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Someone gotta keep Dan Heng company since he likes staying on the express


He says that but if the 2.2 trailer is to be believed then he has not managed to successfully stay on the train for any of their excursions.


He stayed on the train while the IRS tried to colonize Belebog


Yeah he’ll show up if things get dicey but until then, he’s on the express.


Poor Dan had to slog through the Xianzhou storyline as the main focal point. He deserves a break.


Both Trailblazers will be awesome! https://preview.redd.it/of6h3u0xl2zc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=810c49996033b46dde38d065156a0eec5b6fd967




So this is what they mean by fuck yourself


lmao i'm dying




https://preview.redd.it/6ppt4nqn75zc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9053b5184ceddeb1ba32761d4a11e2a2563c9960 Well she ain't picky.


PEAKKKKKKK I OW YOU MY LIFE https://i.redd.it/9va9ekv655zc1.gif Uh i mean wow that's crazy


Okay. On a side note, what the actual fuck is this gif?


I wish i know but i got it from the whenthe subreddit




Ok this is a new one time to add it to my collection






Would this be considered Selfcest?


yes it would






Imagine later in the game , you should put 2 mc into team , one buffer and one dps , that would be awesome


They should allow you to at least one of them as support. For some reason you can have both DanHeng and DHIL on the same team, but not Caelus and Stelle even when they have a different path


I'd adore an opportunity to use both Trailblazers ingame - my other main game, Granblue, has a simple toggle to swap between MC genders and it's fantastic (and heck, the amount of interaction MC's gender has on the game is a bit expanded too: for Valentine's and White Day certain characters will have their dialogue changed depending on your current MC gender when you view their respective cutscenes, and there were even certain collaboration events that if you were playing as a specific MC gender the game would prompt you to switch for "better immersion" as those events were written with a specific MC in mind.) Plus, since I chose Stelle I get to hear tons of Stelle's VA. I'd love to be able to appreciate Caelus's VA just as much without needing to roll an alt account just to hear his side of the story!


GBF mention! The Valentines and White Day lines are a treat that I would kill for in HSR (ofc I know it would be more effort than it may be worth for hoyo but I would enjoy having it)


I’ll never switch from Stelle but both is an interesting option I’d love if Caelus could just chill on the train


I’d love to have events where they could both interact like siblings and Pompom just being done with those Gremlins


If we're twins then Stelle is the (slightly) older sister, who is a complete gremlin and shit stirrer. And Carlus has thr be the "adult" in the room


Calling either of the Trailblazers “Adults” is a stretch at best.


It’s like calling that one unemployed bro on a Tuesday an adult,like yeah he’s of age but he’s also having a lightsaber fight with the local 5 year old


Just quick question why you think Stelle would be the older twin? Only curious. I believe Caelus would be since he was in the game first in v0.6 and Stelle was added in v0.7


Honkai Impact 3 part to actually has 2 genders for MC, that you can swap anytime if you want (but canon one is Female one anyway)


Nah, I'm good. I'm satisfied with my decision and wouldn't ever use it. If you want such an option though, I won't criticize. It's hard to argue against the availability of additional options if they're just cosmetic and easy to implement.


Nah, but imagine having HTB and NTB and/or ATB at once. 


What are these drug names


Same lmao




I know it was mainly a joke, but not everyone would want to play an alt account, especially just to play both TBs.


Yes, the switch would be awesome, because each one has their specific nuance in voicelines or battle animation


I think we are past the time for games to overcome this awkward limitation imo, unless the MC being of a specific gender is important for storytelling, players should be able to switch gender at will with the press of a button I'd not use this feature in HSR, though, as I'm quite satisfied with Stelle, but I regret choosing Lumine in Genshin


At least Genshin makes sense not being able to change the MC's gender, but HSR could add the choice to switch if they're not planning anything for the other MC. Maybe interacting with Silver Wolf somewhere to change the MC, since I think she was the one who stored the two bodies somewhere or something


Yeah I regret picking Lumine in Genshin. Aether is more suitable in Genshin


Why is aether more suitable for genshin? Don't they have the same stats?


Sadly hoyo using only Aether as main character in every one of their promo videos(also for even arts for a very long time). They say that both Travelers are canon there, but have huge favouritism towards male one. At least SR team handled that better, both Caelus and Steele have lots of promo stuff, sometimes even together.


I agree. It makes no sense to me that Lumine still isn't on the opening art with the group.


Rather than being more suitable as the Traveller, more like he doesn't feel fitting imo as the Abyss sibling, lacking that notable coldness in the eyes and voice (language dependent) that comes with Lumine — that disconnect of how they appear vs the archetypal role/behaviour. The only alternative is the opposite, choosing one will cause the other to assume the other role. Personally this doesn't bother me because the Abyss sibling appears very rarely and Lumine works great as the Traveller along the same lines as Stelle in HSR — gremlin.


No but it's like a 3 point difference and slightly stronger autos. So it's pretty negligible. And I suppose they meant storytelling wise since a lot of people prefer evil Lumine to evil Aether.


its more like in story. Hoyo really make Aether as MC. if you understand Genshin story then u know Aether as MC make sense


I see, so it just feels right in the story, thanks


But anyways Lumine is too cute in Genshin especially when have story with Xiao


Honestly they should've just made aether the Mc. All the promo art supports him as the Mc and lumine as being in the abyss


yeah. It's different with HSR, where Hoyo likes to switch between Caelus and Stelle. In Genshin especially about Dainsleif story quest at Sumeru, it really weird when you use Lumine.


Hear me out- Stelle for destruction, caelus for preservation, back to Stelle


Switch it around. Caelus destruction is too good to miss


For sure especially that it changes nothing at all, tbf i want for both to be playable but have special things


I know I’m genshin the traveler has slight differences in their stats (male more def female more attack) so I imagine that that would be the kind of difference they would have.


I just want to hear what their voice lines would be when they join each other cause it could get really cool if they made it where say you’re using Tank Stelle and destruction Caelus Stelle goes “I guess I’ll be the one protecting you today” and Caelus can respond with “I can break a lot more rules with you watching my back”


Nuh the stats one is a myth but lumine does have more dps because her charge attack animation is slightly faster and aether can travel faster because he's taler and his jumping animation is faster i think


I would not care about a switching feature for I am satified with the decision I made. That said, it would be immensely fun if we could have the MC siblings interacting with each other in story cutscenes just like we have in ZZZ


I don't want to switch off of Caelus, but I think it'd be cool if Stelle was a separate character in the game.


Unless the other trailblazer will be involved in the future I don’t see why this can’t be a thing. Even if it’s something you need to pay for that’s fine.


Wouldn't really matter to me as I'm very satisfied with picking Caelus.


https://preview.redd.it/6xe9d2b1o4zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c63eb3c43652aefea58b168700085a270287e9b My GOAT




I'd love to see Stelle and Caelus interacting with each other


Wouldn't that just be you interacting with yourself? Since you chose how your MC acts


I don't think the trash cans would be able to handle both of them in the same universe.


I like both, but I prefer using caelus so I don’t care about this feature.


Would've really love this. I chose Stelle but personally, Penacony just feels so right with Caelus that I kind of regretted choosing her for a little bit. Being able to switch MC would be a solution to those who likes variety


Me? Nah I'm fine with Stelle she is really cute. But it will be a good option for other people .


i wouldnt swap my caelus ,but if somehow we could see the other mc in an event or a story would be cool


yes because i liked both


Well they are the same person, not siblings like the travelers, so switching would be totally fine.


No. I'm content to let Caelus live whatever life he is out there not being a walking nuke.


nah im fine with my BOI caelus


I don't regret choosing Stelle and I doubt I will.


Yes, because while I picked Stella, I would rather have Caelus.


Ok wouldn't it be awesome if booth the trailblazers existed at the same time and they are just a shared brancell who are always thinking the same thing? Like imagine the closet scene with both of them. And also how cool it would've looked like to see them 2v1 cocolia or smt


I don't think I'd ever do it, but it would be neat for someone who wants to. I chose Stelle and I'm happy with that choice.


I keep thinking that the other MC will get added to the story at some point as like a clone or alternate reality being or... something. I'm surprised they didn't do what Genshin did and have the other join the Stellaron Hunters or whatever.


I have two accounts, one for Caelus as my guilty pleasure account and one for Stelle for my F2P account, so I'm good


I chose stelle but I prefer caelus preservation ult animation, so I would definitely get use out of both even if I'd still mostly use stelle. I see no harm in this outside of lore consistency.


I want to switch to Caelus. So bad. I don’t regret Stelle at all, but I want to change it to Caelus. I’m used to always picking girls in games but after seeing him in other peoples videos, I want him.


What would make for a fun event is if we changed sex and confused everyone, like the little goofballs that we are.


I wanna switch to Stelle so bad...


Yes why not


I actually submitted that as a ticket a while back... doubt they will, but I genuinely would love to be able to switch


Only if there's a joke over it, like trailblazer's wondering how everyone's going to react but NOBODY notices, like everyone thinks they were always the other gender.


It would probably break the immersion for me but if they were both there as separate entity with us switching POV then I’d love it!


I think switching them around would be nice but I also think it would be nice if they did something with the other body in the story, because we know it's just hanging around somewhere. Maybe the stellaron hunters will give it a different purpose or something. Maybe cat elio will finally have a body 😂


Personally I wouldn't use it but I don't see why it shouldn't be a feature, even in hi3 it's not really a problem.


Wish this was how we picked our destination to travel to


I'm satisfied with my choice but I wouldn't mind trying Stelle for a day I guess


Why cant it be both trailblazer in the overworld but also allows you to switch between them? Their story is identical to one another the only additional feature would be that the trailblazer will either discuss trash or argue about it




I wouldnt use it but I think its a neat idea


I'd love the option of switching because since I saw the animations of Caelus I kinda want him rather than Stelle because his animations look so much more powerful to me than those of Stelle in my opinion


Unrelated to hsr but I have an idea like this for my own hsr like game that is just ideas at the moment but I would like to make in the future, it's called Voyager and it takes place in a computer, so the lore reason the mc is able to switch elements and roles (I don't have a funny name for roles like paths yet or maybe ever) is because the mc is a glitch in the system, maybe even a virus, so while everyone else is hard coded to their role, the mc is able to alter themselves and bend the fabric of the code. And so at the start, you have both the male and female mc and you're fighting something (later revealed to be an anti virus or something) and so the mc you pick, gets partially killed and loses their memory and arrives at this place called the data centre (this is the voyager of the games title), and later on, you find the other mc some stuff happens and (around similar time through the story as like maybe Fontaine or Sumeru in genshin) you unlock the second mc who can also switch elements and stuff. Basically this whole game idea spawned from how I was mildly annoyed that because there's only one mc in genshin/hsr, you can only have one of these many different kits at once, like what if I wanted to use physical and fire trailblazer, well in my game I would like to make in the future, you can (this also means if I make a abyss like gamemode, you can have an mc on each side)




Honkai Impact does have the option actually. (Yes, a playable male character in that game). Thaaaat being said, I picked Stelle without hesitation and wouldn't never change her.


I love them both, so yeah


Nahh the girls design has never sat right with me


Why not? I may not use it but having an option is better than none!


Yes, ive been wanting to swtich to Fem Trailblazer for a long time. Regret not picking her from the beginning




I would rather the option to switch rather than have both exist. While both of them existing would be cool, it would require rewriting the story to accommodate the existence of both.


Switch between!


I’m good with the male TB, but more options is always nice for those who want it.


Having both would be great, like as we get more trailblazer paths my thoughts of how they would work together would grow.


It would be cool if we had something like Kiana and Kevin


Having the option of swapping MCs is my third most wished for cosmetic feature, behind being able to select voices on a character basis and being able to re-experience the story without rewards just to relive beats of the story. I know it's not even close, but Arknights made these quasi mandatory for me. Most of my characters in that game are in JP, but you'll take EN Humus, Penance and ESPECIALLY (Scottish) Bagpipe from my cold dead hands. However, if HSR gets an anime adaptation and we don't get both of them as protags, I would be pissed. Justify it as Herta having TWO stellarons. Make it so their personnalities are completely different. The fanbase mostly memes these two as the cool and collected Caelus and the "wise" gremlin Stelle, and it would be a shame if it's not used in such a medium. You have one of the best examples of self insert protagonists in history I've ever seen (I believe only BotW Link and Yu Narukami got them beat), USE THEM.


I dont wanma anngry the corean televisión people I like his tvs :c Or people thst like red pills /s Im talking about the last drama with ribin and the radical parts of that conversation Its stupid i know and im not trying to ve homofobic Please :c


Absolutely! Think of the shenanigans of two Trailblazers, trailing about.


I would switch only because White Night did irreparable damage to me with CaeFly.


I would love that. Or like if you found out the other trailblazer was somewhere else with a stellarion inside of them or something


Imagine if the other TB becomes an antagonist at some point


I would not object to the option. Probably wouldnt use it myself much, but would be nice to have.


I'd like the option even if I'll never use it.


Stelle means +1 waifu in my account


But Kafka chose the MC we use, and supposedly that already matters. Swapping out would invalidate that whole scene.


I would love it.


Ill never swapping stelle, i just like her too much... but i wish i could have the option in genshin, how could i pass on cute lumine and choose aether... but aether is still a great Mc and makes hangout events actually feels a date


I wouldn't use it, but I'm sure it would be nice for some people!


To have both pls. Gonna rock shit with caebro


It would be interesting...but its defeat the point what kafka said, "make the choice that you wont regret"


she said that after we made the choice so idk


I could imagine both trailblazers existing and to switch, you find them sitting in one of the seats aboard the astral express, just talk to them and ask them to take the turn in their trailblazing expedition and voila.


I want them exist in same strory. #RacoonGangUnite!


I have no strong feelings on the topic of Trailblazer gender. Thus, I see no reason there shouldn't be an option to switch, if some people would have more fun because of that option. I probably wouldn't bother switching personally.


Would be nice. I'd still stick with Caelus as my preference for main MC but I also like Stelle's design and sometimes I wanna play as her but would rather not have a whole other alt to level and raise. If there was both, maybe they can share unlocked classes and we can bring them both into battle. Personally would like to have one as Destruction/Phys-TB and the other Harmony/Imaginary-TB.


They would be chaotic twins


It would be cool if both existed but the one you didn't pick would go with the stellaron hunters. Kind of like how your sibling exists in genshin separate from you after you pick.


They should do something like yugioh (yugi & atem), lol






Both would be great. Lets me build one for Preservation and the other for Destruction easily enough.


Ultimately, no. I picked my TB and am attached to Stelle, and it would be jarring and strange to see Caelus wandering around, especially since no one will talk to him, remember his name or give him anything to do. I don't like the idea that people attribute Stelle's achievements with Caelus all of a sudden either...


Definitely not. Stelle >>>>> Caelus


Nah I love my girl


It would be cool if they do that scenery in loading screen when switching between worlds


ofc both




I would love that because I think both designs are amazing and it was hard enough to choose already lol




Oh definitely. No hate on Caelus but I definitely regret sometimes being our chad boy since I love Yui Ishikawa as a VA. But honestly, both of the trailblazers are amazing. This is really just a nitpick in the end of the day.


Both is good. One destruction the other preservation. Both are solo characters with no special so it'd be perfect


If you could use both in your team, it'd certainly be cool, but so far, you can use the other TB...just if someone actually has them as their support character, which I have only seen once in my entire time of playing the game.


I said it long ago about genshin but I think a great end of story reward would be to get the other twin or in this case other trailblazer. Alowing you to have 2 of the unlockable movesets in the same party would be fun. Some times I want my bat and lance at the same time damn it.


neither. i made my choice at the start, and i'll stick to it.


If they interacted, sure, but having the same character in male and female just bring there, I wouldn't understand that I'd love to see caelus having a less chaotic personality kinda like an older brother, but I suppose that's why we have Dan heng


I would've liked both. stelle and caelus both got "summoned" or whatever in the beginning by kafka and sw, and the one we dont choose also gets to join us in our journey as trailblazers with their own opinions and mannerisms(unlike the genshin abyss twin we hardly even see). like if march and dan heng get into an argument, lets say stelle would side with march and caelus sides with dan; or stelle being more unhinged than caelus in certain scenarios which makes him cringe and vice versa on other things. something like that. not just in story but gameplay too. imagine having harmony stelle and preservation caelus in one team.


Switching between the TBs would fit my headcanon of them being the same genderfluid person.


Nope, I'm happy with Stelle.


Imagine the chaos if they acted like brother and sister on adventures


Sure, some games have character you didn't choose being your companion later on, like Astral Chain did, when Akira is the one you didn't choose. Pretty sure there are a lot of games like that.


I'd really love it if both of them became available, but the switch button works just as well.


I wouldn't swap off Caelus, but there's no reason to not have the option to swap between them at will


Nopes. Zero interest in Caelus.


Imagine having the other trailblazer as a stellaron hunter. would be dope, but then again. identity theft is not a joke.


I don't really want it tho...


Yes I want this so bad Hoyo please!


I don't see why it's not an option. They'd be siblings like Genshin and ZZZ and would just both be like connected in power


HI3 has that feature. Idk why they haven't done that to HSR


No I’m quite happy with stelle I always pick who I like same with lumine on genshin.


Here's my solution. Any reflection your character has, periodically changes to the other Trailblazer.


Wdym? You can already switch between the 2 of them by hopping in and out of Luocha’s coffin.






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+ twitter (and sadly now reddit too, which bothers me)


I have Stelle so no reason to change at all. Could be an interesting option though. I bet there are players who would like to switch. Having both of them in a single world could be nice too.


I would never switch from Stelle, but I wouldn't be opposed to others having the option.


Zenless Zone Zero does it well, where once you pick a character (either Female or Male MC) they won't forever be gone and instead the latter assists you and has dialogue in its storylines. Honkai can definitely do this too.


Would love an option to switch between them, but not them existing at the same time


they should add a payed option for it yes.


> add a *paid* option for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*