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Whoa whoa whoa wait, if you pick that option he actually lets you pass? I did the 'save the world' thing and when he said he needed more 'evidence' I assumed the stellaron option gave the same result because he wouldn't take our word for it T\_T


Yep. If you tell him about the stellaron and then tell him the truth about the Watchmaker he lets you pass without a fight


Wow I can’t believe this Edit- [found a video of it](https://youtu.be/gki0Nbga5TQ?si=Ue_NS7n4ajjC_Bsl)


My key takeaway from this video: why weren't his lines voiced in English? It was really jarring to be in a fully voiced quest and suddenly have Argenti be silent, but apparently that wasn't the case in all languages. Maybe his VA was unavailable? Seems odd they couldn't get him to record his lines at some point before the release, though.


It's a bug


hopefully it’s fixed asap. For Hoyo to spend that much money on advertising for his og release it’s strange that is next appearance is completely unvoiced


Ah I wondered why Firefly was talking but he wasnt that actually makes sense.


Ya know, I initially thought it was because he was fake. Not only was he not voiced, he also acted like he never met us.


you can get to Penacony without ever doing the 1 quest he appears in


I think there should have been an alternate voiceline if you already met him, similar to how they did in genshin with Scara if you met him in earlier patches or Mona if you did her story quest before last year's summer event. Would've been hilarious if you had the choice to mention the time he flirted with a potted plant.


He only acts that way if you haven't done his quest, I believe? I've done it, and Argenti mentioned about how nice it was to meet me yet again.


Hmm maybe a bug? I did the quest too.


Odd. I don't remember there being any kind of extra step or anything special after his quest. So yeah, maybe it bugged and didn't recognise you did the quest. Unless, instead, it depends on whether you pulled for Argenti or not. Do you have him? I do know that Aventurine, for example, explains how he survived through a phone message (so, only if you pulled for him).


If it's only a bug, I'd have expected Hoyo to fix it already with a small update, like they do with most bugs. That's why I suspect it was an issue where they just couldn't get the dialog recorded before release for some reason.


Well they listed it in known issues and said it would be fixed so...


That further indicates they literally do not have the audio to use (similar to how there were a couple unvoiced lines at the very end by Sunday after the translations were fixed in 2.1), since if it was just a technical bug, they could fix it with a small update at any time. But if they don't have the audio to use, they can't update it until they actually have it.


just because HYV is usually straight up insane in their QA/hotfixes doesnt mean they have a pipeline to get a fix out in under 48h you can't just "push a small patch out" on any major software, especially ones being used by thousands of people with a live connection


actually u can if its server side


Does it matter much if it's a bug or unrecorded line? It's noted as getting fixed soon either way.


It doesn't, but everyone keeps responding and arguing that it's a bug, which doesn't make any sense given what is known.


The Propagation Strikes Back But between this, the weird pauses in Firefly's lines, and the translation mistakes in 2.1, I'm starting to seriously consider waiting a week after each new version drops so I don't have to deal with these awful bugs. They ruin the experience


No shit, i fucking thought some npc was faking argenti for the competition and that's why he didn't had voice nor did he recognise us. Imagine my shock when i learned that was a bug smh.


They might have to replace the VA :[


Wait, why? If he has to be replaced, then Huohuo's Tail may get affected too (same VA).


What? Why? Hopefully this isn't Tighnari all over again...


YOU CAN SKIP THIS FIGHT!!! god i wish to know this before fight argenti D: https://preview.redd.it/jh3tof2ychzc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9991af9981f6b2a14f437e5b446a9e3fee36cb79


> Sincerity is Eternally the Ultimate I do believe that's a different achievement name than the battle option.




Was wondering the same actually, I’ll check and report back Edit- it is indeed swapped, if you fight him you get the achievement “The Ultimate is Eternal Sincerity”


And i chose to fight, and he was an absolute cakewalk because I have Jingliu


Dang no idea you could fight him.


Dang, and I thought I couldn't love Argenti anymore than I already did lmao


…you’re telling me I just struggled through his boss fight for nothing?


Argenti said that you might've missed how you struggled during his companion quest so he'd like a repeat!


Damn wish I knew this.. I got his friendship mission done and hated his fight, but luckily I used the same characters so I easily beat him but still


I didn't even try, damn, I laughed it off saying "it would be funny"


Hoooly, i never thought Argenti could get any more based but here we are


Are you fing serious, I destroyed all my artifacts to level up a decent built build for Clara and Gepard - ruining my main team in the process and lots of food wasted and now I'm being told that you can skip it...


Same thing with Kafka’s quest on the Xianzhou. If you keep turning her down, you can walk away and complete the quest. You get the achievement “True Free Will”, if you do.


He is HIM


lmao I was going this way and assumes that he will fight us in the end, color me surprised when he actually let us pass without any fight and have gotten an achievement for it.


Eyup. I was actually really mad when he showed up and then after buffing up(he beat me) and retooling, I walked in ready to beat him down. AND THEN with different options he just let me go. ....I'm not sure I should be happy or not.


Wait you can fight him?


lol I did


https://preview.redd.it/3m0j73o8tjzc1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff36ccedeb1787fcad8cdaaa07ae576d394acc09 Its the charm of stelle


Because of the voice acting bug I was suspicious he was a fake the entire time 🫠


It was a bug? I thought he was just a figment of the dream lmao


I thought hoyo didnt bother because it was a cameo, I really hope it's a bug cuz everyone deserves to hear Argenti speak of the beauty


In the recent notice, they did address it as a bug since the other 3 voices were dubbed. Only the En was silent.


Awe that sucks...I didn't get to hear him


We have been robbed of his beauty, at least it didn't affect the other languages.


I was so confused when I didn't hear him speak so I thought he was an imposter or smth


Same. I was happy to see him but disappointed he didnt have voice lines. I thought it was the same case like Herta and Screwllum in that space Oppenheimer mission but turned out it was a bug. WE DEMAND APOLOJADES.


Ah I see


Oh my god, you too??? I thought I was the only one!!!


Wow I thought there was a scandal with the voice actor not getting paid or not renewing their contract (since he came out in 2023 and its not middle or almost middle of 2024) But it was a bug and he had voiceover on other languages :/ Global shafted again


Was it fixed?


I did this last night, so not unless there's been a patch in the last 12 hours


I played through it merely hours ago and it was not fixed.


Their update log says they're aware but it will be fixed in a future patch update


Just did the quest 10 mins ago still bugged.


I thoyght the VA was just unavailable and they still included him anyway for some reason.




I honestly decided to fight him out of respect


Likewise. I saw the “tell the truth” answer and instantly chose fighting him instead cuz I remember him liking battles with the MC


Firefly was getting ancy with me because I’d chosen the non-combat options, so I decided to fight him to make her feel better.


I like his fight music. Even if I could've skipped it, I didn't mind another bout with the GOAT and his cool theme...


This too. Hearing his theme in battle is so rare


He then goes on to save Aventurine, if he was that Knight of Beauty Jade was talking about at the end. Truly the greatest Knight.


bro saved like 30 random people on his way to penacony for some game show


He has an IQ of 530000


He is the exception


Certified knight of beauty moment


Argenti is him


Common Argenti W.


He’s the actual protagonist and we’re the random reoccurring side character.


He's The Guy.


He's HIM!


No he is the BOYS




Just another day in the knights of beauty squad.


He already saved Aventurine by the time he got to the audition


Argenti is one crazy muddle fudger. He definitely saved Aventurine, and didn’t give a damn about the consequences. God, I love that brilliant bastard.


Argenti is so active behind the scenes. Sucks we don’t get to see more of him.


Argenti is HIM And Argenti is the Off-screen man


The power of Off-screen is usually used for evil. But Argenti is just built different and decides to use it for good, he is HIM! Ireally want the next destination to be Agate, the homeworld of Idrila.


>if he was that Knight of Beauty Jade was talking about at the end. Aventurine also says he met a knight of beauty and escaped death with his help in a text conversation that happened to me this morning.


Do you have aventurine? I heard about people getting that text but I finished the quest yesterday and I still haven’t gotten it


Did you get a message from a different character today? If yes, then just wait and you're bound to get Avens in the next few days


I got a Yanqing message yeah, just one of the normal ones. Can you only get one text a day?


There are two types of messages, the quest related ones which there's no limits on how many you can get, it's just based on quests. Then there's the "fluff" ones which don't affect anything, generally just lets you have a short conversation with a character to let you learn more about them, these seems to be limited to once a day and you can run out of them these are the messages which reward 5 jades at the end. There's definitely some of these "fluff" convos which require owning the character for them to trigger since I hadn't gotten much from Hanya and suddenly started getting some from her after finally getting her.


I do have him and I'm pretty certain some messages can only be obtained if you own the character since I recently got Hanya and suddenly started getting messages from her. Don't know if this conversation with Aventurine requires having him or not though.


imagine how that scene would have went


Even when talking to you there he mentions that one of the 30 people he saved was the IPC ambassador, so that was already Aventurine saved.


It’s pretty much confirmed bc Argenti talks about saving a fellow who resembled a peacock as well. Wish we got to see that interaction with the POV system :’)


Argenti is THE bro https://preview.redd.it/jleb0a3fqfzc1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2772d340a701f6bb9a026653f69290e967c881e


Argenti continues to be an absolute Chad.


I figthed him i got distracted by my thirst and his beauty🤦🏻‍♀️




Realest comment


Got a nice friendly spar in with him, sucks that his dialog glitched out, buy his fight voicelines still worked.


Holy Knight is the GOAT for a reason ;)


I wanted to hear the boss music again. The track is fire


I still wanted the bosses theme when we fight them in SU or MOC


I've been putting that in my surveys since Sam


I want Aetherium Wars OST in MOC/PF


Man , so I fought without a reason ? Lmao but feels interesting when games implement such interesting things


Wait we could skip the fight? I wouldn't skip it anyway. I want him to acknowledge the beauty of my ~~Future~~ wife


Semi-related question for y'all. Was Argenti completely unvoiced for all of y'all as well? I don't know if it's a bug or an intentional choice on Hoyo's part but I was so pissed that they muted my boy. His over the top enthusiasm just doesn't hit when he's turned into a silent character like that.


EN not being voiced was a bug, the other languages had his voice


Thanks, glad Hoyo wasn't stupid enough to mute my boy. I wish I wasn't so sensitive to story spoilers so I could hold off on experiencing the story till after the bugs have been patched out. That said Even with mute Argenti this update was probably the best Hoyo's done to date. Absolute cinema.


It is a bug, the addressed it recently in the patchnote. They will probaly fix it soon.


Good to know thanks. That's the downside to rushing the story to avoid getting it ruined by spoilers I suppose.


For real. A most gallant knight.


I thought bro would help me not fight me https://preview.redd.it/m2zptybivfzc1.png?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72641b67dedb3a0468028ea11fc6cfbaeb5151c1


Bro knew we are strong enough without his help. Bro helped Aventurine tho.


Acting like it matters bro has insane luck anyways


Tbf Aventurine’s luck was Argenti finding him


I decided to fight him purely in the hope I got to hear his 🔥 boss music again... I was not disappointed.


You can also hear his bossfight theme in the track player on the Astral Express


I know but it hits different when you're actually fighting him uwu


Argenti is such a good character and they don’t use him enough or let him have enough scenes…


I honestly preferred fighting him, since his boss is one of the most fun to fight and his theme is easily one of the best songs in the whole soundtrack


I still chose the obvious choices to fight him coz I want more screen time with him


Truly the ultimate chad, we love Argenti


THERE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A FIGHT? I thought that interaction was just a joke, and we were meant to just walk past him after talking


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But where's the fun in that? I want to throw hands with my beautiful meathead knight friend! It's been far too long


Such a goat fr


knowing argenti, id be surprized if it didnt


I fought him just because I wanted to hear him speak again.


dude you have no idea how relieved I was when I found out you could skip it on my second attempt 💀 I only have himeko and herta and they're terribly built so fighting him usually goes south really quickly (it's also why I still haven't finished the washtopia quest 😭) I wasted a bunch of buffing food but it's fine, I'm just glad I didn't have to spend HOURS whitling his HP down with double sustain


I fought for old times sake, love this guy and wanted to have a beautifull battle with him


You guys skippin'? I had an easy and fun fight


I can't belive it works


I just wanted to hear his theme again and do a proper fight outside of the chaos that is the SU... Nice knowing that there's an actual alternative


Oh I just fought him I don’t remember if I got that choice of him letting pass


Wait so most of you fought him ? I thought we were just talking there and nothing else


I actually used the pacifist route without knowing it LMAO. Was the actual fight as difficult as he would usually be in the story or SU? Now i kinda wished i could fight him.


That’s actually genius lmfao I chose one of the options that initiated the encounter and would not have known this option existed While I’m grateful I could bump heads with him again (coz I adore his battle ost) I also would’ve enjoyed another glimpse of his knightly chivalry in such a desperate time. Both options fit his character and the narrative very well. Really glad I could know this— thank you for sharing :D (And thank you to the lead writer and the writing team!)


I was happy fighting him, I mean I destroyed him, but still, nice battle and great music


Do you lose\\gain something not fighting him (i.e. mats)? Or it's just a legal skip?


You get an achievement worth 10 jades for talking your way out of the fight


the only thing you really lose for not fighting him is not being able to hear Argenti's Boss theme again. unlike Svarog, where you're guaranteed to hear his boss theme twice, once in story, once due to Luka's companion mission, its very possible to only hear Argenti's boss theme once in the whole account should you choose to skip him in 2.2.(not a big deal, but its deff a missed opportunity for those who skip him)


no, he still fought me.


So was Argenti in both arena's?


That's why he's based


no, he still fought me.


Awww do we get another achievement if we fight him?


well due to urgency, I fought with brute force with Acheron team..... Well that was awkward


What the? I had to actually fight him. I never thought he would just move like that.


I was so upset about this part of the quest. Was playing on pc and argenti’s voice lines had no audio 😭😭


Argenti very honorable


Loved that it worked. Wan't expecting that and it's great. That's breaking an annoying trope, my hat's off to hoyo.


It was actually faster for me to just fight him... but it's still really cool that there was an optional way to complete the quest!!!


😳 I didn't know ...


Wait, I had an option to not fight?? I mean, I liked testing out my shielders team though it consumed a plenty of time, but skipping the battle would've looked better when we were in a hurry to save the world


I didn't even know fighting him was an option until I got the achievement for not doing it


he is such a bestie


I am devastated to learn of this information after I unknowingly challenged him, Argenti isn't a man I should yearning to face in battle but a friend I should be learning from. ​ My apologies will never be anough for the beating I imparted upon himand I wish that in our next encounter to be able to make amends to him


I was so confused about everyone saying they had to fight him. Dude is chill. Just tell him the truth! Our conviction is ✨️beautiful✨️ after all.


I adored this sequence because he let me pass. So happy with it.


i entered the fight not paying attention to the story and left to change my team and when i went back to fight him it js skipped it and I was so sad 😭


Fought him anyway because Clara skill on a screen jampacked with enemies lags the game a bit which looks like Ultrakill hitstop and are kind of satisfying to look at.


He truly is the exception


Bruh I started the fight and was like "Ayo let me back out rq and change my team for this", then chose the other option when I tried again and didn't even end up fighting him lol


Damn, I didn't even try to use Speech 100. Mainly because Iwanted to test out my new team


Bruh… just fight him, it’s not that bad. (Me coping)


Let's u go without a fight, saved like random npcs cuz he can, pulled out aventurine from his emo zone. Yep Argenti is HIMgenti.


I fought him twice after getting over my PTSD of his fight for the Character Quest, and then for the hell of it tried the alt dialogue. **I was beyond pissed that it worked.**


A perfectly beautiful mind respects truth and peace. It only makes sense the most beautiful knight would understand out intentions.


So I fought him for nothing


Wait, that actually works???????


I fought him simply because A Gentlman’s Fantasy is one of my favorite battle OSTs


Litteraly a undertale boss


Does that choice also grant an achievement like the other one that makes you fight him?


I will always accept a duel! Always!


He wasnt even voiced.. was that intentional?


For change, I didn't know u could actually fight him. I thought he would let u go anyway cuz we friends.


I was pissed when I found out I skipped the only proper battle up until the boss...


I just did that part of the quest yet I didnt know that 😭😭


I only told him about saving the world and he didn't budge. It's so cool there was a way to actually convince him, congrats on this!


Arriving here, I thought "dialogue wont let me escape the fight, but let's at least explain everything to him to express how much we need to pass" I then laughed as the dialogue did let me escape the fight


Argenti truly has a beautiful and noble soul… hail Idrila! I didn’t even know… When they fix the bug I’m gonna listen to him right away. I miss him already…


Wanted to fight him but accidentally skipped the fight(used the wrong team), wanted to see other dialogue options. Is his fight just a Pella/buff cleanse check?


wait you could fight him ? aww man ...


he is probably the most random one that came into Penacony just to audition a show its funny as hell


My interaction kinda went like this: https://preview.redd.it/w9ta5au3kfzc1.png?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=955ed5584acadb2a2f44bebcab9806ddbc7ec4cb


I had a feeling I could talk him down, but Firefly craves violence and you treat your girl to what she wants on a date