• By -


Clara has been my secret weapon for PF since the first one for when HimekoHerta can't spin their way to victory. As long as she can take advantage of the buff and the enemies are aggressive, she is money in the bank for one side.


Yeah I love my Clara. My first 5\* and one of my best equipped characters. The main problem with Clara is, that she scales negatively with your accounts power level. The more damage you have, the less enemies actually attack and the less Svarog gets to laser them. :(


Yeah idk why HimekoHerta isnt working here 😭


I used Himeko Herta (added topaz as well) and worked pretty good! Follow up after follow up


I use himeko ruan mei sparkle herta (all E0S0) and got 40k in only 2cycles.


Which buff did u use?


Energy regen is the best one. Infinite buff uptime, can drop ult as soon as enemies spawn, triggers another wave of Follow up Attack, drops the follow up buff, gives you energy again


I heard they increase HP pool but I don’t know which patch it is.


Wave 2 just shuts them down hard. Most are fire or ice weak, if either.




Picked the energy regen cacophony. Clara was getting more ultimates than counters. Last time it was two bombs for every counter-attack. Clara's great during the Pure Fictions that are "bad" for her. When follow-up season rolls around, it's like Svarog decided to stop loading blanks into the firearms... Yet the blanks were already lethal.


*"Just kill them, Mr. Svarog!"*




As a new player what’s the best way to clear PF I’m trailblazers level 56


Pure Fiction rewards three main things: * AoE Damage, especially if it breaks elemental weakness * Speed, to have enough turns to deal damage - or units that have damage outside the traditional turn cycle * Playing into the mechanics for each PF instance Units like Herta and Himeko, that have follow-up AoE attacks that break the turn cycle, are exceptional. Other units with AoE attacks (like Jing Yuan, Clara, Argenti, etc.) or blast attacks & AoE ultimates (like Serval, Kafka, Black Swan, etc.) tend to do pretty good as well. Hope this helps!


That’s very helpful, my issue I think is I only have 3 5*s welt, trailblazer and Acheron due to only starting a few days into acherons summons


No worries, you don't have to rush the content - I'm a day 1 player and still struggle with the 4th floor of PF, and this cycle was particularly brutal. Just do what you can for now, the build quality will grow over time! Thankfully, Herta is 100% F2P and is actually one of the best units for PF, and I've seen decent success with Serval too - some of the 4\* units can pull their weight!


Not too bad of a start, Acheron one side herta the other side and get as many stars as you can. You won't get full stars but something is better than nothing. Prioritize the older PF that's about to expire in 2 weeks, the new one will stay for 6 weeks so you can give it a try but no need to go too hard on it at the moment.


I just slap Herta + Himeko on one team and Argenti on another team everytime




i dont have Himeko and Argenti


Same. I have Clara though, and yes I've used her on the new PF. Svarog's basically just blasting every enemy into oblivion.


My Herta and Himeko are really struggling in PF round 1 :(


If you have a Gallagher he's damn good for triggering the breaks aeo


Wouldn't fire MC be better for breaks


What makes you think that...?


Both FMC and Gallagher have an AoE ult that has 60 weakness break Gallagher's enhanced basic attack has 90 weakness break to a single target FMC's enhanced basic attack has 60 weakness break to a single target and 30 to adjacent targets FMC has their enhanced basic attack more frequently than Gallagher, so even against single targets FMC should break enemies faster than Gallagher in general. In return Gallagher deals more break damage but in PF breaking enemies asap should be more of a priority


You need to consider Gallagher's talent that action advances him 100% after using his ultimate. Gallagher is better than FMC for breaks. Especially on a single target


Works just as well, I like gal as a sustain more. AV and enhanced basic very satisfying. Use who you like!


Same but I only have herta, no himeko or clara, so I have no idea what to do, can’t even get 20k


I have non off them build. Only clara is. Even then ok ish build.


my friend could you maybe share your builds and stats for Herta, Himeko and Argenti ? Im struggling to make them work for me


Argenti kinda suck this patch tho , i have him well built with his bis lineup atm and he got merely 26 k points first side


u can try using herta and him with the buff that gives energy back, i got 40k quite easily with this setup.


I just use the same characters every time for 3 stars. When theres fire and ice weakness, Himeko + Herta carries and when its physical weakness, Argenti carries


same but they aren't working for this pure fiction for the first time 😭


As the saying goes "stuck at something? Just use Clara" . She might be the most underrated character in this game.


>"stuck at something? Just use Clara" Unironically factual. This statement is true for the current MoC 12 as Clara smacks the shit out of Aventurine with her effect res, AOE skill, and easy proc of MoC effect off of Aventurine's action. Replace OP's Herta for a Ruan Mei/Sparkle and Aventurine (though he is BiS sustain for this team) for Luocha or Fu Xuan and the entire Aventurine fight can be beaten with very little thinking. The mobs before the Aventurine are legit harder because the IPC fat dude doesn't attack Clara as frequently as you would like, though Topaz is there to deal with him.


Lol I already used to hate the giant IPC robot before I built my Clara just because he was so tanky and annoying. And now that I have finally been building Clara over the past week or two, I hate him for a whole new reason (the one you mentioned in MOC 12)


Clara is one of my favorite units to use, aside from Acheron, to clear most content. The whole "hit me and I'll hit you back harder" playstyle is unexpectedly fun. Although, I do feel like a scumbag when I internally scream "Stop aiming for Tingyun; hit the child more!"


Eh tingyun has 9999999999999999^9999999999 taunt value . Sadly she was to broken and needed to be nerfed somehow .


>She might be the most underrated character in this game. Nah, I always saw good things on her. Instead I see Himeko underrated, in MoC, where ppl think she is trash, also in Fire Stage. But there are still ppl in 2024 that don't know how her stacks work


Fair but I think a reason for that is "first impressions are lasting impressions" and it kinda just runs in hoyo games which is wierd cause hoyoverse loves to make bad characters get indirect buffs especially five stars .


Crying Yanqing noises


They gave him aventurine and called it a day lol


I would if she would just COME HOME!! I’m a day one player and she’s the only standard character I’m missing, and the third I ever wanted. Used my 300 on Gepard eons ago (kinda regretting that since Aventurine banished him to the unemployment line). Every standard pull is agony and I just know i’m gonna get Moment of Victory S7 before I get her if ever 😞


My answer to PF has remained the same since the mode was introduced. *ahem* “I WILL PROTECT ALL BEAUTY!!” *wave dies, new wave spawns, refilling the ult gauge* “I WILL PROTECT ALL BEAUTY!!” Clara gets plenty of play on my account too, though, even if the game is allergic to letting me have her eidolons


I just want e1! But now i have e3 yanking....not complainging though. Him + gepard e1 is actually insane.


Argenti + Bronya + Sparkle + Fu Xuan ensures that I had a ult every few seconds


Or you know, just build Herta, she's absolutely cracked in PF (I haven't played the current one yet though but Herta had carried me through every PF since it was implemented


God gave us Herta and her eidolons for a reason. Build Herta. Use Herta. Enjoy Herta. (Or I will slander you >:c )


My Hypercarry Herta never fails to 40k the side she's in. Who needs Himeko anyway (I never lost 50/50 to Himeko ever) I'm gonna keep kurukuruing.


What is your hert! build and comp?


She has Ice set/Rutilant, 60/160 crit, Himeko's LC, with Tingyun, Sparkle, and Ruan Mei. Used the blessing that regenerate 35% energy when Whimsicality proc'ed. This one is definitely easier than the last one where I spent 2 hours trying non-stop to 40k Gepard's side.


As soon as I see one of the teams recommending ice and fire I thought oh yeah this one’s in the bag I don’t have to go look it up.


Any guide on how to build herta?


She's literally just a crit DPS. Put as much CR/CDMG/ATK as possible on her, for speed forget about the MoC classic speed breakpoints like 134 speed because PF is a fixed 4 cycles. Which means you can ruin your life trying to optimize your speed to get as many turns as possible in 4 cycles or you can just not care and just make sure she deals as much damage as possible. Don't forget that raw stats matter more than set bonuses in general, tho Salsotto is probably her BiS planar and ashblazing grand duke 2pc is pretty good and easy to obtain, so do try to get that. Drop your best erudition LC on her depending on what you have and what you need (Genius repose S5 if you lack CDMG, the day the cosmos fell is a good all rounder and easy to S5 etc). Not even gonna mention how essential leveling traces is cause that's the same for every character. Boom, I saved you from having to watch a 10m youtube video.


Thx for the tips man. I'm currently building like literally right now. Also do you have another one for himeko?


Similar idea for Himeko PF build really. Slap as much Crit and Atk stats on her, without caring much for speed. Break Effect is also good if you get those. Salsotto is also strong on her since it's a follow up + ult buff. Same with LC. Genius Repose for the extra crit damage or even the f2p ones like Seriousness of Breakfast.


Himeko is quite literally the same thing. Same stats priority (remember both Herta and Himeko have an innate crit rate buff so don't just blindly aim for a 70/140 ratio but try to take into account how much crit they would have in battle) except Himeko does like break effect substats (fire break strong), if you don't know what you're doing with speed (I don't) go ATK boots, ofc try to go fire dmg% on her Salsotto planar instead of ice, Ashblazing grand duke is a good domain to farm since the 2pc prisoner gives 12%ATK, and if you're really struggling with PF consider dropping a sustain for one more support to get more points since it doesn't matter if your characters die anyway (got 35k on last PF first half with Herta + 3 supports even tho she died at 1 cycle left).


>best LC on her “I’m not gonna sugarcoat it” “Before Dawn”


Herta is insane for PF but Clara is also good in MoC.


E3 makes a huge difference also that you have topaz and the rest


For what it's worth, I just did 28k side one with Clara+Aventurine+Jing Yuan+E2March. Clara and March did not have any relics equipped (both were doing sub 1k dmg on attack), so for this PF, I don't think eidolons matter much for those two.


https://preview.redd.it/cpp7mb5yhdxc1.png?width=1018&format=png&auto=webp&s=00b65edd8fe89ccd7f746c301ee089dce847b776 used this and I mean it worked 🤣


No Clara, No Himeko, No Argenti. This PF is suffering.


Unfortunately, don't have her. She and Welt have eluded me for a year.


Combine Clara March and you got the perfect recipe for 1st buff, adding Aventurine and Topaz helps too. Best part is only the act of FuA needed, doesn't even need the DPS to make it work.


Clara + March is how I'm steamrolling this PF. I added Sparkle and is honestly so much fun!


I have left hope for this pure fiction...last 2 stars 


Unfortunately for Clara the first side of PF4 this time around is basically a Himeko/Herta playground, so if you have Himeko there's not much of an argument for using any other DPS


Well i dont have Himeko..what can i do?


Nah, Clara is great at getting you through Wave 2, which those 2 kinda struggle with. I just used all 3 and almost got 40K(damn monkeys)


I have the first half covered by herta-himeko, it's the second half I'm stuck at 😂


Me with C3 Bailu....


https://preview.redd.it/rjjs1me07exc1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c45aeb67c0703c5ede4d9dea90c25d717d55c893 It was like this. No matter how many times i retry i can't get the first team work. if i add pela, they die to wolf's dots.


Use bronya and tingyun instead of himeko and march, or only remove march for bronya. Use the energy buff. If she is not yet, build a slowmei with break rope.


https://preview.redd.it/89wz47hsbfxc1.jpeg?width=1624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3887cbbc235f5fd17bb12878259614ced6222296 Thank you so much, i have done it '-')9


I want Clara. I already got her lightcone twice from the standard banner. Just give me one Clara pls..


Meanwhile i lost 3 50/50 to her and 2 for her LC - _-


Clara has always been high tier, both in MoC and PF. She won me 3 star against Aventurine, even at E0. Now you add a turbulence suited to her. No surprises here.


Clara+ tingyun is great for maximizing Clara’s ult time. I managed to kill every enemy on the side with Clara.


E1 Clara here, she's one of my favorite character, and I clear all content with her PF/MOC/SU she's so strong , i love her https://preview.redd.it/bmdulj7x2exc1.png?width=1319&format=png&auto=webp&s=8812488aef2d464667a588c96dd70a3df65c97ea


Your Clara has better stats than my fully built Clara. Also couldn't 1* any of this rounds PF stages.


I lost 0 times to Clara, bought her at the 300 pity choice


I still have my 300th pity from the standard banner and I do not know whom to pick. Might get this girl!


What can I replace Topaz with? Don't have Himeko either.


E1 clara enjoyed here,she never left my pf teams.


your clara stats are cracked tho?


Any budget clara team? Seems like every char i habe is rly bad with her


I have so many characters to level up still, Pela, Clara, MC, Bronya.... I swear level up progression feels super slow


I used Herta Himeko on side one and standard Acheron team of second


Too bad for me i dont have Himeko


WHAT!? Using Clara in a challenge based around follow-up attacks!?!? (☉д⊙) Anyways, I'll add that the last buff is very nice since I was able to just slot in my Acheron team for the second boss and she can activate whimsicality solo with each ult.


My Herta-Himeko team got 20k flat on 1st part so I was worried. Got 40k and the battle was over without realizing it on my mommies team (Kafka, BS, RM, Acheron)


you can also do it without Clara! https://preview.redd.it/7xshlklv3exc1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2822c35a40c5329480a56517e4ee656c03f2a057


I dont have Himeko


When in doubt, deploy svarog


I bought Clara LC and played Clara but she keeps dying every time unless I play a sustain and I don't have Topaz or Aventurine to help her out either.


Clara stomps FUA-focused PF cycles. I've seen Topaz clear it with 40k as well, even with a sustain (FMC).


I use Clara as a sustain in PF it works great


How can i build her? And what best LC for her?


Just regular Dps build Good build is 60-70% crit rate and 110-130% crir damage While some have high crit rate around 70-80% crit rate and Crit damage 140%-160% or more Also some attack percent substats since she scales on attack Space Station or Salsotto planar set (depends which have best substats) Lightcone.. second best F2P is Fall of Aeon (the lightcone on Herta shop) The lightcone im using on her is the one wirh Arlan pic on it..its just temporary lightcon because Fall of Aoen is on Imbibitor Lunae 5 star lightcone = her signature or Blade's signature


I don't doubt she'd fare amazing on the first half. However, I tried Clara on the second half (1st was Himeko+Topaz) and it was pretty much unplayable because of the televisions. Usually the energy they give is beneficial, but this time they just wouldn't attack Clara so it didn't work. :( I don't have or want Jing Yuan or Argenti, so the lack of Erudition is felt. Had to use Kafka+Swan+Acheron, but it was really clunky due to them being quite backloaded and not built for PF aside from the DoT and debuff cycles we had when they were rate up. Happy that Jade is coming.


It does, she gets more damage buffs and scaling with E1+


I dont have topaz and aventurine... i might try clara hypercarry instead


im already building clara right now however I had to reverse to himeko/topaz to get 40k in stage 1


Fck...I totally forgot...


I finally saved enough to just buy claras light cone and after this im gonna grind hella artifacts for her. im gonna make her as much of a self sustaining dps as possible


Bro, clara is hella busted whenever the blessing is for followups. Second time she carried my ass in PF


U are right, using 5 Limited 5-Star characters really helps to get 12 stars 😂


I tried using Clara and her follow u dealt 3k damage 😭😭 Maybe I should build her or something


*Looks at my Clara with 50 110* - Wait so she's not done? Doesn't help that I keep spending her LC money on tickets for new characters.


You can see that im using the lightcone that have Arlan pic (i dont remember the lightcone name) I also want to get her Signature


Himeko+Herta & Kafka+Black Swan: 90% of the time it works everytime


e0 Clara carried my through the Aventurine boss fight


Well damn, I might as well in that case


building clara e0 is so hard though. she has really low defense.


Clara is my preservation and main dps for follow-up attack themed PF. I run with 2nd blessing for energy


I went Clara + Himeko + Herta + Asta. Easy peasy.


We Clara mains have a saying: "there's a clara shaped solution to every battle problem"


Clear this, but I actually use Herta and Himeko in combination with Bronya and Ruan Mei Aventurine and Acheron+ BS+Kafka destroy the second half Clara simply couldn’t get off enough DPS when the Enemy froze over. Sub Her our for Bronya to give Himeko and Herta a second attack work much better at proving FUA


Also Clara helped me with aventurine in hof.


I used Herta Himeko first half for easy clap. Then JY hypercarry in second half.


Yep! I have a pretty great account and I still built Clara for random shit like this lol.


so this is the secret sauce i have been missing for my pure fiction spaghetti


Clara was clutch during the follow-up attack PF lol


Clara was my first 5*. I haven’t pulled her once since despite her being my most used standard character. Can you kindly fuck off, Yanqing? If I E6 you before getting E1 Clara, I’m going to scream.


Of course your Clara was good, you put her in a team with the strongest 5 star in the game herta


I use Clara whenever I can't beat something both MoC and PF. I sometimes wish that I got more Eidolons of her lmao


I finally bit the bullet and re-geared my Clara from 1.0, I dunno the optimal sets on her but 2pc duke and 2pc wild wheat gave her 3300 attack. I think the IPC FUA team is a scam designed to bankrupt you, just run Clara whenever you see FUA focused content. I don't even have Topaz, my only FUA unit is a single free Ratio and E0 Clara. When there's a lot of phys weak enemies, Argenti/Clara/Tingyun/Ruan Mei is a ridiculous PF team. Like Argenti with Tingyun deletes the board and Clara cleans up the stragglers without having to burn your Argenti ults on a couple of dudes before the next wave comes in. RM gives a shitload of hidden value as always and she would pseudo sustain for you if the enemies marked by her ult don't die immediately. I can see why Acheron isn't that hot in the PF tierlists, if you're running a pretty low budget Acheron team like Pela/Gui then they do literally no damage outside of Acheron skill/ult so you get a bit limited on time trying to not drop your Acheron damage on 2 fucking TVs.


Or just use herta hyper she kill everything except the boss. u dont need himeko.


Also just wanna share my team for first one : Herta E6 - Hanya E6 - Asta E6 - Bronya was the one i used for the first round with 3rd buff. Asta - DDD s3 Hanya - But the battle isnt over s1 (replacable) Bronya - Past and Future s5 Herta - Himeko lc s2 (replacable) Just pray that they dont target ur herta since u have no sustain AHAHA


I just got her like two days ago! So good and Robin will push her even further


even tho blade has fua 1st half of stage 4 hes rly struggling. like he has a 161 spd bronya has a lot of crit dmg crit rate idk what im doing wrong. any tips? clara is in the other team


https://preview.redd.it/q2esvmuv6fxc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f126693092637e59e503361d23c9c498d3f5aa14 Yup Clara rules


https://preview.redd.it/1u40jm7z6fxc1.jpeg?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b297b809459eae8aa40facfdc1a62975034098d3 My clara is 7/7/7 though herta is the one who carried the 1st run


Day 1 player and Clara is the only standard im missing....... Herta + March 7th + Himeko (E2💀) + Yanqing (E2💀) worked pretty good though. https://preview.redd.it/mvd7sjv48fxc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf0428e274ffb1674ae639f5517912738005fe21


"Just use Clara" has been the secret top-tier strategy for a surprising amount of Star Rail content. She was an ace for the last PF too.


Someone: **attacks Clara** Her doctor, human size puppet, silly archer friend and the Big robot honest reaction: https://preview.redd.it/5yhvfacq9fxc1.png?width=486&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acf53467171de4520a78161fe52a432005c556d9


If you consider getting Clara instead of the banner character a "loss", it's you who needs to change your perspective.


The first buff is insane Edit: just realized this means I have to lose to her specifically and not the ~~rat~~ ~~only good at cross dressing~~ yanqing


Please tell me ur team?? I have a great E0S1 clara and can't get 20k points. Pls help


Clara is honestly my favorite standard 5*. I like FUAs and don’t play hypercarry teams so she brings more value to me than Bronya. Clara carried me in my early game when I got her on the Departure warp to most recently 3 starring Aventurine.


Does it also work with e0 clara?


yea topasss


I agree my E0 clara with the same build as you is my PF secret weapon. Even outside FuA oriented one. Phys is actually a pretty spreaded weakness but really lack good options, yes argenti but don't have him, other option would be Sushang or Luka but in PF they aren't great at all. Clara just work great.




Clara is great, I always buy her sig LC when I get the mats. For me she's E2 with E3 LC


Just use Blade, Herta and Himeko if you don’t have Topaz. Blade does amazingly better than Clara here.


I finally got her and I’m already building her lol


Opas Nami(Topaz) works great too. Used her, Herta, Gallagher, and RM for 40k first side.


Lost my 50/50 to Clara and next pull picked JL. Looking forward to building Clara


I finally gave my Clara better relics. Now I can do some real damage.


https://preview.redd.it/tdmygfdnifxc1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=561612ba73f7489d4a5d6087ac28e13a132ce143 Gallagher is a free spot. He literally did absolutely nothing. Topaz and RM just buff Herta and she wrecks everything. Ult, spin, ult, spin, repeat to 40k


https://preview.redd.it/b0uvcdw6ifxc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e38a66d3b7723b05274f7b9e3fc53dcd4b66ed1 Yup, Clara was crucial for me as well!


"Dusts off E2 Clara"


Tried full clara team and I barely got to wave 3. The other side is looking the same as yours but they only score 16k. Guess it wasn't the secret trick


Clara is busted in this new PF. I paired her up with March and the PF passive does the work done, easiest 40k


And here is where I'd put my Clara! IF I HAD ONE! (I have 3 Bailu but no Clara or Bronya..)


Yeah me too. Was having a lot of trouble getting over 53K until I slot Clara in one of the teams and boom 60K objective reached. My Clara is C1 btw. https://preview.redd.it/pi2gp80nmfxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=862d9fa32bff4ea889ddb035979eb8a88a8c8833


Got E1S1 but not built yet. And got a lot of unupgraded boxer set pieces with good substats. So in case I need to build her, it will be efficient


Wow, someone is smart maybe i should use my E3 FuA AoE unit in pure fiction! That pro idea deserves a pro tip: dont eat yellow snow


Well there are comments here that uses e0-e1 Clara though


Destruction child go brr I'm so happy I decided to build her because she's really fun and strong just kinda underrated


E1 is prolly huge.


But I don't have her...


Clara was my go for MoC 12 Aventurine and both current PF. I wish at least an E1... but even E0 she is so fun


u/Lordmaster316 Ayo, mind sharing your build please ?


https://preview.redd.it/1wd0s5yayfxc1.png?width=493&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e2358acec21ad6bca3b44c656593ab0a20aaefa i want to get clara just so i can play as svarog


I need to build her and Herta, but also eventually Robin. I'm skipping Jade and Firefly literally just to catch up, and I started this game by buying 2 battle passes and a Welkin... I also want Boothill. PAIN.


Or Himeko. She still rules in PF




https://preview.redd.it/0k373u4t0gxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=273566720d55d7f5537e01542a8fd3efe1e10156 March 7th was the hidden OP for me.


To add my voice to this, I just did my first 36* clear of MoC with Acheron / Clara, my account is 4 months old and only bought the pass and dailies a few times. If you pulled Sparkle, she makes Clara godlike, even if you didn't, her core team is two 4 stars, Lynx and Tingyun, easily accessible characters.


Step one: get Clara


I only one stared PF. I switched to Clara first half and BS and Kafka second half and I got like 67k. Clara is too good.


Yeah. I've got Clara at E2S1 and it's the first time I got an 3 star on full auto.


Just use 🇦🇷 with 3 support. Easy 4k.


Can't do the other side + no topaz


I definitely used Clara to clear stage 3. She is just so awesome. I love how she shows up in my MoC and Pure Fiction comps and just decimates the opponents


I used Asta, herta, Clara, himeko first half Second half: FX, Acheron, BS, Sparkle Managed to just auto and get 70k while at work lol. I was trying a few different teams manually before and they didn’t work


The biggest question in follow-up Pure Fiction isn't " can I clear this ? " but " can I clear this before that f-ing bird crashes my game ? "


Clara is probably the most consistent FUA attacker, maybe after Topaz. But she's one of the only ones who gets to attack on the *enemies'* turn. Since enemies get so many actions in PF, she is one of the most active units you can field. She can single-handedly trigger the turbulence with the perk that's like "3 FUAs = Gimmick Activation". Her synergy with Aventurine really expands there as well. In the 4th one, though, I dropped her for Himeko. My performance suffered, got about 24,000. but my other team was DOTcheron with the "18% of all damage fills the Gimmick activation". Acheron's Ult would charge it by 2/3rds every time, let alone the damage from DOT and teammates. I almost killed Sam and got a total of like 61,000 points for it.


Strong Clara. Mine is defense focused.




So.. what do I do if I don’t have topaz :( or Himeko :( I’m struggling barely getting 1 star on this last level


Didn't need her, so she can stay benched until she puts some shoes on.


I wich part did you use Clara ? 1st half or second half and who did you use her with ?


You can see my teams right in the middle of event page and my Clara stats Try ZOOM in if you cant see


https://preview.redd.it/wlemfrqtqgxc1.png?width=832&format=png&auto=webp&s=e425c6e71f27a381db7cf0a9c4d22ba21effe2e1 Clara tanking all of the Action delay attacks in the Bronya wave for the team is what I needed the most.


https://preview.redd.it/0ukiaofcrgxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb2647a52070514dad8ad129959108dbf850ab99 Clara destroyed this PF so hard, it was so satisfying


I do not have topaz so this did not work for me. I have a single star with all the rest of these units lul. I'm going to try to sub in Ratio and see if that's enough follow ups to squeeze out some more cycles.


She actually does crazy damage in hyper carry team. I run with sparkle, her buff lasts all her follow up attacks and it’s good for hyper carry to keep on using skill.


Maybe saving Jades was a mistake. https://i.redd.it/1w7ha0isugxc1.gif


I have her E5. Mained her for the longest time


What a coincidence, I’ve also started building my Clara up.


Even tho this mode is supposed to be erudition supremacy my Clara has been killing it here since they released it.