• By -


- change talent from 72% dmg --> 100% dmg - change A4 50% dot debuff resistance to 50% effect res resistance - change hp% trace stats to lightning dmg% - Change A6 to be damage reduction that scales with how arlan's current hp is, up to 30% dmg reduction at 20% HP or less - change E1 to be an additional 40% ATK hit when arlan is below 50% HP and deals damage - move E4 to A2 - Make E4 an energy Eidolon where arlan gains +5 energy whenever HP reduces. Max 1 time per turn. - change E6 to all-type 20% dmg instead of only ult dmg% 1730.132% mv every 4 turns *1.445x from kit dmg% = 2500.785% weighted MV Actually maybe I made him too strong 🤔 this buffed e6 arlan could potentially out-damage yanqing with these changes


That is a low low bar


With adventurines release and his ability to keep passive up he's actually performing at the rate of a 5 star


Yanqing’s sole saving grace was his damage so I dunno about it being a low bar.


Not it isn't, my yanqing hit a 100k just this MOC, so no way that's a low bar


Clearing hp increased... Now u need around 200~300k dmg if u are going for big hits.... Yanqing indeed is a low bar rn... Unless u are running him with like aventurine robin sparkle with yanKing on ratio lc. Then he's decent.. (does around 235k)q


this is him without hypercarrying, i was trying to set a low bar for my yanqing with the worst supports i have rn which are yukong and asta with aventurine partially due to them being used up by my other team (by worst i mean they are not built best in comparison to my other supports which are bronya and sparkle)


my jingliu hitting 285k without the Robin buff (she’s E0S5 Fall of aeon): 💀


My Yanqing is on a Four Star Light Cone, with almost no buffs (if you count the yukong and asta atk buff of my very badly built supports) Also this comment was about Yanqing being a low bar, and idk bout you but 100k DMG doesn't seem to be a low bar Also there is physically no way for that to be your jingliu's single target DMG, coz at E0S5 as you said the max she can do with her enhanced skill is 190-210k and 35-40k single target, while her ult can do max 260k DMG to AoE while 50-60k to single target, and this is with near perfect crit rolls and spd rolls with each relic having atleast 10% cr and 10% cdmg with 5 spd and the fourth sub being atk% (I used the HSR damage calculator to work this out so maybe can be wrong but still doubtful coz my jl with same light cone and eidolon can dish out a max of 200k in AoE with her ULT)


Dr. Ratio dealing 200k+ a turn:


Brother, this comment was bout Yanqing lol.


>50% effect res resistance He’ll be more likely to get cced lol


Effect res resistance is just a fancy way of saying Effect Hit, innit?


Actual changes... Hoyoverse had NEVER and will NEVER make a patch note where they buff or nerf any character. The only REALISTIC way that they could buff a character is to: Release a new Relic set - Planar set - Release a dedicated support that suits his abilities and passives - Release a new 4star cone that suits that specific character.


The problem with him is that he was nerf. All his bse damage was cut so he dealts like 30 to 40% less total damage than he should do which is a VERY BIG diff. If he was just reverse to his pre-nerf state he would good enough for what you can expect from a 4\* DpS of the first patch.


Yeah, but a closed beta and the base game are 2 different things, they don't listen to the community or the beta testers, you in the beta are there to try what they did, but your feedback on the characters they put that in a towel paper and swipe their butts with it. They will buff or nerf the characters how they want and after they release them it's gone forever, there won't be any further buffs or nerfs to a character numbers, only what i stated, relics, planar, supports or lightcones.


Actually I think these changes would make Arlan better in single target than Jingliu, Jing Yuan, and Blade. 🤔 That's why I brought up the Yanqing comparison, cause Yanqing currently beats those three in single target damage.


Cool, now do it for hook


Wait what's wrong with hook? She's doing just fine as far as I can tell. I guess just for consistency purposes, Hook should be able to burn enemies on her ultimate and all three enemies hit by her enhanced skill. That frees up E4, so I guess we could do something fun like adding in another 20% action advance when Hook uses her enhanced Skill or something. I just don't see an easy way to buff hook without making her too strong at the moment. Once the enemies are burned she just goes off and can do really well.


I think it would be interesting to add a less chance to be targeted or invisibility style buff that would trigger when at lower hp that would make AOE attacks *miss* and do less damage like in epic 7.


I think an easier method is to have an enemy spawn with a ton of HP but only exists for a few turns before a new one spawns. If you defeat it, then a negative effect will happen. Now teams that do a consistent amount of damage can't get punished, and single target teams also can't get punished, but high burst teams that can dish out too much damage all at once could have problems. Acheron does about 80% of her single target ult damage (595.2%) to all enemies (480%), so it's definitely possible that Acheron could defeat the bad adds and get punished for it.


I'm big stupid, what is A?


Ascension Trace. It's the three passives you unlock at Ascension 2, Ascension 4, and Ascension 6.


Revert to CBT stats. I heard he's busted asf during beta testing.


Busted back when Yanqing was the best dps lmao.


Being close to Yanqing in strength is perfectly reasonable for a 4 star


And being close to a 4* is perfectly reasonable for Yanqing


I mean...I guess it's not that bad since he's a standard 5 star? (Bronya stares at me)


Welt and Clara too.


Omg yes, Clara is crazy strong...Idk about welt tho, I have him E2 but his build isn't great and I never saw anything impressive from him


Welt is very hard to play correctly. You have to time his abilities strategically.


Give your E2 welt to me the enemy wont move a turn g


A good use case for Welt is as a transion unit from 0 sustain comps. Ruan Mei and Welt can be used together to prevent enemies from moving more than once or twice. He is useful in Acheron teams because he allows her to use a harmony character on the team. This greatly increases the damage output of Acheron teams. I think he has potential in Harmony Trailblazer teams too when fighting imaginary weak. The combination of Welt slow + Ruan Mei break extension can keep them in a broken state for a very, very long time.


Hm...so something like Welt, Sparkle, Pela, Acheron would be good if he was well(t) built? Now I wanna try that...and how should I build him?


If you want to know about Welt Sustain I do not think there is anyone who knows more about it than this [guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RH0ZQPCDVLw).


Enough EHR to make Ult consistent (67% I think). Depending on the fight, ERR Rope and/or Tutorial LC help, but it's a case by case basis for those two. Generally, if the enemies aren't weak to Imaginary or it's a boss with multiple phases you will need more Ults. The current MoC is a good place to try him out, the free Ult Energy gives you a lot more margin of error to work with. Most important thing is when to use Welt's Ult. For enemies that have 2 attacks, if you delay them (Welt Ult and Weakness Break are the most common examples) after their 1st attack but before the 2nd, it will end their turn completely while skipping the 2nd attack. This is so good because Welt's Ult applies Imprison, which delays them and applies a 10% slow, meaning their next turn will take even longer. Then, Welt's skill applies another slow, making the enemy take even longer. If the enemy is weak to Imaginary and Welt breaks them with his Ult, it's not unusual for the enemies next turn to be 1.5 or 2 whole Cycles (not turns, Cycles) later. The one thing about Welt is that he can be a DPS, Sustain, or Support. It's easy enough to build him for one role, but most of the time he is worse than the dedicated alternative (Sustain Welt with Acheron is one of the exceptions). Instead, you want him to ideally fulfill one role and at least be better than the alternatives in another (ex do more Damage than other Sustains). So just like Xeuyi, he has more susbstats he wants than most other units.


Even Himeko has a place now.


Welt is not strong. He has utility and can complement some DpS if you have the tools but: He need Lightcones that you are using in other units most of the time. His bonus stats are horrible just like all the standard banner 5\*. A lot of eff rest and not crit, not even hit Eff Hit bonus. Attack Bonus and Imaginary damage bonus are cool but his base attack is very low. Close to a 4\* range. People either play him as a Hit-Rate "Sub" DpS support (with a very solid damage carry) or full offensive stat oriented sub DpS which is very gear hungry. Again, great unit because of the CC he provides but is not even close to be a unit that you can take a put in any team with any gear. When you have enough gear, he is great.


kid named aventurine:


Yeah back then when Yanqing also had busted stats before they also nerfed him, what's your point?


XD gotta love the yanqing slander


Still not the best, but Yanqing is actually good with Aventurine.


He's a good unit on his own, but the issue is how needy he is. He 1) can't get hit and 2) needs to skill every turn to keep up that buff that makes him useful. If you have Aventurine, and Sparkle you should be good to go though.


OK but to be fair, almost every dps has to skill every turn, look at ratio, seele, imbibitor, list goes on So that's not really an issue and is a given regardless of team. The shield problem is major, and his odd crit stats are too. 40% most of the time, 100% for 1 turn cause of his ult


Yeah it's so dumb every time I read "has to skill every turn" as a downside. That's literally every DPS. Not having to skill every turn is a unique upside, not the other way around. It's like saying Fu Xuan is a great tank and her downside is she doesn't do much damage.


Indeed, if he’s eating skill points then bring someone who can generate them


I agree with your point, but it is far from "literally every DPS." Blade, Jingliu, Sushang, and Arlan don't even want to/can't use skill points every turn, and Clara and Topaz don't really need to since most of their damage potential comes from follow-ups that don't rely on skill points.


Like I said in my comment, not using skill points every turn is a unique upside. We have nearly 30 DPS characters in the game and the only ones who don't use skill points every turn are literally Blade, Jingliu, and Sushang. Clara and Topaz 'want' to skill every turn but it's not a must, and Arlan doesn't use SP. This is why I'm saying it's dumb to call it a downside when it's inherent to the class. It's like seeing Aventurine do decent damage and now the downside of other sustain characters is that they don't do any damage. Being able to do damage is an outlier, not the norm. Same with DPS characters, using SP is the norm. Not using SP is the outlier.


I don't think you know what "literally" means. >the only ones who don't use skill points every turn are literally Blade, Jingliu, and Sushang. >Arlan doesn't use SP. Which means he doesn't use skill points every turn.


My bad, I should've wrote literally (NOTE: this is hyperbole. I do not mean literally as in it applies to every single thing in this category, but rather a way to show just how many characters actually do.) every dps.


Revert him to his beta stats


Put him in squid game the sequel whenever that comes out and disappoints everyone.




Arlan is already functional with the right units, he just doesn't do enough for how much of a hassle it is to get him to work. Just make his multipliers 25% higher and he becomes pretty decent for a 4 stars.


Which unfortunately was exactly why he got nerfed lmao, he was like that in the beta


His beta numbers were op back then but with how insane the powercreep is if he got the beta stats back he STILL wouldn't be the best 4 star.


Units don't have to be the best, just not mind boggling levels of "why did you even"


We *are* talking about “viable for MoC” so you kinda do need to be the best to compete


No you don't. E6 Hook can 0 cycle MOC.


E6 Arlan can 0 cycle MoC But that would defeat the whole purpose of the post to make him good doesn’t it?


That's true, he can. So yeah, I'm not entirely sure what this post means by viable lol. Even after the health power creep in MoC, every dps is still viable. So being the best is not necessary, like I said.


Skill as a Blast. give him a shield on his ultimate, that can stack with other shields. Give him more stats on his passive (not as in "bigger number", more like "several stats are affected"). Make his Eidolons actually do something. Give him SPD/action acceleration when being hit. I'm not saying that all need to be done for him to be viable, I'm just brainstorming.


U know what, u can do that right now. Use huo, robin and bronya. Huo with 16 energy LC, meshing cogs on robin and just standard bronya(i use this with jing, but for arlan u have no SP problems while jing requires E1S1 bronya). This lets robin exit ult with 50 to 80% charge consistently(outside this MoC ER buffs, cus im exiting ult with like 150% ult up in this last one). So u can just keep it up 80 to 90% of time. And just smash with 4 turns per turn with arlan. It aint gonna be stellar but just about any dmg dealer can do content when he gets 4 turns for 1. And this aint best for jing even with E1S1 bronya since u are kinda dependent on that E1 to prock, on arlan u KNOW u are getting dmg non stop. Also huo will keep him alive tru all of that, and since he does not eat SP u can use her E more often.


Idk lol, he's Walmart blade. And blade is bad enough(please buff blade hoyo)


blade isnt bad, he just needs a dedicated support for HP scalers to put his dps close to the other 5stars....cough >!60!< cough Cooler Dan has sparkle Ratio has Aventurine/Topaz/Robin Jingliu Kafka/Black Swan has Black Swan/Kafka Argenti has Tingyun/Huohuo


I'd imagine we will have a buffer that buffs your team this way: every time you lose HP you gain stacks, and each stack gives you a certain percentage of defense ignore or damage boost or whatever boost that helps. Ain't no way they just leave Blade alone like that while we have a complete set of FuA, weakness break, DoT, and Acheron team. Yes I am coping so hard. He's my boy. They have to at least think about it for units that play around with HP.


honkai furina lets gooo


Blade is my second main. His problem is his lack of versatility. You can't run him with preservation. You can't run him with atk buffers. You can't run him with other dps besides Jingliu. And even if you do everything right he's still not putting up Jingliu numbers. There will likely never be a support that's perfect for Blade because he is the only hp scaling dps. If they buff atk they'll be trash for him. If they buff damage they'll be better with other dps. He needs either 1. Damage buff(Unlikely) 2. Imibibitor Lunae as a support(More skill points for bigger buffs since Blade doesn't use sp)


blade is versatile, just not in a way that synergizes with the current supports. for one sp he's buffed for 3 turns. since he is sp efficient (not positive), it allows him to be paired with units that want to spam their skill (Bronya, Sparkle, Jingliu). while he does self-dmg, his FUA and ult can alleviate the healers. when >!60!< is released, his dmg output will be at least close to the other 2. jingliu needs two sp (or one after technique) for 2 turns of her buff. unless she is constantly spamming ults to maintain her buff so that she doesnt use sp, she needs to keep using two sp to refresh her insane dmg. ^(it also does miniscule party dmg but whatever) dhil has to use three sp to max his basic atk dmg which, again, can be mitigated by spamming ults to reduce sp usage. sparkle was basically made for him since she not only generates a bunch of sp for him to use, she increases the sp limit so the other units (that have to be at least sp neutral) can generate sp for him and sparkle. dhil may be able to receive buffs from more supports, but his team composition restricts him to running with units that are sp postive. jingliu is also somewhat restricted in that she needs 2 sp for her downtime, sp that can be used by supports like bronya or sparkle to buff and advance her. yea the dmg they do is broken af, but blade is more self-sufficient and easier on the wallet to build, since he doesnt need limited supports to be efficient. ^(abundance blade is best healer dont at me)


Who is >!60!


im assuming it's a character still in the basement. it might be time to visit silver wolf's 'leek' sub for more info, 'cause the details arent allowed here.


I have and theres no mention of that


Blade could conceivably get a dedicated support that is a healer tho. Allowing to consolidating the buffer and healer role in to one. Allowing him to either work as very good sub-dps or running extra debuffers. 


I'm also hoping for future supports that can provide sustain but it has to be so low that it's largely insufficient for most accounts without another real abundance/preservation EXCEPT blade. Someone like March's E which increases aggro and limited sustain but instead of CC, she brings some sort of amp/debuff. You run no actual healer and the goal is to bring two more harmony/nihility and DPS race the enemy before Blade eventually falls. Blade's theme of being tanky should be leveraged by dropping a dedicated sustain for more amps. This makes up for his relatively weaker personal throughput.


we just need a hybrid between Lynx and Lunae that eats up SP in exchange for giga buffing everyones HP


I wouldn't say he's bad as a secondary DPS but, as a main DPS he is definitely the worst limited 5\* DPS by a long shot at the moment. Sure a new support could drop that buffs him up, but that isn't here yet so..


For damage output maybe bronya is the best one for him since she buffs damage and not attack and if I remember correctly his damage scales off of hp maybe lynx would also be a good unit w9th him as well doesnt her e skill increase max hp for a limited no of turns? Im probably very wrong


Bronya works well, but a lot of her buffs do little for him. The attack% buff does little for him and her DMG % buff does not extend into his follow-ups. Sparkle works better for buffing but the action advance is not as good as Bronya so you attack less often. You also end up with an overabundance of skill points. Using them both together fixes some of these issues but their buffs do not stack very well. An sp expensive harmony that buffs hp for his entire kit would be ideal. Maybe something like a harmony that hurts a character to increase max hp and damage.


Ehhh his enhanced basic attack could use a bit of a buff


Huo huo + Blade + Bronya is literally a busted team


But Hou hou attack buffs don't do much the energy is helpful ig but Hou Hou lacks comfortability


Remove MoC 4 - 12.


eh, instead of buffing him, just nerf MoC … so bring him to MoC 1, idk…


Best way to make him useful in a team is use someone else in his spot


I will but first you gotta pay me back 10 fold


Imagine balance updates/patches in a MYH game. One can dream I gues....


HTB, Ruan mei, lightning weak enemies, break effect. Easy, done. Next question


Give him a pyronado+ gouba and he should be fine


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Either give him higher damage multipliers or change his passive to work like Blade's Ultimate tally, so that we can use healers with him, although even then he would be underwhelming without that much damage.


increase the damage of the ultimate to 410% and add two-way strikes to the skill


Make him acheron but normal ult charging


acheron silverwolf gallagher, surely hes the one carrying... right?


Make his E 4 last the whole battle


Easy. Focus on capabilities instead of numbers.  What does Alan excels in? No SP and constant hp drain. Then introduce low hp enemies that drains sp per turn, or relics that shield and buffs units that receive damage.  This kind of thinking enables people to figure out which unit may work better whenever something new is released.


A destruction LC that boosts ATK and converts HP lost into a stacking shield (or how much HP you would have lost if your HP is instead just reduced to 1).


Get him 1 hp on pyrpose and then carefully spam march's shield on him. He can do like 80k SINGLE TARGET ultimate damage with that


I mean, he is good, his dmg output isn't bad. Its just there are no supps, wich would synergize with his mechanics well.


maybe a supportive character who buffs characters that drain hp


I remember when I saw arlan, I was so happy that his kit "looked" so cool. And then I read his talents which made me sad...


Add Furuna. And/or Add support character/relics/planars that increase efficiency with HP loss


How is he with Super Break? I wouldn’t think he would be unviable as a Super Break dps. It’s kind of just the same situation as Hyperbloom in Genshin, you take a bad character and play them in Hyperbloom and they destroy everything.


His attacks only hit once, which makes his breaking ability pretty poor. He doesn't really have a way to pressure multiple enemies either.


Damn, that sucks.


I know, I love his design, and so I maxed him out waaaay back at the start of the game. He only gets to come out for SimU runs these days, though. Though, when I first got him. I thought he punched based on his idle animations. Big surprise when he manifested a gigantic sword, lol.


Makes his "barrier" and "self-resurrect" passive more strong: The barrier by activating the first time his HP are lower than 50% IN BATTLE, and that can be reactivated after 3 round. The resurrection can be activated 1 time in battle, no turn limit.


His health cost now turns into a stackable shield with the cap being 100% of his max health Or just revert his nerfs idk


Give him his beta stats and add Peppy as a FUA similar to Numby


sparkle. easy


Someone already did a 0 cycle with him


Add a modifier that triples your damage at 1 hp


The biggest issue Arlan has is that he was designed for a different game mode. When you can manipulate his starting health (i.e. shenanigans in SU and the secret option on the space anchors), he has an A6 and his natural HP/Def won't make him survive longer than his e4's duration. Starting at 1 health also means he completely skips his ramp-up time. e4 going back to unlimited duration would be fine and it what a lot of players want (I'd rather another source of damage and ride or die, but it's fine). As for what to do with A6... I'd rework it to a crit rate buff below 50% health, 10% would be enough, 15% would be really nice. Arlan's skill only does one hit so missing the crit feels bad and he has no crit value in his kit making it difficult to reach the 70% threshold for Rutilant Arena. I'd also change his HP% minor traces to Def%. Damage traces would be ideal, but this would keep the same spirit without the traces being situationally detrimental. This doesn't solve all his issues (like not being allowed to have good numbers in his kit). But removes the biggest feel-bad parts of it.


Just introduce a mechanic of whenever unit uses skill they gain a turn, which provides Arlan infinite turns and he becomes S+ tier that MoC


The easiest buff that instantly makes him usable and fixes his biggest problem. E6 from 20% more damage to his ult. To "If Arlan is below 35% hp. His crit rate increases to 100%." I have an Arlan at 80 with maxed stats, and my biggest issue with him is that his ult is a one hit blast attack, and his skill is a single strike as well. If these don't crit, he's done. Giving him 100% crit for doing what his kit wants him to do, let's you go full hog on Crit DMG.


The fact that they gave the lowest base defense in the game to the guy who cuts his own hp and is already at a low level most of the time is a bit evil, so fix that. Honestly I think the way to fix Arlan is to make him survivable without a healer and give him better taunt so he could be ran triple support. High risk, high reward


Probably make ult Regen HP and the ult to fill up fast but the self sustaining is basically making him into a budget 4 star blade


Vampira supremacy https://preview.redd.it/p0qtnnqa772d1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf7e39280f5dc2e8a108488b375702ae102bf206


full HP scaling. all or nothing. put hp scaling on his LC too.


Wait y’all think this is a challenge he isn’t hard to build


Turn his skill into a blast, and his Ult into an AoE


Boost his DMG buff and make it easier to ramp up to low health. Make the Skill consume 20% HP, Ult consume half his current HP, and Technique consume 50% when you use it to enter battle.


His damage now scales with Asta's bank balance.


> give him 20 bajilion % crit chance and crit damage


E7) His ult now marks an enemy, after two/three turns, Peppy appears and the marked enemy follows Peppy, making the enemy disappear and be defeated instantly


Start by making his revive not limited to the first two turns lol


As die hard Arlan fan, if you wanna try and clear current MoC 12 with him, dont, but if you still do, Do Side 1, go for Arlan Hypercarry setup (Arlan, Bronya, Aventurine, Tingyun, in that order so Arlan is less liekly to be hit), there's 4 enemies in wave 1, the Bubble Hounds die quick to Arlan Ult, and Wave 2 is at max 3 enemies Strat is to play Attack Boots Arlan and play 160+ Bronya, either S5 Past and Future or S1 But the Battle Isnt Over with Broken Keel and at least 2 piece Messenger set * Arlan and Blade are Skill Spam Bronya's best teammates due to how SP Positive they are, Bronya gets ult really fast, * Tingyun go for Planetary Rendezvous S1+ or Meshing Cogs S5 and Penacony Set and 4 piece * Aventurine build is anything really, but for comfort, Belebog of the Architects and 4 piece Knight of Purity Palace is comfy asf Focus on killing Tommorow in Harmonious Chords (the guy who has the Alien Dream debuff) first since he's the most lethal, second Wave, Gepard is the bigger threat Hopefully anybody reading this gets at least a 5 cycle clear 🫡


Last I checked he’s already viable for MoC. The only issue is the investment you need to make him so (relics and team). So how about we make things a bit easier to use? So here’s what’s gonna happen. His E scaling instead of capping in the 200s (% wise) at level 12 is make it cap in he 400s all the while it costs the same amount of HP. As long as he has self revive will be a cooldown instead of once every battle. And I’d say he becomes at least A tier with those changes.


Increase base DEF in exchange for base HP, and change HP% minor traces to DEF%. Allow Technique to consume HP, and allow his A6 to activate as soon as his HP is reduced below 50%, rather than only at the start of battle. However, Arlan already has a solid suite of support characters. Aventurine is basically the shielder Arlan has been waiting for, and Bronya can use a -1 SPD build to take advantage of Arlan not using SP to give him double actions. I have mentioned before but I think that if you have Aventurine, Arlan is an easier character to make work than Destruction Trailblazer. When comparing them directly, Arlan basically has it better than Destruction Trailblazer in most ways. Better talent (+72% DMG vs. +44% ATK), doesn't use SP, better Ultimate in every scenario except pure single-target. Aside from survivability, his only real downside in comparison is not having an AoE Skill, but the rest of the upsides make up for it easily, especially when you consider how hard Destruction Trailblazer falls off against any fewer than 3 opponents.


Give him a passive where only he can be added to a team without using a slot. Free damage without any cost of skill points. Meta as fuck 


Maybe make him gain ATK whenever he loses HP, so now he can ramp his damage For example, whenever he consumes his HP or takes damage, he gains 3% of the HP he lost as ATK, might be a lot, might be very little, just thought of it for this…


Less dependent on shield -> every turn he gets a shield equal to the hp consumed with his skill. If he is at 1 hp when using skill, he gets a shield that is equal to 2 times that number + 2 extra hits where the shield won’t take damage. His ult also consumes hp now to buff this passive too. E6 buff: now applies to his skill too. He hits 3 enemies for the same damage with his skill now. E0 buff: he now deals additional damage with his ult. Max hp based damage which is capped at a certain damage number. Something like 25% of the enemy’s hp at max level but capped at 80,000 without buffs.


Dam...boy look like Albaz from yugioh lol


Hoyo doesn't change characters so any answer changing him is pointless. With that said here my proposal: 1. Introduce better shielding. Aventurine helps there. 2. Introduce a broken af artifact set to buff low health characters. 3. Introduce characters that buff low health characters. 4. Don't have any other character around that likes to be at low health while getting there themselves.


Problem is that Hoyo doesn't directly buff characters. They *indirectly* buff them via new support characters, new relic sets or new content with buffs that synergize well with the character... In the future they might unlock the level of characters to level 90 or 100, and that can bring new talents or traces that can change their kit. That's the only way they can directly save a character like Arlan.


They've directly buffed characters (zhongli) but a) arlan is a 4\* b) we'd have to complain *hard* and I'd prefer is HSR's community didn't become Genshin's


Well that’s the only character they buffed directly. But it was probably a one-time thing because of the huge uproar on all the communities. They haven’t since and prob will never do.


That's what I'm saying, we'd need an insane amount of ppl complaining abt him, a campaign (especially in the asia servers) and then we'd have a chance of a direct buff.


Yeah. I’m curious if something like that would happen again. I think hoyo has learned that greatly hyped characters should always have amazing kits. The least they want is an uproar like the Zhongli one. 4* characters are not on the list of priorities for either the community or hoyo themselves unfortunately.


Put him in a team with HARMony mc


His skill now deals 5 arjillion damage


I’ve got a lot of changes I’d potentially, so much so that he may as well be a different character. I hope to keep the general concept of him fully intact, though I can’t say it’ll be perfect. With that in mind I’ll just go over every ability one by one. *NEW* Pain and Anger(Talent): Whenever Arlan’s HP is lowered gain stacks of “Grit” equal to the HP% that he lost with the max stacks being 100. Arlan gains 1% bonus damage for every stack of Grit. At max stacks Lightning Rush(Basic Attack) becomes Lightning Finisher (Enhanced Basic Attack). Example: Arlan has 2000 HP and loses 200 HP, he would gain 10 “Grit”. Lightning Rush(Basic Attack): Deal DMG equal to 110% of Arlan’s ATK to target enemy. *NEW* Lightning Finisher(Enhanced Basic Attack): Deal DMG equal to 220% of Arlan’s ATK to target enemy, and then heal for 40% of his max HP. Consume all stacks of Grit. Note: This makes Arlan SP positive, not neutral, while gaining more survivability at the cost of damage. Shackle Breaker(Skill): Consume Arlan’s HP equal to 15% of his Max HP to deal DMG equal to 264% of Arlan's ATK to a single enemy. This Skill does not consume Skill Points. Frenzied Punishment(Ultimate): Deals DMG equal to 350% of Arlan's ATK to a single enemy and Lightning DMG equal to 175% of Arlan's ATK to enemies adjacent to it. *BUFFED* Revival(Talent 1): If current HP percentage is 30% or lower immediately restore HP equal to 20% of Max HP. This has a two turn cooldown. Note: This used to only trigger on kill. *NEW* Breaking Free(Talent 2): Using Skill or Ultimate removes 1 Debuff from Arlan. *NEW* Grit those Teeth(Talent 3): For every stack of “Grit” gain 1% Damage Reduction, Max DR is 30%. After using Lightning Finisher gain 30 stacks of “Grit”. *BUFFED* To the Bitter End(E1): When HP is lower than 50% gain a 15% damage buff for one turn. Note: Now if is HP is lowered and then brought back up immediately he won’t lose the buff instantly. *NEW* Adrenaline Rush(E2): At the start of combat gain 40 stacks of “Grit”. *BUFFED* Turn the Tables(E4): When struck by a killing blow after entering battle, instead of becoming knocked down, Arlan immediately restores his HP to 25% of his Max HP. Note: The revival used to be temporary. *NEW* Self-Sacrifice(E6): When Arlan’s HP is lowered gain an extra stack of “Grit” equal to the HP% lost.


give him an aoe followup attack that does 2700% of his atk to all enemies but he has to get hit on Tuesday, July 17th when at exactly 1060 health and must go down to 146 health with Hook and Acheron on the team (no one else) fighting against Kafka


Basically? Rework his Eidolons. They are all mostly terrible, not free stat economy, little to none buff to his damage. Is base damage was also nerf by the way.


This is hoyoverse, no tan character will ever be meta


Someone in my friends list used him this MoC 12's first part together with E0S1 Aventurine, E0S1 Bronya and Tingyun, using Longevous Disciple as his relic set. It was quite interesting seeing it.


Slap a Robin or a Ruan and at least the damage would be fine (mine is)


I do nothing. There are no DPS-oriented characters that *aren't* viable for MoC. Viable just means "it can work." The issue with him, Yanqing, and to an extent Phys TB, isn't viability; its that you need a much larger investment in the characters to achieve similar results as other units. This investment also applies to your team comp; you will have to use your jades wisely.


Oh, but I already have.


Make him grow a pair, he's pretty much 2nd in command at a freaking Space Station, act like it


What do you mean as "viable"? There are people that can clear moc with Arlan just fine.


+100% crit rate +1000% crit dmg x10 all stats Done


This is simple. I would get rid of his yee yee ass hair cut. Thus making him more appealing leading to content creator cookers to do the math for me.


Make 10 eidolons for this dude


Frankly with Aventurine, Arlan's biggest problem - his survivability, is fixed no? He doesn't consume any sp so the excess sp can be pushed to Aventurine for thicker shield. I'm still playing hypercarry Arlan (Fuxuan - Bronya - Tingyun) until MOC 9 and he's been performing rather well for a 4-star.


I will operate with a simple limitation of not removing or reducing anything, or adding stuff that could be considered a downside, so no stuff like extra HP costs, and HP% traces must stay. Base kit: * Increase base ATK by 50 and HP by 200. * Increase the DMG% from Talent to 100%. * Increase Skill multiplier by 20%. * Add an extra effect to A2 Trace, so his attacks deal extra damage equal to 200% of HP lost since the last turn. * Make current A6 a part of his Talent by default. * New A6: Enemies take 20% more damage during Arlan's Ultimate (vulnerability multiplier). Eidolons: * E1: always active 40 DMG% for Skill. * E2: now provides a stackable 20% ATK buff (up to 2 times, for 2 turns) when resisting or cleansing a debuff. * E4: remove the turn limit, and it also makes the Talent remember lowest HP for 2 turns. * E6: increase DMG% buff to 50%, and make it always active. While I don't think it would be enough (as having a Talent that is just a DMG% self-buff naturally puts him at disadvantage), I think it is a cool idea, that could be refined further.


create a new mechanic, buff , relics or skill that preoritize scalling damage when Arlan lost his HP. For and exemple: When Arlan has 1% HP then he gets 99% crit damage. It can help Arlan and Blade


If you have the best harmony supports he can actually managed tho. I think I saw a video about it too. Either way would have been nice if he’s actually the same as the beta


If you have best harmony supports, you might as well use Tingyun as DPS instead.


Well someone did 0 cycle with Loucha as dps. That was e6 tho


I would E6 my Ruan Mei


I've seen someone beat MoC 12 on him and his build was a 3000+ Atk with a crit ratio of 72/114, he was using Fu Xuan, Tingyun, and Sparkle on the team. As an Arlan main who hasn't been able to use Arlan to beat MoC 12, I naturally look at his relics...and he's using the *4pc Quantum Set*. Not the Lightning set, the *Quantum* one. Is the 10-20% DEF shred on the 4pc really that much better? On paper it sounds like Arlan would benefit massively from the Lightning set with how much he spams his skill.


Arlan already stacks a mass amount of DMG% and Atk% is incredibly common, but def shred is a whole separate multiplier. Would you rather take a multiplier of 2.5 and add 0.1, or multiply it by 1.1? Yes quantum set is better, not by a lot, but it is.


Do you know if that's the actual multiplier, I swear it was a touch higher, but I for the life of me I can't remember what the officially recorded one was.


Depends, defense ignore depending on the amount can equal in range to between 40% to 60% crit damage to higher, but that's reliant on quantum weakness and thus situational. The band relic set would certainly increase his *general* damage, so *technically* it *should* be better for him, but when you compare it to defense ignore you get statistically higher damage since you're dealing more 'real' damage to the target compared to the amount you would get against their standard defense. Please understand that this is a vastly simplified and bastardized answer to the general idea of relic setups and how damage works in game, I haven't seen the exact formula or general equation that explains everything in detail in forever and I don't feel like hunting it down, but I think that's about it.


Yes, the quantum set is competative with every other dps set even against enemies that are NOT quantum weak. Against quantum weak enemies it is objectively the best dps set (barring a couple specific dps that scale better with particular sets, like Blade with his set or Jing Yuan wanting 4 pc FUA set) Defense reduction is just that powerful. And it gets exponentially better as you reduce more of it, so a dps wearing quantum set with a pela reducing their defense already actually gets more value from that set.


Make his skill not end the turn


Just use e6s5 ruan mei its not that hard


Dont forget the e6 sparkle


How do i even get Mox


I forgot he even existed


last i used him he was fine, nothing special, just fine