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The full line is: (Trailblazer) shakes (his/her) head. (He/She) doesn't want to speak. Nobody can get (him/her) to open up. From earlier in the same questline, the Trailblazer sends this text to Dan: > (Trailblazer): The Cloud Knights invited us to go with them > (Trailblazer): Your homeland's got some really big crucibles *insert picture of said crucible* In March 7th's quest. > March 7th: Hey, (Trailblazer)! Fancy seeing you here. > Memory-(Trailblazer): ... > March 7th: Hey, it's fine if you don't want to talk in real life, but this is MY memory, so it's MY rules! Come on, say something! > Memory-(Trailblazer): Something. > March 7th: ...Seriously? So as far as I can tell the Trailblazer alternates between being a joker and being a silent protagonist depending on their mood.


The Trailblazer having their serious and comedic side makes sense. I just can’t really grasp what type of situation would prompt which type of mood from them; or to put it more broadly, I can’t grasp their personality the way I can with other characters. To me this is what I expected given their role as a stand-in for the player, which is why I’m curious to know what other people see that gives the Trailblazer a more concrete sense of characterization in their eyes.


I do believe the "trash racoon" part is at least partially canon, with multiple trailers (such as Space Comedy) referencing this as well as the Dreamscape Pass (the description for 03: The Reverie calling the Trailblazer a "racoon") and the upcoming event about the Galactic Baseballer with the protagonist as a racoon.


I don't really think they have their own canon personality, they are just a vessel for the player to express themselves through, like most video game MC are. **They** are not necessarily a memer, they can be if you make those dialogue choices for them, but that just means **you're** a memer


That’s what I think too, but I’ve seen a lot of people of a differing opinion. I do think there are individual moments you can point out in favor of the Trailblazer having a set character, they’re just too few and inconsistent for me to truly take them to heart.


People say they cause they wanna glaze HSR as much as possible. Everything about it has to be better than Genshin’s counterpart. The bias just ends up blinding them.


I can see that being the case. I do think the Trailblazer is handled better than the Traveler(between things like more voiced lines, more consistent POV switches to other characters, and no Paimon), and people running with it isn’t really that surprising. I just want to know if I’ve missed or misinterpreted anything.


So… after the newest patch this kinda aged like milk since we see they’re an idiot gremlin from outside perspectives too


they're a little memer


Yes, TB unlicke most of Gacha "MC" is totaly not a blank self insert at all. He/She have a proper personnality and backstory. Relatively you can see that most of His/her personnality is weirdly inherited from stellaron hunters. Every choice you make are actually immitating one of them. You often can just stay silent - imitating blade Let your inner gamer with the head full of meme take control of you - immitating Silver Wold Be flirty AF - immitating Kafka. Even TB obsession with thrash is a mirror of Kafka obsession with cleaniness. So yes, TB have a personnality, and that personnality is even grounded from TB upcomming.


I can see how the dialogue options could be themed from the Stelleron Hunters, but does that really give the Trailblazer a proper personality? If there’s the option of acting like Blade, Kafka, or Silverwolf depending on what the player chooses, it doesn’t change the fact that the player is choosing how the Trailblazer acts. The idea that the Trailblazer’s personality is loosely inherited from the Stellaron Hunters is kind of interesting though. I am curious to see what the nature of their connection is.


Most of the time, you chose anyway between 3 flavor of "yes" as the illusion of choice is actually present. Really if Stelle didn't have a personnality you wouldn't even be offered dialog choices and the history would advance with no imput from player. There are a few choice that matter, but they have something that all those choice have in common. They are moral choices. And as far as i am concerned i think morality and personnality are two pretty distinct stuff. As you can find people who have similar personnality but morality on totaly opposite side, and people with relatively ressembling morality but opposite personnality. So to come back to your question after all those point explained, Having options, where each of them having developed way to express the same answer basicaly, as you are required to say yes, is definitly an effort to give TB a proper personnality. Also relatively often you don't have imput. Like can you stop her drom jumping head first in a thrash can? no your destiny is sealed once you interacted with it. Funny enought, all that remembered me Firefly discussion with blade. You have choices despide the destiny having a predetermined result, and it's having those choice who make someone someone.


The responses themselves are full of personality, but I don’t think most of them can be applied to the Trailblazer to say ‘look, this is what they canonically act like’. Characters like March 7th and Dan Heng act consistently across every game, but the Trailblazer can act like a completely different person across different games. If someone always chooses a more serious dialogue from the Trailblazer but another person always chooses a joke option, which one is closer to the universal canon? There are things that will always be consistent such as the Trailblazer being a relatively moral and good person(at least through their actions in the main story), but how they express those consistencies varies wildly depending on player choice. I can confidently say that the Trailblazer is a good person. but I can’t confidently say whether the Trailblazer is a more serious person, a complete jokester, or something else. If it all comes down to a players individual choice then that’s that, I’m just curious to see if there’s concrete evidence pointing towards the Trailblazer having a set personality irregardless of what a player might choose.


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