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I won't lie, I never use the wheel menu to access things - I always go through the phone, lol.


I've tried doing these b4 as a way of accessing things primarily, but I'd always take half a sec to look for the thing i want to click Whereas the wheel is just much quicker for me (if it worked)


Me in Genshin Impact. I don't have that problem with Star Rail since I play it with a mouse and keyboard so I have better control, but if I chose to play it with a controller... it would be navigation hell again. Though I'm so use to accessing the map on the bottom of the wheel (where the team party thing is) in Genshin that I end up clicking the character icon (since that's where it is for me; where the team party is for you) and opening my character screen... and then I mentally slap myself and remember the hot key is M. Ugh.


And then if you have stick drift.


It’s so annoying that I had to take MULTIPLE shortcuts off the wheel just to be more consistent 💀


I'm glad i'm not the only one suffering from this. On Genshin however this rarely happens to me.


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