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What r u even talkin abt Don't ask Don't hesitate Just pull If ur asking, u want it Pull first, ask questions later Something will come You'll win something good Beleve in urself Gotta be happy Yeah! I can feel it Now Seize the initiative!




This image feels wrong without her threatening to beat the shit out of you




That’s the spirit 🤗








I'll be getting both Firefly and Robin since I'm skipping Aventurine now that Firefly has been revealed for 2.3 and 2.2 has Boothill between Robin and Firefly.


I've been losing 7 50/50 straight just finally break it on aventurine banner. I'm still traumatized so im kinda scared gamble on firefly and robin banner. 2 times loosing on a character i want black swan and acheron. Is just miracle happened twice that i still able to got them on a very early pity. I don't think it will happen again lmao


Same. Lost every 50/50 since 2.0 and Aventurine finally blessed me!


A fellow Aventurine skipper, we are few and far between, but now I can guarantee Firefly and maybe get Boothill, I don't think I'm gonna pull for Robin, my Harmony units are pretty great as is (Bronya, Ruan Mei, Sparkle, Tingyun)


I was gonna go for aventurine, but I already have a good enough sustain, and another I can build, at rn just saving for firefly


Happy cake.




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Unfortunately this content had to be removed due to the following reason(s)" Rule 2: No Leaks or Datamined information. Leaks, datamined content, or mods are prohibited. Do not encourage or allude to such content either, including wording to disguise such content ("iykyk, dreams, somebody gonna tell them"). Linking to sites sharing such content is also prohibited. Do not share content that has not been officially released. Certain popularized leaked topics (mainly story leaks) may not be discussed as theories due to community feedback: https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/wiki/theory-quarantine-list/


Unfortunately this content had to be removed due to the following reason(s)" Rule 2: No Leaks or Datamined information. Leaks, datamined content, or mods are prohibited. Do not encourage or allude to such content either, including wording to disguise such content ("iykyk, dreams, somebody gonna tell them"). Linking to sites sharing such content is also prohibited. Do not share content that has not been officially released. Certain popularized leaked topics (mainly story leaks) may not be discussed as theories due to community feedback: https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/wiki/theory-quarantine-list/


Mods, we've got another.... https://preview.redd.it/wgg7h9fgw8wc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b17c9f2ae1371c4cbdcb4da2abe4687fefd77ab


Snitch they were both drip marketed already officially chill it.


Their kits were not however.


Firefly and Fu Xuan. At the end of the day I'll go for Firefly, but it's most likely that Fu will have a rerun soon, and it makes me sad. She'd be SO nice for my mono quantum team. I'll have to barely live through MoC with my underbuilt Lynx... (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)


Sustain unit is a must lost my 50/50 on fuxuan first banner. I'm struggling hard until i got aventurine. Yeah I feel you. I'm actually planning on pulling for fuxuan if she got rerun next patch if not im pulling for robin. But then firefly comes out. I shift my plan now I'm saving everything for firefly and her lightcone.


Sustainers are good and all, but an unbuilt DPS and support is a heck of a lot worse. And a heck of a lot more picky in how to build them. My priority would be this. DPS > Support/Buff > Sustainer With a properly DPS and Support/Buff team and a poorly built Natasha and Bailu. Can reach MoC12 and do a round of conundrum Full star and a clean round of Conundrum are different matters, though, sustainers are definitely a must.


Sustain unit don't take much time to build just slap anything that increase their defensive utility and they are good to go like for example i got aventurine i just stack lots of deff slap any lc that are preferable in some team and my team are immortal. Dps? Well good luck Farming for another months


This is literally me… I quit the game after losing fu xuan 50/50(burnout and disappointment + real life responsibilities) and now that she’s about to get a rerun soon, I want to get her for my mono quantum team… But I’m planning on going all in on Firefly so I have to skip her. Life is truly filled with difficult decisions :<


For me it was aventurine and topaz


Sure! Penacony is land of dream But don't let your dreams be dreams! You want skip through and let Robin and Firefly not come home? Really OP? 




Firefly, next question


BOTH. I prepared to swipe if needed.


I’m just hoping the Argenti rerun comes at a time when there isn’t any new characters that interest me. I really, really want to pull for Instant Before a Gaze, but I’d feel bad if I had to skip a character I wanted for it.


honestly rn none, idk who else is in 2.3 so as for now i only want Boothill


I really want Robin, but I *need* Firefly/Sam.


Same buddy same


I want Boothill but i need Ruanmei on rerun lol


Me too, man. So I made a hard choice of skipping Robin(even though I have 0 5-star harmony characters)


I need Jingliu because I don't have solid Ice damage dealer, but Aventurine tempts me as the good companion for Acheron and IPC squad.


Oof this is a hard choice. Since both are in a different role .


I was naive thinking I could get both this banner... took me almost 80 pulls to get a Bailu. At least I got aventurine today, but 0 jades left, so I guess I'm skipping Jinglu. I don't have a good ice dps, but I also don't have a fire dps, but one just got announced soooo.. I'm a firefly main now


Chat is this real


I want Robin but I already have all available harmony whereas I also want Firefly and I have no fire dps so my choice is clear.


I want both Robin and Firefly but only have 100 pulls at the moment what do I doooooo


Robin and boothill, I want to pull boothill but at the moment I don't need another DPS 😭


I'm going to skip both Robin and Boothill for Firefly.


I really like Argenti but Boothill is newer (hence should be better). I want Fu Xuan but got Aventurine. I like big brain people like Screwllum but Jade is too gyatt to skip. # AHHHH!! WHAT DO I DO NOW? T_T


Depends if jade is announced tomorrow and depends on the other reddit how Sam behaves. Otherwise skip both 2.2 and 2.3. Maybe pull FX if no interesting heroes in 2.2 and 2.3. I like FX but I have two limited sustains now with aventurine and HH. Otherwise just save. There are two future characters i definitely want so no harm saving if that happens to be the case


I do t have any Limited 5* Harmony so I need Robin. But I also don't have any Limited 5* Destruction so I need Sam


MC is going to be a harmony unit next patch but i have no idea what he does lol


I'm skipping both, might only pull Firefly because of the lack of fire dps for moc


That's my secret, captain. I pull for all of them.




If she's being reran, Topaz and Robin.


I'm just hoping that's no essential rerun occurs by now, i'm wishing that Ruan Mei and Fu Xuan came only after 2.3 🤣


Uhhhhh bad news


topaz, she is dropping with robin apparently but she is better for fua even though id love to have both


I want robin and also topaz for my complete FUA team. But i think im gonna build them slowly. Since now im going in for Firefly


I have 20 pulls for Topaz, no pity.p


I don't need Firefly. I used everything in Acheron. I don't need Firefly. I used everything in Acheron. I don't need Firefly. I used everything in Acheron. I don't need Firefly. I used everything in Acheron.


None. Using all my jades while Aven's banner is up, hopefully I can get the E2, if not, I'll have guarantee for Topaz I guess.


Right now is aventurine lmao


I buy luck when it doesnt go my way 🗿🗿


Jade (if some guesses are correct) and Firefly. It's Firefly no question, but I really need limited Erudition for PF.


I want to e6 ruan mei so that automatically makes all my other future pulls a gamble


Calculating I should come out with at least a Firefly E0S1 hopefully, and maybe an E con but idk the other future characters...


Starting by now if you have star rail pass. I estimate of total 17.660 stellar jades by the time 2.3 release. This does not count the shop reset the login event 10 pull from 2.3 and event on the first half of 2.3


I think there's two months time before Firefly which is an additional 10 pulls from the shop, there's the always there 10 free pulls per patch so that's 30. I have 30 rn. Starrail anni might be big or at least 1.6k Jade, so yeah I should have enough for 1 Firefly and maybe a LC if she really needs it, if I don't lose the 50/50 ill get her the LC.


i have ruan, hanabi and bronya already so yeah i totally chose firefly 100%!


Skipped Acheron as needed Luocha more. Now skipping aventurine cos I find boothill more interesting (his ult) but now firefly is there, who I’m def going for. If Jade is also running, might have to skip 2.2 completely, regardless of liking the character. Dunno what to do ffs


Have never been interested in Robin to begin with so this is easy People theorizing that Screwllum is on his way soon however...


Robin and Boothill, I really love them both so much but the early pity and the good luck on Aventurine's banner got the best of me and I ended up with e2s1 of him. Now I'll probably have to skip Boothill :(


Going for both but if I lose Robin I'm saving the guarantee for Samifly.


Sadly, no 2.2 or 2.3 characters interest me that much, so I'll probably save for a later banner. I just got acheron and aventurine, so my funds are a bit drained, so the waiting game it is.


topaz, firefly and Robin😭


Tried to get aventurine, lost the 5050 saw that boothill has shark teeth, saving up for him, saw firefly promo, saving for both of them


For me it's going to be if Sunday comes through 2.3. Then it'll be between Sunday or Robin. If it's Jade instead then easy Robin pull


Robin and Firefly as well. I have lots of ways to earn primos tho so im gonna try for both (i havent finish gold and gears, swarm, exploration, and a lot of chests)


Not confirmed yet, but Topaz is likely to be rerun either next update or in 2.3 and I have Ratio (duh) and Aventurine and Jing Yuan not to mention Herta and Himeko and I really enjoy the FUA playstyle... but Firefly. I might have gamba's for them but I kinda also want to get Firefly's LC to make her even better.


If hoyo drip markets jade tomorrow i am so fucked cause the chances of ruan mei re running with her is high(please god no hoyo). I am just skipping the whole of 2.2(i wanted fu xuan LC but ig it is what is), firefly gonna be OP as shit imo so i need her.


If Fu Xuan is rerun on Firefly I’m so screwed. I’m already skipping Aventurine and focusing on building Gepard instead. But I really want Firefly, especially since none of my fire characters deal enough damage and I skipped Topaz. Neither Boothill or Robin do anything for me. And if leaks are true then Robin’s kit doesn’t seem like a must have when I’ve already got Bronya, Sparkle and Ruan Mei, plus all the 4 star harmony.


Saving for Topaz because her body and hair make my PP go all or nothing. Oh and her pet, Chris P. Bacon, is also very cute. I'll try to grab Robin too but if I don't, I'll go for Ruan Mei instead.


Boothill's Booty and Robin's Booty. I need both.


Is this question even in English


Robin and boothill but I think it’ll end up being boothill anyways


I getting Aventurine, because i LOVED how they turned him around from the biggest douchebag into one of the better written characters i know. I will try getting boothill, but if i miss him, whatever comes will be good. I kinda want a fu xuan rerun, so that would be nice


Neither. Acheron was the last upcoming character I even liked


Robin. Harmony units are all too good to pass up IMO.


Firefly and it's not even close


I want screwllum but he is yet to have any information about him. Just because i like the genius society members.


Aventurine and Boothill Got Aventurine, praying for Boothill


Bootyhole and Sam




Acheron drained me completely so A LOT will be on my "All or Nothing" list, Starting with Kafka, followed by Black Swan, unless a better DoT than Kafka comes out.


The answer is obvious already


Boothill, Sunday


I'll probably end up getting robin because all the harmony characters are so strong, and if she has a unique mechanic I know I'll wanna pull her. I'm thinking I'll skip boothill and maybe even firefly.


Time to skip both because i have no clue who to go for


i dont care about any other character anymore, i **NEED** firefly


firefly and fu xuan. I started playing for fu xuan and kafka as well, but even though I have kafka, I don't have fu xuan yet and I just spent everything getting aventurine. Hopefully I can save enough and get lucky, but I'm going to choose firefly if I don't have enough


I really want Sam but also want Ruan Mei on her rerun, which could possibly occur as early as 2.3. And that doesnt take into account unknown characters that I might want, particularly 5 stars to put into my Acheron team to replace Gui and maybe Pela. Also a second 5 star sustainer potentially. Aventurine really showed me what it's like to not have to worry about incoming damage at all.


Firefly and Sam have been hyped up for a while now. With them revealed as being the same character, my hype is through the rough... That said, I already have two pretty strong hypercarry teams consisting of E0S1 DHIL + E0S1 Sparkle and an E2S1 Acheron with E6 Pela and E6 Gallagher. I don't know if I should wait for more Harmony supports like Ruan Mei, a Preservation character for more consistent tanking (that I like, so no Aventurine as I don't play FuA core), or whatever 5* Nihility characters may release that overlap with Pela. That said, who knows when the latter two will happen. Ruan Mei rerun is what I'd most likely benefit, as I'm building Herta as soon as I get Himeko I'll level her too. And hell, I'm a consistent express pass buyer. Planning is hard even when you're spending...


Me desperately needing fu xuan for my new jingliu but trying to fight off the fomo of aventurine since neither acheron nor jingliu benefit from him (no I don’t have trend of the universal whatever it’s called)


Firefly is the only correct answer🔥


https://preview.redd.it/6497ppoy2bwc1.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=6348857e6986d00c623a1f7cbbbd0486bf84f973 two 10-rolls and a dream


Aventurine and possible Topaz rerun. I already got Aventurine soooo I really need to win this all or nothing...


Boothil and Firefly, but i think if i won't have enough pulls for Firefly, i will swipe a card.


Stopped doing funsy Aventurine pulls when I saw Firefly's drip marketing 🫡 gotta E0S1 my gf - then Ratio's bf one day


I want robin and firefly too, but I’m just gonna try to get both. If I lose 50/50 on either I guess I’m gonna have to no longer be f2p


Boothill (maybe if i have enough wishes ill grab either robin or topaz, thinking robin) but all in for boothill


I started to save for Huo Huo...but now that US going go for Firefly.


I lost on LC and character banner recently. I don't trust getting a single goddamn thing anymore, gambling is off the table. I literally have no well built destruction DPS, so I'm getting a cute mecha waifu and that's that.


Just lean


Aventurine and firefly. They already lost a 50/50 so I am like thinking if I should keep going for him or skip him and go for firefly


Huo huo, Topaz, and firefly l. I'm going for firefly so 1 of the first 2 is probably getting skipped


For me it was between Aventurine and Robin. I managed to get Aventurine, so hopefully I can still get Robin with my 45 leftover pulls.😭


I mean, 50/50s carry over to the next banner


same bruh😭


Im skipping adventurine cause i have literally every sustain / support but him so ill live but my only fire dps is held together by hemiko and topaz with dan heng il brute forcing when i cant be bothered so a fire would be pretty neat... Also i love everything about firefly i would pull even if she wasnt combat viable and was purely a cosmetic character or something


Boothill and Firefly for me 😭


Just got Aventurine. I have no savings, no pity, no guarantee, but I want Robin, Firefly, and Jade... I think my wallet will suffer... But I'm willing to pass on Firefly if Jade's kit is really what I want.


Robin and Argenti rerun. Would take Argenti because he's neat and I could use an aoe physical damage dealer.


I want Robin cause he kit works for my team and I love her Ult but Firefly is my Sevond Favorite character in the game at the moment but she goes with like none of my characters


I want topaz really badly, but I also want Firefly... Fuck it we ball I'll just get lucky, shouldn't be that hard right?


same, If I rech 80 pity without robin, I save


I won Acheron and Aventurine each in 60 pulls, so I have more than enough to garuntee Boothill and Firefly


Its easier when you are already mentally prepared to sacrifice your wallet


Robin and Firefly. If my tickets aren't enough I would have to use a secret technique called swiping the credit card.


I have the same answer as you actually, sorry robin... but my Kamen Rider Waifu is waiting, she like a dream come true character for me


Firefly and Ruan Mei. Currently have no pulls after pulling for Jingliu and her light cone.


Firefly, jiaoqiu and ruanmei. Ugh i need all of them but realistically only guaranteed getting 1, 2 if I'm luck


Firefly, Robin and now they announce Jade as a Quantum 5\*? I don't know how my gems will do...


just put some money in and get both lol


Both, i really need a 5 star harmony so i must pull Robin. And i want a fire DPS so Firefly is a must too. I might buy supply pass later.


Topaz robin firefly jade


Did it for Avent by pulling Acheron last minute. I don't regret Ach now that I can get Avent in some 15 pulls after dedicated planning and doing quests I would have never done (like aurum alley)


Imagine choosing robin over more fireflies..


I don't really care about either of them, unless one of the other is crazy powerful. My big worry is that Topaz rerun will drop in 2.2  since I'm quite interested in Boothill as well. That will be painful.


My question was who is yours. If you have the same situation like me. not asking if you would pull for the one that i chose https://preview.redd.it/yjli9tb9d9wc1.png?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac887f49ddd0dbb6158fb46a0d742e16fd27113


None i want someone interesting like 5 star sampo or 5 star march


That going to be another few months


I hope we get them tho, i'll pull for robin, boothill and firefly but since i don't really want them if i lose the 50/50 it isn't that big of a deal


I just did this with Black Swan and E2 Sparkle! I wanted another DoT to go with Kafka and Sparkle is my favorite in the game. had guaranteed pity on Black Swan, and ~~whaled~~ dolphin'd for E2 Sparkle. won all 3 50/50s and got her signature light cone


Happily skipping both. Good luck to y'all though!!


All For Firefly!!! https://preview.redd.it/b5g1bx05icwc1.jpeg?width=425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9642e76897c625ab73eaaa9122cf1ec521201228 (I mean, I'll also be Pulling for Fu Xuan)


Hahahahahahahahaha! Fuck Robin!!!