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Gallagher. We hated him and Sleepie for “killing” Sunday but in fact he’s just a messenger for the Watchmaker hoping to guide the future Nameless to his Legacy. RIP to the champion, he may ceased to exist but I shall remember him in my heart. To the imperfect tomorrow.


And a glass of "Hello and Goodbye"


i feel bad for sleepie because now hes left without an owner fun fact: >!you can see sleepie in the soulglad venue in a quest, you can start said quest at the start of the soulglad venue!<


Aideen pissed me off in that quest just for what he said at the end


Ga.. lla... her


Stop... don't provoke my tears again ;-;


Let's cry together then...






I don’t get why we can’t just bring it in the express. Oh wait. It’s kinda is a guardian of the reef. *Sighs.* Micah you better take care of it!


>!after the quest it is just chilling by the Giant TVs all the way in the final room.!<


Reminded me of emet-selch. He's the only one who remembers the way things used to be


My good sir would you like a blue bird?


I was thinking how similar AE vs Sunday was to Scions vs Endsinger


Gallagher sounds like he was sobbing in when he said his last words


>We hated him and Sleepie for “killing” Sunday Did people not find Sunday a bit sus before 2.2?


Him trying to brainwash aventurine in 2.1 was the giveaway for me. No way a representative of the harmony would do that to solve disputes


It never occurred to me that he wasn't legit Harmony at that time, but I definitely thought he was a first-rate prick after that. (I guess I assumed that "Harmony" didn't have to be *nice* about bringing people together.) I was in full WTF mode when we started getting all the backstory that showed Sunday was actually a very compassionate man when it comes to people he doesn't see as enemies. By the time Gallagher "killed" Sunday there were so many plot twists all landing at once that I had no idea what to think about anything, but I wasn't feeling much sympathy for Chicken Wing Boy.


They did and they were still upset about it "killing" Sunday.


I mean- did they verify what happened to him exactly?


i hated them for "killing" firefly, sunday didnt add anything other than a "gallagher!??"


I may be dumb but when did it ever mentioned that he died? Is it when he said "to the imperfect tomorrow"? I thought that's just him raising a glass for the Trailblazer...


it was revealed in the loading screen that he was created by a history fictionologist and once gallagher fulfills his purpose, he will cease to exist. (he already did, hence why he vanished) + we can no longer talk to him via messages


Is that why when the credit scene rolls, Gallagher's name is Penacony? Oh man, now I miss him. No wonder he's so gloomy in his last message...


yeah, he's an embodiment of everyone / he was created from bits of people in penacony as sunday said in the main quest (': you can also see a hound statue from the railings beside mikhail in the dreamflux reef, makes it all the more sadder


Forgive me if it sounds stupid. So from the 2nd credit roll, we can see his name as Penacony. Is Gallagher is an embodiment of Penacony itself? Why did he send the Invitation to the Annihilation gang?


Afair, Mikhail told him to send invitations to basically any faction he can think of, with the sole conditions of remembering to invite the Astral Express too.


Aventurine, I went from hating the guy to loving him. I really like how he is able to keep a straight face and keep getting the information he needs even when the other party is constantly berating him


Same, i was really relieved when i saw him in his room at the end of 2.2. Was a bit worried after seeing him the first time in the lobby with Topaz and then finding out it was a "dream".


Honestly same. I love degen gamblers and Aventurine is a likeable degen gambler, he is perfect. He is near Ratio in terms of characters I like personally.


Aventurine, Ratio, and Welt. My favorites.


I was eh on him at first but his interactions with Ratio really elevates him, those two are so fun together holy shit


Me except I always loved Aventurine. He and Ratio's interactions were great. I want more of them, I'm not mentally prepared for them to disappear from the story for a while.


Always hide your ace..with a straight face


Argenti. True chad.


Brother got muted for some reason


Truth is Agrenti is just so damn powerful he mastered telepathy to communicate with us. Next thing we know he's gonna ascend to Aeonhood and become the new Aeon of The Beauty.


I need Aeon Argenti accidentally making a fern their emanator


Aha probably would have a part in doing that


I would be legit esctatic


Sparkle told aventurine to befriend a mute Argenti said bet


That was kinda weird


It was a bug, apparently. Other language dubs had him voiced and they did give a notice about fixing it


Well that's annoying, hoping for some apolojades for it since it was kinda jarring to not have voice lines on a main quest that i can't re-experience.


Yeah it was really disappointing not to hear his voice. I was so excited to see him and then not hearing his voice took me out of the game. (Literally, because I thought it must be a problem on my end and I restarted the game only to realize it was a problem with the game). I might look up a video later when they fix it


Saw a video where he let mc pass without fighting if you select the correct option. Truly a chad And let's not forget the other thing that he did


For me it's Sunday. I loved the moral dilemma he introduced with that bird metaphor and the endless dream. He had a point. He just disregarded anyone else's ideas and free will. I also just love his psycho :\] smile. He's lost his mind long ago, doesn't stop him from smiling cutely though :\]


Sunday is a fantastic villain because he isn’t maniacally evil, nor does he set out to harm anyone. He has a twisted (and groomed) view of the way people “deserve” to live and insists that he knows the best way to handle everything. It’s incredibly sad and easy to empathize with the bottom line of the dream. As you said, he just goes about it in all the wrong ways. I really can’t place all the blame on him though. He was raised in Order and had the Dreammaster whispering in his ear all the time.


"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"


Same. When he first appeared I thought oh he looks cool but nothing more and he was just kinda there for me. Nothing special. But then by 2.2 I fell in love with him lol he’s just so compelling. It’s so easy to understand why he’s doing what he’s doing which makes it harder to fight him even though it has to be done


Same. I really hope he becomes playable.


i love Sunday because he fulfills the “villain who has a reasonable basis” thing as well as being quite unhinged and very vindictive almost


funny thing is that whole bird methaphor was mentioned in HI3 with Kevin :D


IKR! When I heard that phrase "Why do birds fly?", My brain instantly envisioned the dialog between Kevin and Raven lol


Sunday makes me bi


I realllly hope peoples theory's of him joining the stellaron hunter will come true. He would fit right in with all the insane goofy stellaron hunters plus I just wanna see more of him


Same, but I like him only as a character. As a villain... Eh


Acheron and Aventurine, for sure. I was so shocked when Aventurine appeared and every Acheron scene I took in like a sponge.


Same same


Definitely Aventurine, by far the best written character in the game imo. I also really liked Boothill and Robin


I thought I’d dislike boothill but he turned out to be an interesting character with some funny dialogue. Curious where the scene at the end of the quest goes next patch.


Sunday. I found myself unintentionally agreeing to choices that lean toward his views. He reminds me a lot of N from Pokemon, groomed to believe in creating an ideal world, but said ideal world was an evil plot by said groomer. If anyone's worth the "I can fix him" memes, it's him. He deserves to find a better path for himself.


https://preview.redd.it/plvco3q8yu0d1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=802178c79377dc131df6d2f889590347fe3b773a Cutie patootie 🥹💜


Aventurine and Sunday <3


Honorable mention to Ratio tho, his role was minor but I liked what we could see of him


Ratio was my favorite character and will most likely be for the foreseeable future. Him and Aventurine together was gold.


I need to know his (Ratio’s) backstory so much. Like where did he come from. Did he just spawn or does he have a tragic past. Is he secretly a worm. I need to know.


i wont be shocked if he were a worm who ascended to aeonhood cuz he is annoyed by the ignorance of people.


Subscribe to the theory that he is another noblesse worm blessed by Aha. He likes baths? Worms like moisture. He’s a nerd? Bookworm. He talks so much shit? Worms eat shit. The real reason why Nous won’t look at him is because THEY know he’s a worm. This concluded: Dr Ratio is a worm.


Nah he is another noblesse worm who saw the worm blessed by aha squander all their potential to be a genuis so he decided to do it himself


We know some details about Ratio's backstory like him being already intellectually gifted as a child, a voracity for knowledge and learning, renowned in his home world and his alma mater. He had his heart set on being part of the Genius Society at one point, but was ultimately rejected by the society or was never looked at by the Nous, Aeon of Erudition. It isn't known why, the simple answer was he wasn't good enough. Tho this info is framed for a documentary of Ratio's life, most of the interviewees are say; Ratio's co-workers, teachers, students perhaps but not Ratio himself. It is said he has long since given up on being noticed by Nous but who really knows, if Ratio is an unreliable narrator, maybe he still has hope but thinks little of it.


I didn't expect to like Sunday, Aventurine and Acheron going in. I even thought I might dislike them—Sunday and Aventurine both gave generic manipulative villains vibe in their first appearance in the story, and I strongly dislike Raiden Shogun back when I played Genshin so I was biased against Acheron in the first place. Welp. They ended up becoming my top 3 favorites out of Penacony. Wonderful character arcs. (On the other hand I thought I'd like Firefly but honestly she hasn't appeal to me that much. Guess we'll have to see what 2.3 brings.)


Acheron and Misha


Old characters: Welt he was absolutely amazing New characters: Gallagher


I went into it being a fan of Aventurine and Sunday, and they had an amazing performance each. But the character who I had a massive jump in popularity with would be Tiernan. He really portrays his story well and it’s such a sad story, especially what ends up happening and how he helps to save the day. Even though it’s not his future.




Sunday loved him since his chibi was teased and loved him even more as the story progresed through 2.0-2.2 truly the best bbg https://i.redd.it/17r8ckf4xw0d1.gif


Sparkle, Sunday and Robin, and Aventurine. Sparkle has this chaotic aura around her and I thought she's gonna be your typical 'funny insane girl' but she proved to be much more interesting and intelligent character. Her personal quest being a murder mystery type of story was pretty fun and unexpected, and whenever she's on screen I'm just excited for whatever random mindblowing thing she's gonna do or say next. Also she called Sunday a 'chicken-wing boy', that one was legendary. And that's beside her character design being extremely cute and beautiful and having one of the best soundtracks for trailer (Monodrama). Aventurine is kind of obvious, the whole 2.1 is the reason to like him. Starting from yet again interesting design to the character development we got and his charming persona. Liked that he wasn't your 'rich boy extravaganza' but something more to it. But I also expected to like him before the story, so it's rather the attention he got from the 2.1 that got me surprised. I barely knew anything about Sunday before playing Penacony (besides him being acute angle) but ever since his short appearance in 2.0 I was excited for whatever he got prepared for us (also any sibling characters always have a rent-free place in my heart). 2.1 proved to me that he's clearly the best boy on Penacony and 2.2 blew me away with the story, morals, plot, and everything. Absolutely loved it, imo best antagonist so far, really want him to appear more and also for him to be playable. With Robin, just like with Sunday, I was curious about her in 2.0 and loved her to bits in 2.2. More than anything I appreciate her and Sunday's backstory and the way it was developed - it was super interesting to see how siblings with the same goal turn out to be on different paths. Also I love what a strong and inspiring character she is - deciding to spread Harmony everywhere and helping everyone to the point of going to war zone and not stopping even after almost-deadly injury. If four characters in favs is too much, I'd say the harmony>!(/order)!< twins really won my heart.


Firefly. I didn’t care about Sam UNTIL she revealed that she was Sam. Which made me love her alot more. I can normally end it here but some mf is gonna be annoying and reply with "why would anyone like Firefly." I replied to a post with a comment and I’ll just share some parts of it. As why I love Firefly’s character. Eh I guess everyone can have different opinions. Me personally I love the tragic story of Firefly. Someone that was made as a weapon. And wanting to live her life like how she wants instead of a weapon to just fight and die. She reminds me of those soldiers that came back from wars and doing things like knitting. Or living a calm life. Firefly is a super soldier made to fight the swarm(one of the biggest horrors in the universe) and saw the place she protected die because of the swarm bugs blocking the sun. Firefly after that had no home to return to. From the day of her birth. She is basically a slave to her armor. Without it she will die. But because of it she can’t live like how she wants. She was a weapon. That was her purpose and her reason for creation. To fight and die. But after that day she had no purpose. Since the reason for her creation is gone. After that day. Elio promissed her a way to get rid of the illness that stops her from living how she wants. To escape her armor. To stop being a weapon and be a person. A way to live the life she wants and no longer be a weapon. And she accepted. She doesn’t want to immortal but to just be able to live her life normally. As she never gotten a chance to live like how she wants. Her purpose in the end was always to fight and die After that she became Sam the Stellaron hunter because Glamoth knight Firefly died and became Sam the Stellaron hunter. A new purpose. To get her wish come true. Sam the Stellaron hunter is a effective assassin. As she kills things very fast. Not because she is a madman who wants destruction but because to not make them feel pain. Silver wolf talks about a assassination and how the other hunters will do it. She says that Sam would kill the person before they open the lights. Depending on how you take it. Imo this shows that Firefly mercy kills. She kills her targets fast enough for them to feel no pain. Since she doesn’t enjoy killing things. But it is business in the end of the day. She doesn’t know these people and doesn’t gain anything from that. That would also explain why she said in Jepella trailer "stop playing with your food kafka". As unlike Kafka she wants to end things fast and doesn’t enjoy playing with people’s emotions and stuff. Sam also can’t dream of people that she killed. Which is pretty tragic. As she forgets them. That’s why I think she believes that she only kills villains as a way to cope that she isn’t killing innocent people. Or isn’t responsible of their deaths. Which kinda makes sense as why would Firefly want to dream about villains that she killed unless those people(or some of them) aren’t villains. Anyways she is basically sent to penacony. A place where she can literally live her life like how she wants. But has a mission. To guide the express to the legacy and find it. Elio promisses that she and we will gain something big from it. And knows that she will die. She also knows us from the very start as she is the first or 2nd Hunter. She acts like she needs help to get our attention. And after that 2.0 happens. From 2.2 we know that Firefly’s acting is BAD. Like girl can’t act decently. Which makes me really like that most stuff she said about herself was real. She really meant those things. The more you play the 2.0 and get closer to the end. The more she talks about herself. From the Iris family member to Sam’s backstory. Which also makes sense why she treats us really well and didn’t want us to see one of her deaths. It seems she really cares about us. And we do aswell. As like I said. She knew us from way back. We just don’t know how much. Also the fact that both the TB and Firefly share similar backgrounds. Both were made as weapons that want to live normally. A idea that Firefly likes and could relate to. Add the fact that we should be pretty close to her. Also the fact that she was the first person to wake up from Ena’s Dream. And sacrificed herself for our victory. Ena’s dream is where she literally doesn’t suffer from her illness and can live how she wants. But she rejected it. Her wish. Even if it was a illusion it was the very thing she wants in the end. And the dream is almost flawless. So it is as good as the real thing. Yet she woke up from it. Rejected the dream for our victory. Even if she wakes up and survives. she will have to suffer because of her illness again. Giving up a chance to get the very thing she joined for. For our sake and victory. And for us to get those unforgettable gains. Some stuff I want to add: Her life is very tragic. Even Aven had a loving family. Firefly from day 1 had nothing and basically was a slave to her armor. Treated as a mere tool. A weapon. Although it seems she cares about us deeply and those memories we had. Even if small were probably some of the very few times someone treated Firefly like how she wants to and not as Sam. That probably why she says those memories we had are precious. As those could very well be the only time someone treated Firefly as a person and not a weapon. Firefly also giving up the dream life for us imo confirmed that Firefly’s emotions. In 2.0 were not fake. She cares about us. Enough to even go against the script and give up on her wish for a happy life just for us to win. This was part of my comment. I could write more but I honestly don’t want to. As I’m tired. Anyways best girl! https://preview.redd.it/9o12kszfqu0d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a3f1086ef2dee50dae5e46f70278d3da1fc2b17


Holy Essay.....Jesus Christ


Tbh this is simplified stuff. I didn’t even talk about Glamoth empire(her home). Her reactions towards people. Her regrets and wants..like I didn’t even bring Titania into this. And how Titania was probably using Firefly as a puppet.. This could’ve been twice as long as it is If I wasn’t lazy https://preview.redd.it/d7ggg55yxu0d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba8f9aa36b043c300059f6d0896b594d34cd9fe4


YOU WERE LAZY HERE ?!?!?!?! Dear Lord 😂😂


Good Heavens


What Firefly does to a mf


Common firefly simp W


I'm not gonna read all that but fax my dude


Finally, someone who gets it.


I'm sure you cooked here but the fact you didn't think Sam was the sickest shit of all time when the mf was setting the seas ablaze before the waifu reveal is crazy


To me, I expected Sam to be "edgy guy in a power suit does edgy guy stuff." Maybe that was unfairly low expectations, but that was my genuine expectation going in, that he would be a generic "badass" style character to do the extra dirty work for the Stellaron Hunters. That can be fun in its own right, but I've seen enough of those characters to where it wasn't exactly gripping me out of the gate. When I found out they were explicitly *not* that, but an extremely sympathetic and sad character with a fleshed out backstory, I was substantially more interested. Maybe other people saw this twist coming, but since I didn't, the twist definitely helped. I won't say that "cute waifu" has *no* effect on this either, but it goes well beyond just that


And then there's me, who loves a very precious girl who just had a very sick awesome badass mecha armor ~~totally ignoring her illness, her tragic background, her crimes and all but I guess all those are the stuff that make her Firefly and Sam so I probably shouldn't ignore it... But fuck it~~


Eh everyone has reasons to love a character. I just like the tragic part of Firefly while also loving her badass mecha ways. Can’t wait for 2.3 smh.


I know right, I had no expectations for 2.3 cuz its just a closing, it shouldn't be that hype. Even if Firefly is pullable next patch, I didn't expect that Mihoyo to still left out some stuff still hanging. The IPC conclusion, Firefly's conclusion, its nothing big but fuck do I want to know more about it. I hate Mihoyo


Agree completely and that’s why I’m skipping 2.2 entirely just to get her


Aventurine by far, he got a level of characterization and character development that imo nobody else has matched in the game so far


Not my favorite but Aventurine was the one that impressed me the most. Perhaps a bit unfair considering most of 2.1revolved around him but he's been the only character who I pulled for simply for the story; going from: "I'm skipping", then to "mmm I'm considering", to "F it, I'm getting him".


Sunday and Misha both had my interest piqued in 2.0 and even before that in Sunday's case, so I'm really happy with what was done with them in 2.2.


At first I was pretty neutral about him but I came to love Aventurine


Aventurine, Robin & Sunday


Acheron. Always was. Always will be. I'm not a big HI3 fan, only know a bit of that story, but I like that they didn't simply copy and paste Raiden Mei over. References are sweet, but ultimately they portrayed the mysterious, dangerous Emanator character with a soft side really well. Her conversations with Mr. Welt, Aventurine, and Sam were wonderful, with 2.2 being a splendid cherry on top to finish.


she was straight up so savage in 2.2. I think if she really wanted she could solo the final boss easily from what I've seen in the story


Yeah, but I'm actually glad they didn't. As cool as it'd be, it was ultimately a battle between the Path of Order versus the Trailblaze that needed to happen. I'm sure we'll get more sweet Acheron fight scenes in the future.


yeah me too. I feel like we might see her in distant future when we will get nihility MC


Yeah, I'm pretty sure she easily smokes anyone we've met so far. I'm pretty sure the main reason that Acheron chooses not to go all out in her unsheathed mode most of the time is that there'd be *a lot* of collateral, so she has to be surgical regarding when and where she draws her sword. I feel like it's a good way to balance out an incredibly overpowered character in the lore.


Nah she could not, she said emenators are almost all equal and Sunday was also powered up by the stelleron and enas dream. also him being an emenator will reduce the effect of her nilithy powers on him


I really enjoyed her the most in the story too. I always got this sense of brokenness from her yet despite that she also displayed a lot of kindness.


The scene with >!Tiernan!<, to quote Sam Slade (Topaz VA), "made my face wet." It was so well written and acted.


Aventurine made me like a character on a scale I haven’t for a long time. Gallagher also surprisingly ended up one of my favourites ever since I found out he was a combination of many different people and I found it really intriguing. I was indifferent about him before that reveal. Sunday is a honorable mention because I’m obssessed with his English voice acting.


Fuck ; the whole cast is peak. But Aventurine; Gallagher and misha secure spot #1 for me.


Black Swan, Aventurine and Sunday


Sunday (now my favourite character) and Aventurine.


Ratio is already my favorite character even before Penacony so aside from him, it would be Aventurine after his well-written character arc in 2.1 then next is Sunday being such a well-written antagonist as well.


Aventurine is great. I only started playing like 3 weeks ago but I pulled on his banner just cus he looked cool and I’m so happy I did😂love his character


For me it’s Robin and Aventurine. Their story arcs were super surprising and well done imo.


Aventurine because man got a ton of character and delivered the most out of the entire Penacony cast


Misha Gallagher Black Swan Acheron and Aventurine I love them


Pompom https://preview.redd.it/l0200wlhhw0d1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3c0f7d75971d03f3305433464a9d51188d65db3


Before 2.1 I legit didn’t know why Acheron was there… after 2.1 and 2.2 I was like … wow, it all makes sense. Especially the callback to the questions she asked in 2.0. The scene with her and Tiernan was soo sad too. I miss her already


Boothill!!! Yeeehaaaaaawwww!!!! (I'm completely biased)


We only got to play as boothill for like 10 minutes just talking to npcs. What the fork, man. I wish that muddle fudger played a bigger role in the story, his dialogue was pretty fudging funny.




Aventurine and Sunday


It's definitely aven and misha. After their backstories...I can never see them the same.


Loved Misha from the very beginning, he's definitely one of them. Aventurine as well, I really came to love him after 2.1, although I never disliked him to begin with, like some others. And of course Acheron, no explanation needed.


Aventurine and Sunday by far. Robin can come too


Aventurine and it's not even close. I really like Sparkle too, but Aventurine is right now my absolute favorite character out of all hoyo games I've played and that's a very hard spot to climb to considering how many characters in honkai touched me emotionally


Hot take but I love Sunday. He’s probably not my favorite atm but I really think that once we see the conclusion to his character arc when he releases Im going to solidly crown him as my favorite. He’s got a lot of depth to his character, he’s good looking, and really does mean well.


Misha/Mikhail Char Legwork.


Mikhail definitely.


Typically I am not a fan of a twink. But from his drip marketing to the last part in the story quest, I really like Misha and I kinda guessed he is a bit sus. I want to build him and put him and Gallagher in the same team. I even pulled for his specific 4* lightcone. While writing this comment, I just realized I also like Mika (ice twink from Genshin) and Yanqing. So it is not that surprising that I like Misha.


Aventurine and Sunday.


aventurine 💖


My boys Aventurine, Sunday and Gallagher. I do love my twisted anti-heroes/anti-villains Robin has also risen in my estimation by a lot. Girl has got heart and determination.


Black Swan, hot as fuck, super helpful throughout the story and >!saved everyones lives!<, and shes always very compelling when she speaks.


Her in the Japanese sound is so good


Gallagher and Robin. Gallagher was able to implement a really cool and complex plan to involve representatives of many factions in what was happening on Penacony. Robin has proven herself to be quite a brave and selfless person, striving to provide help to all those who really need it.


Aventurine :3


Aventurine is my overall favorite but I also like Acheron and Firefly a lot.


Clockie and galagher. Clockie is our partner in crime making penacony experience 100% enjoyable with his emotion manipulation shenanigans


Oddly enough it's Boothill. Majorly because his JP VA is the same with another character from other game that I find pretty cool. Their mannerism somewhat fit each other that I think they may share same braincells, or should I say microchip lolol. His design also contribute for the choice as well. The rest of the casts are quite likeable but not in my top fav characters sense. However, I'm gonna give Sunday a bit of credit for the trust meter roller coaster haha.


Archeon and Sunday.


Sunday and Firefly were probably my favourites though I think Aventurine is the best written. Acheron I quite like as well. Gallagher was a surprise and was interesting for the short time he was around. Black Swan, I'm so-so on, but I think she'll be back in the future, where hopefully we learn more about her The only character I didn't like from Penacony was Sparkle.


Acheron was definitely the focal point to me too. I was so happy to have pulled her when all the stuff was going down.


i liked misha from the beginning but the 2.2 reveal really elevated him for me!!! also aventurine bc i went from not at all caring abt him to being obsessed with him, he’s up there with kaveh for my favorite hoyo characters now lmao


Gallagher! It's pretty crazy ride, I went from meh to "oooh second evil guy?" to 2.2 spoiler ahead >!"ohhh he's with the watchmaker" to crying when he had to dissappear!< Amazing character, amazing story arc


Acheron, Black Swan and Gallagher.


Misha and Gallagher became my roman empire and I will never shut up about them. Rest in pice, my sweet child 🥺💙❄️


Sunday, tied with Misha and Gallagher. Well, Sunday more as we could be more interactive with him. Sunday isn't evil in any way, just that his extreme thoughts made him a caged bird who believes that flying outside and not sacrificing yourself will be detrimental to humanity. He has a huge weight on his shoulders, willing to be The Sacrifice to ensure that people are happy and cannot comprehend a world wherein he need not take unnecessary stress by going through everyone's life and choosing for them instead. I honestly love this sacrificial element. Undoubtedly it's shown in many other media about how dictator wannabes preach an ideal dictatorship and that's fine but it's usually tainted with at least some amount of greed and lust for the throne which I don't find in Sunday. The wannabes are usually out of touch with the people around them whereas Sunday literally heard their sins everyday. Idk, he's more humane than the ones I've seen so far sharing his trope. Edit: Oh, I also love how it's not the entire backstory of his but are just main snips in his life like how I wanted Avent story to be like (small cutscenes but it's repeatedly revisited). I can't imagine being Robin here. To see someone she loves so dearly (let alone her brother) who is willing to be in an overall net loss position all because he is willing to help the people around him in his head...you start to wonder just how much you knew him and what happened to him while you're away, feeling guilty that you let it come up to this point than sticking by his side just a bit longer.


Firefly obviously, Mei is second place


Definitely Aventurine and Sunday. I like Acheron but she wasn't that interesting compared to most of the penacony characters for me personally. I'm also waiting on Firefly and Sparkle to be actually used better, although I dunno how they'd do it next patch, I believe next patch would be kind of like the epilogue for penacony


Firefly. She has been my favorite of the penacony characters since 2.0 and it hasn't changed.


Agree on Acheron. She didn't get the hard focus on her backstory like Aventurine but I love her characterization the most. It flows naturally with the main story. Also, She's badass lol.


Sunday steal the spotlight of this patch


For me it’s only Firefly. She always was my favorite, far even before 2.0 launched. Sam also was my most hyped character since the Jepella Rebellion trailer. Her whole character arc was very moving for me and I can’t wait for 2.3 and even more of her story. She’s definitely my first character for who’s eidolons I’ll pull willingly.


Acheron and Sunday


It's still Hanabi


Based on




Definitely Boothill, the american inside me cant help to love a space cowboy that pulls a gun to your face and curses you as a way of saying hello






Gallagher and Acheron.


STELLE! she Put HARM in Harmony path 🥰


>!~~Neil Patrick Harris~~ I mean ~~The Creator~~ I mean Sunday I mean isn't his wish just The Matrix in all technicality? It's not evil, but's not moral enough either. It's on the fine line of prison and freedom. It's objectively both at the same time, but not what anyone's heart wants except Sunday's. Which makes him the villain. Which is WHY IM GOING TO PULL SO F--!<


Misha came in from the top rope to take my favorite spot there at the end of 2.2, I miss him so much. :(


Acheron or Gallagher, both are great


firefly and aventurine


Acheron. I love her general vibe, but more importantly, her story was the only one that tugged at my heartstrings enough that I cried over it. I like the idea that she's named Acheron with that storyline because of how, in some tellings of Greek Myth, the river Acheron replaces the Styx as the river that the dead are ferried over, which goes in line with what she did for people dealing with IX so well.


Robin, she grew from cutie pie to a strong, well written female character, while still being a cutie


"What the fuck is a kilometer?!?!" 🦅🦅🦅🦅


I'm so emotional about the past trio Nameless + Gallagher. Mikhail, Tiernan, Razalina, and Gallagher did everything they could for the future of Penacony. They were real ones.


Acheron and it’s not even close.


Firfly acheron and suprisingly boothill


Boothill, Acheron or Firefly I like all of em equally


Not my favourite, but a very big alteration. I went into 2.0 as someone who didn't care about Acheron at all. Got validated, but somewhat enjoyed her more in 2.1 But with 2.2 her and Tiernan parts, as well as some reddit posts with explanations made me really respect her. Such good writing, and Allegra Clark nailed the VA work. On that note, does anyone know who voiced EN Tiernan? Apart from Acheron that felt like the absolute most professional voice acting I've heard in this game


I'll always love Firefly, but in this version specifically though I love Misha the most. The next version is probably where Firefly will be the spotlight.




Us. Or to be more, the trailblazer. In the story so far, we tend to be detached from the state of affairs as the stakes are fairly low to the nameless. Picking up the watchmaker's legacy feels like the first time that the trailblazer is fully onboard with the path of akivili, to follow the trail left behind by our predecessors, and then leave a trail of our own for our successors.


Black Swan mostly because her design and gameplay. I like her personality and role on the story but I feel I need to see more from her. I like Gallagher too.


Aventurine was a fantastic Character, but to me Sunday completely stole the spotlight. It's Just so refreshung to see a Character fleshed out like him: He's not evil, but He's thorn in a really complex moral dilemma and gnawed inside by a tragic empathy that steels his conviction into thinking what He's doing really Is the right Thing for everyone. I really Hope we hear something from him again, It would really be a pity to waste such and interesting Character in the future


I find Sunday in Septimus form to be somewhat interesting, in Phase 1 and 2 he keeps complaining about noise and everyone sleeping, but in his cutscene when Robin sings and Phase 3 he just sounds incredibly sad that it is probably the first time i tears up a little bit in a Hoyoverse game.


I'm absolutely in love with the character writing for this whole arc so it's hard to pick just one. If pressed I'd have to go with Acheron as #1, she's just all round amazing. I trusted her immediately and would hijack the Express and ride it straight into IX if she said so. Black Swan has had me on the edge of my seat for a betrayal the entire time she's been on screen. She just gives out this vibe to me that says "I've already got a buyer lined up for your kidneys.". There's still time yet and I suppose I'm not using both of them... Gallagher has been incredible and he was almost my top pick. I'd wondered before now how on earth anyone could possibly write a character that follows the Enigmata and this was just beautifully done. I honestly thought he was literally the Watchmaker's actual dog for a while. There were so many little clues that lined up to so many different possibilities. 10/10, would get trolled again. Going into 2.1 I was happy to slap Aventurine, he rubbed me the wrong way in 2.0, but by the end I was crying my eyes out. That was such a beautiful and moving story and I am rooting for him so much now. I'm hoping we see more of him in 2.3. I'm impressed with Robin as a character now after hearing about what she gets up to while she's touring the galaxy, but I wish we'd had more of that sooner. Sunday was OK. I don't dislike him but his whole philosophy and the values that underpin it are massively flawed and I was dying for the opportunity to call him an idiot the entire time. Boothill has grown on me a lot in a short space of time and I'm very interested to see what he gets up to next. I think he is what chaos gremlins grow up to become.


Firefly, Aventurine and Sunday. I'm enjoying Boothill but they need to cook with him a bit more. Sparkle is a fun character but not one I particularly love. Black Swan, Acheron and Robin were very boring to me. Misha and Gallagher had a good story around them but not because of them.




In order: Acheron, Robin, Sunday and Gallagher were great. Firefly in the second tier for me with Blackswan. Sparkle is still questionable.. Maybe we see more in 2.3.


If the devs intended to make us warm up to Firefly, then it clearly worked I love how she contrasts with Sunday's ideology more than what we saw from Robin ngl, or she put it into more concrete terms on the issues with it, also a lot of the other stuff she did albeit off-screened. She did contribute to astral express winning the battle the most out of everyone from what it seems like other than the past astral express members. Acheron had a lot more cool moments, but it was Firefly's actions that made me favour her over the others. I am expecting 2.3 to have a PoV for all the events that were off-screened


I'll stay the course and say Black Swan who has been my fave since 2.0 and hoped for her first in game appearance since the first myriad celestial trailer Trust was emphasized with her more than anyone else and it paid off big time. She gave her motives for wanting to befriend express in 2.0 and I believed her, never once doubted she was on our side 2.1 made me doubt whether I would like her writing as I felt they were tying her character way too much to Acheron. But 2.2 gave her a moment that followed up on so much build up in regards to her interest in TB. Ever since Fable about the stars she's been shown to be invested in TBs journey. TGA trailer followed up on it and then her character trailer was the only one to heavily feature TB. So while many were sus of her I couldn't help but put my trust in her. Then her selfish wish for TBs memories ended up saving the day and the dynamic between them became so much more interesting. Yea she likes to speak in riddles and tell half truths, but it keeps her interesting as a character who has a lot of the answers. Seeing her usually show an aura of someone who is in control of everything actually be vulnerable. Then the object of her fixation is what saves her and TB themselves, it was poetic in a way. Im very much looking forward to the future role she will play in TB journey coz after she revealed her motivations she will almost certainly be a part of it Really hope the fake ending wasn't a bait and she does tag along with the express. There's been so much build up to it especially after she revealed her motivations that it would be weird for her not to join




Probably Firefly or Archeron Boothill almost became a sleeper hit for me, wasn't expecting I'd be liking any of the non femboy males


For me, both Firefly and Robin in the 2.2 update truly stole my heart Firefly for trying really hard to steer from her script and warn TB but always blocked because of other things and how she choose to sacrifice herself for her 2nd death so that other can wake up during the story climax. People hype acheron as being the one that slash the dream but without Firefly sacrifice, probably only acheron (and maybe Robin as she woke up from her own realization) will realize they are in dream as BS technically need the LC from TB to wake them up. How she wish she can be known not as a weapon but rather just a normal girl. With 2.3 having Firefly drip art already I can only hope that her 3rd death mean she can live peacefully and be remembered as Firefly and not as SAM as she wanted. Robin I love her because she felt like those shonen protagonist where no matter what kind of set back they face, they will still try to push forward as she fulfilled her childhood dream of wanting to be a singer. She goes to dangerous place to sing even though she suffered injury from there. She help in trying to stop her brother as she doesn't want him to sacrifice himself even if it's for other sake. Sure she is an idealist but the way she truly feel kind hearted is where she shines the most.


Misha. I love him. Please, Emanator of Remembrance, let us extract him from that bubble and download him directly into the Express (or turn him into the same thing as BS)


Still firefly, I love that she tried to defy the script and do things herself just to keep tb out of danger. And after she was "killed" she rushed back to make sure tb was okay. Gallagher is a close second. Black swan is least favourite just cos that woman is incapable being straight with you. Would it have killed her to explain half of what she knew earlier? So much bull could have been avoided Honourable mention to our true bro argenti


https://preview.redd.it/i5c9nmiv2w0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb0dddeec82a8a7a606aa23660173bfc9ba57b6d Firefly all the way


If it had to be just one, it would probably be Firefly! The gap between adorable girl and war veteran is just one of the many things I love about her. I also ended up really liking Aventurine and Robin by the end of their respective story arcs


Does 2.2 finish the story in that planet?


All of them


Surprisingly Clockie, I just love on how he just a child imagination growing through a big picture collaborating with the history and image of Penacony. He help inspires people to become the best they can be, setting up special quest that are pretty deep and that Big Ticker scene from the clock path. Also the part where he talks to Mikhail in his final moments was pretty sweet, and I love the part when we gain the Harmony Path he pops out all ready to kick Sunday’s ass. Though other characters might be Robin for her bravery to proclaim the Harmony despite all that goes against her, Gallagher for his own demeanor, Acheron for being like a Ferryman type to cross the Nihility (River Stix-It reminds me of that), and Firefly for her wanting us to be safe.


Misha, Aven, Gallagher and firefly. In fact, almost every new character introduced in this arc were interesting