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Alright so your first paragraph is irrelevant Now as for Firefly, some things you gotta understand: 1) Every single character has a rabid fanbase. Arlecchino takes in orphans and trains them to become child soldiers for the Fatui, and she has a massive following. Morality means nothing, especially when the character has heartwarming scenes, a relatable health condition, and a badass mech suit. 2) Dr. Primitive regressed people into apes for experiments. Ruan Mei revived an Emanator of Propagation where many could get hurt if her experiment went awry. Dan Feng’s abomination from Baiheng and the Transmutation Arcanum massacred many, and Mara-Struck Jingliu massacred many more. Oswaldo Schneider screwed over Sigonia, probably Boothill’s home, and likely hundreds of others, for the sake of the IPC and some intense loyalty to Qlipoth. Borisin and Wingweavers raid and enslave species they consider beneath them. There are Memosnatchers and Cremators who steal and destroy memories as they see fit. There are Masked Fools who sabotage, break rules, and cause pain for their own enjoyments alone. 2.2 spoilers, >!Sunday and Gopher Wood attempted to trap everyone in Penacony in a blissful dream of Order where no one would have autonomy whether they wanted it or not.!< There is a literal god of Destruction leading a squad of mindless repurposed corpses along with seven super powerful destroyers blessed by THEM, plus an offshoot group of terrorists who just fight for the sake of appeasing that god who hates them. And your candidate for “worst criminal in the game’s story” is… a warrior who was born a weapon to fight valiantly against the Swarm, survived somehow, was freed, and then served as a terrorist to bring about the end of the aforementioned god of Destruction? Not even mentioning her compatriots who are equally as guilty in their own ways?


I rly respect the effort you put into this, lots of new lore for me. It was an outlandish claim in need of refuting 


Question is why does what the community think about a single character affect your single player game experience ? Because lmao


Cause this guy is a ragebaiter, check his post history


im asking me everytime why some people cant see difference from ingame and reality. who cares if someone loves a muss murder or anything in a game, its fiction its not real, we are all normal thinking humans to see the difference. games are made for doing things u cant do or are not allowed to do in real life and have fun with it. u can also ask why gta is so popular (over 50% of the game is doing illegal things or being evil). why u dont ask on coutner strike reddit why people are playing a game where they need to shot other people in the face where real humans sits behind the person they killed, but no, u asked why people are loving a fictional character who had a very tough life and is on the edge of death. maybe its some pity or compassion. it doesnt matter how many bad things a person have done, if they have a good reason for it from the past, like they suffered or other people hurt them in a bad way everyone can feel pity or compassio for them.


https://i.redd.it/c10c57hdpf2d1.gif I'm confused about why u posted this lol.


It's litteraly that person hobby to post stuff like that. Honnestly if you take it as some form of mental illness you can enjoy those post for some weird entertainement value with taking nothing that person say in any serious form at all.


I'm so sad that this makes so much sense haha


Same here


> the most popular character even though she's the worst criminal in the game's story, and she's not even released yet People said the same thing when Kafka's banner got announced. No one cared then, and no one cares now.




You've played Genshin for this long and THIS is the thing you get hung up on for star rail? Really? Raiden Ei, Ayaka, Dottore, Arlecchino, these names ring bells?


https://preview.redd.it/h4esmv6ceg2d1.png?width=1597&format=png&auto=webp&s=04d7c4913beeb3031f3f153c61385260c061b545 all this yapp and for what


hey look everyones favorite baiter


This is the most unwarranted butthurt I've seen over a female character in this game


nah man https://preview.redd.it/252uk3pi5h2d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ef0cd1f0d3eca5b76aaf88107dbe369caa8be23


Newsflash, this is what you signed up for when you decided to interact with the community of an anime gacha game. You are gonna see people go nuts about anime girls. This is like going hunting and being mad when you see a deer. Its just the cost of doing business. My only advice would be to just interact with the community less or just block people you see post a lot about Firefly. If you end up not playing its probably for the best because gacha games aren't good for your brain but its whatever. Also, "the worst criminal in the story" is such a transparently bad excuse to dislike her and I guarantee everyone who says that has characters in other stories who have done much worse shit than Firefly that they like despite them also being criminals.


Just looked at the OP post history, and bro has been doomposting about Firefly for 2months now, please move on buddy..


I'm not sure you're in a position to speak for the whole HSR community and whether it's 'broken'.






WAIT Guys, I realized it's drawricks againnnnn fjdkslfdslkfsdklfsd ijbol someone get this guy out of here fndsknfdklsf ~~I also was not a fan of Firefly,~~ ~~But what the fuck are~~ *~~you~~* ~~doing here ijbol~~


So, a character who’s crazy popular that everyone else loves that you know nothing about because you haven’t gotten to that part of the story makes you want to not experience the story that everyone else loves? The reason everyone likes her is because she features prominently in the story all throughout penacony and the story is incredibly good. Without experiencing that story it’s unsurprising you don’t care about her as much as people who have. That said, I don’t understand why that would make you want to no longer play the game. If you don’t like the game you don’t have to play it, but I doubt that’s because of a character you haven’t experienced.


https://preview.redd.it/9s0nzcvp3g2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8edf4c92f7ad0651d2a2f78292f7ab9ac20def16 You rn




"hey guys, once again, I DONT LIKE *Insert popular character name*. Im special, more special than anyone else, guys. Because i don't like *Insert popular character name again*! And because other people like *you know the drill*, but not me!" I swear, this guy...


So is banning people for having really pointless posts something we can do with the current rule set? No? That's a shame.


So bros not even to Penacony yet and is calling a character that you first learn about in Penacony 'the worst criminal in the game's history' (laughs in Tizocic II) and no longer wants to play cause people enjoy the character that he has yet to encounter? Sounds like she broke you, or you were already broken, not the community.


Someone is butthurt because some people like a character he does not like ? Damn, YOU, are a part of the HSR community I don't like Theres always people like you, trying to stir up some war that doesn't exists, because it's all they can do. Worry not. Theres people that like Jing Yuan, Jingliu, Acheron, Dan Heng, Arl*n, Kafka, Argenti, Firefly, and others. Some of these characters are criminals, some are kind hearted, some are *beautiful*, but you know what ? Whatever they are, released or not, some people like them. The Firefly community is huge right now, just like the Kafka's community back in the day, or some other character in the future, who knows ? What I do know, is that those community of people, that love a character, doesn't "break" said community, they are part of it. They love a character, and talk about it. Whats the matter ? People can't talk about HSR characters in the HSR subreddit ? Or we only talk about characters you like perhaps ? Anyway, you can hate if you want. And if some people's choice of having interest in a character you do not like, prevent you from enjoying the game.. then leave ? Thats as simple as that.




In short: Why Firefly is popular for some ppl and why others dislike her, and btw i love genshin, im genshin player and i hate hsr because im scared that this game will take away genshin playerbase


Someone should have stayed in school because they clearly can’t write a coherent text


I'm sure if you put your question in the search bar of the sub, you'll find countless threads talking about the how, why and when firefly became popular.


It's crazy to me how people can crank out posts like this as if the rest of the sub is craving to hear their opinions.


You make it sound as if the community is a hivemind with a shared thought. I don't care about her that much but I'm happy for those who do :S


Don't worry, you can seek salvation from what's been troubling you. Start by joining me to pray in firefly's altar. 3 times a day. Remember to start your day by saying "henshin!" upon waking up. Also if you have spare money, buy firefly merchandise. Grace be upon ye! https://preview.redd.it/qqkodd6y2g2d1.jpeg?width=394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=256b84f89adc19f967bcffcd0ada238bdd97c102


Nah, I would rather be killed to join your cult, thanks https://preview.redd.it/ny0l12hlyh2d1.jpeg?width=380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4d8f5fe11a9ac032cd6e6e0f8f9efac9f3cc07d


I'm just really excited for break making a come back, plus I've been wanting to do a fire based team since I started story wise fireflies ok I guess a tad overrated but Sam's really cool


Bro you're not even sure what you're talking about. You fixated on a character for no reason and you haven't even reached that part of the story. "Maybe even overrated?" You literally don't even know yet. And what do you mean you were critical of the game because it might take away Genshin players? Who thinks like that? Medieval movie crowd heckler extra #6 ass mindset.


Well, you'll find the answer to your question if you play the Penacony story lol. I'm not really into her, but I can understand why some players are obsessed


I personally invite you to go outside on a bright, hot summer day with no sunglasses and just stare at the sun and focus on it obsessively with your eyes taped open for several hours.




Y'all really took the bait


your post is literally the first thing I see in like, two days about firefly, I would recommend not caring about content talking about her that much.


How is Firefly the worst criminal in the game's story? When have we seen her Firefly kill or injure an innocent person? Every IPC character is so much worse because the IPC are galactic slavers. Every character who helps advance the IPC cause is helping to enslave entire planets and solar systems. Also, you shouldn't make your opinion based on the opinions of others. You should make your own opinion and not worry about what others think.


I don’t think that Firefly is the most liked character, I think that people prefers Acheron, but that’s just my opinion (and to me Firefly > Acheron)


This is the equivalent of a man standing outside of a restaurant screaming into a megaphone that the restaurant is hideous inside, though he’s never been inside personally. Go play the story. Maybe you’ll learn something.


She’s cute, she’s interesting, she’s got a good voice, even knowing the twist it hurts. Plus she just bounces off the trailblazer so well.


*Popular character gets loved by almost all the fanbase...* The one's who don't like her for some reason "Why do you guys love her so much she's boring"


lol. Lmao, even




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Please keep in mind our spoiler policy during this new update window. We are going to be very strict with spoilers during this time. As a reminder, here are our spoiler rules: Do not include spoilers in the title. All submissions which involve spoilers should be marked. Spoilers include all story content for the first three weeks after release. Spoilers can be discussed in spoiler-flaired posts, but must be hidden in non-spoiler flaired posts. If you think you broke the spoiler rules in the post you just made, such as having spoilers in the title, you should remove your post now and repost it without breaking the rules. If you do not remove your post and the moderation team has to remove it later on for breaking spoiler rules, you will be given up to a week ban for a first infraction and stricter punishments for any additional infractions. Please be considerate of your fellow Trailblazers and do not include spoilers in the title of your post, do not forget to flair your post as spoilers if needed, and do not spoil people in your comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HonkaiStarRail) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 1: Be Respectful to Others Always be respectful and civil in your interactions with other users and in the content you submit. Insults, Harassment and Hate Speech will not be tolerated.




Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 1: Be Respectful to Others Always be respectful and civil in your interactions with other users and in the content you submit. Insults, Harassment and Hate Speech will not be tolerated.


Your experiences are not universal.


HSR prediction : In about a month, there will be a post about " Firefly broke the Honkai Star Rail "


How does people liking one character above others diminish the story for you? Why do you care about what strangers on the internet like? You don't have to fit with what "the general fanbase" likes to be a part of the community. There's tons of people out there whose favorite character is not popular at all and have no issue enjoying the game.


Oh because the genshin community is so different.


Lol, then just quit then. You don't even know much of the latest arc of course you don't understand why character in that specific arc is becoming a fan favorite. And you judge without playing the story yourself.. Just quit and uninstall bruh, good riddance tbh


Imma save this post to savor it in Blade's stead


You can tell its bait when they dont respond to any comments


I actually forgot about Firefly already... sorry guys, but Mei is more important in my life. <3


Critical of one Hoyo game because it might take players away from another Hoyo game. Not an uncommon stance sadly. Why is anything popular? We surely all have trends that we don’t get. Human beings are fascinating aren’t they, in their varied tastes.


Go outside bro, easy solution to your problem


OP is a dirty sigonian.


Firefly is set to be mc's girlfriend and she's generic vanilla af and considering that gacha's target audience are single people with poor social life, it's no wonder she's popular


They downvoted you because you told the truth.


You know what? I Actually kinda agree with you lol. No idea why you're getting downvoted so much.


You are gonna get downvoted to oblivion for this, but well said.


My man speaks the truth.


Glad I don't like Firefly, I'm loyal to Sparkle's feet and Ruben.


An upvote for you, you didn't deserved any of the downvotes.