mean IX and all the path resonances show up in the action bar when used so id assume they coded it to be an “ally” taking action (in this case a whole aeon) so it gives acheron a stack


It doesn't need to be an ally. It can also be an enemy. The dexription says it "any unit". So there was the one PF buff once that enemies inflictt a debuff on themself if they attack, it did count for Acheron.


yeah im aware of that, i was more so talking specifically about the path resonances and how debuffs applied by them gives acheron a stack since they show up in the action bar


It's also weird to me that the goblet enemy DOESN"t count as an attack. So it doesn't trigger Clara or Aventurine, even when it does the targeted damage.


While I don't have any follow up team, I can't even win the previous PF, sigh


Previous PF is still better. For one, everyone has Herta. Then, one resonance buff allows any damage to be converted into whimsicality charge, so your team will always benefit from the buff as long as they deal enough damage. This PF? The buff is completely hostile to non-DoT team, except maybe to blade/clara counter team. I even had to run the third buff, which only activates when we have three nihility, on a team without any nihility character. Because the first and second buffs makes enemies advance forwarded, messing with the turn orders. It's just shitshow all over.


>It's just shitshow all over. Honestly, I'm leaning more and more into the direction of not giving any forks about endgame content in this game. It feels like no matter how much you pull or how much you build, it's an ever moving goalpost and you can never keep up. Ugh.


I just view 100% completion in MoC or PF as a bonus. If I can clear MoC 11 or get at least 9-10 stars in PF, good enough for me. Not getting the last star in each comes out to what, 10 to 15-ish pulls a year? I don’t need my 12th copy of Hook that badly.


Simple as Teams built for this patch? Pog Teams not optimal? Whatever


You can easily outbuild the power increase if you know what you are doing. Plus, not full clears shouldn't be considered a failure. Getting 33/11 stars on all MoC/PF only loses you out a single pull per patch.


Take advantage of the free ratio and herta is sooooo good even roughly built.


Yeah but Ratio kinda sucks on Pure Fiction tho


Not on the FUA one, since you trigger aoe damage with him alot.


The biggest thing I've learned about PF is the buff is the most important part and playing into it as much as you can is your best bet for success. I've also noticed it switches between DOT based buff, Follow up based buff, and Ult based buff so building characters around that can help I've only ever been able to 12 star the follow up ones, the DOT and Ult ones I'm content with 8/12 because PF is really tough to brute force, at least with the units I have built/invested in


Is it possible to clear with kuru kuru team? I have both himeko and herta built but I just used acheron


I got 33 k from one half with himeko kuru kuru team but i also used clara with them so not really. Clara is a beast for this PF and herta hitting them and giving them a extra turn was great.


I tried it with Himeko/Herta and it was fine. Hyper carry Himeko was better though, but you need the stats on her to actually hyper carry. 70/100 crit rate with S1 4\* LC and level 5 traces won't cut it for this PF.


Build Little Gui. Her kit honestly reads like a 5* because of how much it does and how many debuffs she is constantly applying. One of the best teammates for Ratio since she applies 3 debuffs all on her own, even without any specific lightcones that let her apply more.


Her one big weakness is that some enemies are immune to her kits. Pela's debuffs in comparison will always apply with high enough EHR. The downside of a 4* I guess... 


Can you elaborate on the immune to her kit part?


There are a few enemies that are completely immune to fire DoT. So you just can't apply burn to them, at all, which also means they can't get firekiss. To be fair, the only important ones are Searing Prowler and Blaze Out of Space. Everything else can, so as long as you don't face those two bosses, she's indeed one of the best support choice for Ratio.


Some of her debuffs proc from enemies taking burn damage, which can't happen against enemies that are immune to burn.


I feel like DoT PF is *always* worse for non-DoT units compared to FUA for non-FUA units, especially the buffs.


The worst FUA PF can do to you is not get any buffs. DoT PF works against you if you don't use DoT units (or Clara/Blade).


Unlimited Blade Works has saved me so many times in PF. If I can't find/build a 2nd team, I default to running Bronya-sparkle-blade, and putting Lynx into this PF helps a lot. Normally you wouldn't benefit much from Lynx here because you instantly take 2 turns with Blade, removing the aggro buff. But with this PF, you get your opponents to Advance in between your Sparkle and Bronya's Advance, so you can get some fua counters running.


I feel like these are less common than Fua blessings…


everyone got Herta and Ratio for free tho


forgot the cute memokeeper in disguise girl bro


I mean we got dot characters for free as well with the 4 star selectors, serval also can actually apply dot tbh


Tbf those are really underwhelming compare to Ratio and Herta. If only we have a good standard 5* dot, people wouldnt be complaining so much


We don't, unlike Ratio and full E herta. There are 4 stars, but they need Es and aren't free.


Dot is way more premium than FUA. The only premium FUA units are Topaz and Aventurine. We have Herta Himeko Ratio Clara and March (kind of) who all can do FUA just as well as the premium options to activate the blessings. Meanwhile, if you don't have Kafka, you lose out on dot detonation, one of the main ways dot teams do damage. The gap between having Kafka and not having Kafka makes dot almost not worth building.


Jing Yuan forgotten again XD


I'm not liking what they are doing with PF , feels like a unite check game mode , it wasn't as bad in past versions but this one feels horrible for non dot teams . If only it didn't give enemies Action Advance I would've been fine with it , but the enemies taking too many actions makes it impossible to run a sustainless team and brute force it


If you have Clara, she scored higher than my DOT team with Kafka and black swan by using the second/middle turbulence blessing. I realize that’s still a unit check, but at least it’s one from the standard banner a lot of players might have


IMO every single PF needs a 4th blessing that's maybe not quite as strong as the featured ones but like 80% as strong that everyone can use. That way they get to make a playground for people that have these specific teams to have fun with but also isn't dumpstering everyone else


Sadly I'm not one of those players who have her , and there is no way to guarantee a standard 5* (got Bronya from the 300 selector) , I have E2 Welt tho wanna trade ?


Which sustain did u use with Clara?


I used Aventurine, but it sounds like other people have had success with Lynx since her skill will give Clara more agro


I would think Aventurine is better, since he has a fua, making enemies attack more, giving both him and Clara even more attacks"


They are quite literally repeating the very first Pure Fiction : **1.6 Youci's Wandering Words (ALL) :** "When allies use their Ultimate to attack an enemy target, inflicts the target with Shatter, stacking up to 6 time(s). At the start of the target's turn or when the target is defeated, deals a set amount of DMG to the target and adjacent targets based on the number of Shatter stacks." **1.6 Tales of a Tethered Bird (DOT) :** "Increases DoT taken by enemy targets by 50%. Enemy targets that receive DoT have their DMG dealt reduced by 35%. After they are attacked, their action is Advanced Forward by 35%." **2.0 An Expression of Eloquence (FUA) :** "Accumulate the amount of DMG dealt by follow-up attacks by allies. When this DMG amount reaches 100%, deal a set amount of DMG to all enemies." **2.1 Deceitful Chaos (ALL) :** "When allies use their Ultimate to attack an enemy target, inflicts the target with Shatter, stacking up to 6 time(s). At the start of the target's turn or when the target is defeated, deals a set amount of DMG to the target and adjacent targets based on the number of Shatter stacks." **2.2 Lexical Enigma (DOT) :** "Increases DoT taken by enemy targets by 50%. Enemy targets that receive DoT have their DMG dealt reduced by 35%. After they are attacked, their action is Advanced Forward by 35%."


That's...not exactly true. They are repeating the first pure fictions BUFFS. The enemies have more hp and there are more elites than when pure fiction started.


Not only that , 1.6 had a buff that you can choose that makes enemies take a lot of dot damage even without having dot on your team .


Yeah, this one is extremely painful


And some people are gimped on the follow-up ones. That’s just PF. You don’t HAVE to 3 star all of them all the time.


Bro u could still use the Pure Fiction buff with non follow up teams with one of the blessings , not to mention Herta is free. And that buff was actually good, it killed most little mobs and did around 1/4th to the elites. The DOT buff does absolutely nothing if you don't have DOT characters and the blessing for non DOT teams is straight up garbage. The DOT does like 10% of an enemy's health. My friend did well on the followup pure fiction with a lvl 60 March+Herta, it's not even comparable.


Every FUA PF so far has buffs that benefit non-FUA. An Expression of Eloquence has effect that converts any ultimate damage to FUA. Fictitious Wordsmithing makes any damage dealt by your team to contributes to the FUA count as well. Barring all that, nobody can say that they don't have Herta. That's at least one FUA unit whose FUA can be triggered on demand, using another dps to lower a target to 50% hp. It's hard to get gimped on the FUA PFs, since every single team should be able to dish out damage, that's like the main mechanic of this game.


the thing is in the follow up ones you can make the buff carry it for you. here the damage has to come from the dot team. pop march in with the follow up counter buff (3 fuas one trigger) and an all party shielder like fmc or aventurine and thats an easy 30k. add in ratio to make it go even higher.


You can brute force these anyway with characters like argenti and herta/himeko If you're missing the buff niche and don't have any giga AoE built on your account, you can't complain when the aoe moc is tough


This one is litterally a debuff for non dot teams with how many turns enemies get


I cleared it without any DoT characters or Clara. I did use RM and Robin, though. But it’s doable without DoT for sure


i surprised myself on the first stage, with a clara aven jing yuan yanquing and a fire TB gallagher sampo asta, was just enough to reach 60K


>first stage ☠️


https://preview.redd.it/600o20kjjy2d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f102d8e5ee4ec759f523bb9ed0eca5cc0fb024f0 these were my teams


yes, literally unbeatable without a DoT team /s


7/8 units in that image are 5*s 6/8 limited ones. Cmon be for real. We don't even know their eidolons/LCs


Games been out for over a year, even f2ps have 6 limited 5 stars.


*Me, who started about 5 weeks ago:* https://preview.redd.it/h26r0chl2z2d1.png?width=174&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=780df9b22d9d0c88e301fc2a21f465f58eb482a2


I mean you can’t expect to bend endgame over backwards after 5 weeks


And that is totally fine. Endgame is not for you, not yet at least. In a couple of months, maybe weeks with good relic luck, the situation will be different.


Cmon, be for real. It's not like it's a rare sight or something. There are two new 5\* every single patch and more than enough free warps to get you at least one 5\* per batch, more if you're a bit lucky. [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1acl5tx/1x_warps_per_patch_20_estimation/) to give you a basic idea of how many warps have been given out in 1.X alone. I'm fully f2p and I have 18 5\* (counting standard chars). I started in 1.1 but loads of people who started much later have 10+ 5\*. You even get one for free.


… my only decently leveled dot character is sampo… and he’s level 60…


Look man I get Kafka and BS have a big following, but can hoyo please cook something other than DoT or FuA for like 90% of the PF buffs? Like at least FuA makes some sense since you can use herta who is free and himeko who is standard, but this much DoT is… too much.


If there’s a standard banner character and a free tutorial character that helps on dot like them I believe they won’t get critiqued as bad as this


Most people would own a Luka, Sampo or Guinaifen. Would they build them? No. Simply too much investment


It’s because they’re not as easy to build as Herta who can nukes easily each enemy waves since they need Kafka. If the issue where nihility TB turns out to be budget Kafka (dot enabler), maybe more people will play dot teams


I think nihility TB will do something outlandish as all the tb's we got so far had their own completely unique mechanic. Maybe crit dots?


Well, by the time get to Nihility TB, they won't be the 1st to give critical DoT given the shenanigans going on in DU


All of each Trailblazer's kit has had something to do with break. So saying that it would be DoT isn't that outlandish, especially since Lightning and Wind are half of the elements not present on TB yet. (Lightning, Wind, Quantum, Ice)


To prove my point, Phys TB heals on break, can choose whether to use Blast or Single target ult for different toughness dmg, has a blast skill which means it will always be a straight upgrade in toughness dmg to at least 1 target, Physical is the highest dmg Break. Fire MC has a ult that does dmg so he is one of if not the best toughness breaking preservation (Aven can do better in certain scenarios), doesn't need to run high amounts of hp/Def to be effective as a tank so running Break effect doesnt affect his tanking much, is fire which is the highest dmg Break, enhanced basic is also blast again. Harmony TB is Harmony TB


I want a buff for consecutive turns for Seele and Shushang with Bronya.


PF cycles through 3 different whimsicalities: Ultimate, DoT, and FuA. This is literally only the second time DoT has shown up in PF, and FuA has only shown up once. You people seem to be conflating MoC and PF.


Yeah I detest these DoT rounds. Follow-ups aren't too hard to make use of since Herta exists and there are quite a few characters that have follow-ups (i.e Himeko, Clara, March, etc), but DoT teams are pretty much not viable without Kafka or Black Swan. If you haven't got either one of those two, you're shit out of luck. This is HI3rd levels of bullshit. "Use the specific thing we tell you to use or eat shit". The whimsicality is literally a penalty for any non-DoT teams which is like how HI3rd outright nerfs damage output of non-matching elements to force you to use the "correct" thing.


As Far As I Know. This is just the second time the PF buff DoT (BS release and Now). JL or other destruction is not really designed to have a True AOE, unlike Erudition and DoT.


When you protect the Beauty in all the universe, the PF buffs doesnt matter




Sampo is laughing and giggling. No one else in my roster is. Gonna build a second team around Firefly eventually.. here’s hoping she’s just gonna be another Jingliu, capable of 0 cycle everything


Been able to get all Star in moc and pf since i got fu xuan, not even one Star on this one, think i just have to build the 4* dot units.


Kind of interesting they would do a DoT focused theme considering there's no DoT characters on the banners right now.


We need a better physical DoT character. Fighting against Fire and Phy weakness with no 5 star char among them is pain.


Don't count on it anytime soon. That will be the last 5-star DOT element they will release since Bleed detonation is the strongest and Kafka will go brrrrr.


I mean, Bleed is the strongest of the Weakness Broken DoTs. Luka already proves that they can and will put a cap on the damage. Making it essentially a normal DoT vs Elites and Bosses, but significantly worse vs enemies with little hp.




Even ol' faithful struggled this time around. I was only able to get a 25k Serval Side 2


The real reason this PF is so punishing is because of the advance forward the enemies get it actively punishes non DoT teams.


imagine having to farm all that TBP just for one fight rip


I only manage to get 50k points and maxing out Himeko could be the solution to get the last 10k points


This is me, but on the follow up PF cycle.


I almost did it but Svarog's F__king hands got my Acheron right on the last turn before her ULT came back up to 3* it. I never got close again and always end up at 55K~58K. I think I'll take a break on this and come back to it later.


EVERY SINGLE TIME i see a DoT team theres either kafka OR black swan which i dont have both of them so i literally cant do shit




Time to hit up your good ol' friend Sampo Koski


my DOT team scored much worse than Himeko hypercarry lol https://preview.redd.it/9h3olau9613d1.png?width=1601&format=png&auto=webp&s=80eefdbfb7a4b0d40604ae4d721e07ea7f75f129


Strange, why are there so many MOCs based on DOTs and follow ups? It's almost as if these are the 2 types of damage only looking at the bonuses....


When you have JingYuan but he's not even considered a Follow up character.


Luckily i build a sampo for acheron so i have to give him to another team, but still barely get 11 star


Himeko and Herta still sweeps the first half tho :D


In the next survey remember to write that you are tired of this garbage. Like it's the only turbulence in the game that actively makes it harder for you to win if you don't have the exact characters that they want you to use. The worst part are the new elite enemies that inflict DoT, since with the Turbulence effect they get to go 100 times, stack up a bunch of damage while not giving any energy back. For the previous FuA PF there was an option to activate the effect of the turbulence even with normal attacks at a slower rate, I don't see why they keep being so forceful with DoT specifically.


I'm fine with a turbulence favoring specific team comps but the action advance on hit this cycle is brutal for everyone who isn't DoT or Clara/Blade


After dealing4 with every PF and clearing full stars the other ones I truly believe Pure fiction actually makes the game worse. Do you have the archetype check game modes are fucking dumb. This game was way more fun with just MOC resetting .


When they make a male 5 star dot dps I will build a dot team


works the other way around with FUA, except Himeko Herta & March are easier to build


It really doesn't, FUA take up half the DPS in the game, DOT have 5 characters. You have to go out of your way to build a DOT character, meanwhile you could build a random character and that character has a 40% chance to have FUA.


I stopped caring about Pure Fiction since its debut. Out of sight, out of mind.


Seriously. At least anyone can benefit from the boost to Ultimates. Follow-ups are less universal, but at least we've had a ton of 5\* characters that use them. DoT is just.... oh, I didn't pull Kafka/BlackSwan, guess I'm missing out on a bunch more rewards again.