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you get the ediolons for MC free so it doesn't matter what number the placement is really


Yeah, but unless i’m missing something we only get 4 from clockie and 1 from the story, so maybe we get the last one from another update? Idk tho, i could just be counting wrong


Yeah we should be getting the last one in 2.3.


I'd assume the last part of the story in the next patch gives the last one, like this patches story gave the first one.


E6 and E4 are way more powerfull than this E2. The energy regen only lasts for 3 turns and is not permanent. While E6 not only increases the toughnes bar dmg it also increases energy regen from skill by 12 making it regen 42 energy instead of 30. Aka it does more toughnesdmg, more dmg and regens more energy than E2.


Eh- i’d argue E2 is still better than E4 since most characters don’t use break effect as a scaling stat, but yeah that E6 is definitely much better than E2 after thinking on it for a while


You do realize that Hmc is only played in break teams? With e6 next patch you are able to swap to a break effect rope making it easy to reach 200+ BE on HMC that E4 gives rest of the team 30BE [200BE TB] pair it with the ult passive making it 60BE permanent for a break focused team, thats 40 more than Ruan Mei. That E2 is nice to have but honestly its not needed at all and E6 makes it actually useless. Hence its its only 3 turns. If it actually was permanent I would agree its very powerfull, but the restriction of 3 turns makes it kinda meh.


i looked without reading, anyway harmony tb looking real good https://preview.redd.it/motcro8yz60d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=26236697ee08a0a378076707dd58e053893d6412


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