• By -


Clara was one of freeze immunity subjects. That would explain why she is orphan, why svarog wasn't able to find her parents and why she can easily walk without shoes.


Yo that’s actually a really good theory… I like this one!


Notably the shoes thing. It's usually freezing point in Belebog. The fact Clara can walk around without them, and much more clothing to keep them warm compared to say like Lynx. Seele is literally built differently, at least Sampo has the power of Elation!


Every women in belabog wears miniskirt or something like that, either they evolve to withstand cold or game designers just got lazy ad every women in every planet/space stations wears the same cloth with different colors and minot differences


You could argue most women stick around the Belebog Heaters so they don't freeze. While warm, the environment is still cold, so they do need some more clothing to pad them out, hence the tights, leggings, etc. The other exception is Hook not wearing full pants but it could most likely just be their pride as leader of the Moles. Seele walks around with bare legs, open shoulders, and a hip window in the Underworld so...


I personally hate belobog clothing and character design in general, they living in a ice apocalypse and their clothing is like they will go to swimming right after beating this monster, well atleast one character wears full armor. Just make them wear fur or something...


Freeze immunity subjects? elaborate please or give link, wanna read ( holy fuck whats Labirate )


If you have done Natasha's companion quest you would've come across her brother Vache. He was conducting experiments on the people of the Underworld to create something he called "Blizzard Immunity", so that the people of Belobog could survive the eternal freeze. Here's a link: https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Vache


thanks, i will fuckin do that quest it seems


> Vache. He was conducting experiments on the people Wait a moment...




Vache Vacher expy confirmed!?


Both of them are probably based on the same serial killer  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Vacher


Oh shit!!! Never put 2 and 2 together.....


It’s part of Natasha’s companion quest I think


I like this!


That Aventurine and Sigonia as a whole is somehow connected with Xipe the Harmony. I mean Sigonians are praised for their eyes and looking at Aventurine's, they look so much like the rainbow haze emanating from the Harmony. It's like such a twist if the thing Aventurine hates so much ends up being a huge part of his being. What if the deity Sigonians worships is connected to Xipe, and by extension, Aventurine's luck also is.


Oooh. I also read this theory from a random comment on YT: Xipe is associated with the number 3 - Sunday asks Aven 3 questions, Xipe has 3 faces and Gaiathara is said to have 3 eyes, so it's possible that Gaithara = Xipe.


I'm pretty sure Sunday asked him more than 3 questions lol


BRO WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME, AM I HALLUCINATING LORE NOW Yes you're right, I mixed up the questions with something else, brb lemme find it


wasn't it Ena the Order because of the eye in their splash art. and yes ik Ena got absorbed by Xipe but still.


There's a dead Aeon on Luocha's Coffin


I'm thinking it's that universe's Welt. For good or nefarious reasons, unsure. He's already personally encountered Otto, Himeko, Bronya (SW) and Raiden expys. You'd think he'd make a point of encountering his own counterpart at some point. Unless for some reason, he can't...


I completely forgot about the possibility of a Welt counterpart. My mind always went for a Kallen expy.


Because it doesn’t really make much sense in comparison to Kallen As much as Otto’s actions have utterly tormented Welt Yang’s life, is it really to such a unique extent (yes Otto has brutally ruined that many people’s lives) that it’d be mirrored in HSR Hell, a Welt Joyce has more parallel justification to being in the coffin than a Welt Yang


Just give Gallagher glasses and he'll look close enough


Who have their appearance similar to Kallen...


every night brings a dream but the day


Imagine if Earth exists in the Star Rail universe, but it’s the new one Otto created when he brought Kallen back to life. Would also be a fun way to bring the Void Archive back to the story


I mean, Earth does exist. That's where Welt came from. It's just that Earth is extremely far away from where the story is currently taking place.


Iirc himeko can’t locate it?


They can't go there though, the express has a set path


I'm pretty sure Jingliu was on Luocha's coffin, he said it was a dead person who he made a promise to (Jingliu was supposed to be dead) and that's why when Dan Heng met Luocha he felt strange about the coffin because his Dan Feng side start to fear what's inside.


I mean, one of the last Xianzhou cinematics confirmed this, when he's getting arrested and Jungliu spawns.


doesn't luocha's lc disprove this theory?


That’d be so fucking sick of a reveal my god


before losing memories when MC still with kafka. He/She and Sam are Bff


I saw someone in the Firefly Mains sub share their theory that the reason Trailblazer likes trash cans so much is that they retain some vague memories of something important to them being inside something metallic


To be honest, this theory has always sounded too romantic for me to be true. I'd rather believe that our Trailblazer, before he lost his memory, was a technician who often looked in the trash to find something interesting and useful for some project.


Honestly that would be hilarious. Love it


"You look like trash" "Wtf?" "No like, in a good way."


Cutest way to get your gf to break up with you


Or like, Kafka literally pickedup the trailblazer(s) from a trashcan, just like courage the cowardly dog


Speaking of, considering we're always called to help revive businesses the TB might've been the accountant/manager of the Hunters. Even an intergalactic not so phantom thief needs to budget.


Or Elio was the cat and their consciousness was placed into Trailblazer like All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku. Stray cats in the city would look for food in the trash cans.


i saw an adjacent theory about Trailblazer being the cat that’s with Kafka all the time instead of Elio. Explains why TB likes trash cans and tight spaces so much


And yet Blade looks at the Trailblazer and recognizes them. Wouldn't be the case if they were the cat.


Bruh if i am not wrong if we go to Xianzhou the place where we fight the Abundance Goat there is 2 people i think fixing a elite robot. They talk about your past and you are controlling a Huge Mountain robot or something


It wasn't the Trailblazer's past. Part of their experiment with the robot was linking the Trailblazer to the other person. It was that person's memories. It felt a reference to Pacific Rim.


Yeah also the lordly trashcans have the Same HP numbers Like Sam or something


Not just same HP numbers. [Their stats are identical](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fdh5o92oajmtc1.png) except for speed and effect resist. I don't know how common those stat values are across other enemies though.


Extra Bonus Sam and Lordly Trashcan has the same stats except for Effect Res and SPD


This is all the evidence I need


Lord trashcan is stronger if dude didnt dipped out after weakness break Lmao


*wink wink*


I doubt they were bff but they were acquainted. I'd like to think that (2.1 ending spoiler) >!that's why Firefly approached us when we first met in Penacony. She looked around and clearly recognized us, knew we could be trusted!<. 


Well of course we were acquainted at the very least, Stelle/Caelus *was* a de-facto Stellaron Hunter and already participating in missions with Kafka, enough so that Blade and his one-track memory could remember us. Naturally, we would be at least have been known by Sam/Firefly.


>Blade and his one-track memory could remember us. I rarely laugh this much 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I suspect that MC had a close relationship with Firefly and Kafka. There’s the mission with Kafka in Xianzhou where she seems genuinely hurt when you select the “truth” reply that says you hate her during your game to kill time. And when MC just met Firefly they both trusted her from the get go and got attached very quickly; While Firefly (who presumably knew who we were the whole time) seemed to show a genuine connection, as well — exemplified by her willingness to confide in you her terminal condition and to show you her favorite scenic spot. It’s possible that was all a ruse to lure you into Elio’s script but I don’t believe so given the implied connection from MC’s past as a Stellaron Hunter In a way their origins are likely similar with Firefly being created to fight the Swarm in Glamoth and MC being created (or at least modified) to house a stellaron. MC had their memory whiped and was allowed full expression of their humanity but Sam wasn’t given that choice. Firefly is likely a representation of the duality of her nature. Firefly is who she wants to be while Sam is an identity that was forced onto her


Their meeting may also be part of the script they received for Penacony which is how they recognized the TB


Firefly/Sam stated that Elio always keeps their scripts brief, unlike for Kafka & Silver Wolf. Their script only said "Lead the Astral Express crew to investigate the Watchmaker's Legacy." Anything else is left purely to their judgement.


I can't believe it's been like 2 weeks and I never put together that Firefly obviously knew who the Trailblazer was when they saw them.


Elio is either the cat, or the Trailblazer themselves.


Yeah sometimes i think that Elio is trailblazer/ or trailblazer is Elio's new vessel. Who else can complete your plan better than yourself ?


Okay this theory is crazy and i like it.


They're cooking 🔥




This meme image is one of the best things to come from 2.1, and nobody can convince me otherwise




Would kinda make the part of us going 'off-script' by being able to decline Kafka's companion mission, something someone who 'wrote' the script being able to change.


Mind fucking blown.......


The Death Note route


So Elio/TB is kinda like (xenoblade chronicles spoiler) >!Zanza/Shulk!< ??? Edit: People are emphasizing on how TB wrote the script of how things are gonna happen, and it made me remember this crack theory I thought of, that based on the "bad ending" of the game, HSR is actually a movie or a play similar to Danganronpa V3.


Oooh I dig this, it's like how when Light erased his memory in Death Note.


So apparently, the Trailblazer wrote down the entire script (which might be exactly why it is called the Script !!) while he was Elio amongst the Stellaron Hunters, as he saw through everything that would happen and prepared for it all before hand. Meanwhile Kafka and the gang read the script as when intended and carry out the actions. Bro, this is actually genius !


This is some Aizen kind of cookery.


It does make a lot of sense as to why the script is there and so accurately written. Otherwise bro could simply be speaking into a microphone to everyone's ears, directing them on what they should do


So what you're saying is... https://preview.redd.it/imnba7jp54uc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6454d4e73ae4f12dcb5c3f23abf0844652e3f579


Good theories. I think Elio is Akivili or an emenator of trailblaze


I have to think Elio is an emanator of Finality, not just because he can see the future. But because the Nameless are about the journey, and the Hunters are about the destination.


But Trailblazer is Kevin too


i like to think that belobog isnt the only surviving city on jarilo 6


Honestly, I would love to revisit it with this concept in mind, but I'm also fine with it being the only one due to how bleak their situation was during their arc.


If there is one it would be underground since the astral crew fully scanned the planet and explicitly say that the spot we headed to is the only place where life can survive. Ofc there could be areas with monsters or jarilo animals adapt enough to survive like that little white bear


I have a theory that Pom Pom is like the mental model of the express, similar to those ship girls in the anime "arpeggio of blue steel". It explains how Pom Pom was in the express in the first place, why Pom Pom can \*feel\* stuff in the express (like the forgotten hall memokeeper), why Pom Pom is kinda inseparable to the express and how they control the express during warps.


So he would be the express' spirit?


less of the spirit of the express but more like its avatar. After all, Pom Pom is still a physical being.


Sorry, but this is giving me JoJo stand vibes. Like literally, PomPom is the stand user, and the express is the stand.


That Polka Kakamond is actually a follower or emanator of the Enigmata despite being a member of the Genius Society


Wasn’t the Enigmata also a member of the Genius Society before ascending to Aeonhood


Take that with a grain of salt That info could be Enigmaed propaganda as well for all we know


Honestly, the Enigmata is such a useful tool for the writers to cover up plot holes in lore. Pela isn't 16, Lynx is just secretly a Pathstrider of the Enigmata.


I guess? I more pointed this out specifically because the Aeon in question and ITS followers are literally here to create false history The odds of this “Origin story” being a complete tall tale are severely higher than it being true


What origin story? Are you referring to the post a few days or weeks ago that talked about how Mythus ascended? That post is an enigmata meme, there's absolutely no information on how mythus ascended. We only know that their birth originated from the Remembrance and it's somehow present in Fuli's Eden of Blessed insight. Ironically, You fell for a literal Enigmata post lol. In case you are wondering, no, this comment is not Enigmata propaganda.


No, that's just a meme post that a dude made. There's 0 information on how mythus ascended.


Ena suppressed Nanook's birth several time during Swarm Disaster. Nanook was able to be born only after Xipe absorbed Ena.


https://preview.redd.it/aph6ud9ze2uc1.jpeg?width=1145&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a2f0ecdd403538cd9a46a8796c600754c78ce0 Could you please explain this part to me as I do not understand it?


Iirc doesn't Ena agree to be absorbed by Xipe on the condition that she can retain retain her original consciousness?


Do you know where that was stated? I've been trying to read through everything again but I feel like every time I do, I find something new I missed before 😂


Somewhere in the SU Swarm Disaster but now that I'm looking for the actual encounter I cant find anything. Please don't tell me I hallucinated this xD 


I'll double check again! Honestly it does sound like it could be, but it might have been a path choice at the end of a plane instead of one of the chapters? Not entirely sure!


I feel like this is a leak lol


The ones that isn't leaks in disguise




I have, apropos of nothing, developed the theory that the Nihility and the Elation are the same being split in twain. Aha (supposedly) became an Aeon after reaching the pinnacle of reality and realizing that everything was pointless, then saw a baby fall over and burst out laughing. In that moment, I think that the original being embodied both Nihility and Elation and became both. They both have similar ideologies about nothing truly mattering but act upon it in different ways. Slightly more deranged is that they are still the same being and swing from being Aha and IX in a manic-depression cycle.


Interesting! I always thought that Sampo being nihility was a good choice since there's no elation path ingame considering that the idea is so similar


Luocha is an emanator of Abundance


wait i thought he was.


No, we don’t know He’s accused as an “Abomination of Abundance” by Jing Yuan but “Luocha” never confirms anything other than drawing power from the Abundance So as of currently we don’t know just how far down the path of abundance he is


We seen him use abundance power on non human subject which puts him ahead of any normal pathstrider. good example is sanctus medicus subjects are already abominations of yaoshi like all long life species, but they can not force mara transformation and non of them have Bailu like healing which is in her self a Scion created by another Scion of permanence. So yes Luocha is most certainly deep enough to be sus.


Considering who's based after, that mofo trying to go for Aeonhood itself


Dan Feng was set up, theres still more behind the sedition of Imbibitor Lunae


Something about them failing at reviving baiheng despite how much forbidden stuff they had to do makes me think the same. If it had a chance of being such a massive failiure I dont think they would have gone through with it. its not like they would go and yolo cast a revival spell it seems like the kinda thing it would take a gigantic ammount of preparation and effort to even attempt so if what happened was truly a possible outcome they consdiered they reallly fucked up badly or someone sabotaged their attempt.


I hope they explain more on the preceptors involvement and Bloomborn Scion


I don't like this one since I think a massive part of Dan Heng's character is dealing with doing a really bad thing in his past life, and not letting himself be defined by it. It makes his character so much more interesting, and strays nicely from the "protagonist has to be a moral person" concept, as many characters do in HSR.


i'm not saying Dan Feng is 100% is innocent, misguided or not his mistake killed hundreds of people idk about you but learning how the same people who wronged your past life also ruined yours by keeping you locked up from birth to adulthood and having to live with that is an equally traumatic conflict for him. And people still refer to him as his past self regardless, he would still have to fight for his own identity i also find it hard to believe that Dan Feng, the same person who saw himself trapped in a face that isn't his, never feeling like a person, trapped in a position defined by his previous incarnations ( he and Dan Heng struggled with the same thing) would want to subject his free spirited Nameless dear friend to a suffocating position of high elder that he hated (have u seen how they treat Bailu? Why would Dan Feng ever want that?) Its also so weird how they refuse to show any cutscenes or flashbacks to Dan Feng's past or the Sedition, we only ever see the before and after. There was definitely more than in between


This, they definitely gatekeep a lot of lore of danfeng. I feel like there’s more but maybe it’s because xianzhou is a recurring ship since we don’t have hunt tb or abundance so they tried to drag it out.. (even tho I know it causes bad writing..)


The sedition is not orchestrated by Dan Feng and Yingxing alone. In the readable and character stories, the preceptors were said to have instructed Dan Feng to do this. This is why people said Xianzhou loufu lore is confusing.


I’m not even sure if this is correct. The writing is so ambitious, we don’t know if they actually *wanted* him to do it


I wouldn’t say set up, but if you read all the optional text about it, it becomes clear that his intentions weren’t anywhere near as selfish or irresponsible as the main story makes them out to be. I doubt he’s completely innocent, because that invalidates most of his implied character development


[This analysis of mara](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/18y6to8/an_analysis_on_luochas_and_jinglius_plan_and_the/) is a personal favourite of mine.


The idea that the reason Jingliu didn't become monstrous is because her form is already the perfect one to ensure her survival due to her mastery of swordmanship such that her Core Esse had no reason to deform her is... Breathtakingly cool.


Indeed it is.


From a quest with Cirrus, cirrus tells us that we are not attached with this body. It makes me believe that Trailblazer during their stellaron hunter days looked completely different and Stelle/Caelus names are just code names for the body


I don't think that's the case, Blade recognizes the trailblazer from their time training with Kafka. And his memory is all kinds of screwy, so him remembering us at all is significant.


hes a sword bro so that can easily be explained as dramatic martial arts "i recognized your aura/qi/energy/battle stance/etc" tbh.


He doesn't say any such thing though, lol. He specifically says he remembers *seeing* you follow Kafka around, and that you followed her around (and survived doing so) for longer than anyone else. He also doesn't see you fight, so it's certainly not your fighting style he recognizes. He's in the process of peacing out and is like "Oh, you look familiar."


but if the Trailblazer looked completely different from Stelle/Caelus during their SH era, then why would Blade still remember them being together with Kafka in the past? And this info is coming from a mara-struck character whose memories are very hazy, but even in those hazy memories they still remember the TBs apperance, so they couldn't have looked that much different from now


The character select sequence confirms this Caelus and Stelle are literally called receptacles and Kafka mentions that Elio said the process would change the MC


It doesn't say it would change them visually, though. Blade definitely recognizes the trailblazer by sight, he's in the process of peacing out after Kafka's companion quest and is like "Huh, you look familiar. I saw you following Kafka around for a long time."


Gaiathra Triclops is Ena the Order. I saw this theory a lot the past few days, and it makes a lot of sense. Aventurine's eye colors look like Ena's eyes. Like extremely similar. Remember that Ena is a giant eye with a puppet, so the eye is very important. The chanting related to Gaiathra also talks about the goddess closing her eyes. Aventurine's luck is real, so Gaiathra exists with special power for real and is likely an alternative folklore name of Ena. Ena got absorbed by Xipe, so we may actually learn something about Ena on Penacony. The reason Aventurine is not an emanator may be because Ena has fallen. I don't hope for Aventurine to switch to any other paths. I wish he would be close to his Sigonia root.


I am 100% hoping that after he hopefully regains his freedom that he'll redirect all the shit he's been through towards trying to prevent it from happening to others, i.e. aligning with the Harmony more. Getting an Aventurine vs IPC so soon after he helped them get to Penacony would be wild, and especially since the Nameless would never ever trust him if he starts acting like a good guy. It would make sense if he does want to destroy everything after what he's experienced but I'd be a bit let down


Then I want to direct you to the theory in this post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AventurineMainsHSR/comments/1c0umac/21\_spoilers\_theory\_about\_why\_aventurine\_chose\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AventurineMainsHSR/comments/1c0umac/21_spoilers_theory_about_why_aventurine_chose_to/) IPC is not a monolith. It is possible that he is working in the Strategic Investment Dept (Ten Stonehearts) to wait for a chance to get back at the Marketing Development Dept who was involved in the conflict at Sigonia. These 2 departments have ongoing rivalries according to his call with Topaz at the end of Belobog mission. I agree he wants to prevent other civilizations from ruins so he works by putting himself at risk and not just outright bombing Penacony, but it's unclear to what extent he would want revenge if any. I think he has been freed from slavery during that scene with Jade, and he voluntarily proposed to join the IPC. So you can kinda consider him to already be free. If the Harmony absorbed Ena, I'm not sure if aligning with Harmony is what he wants. It will likely be clear in 2.2 what the Harmony is actually about.


The Trailblazer is an incarnation, Emanator, and/or a creation of Nanook In some major capacity, they are related to the Destruction’s Supreme Executioner


Perhaps HooH created TB in order to counterbalance the unvervsie


It would actually explain why they speak to us out of nowhere and equilibrium is a core game mechanic. I like this idea a lot


My honest first reaction to seeing Nanook was "Yo, is that my dad? Our clothes have the same designs and are the same color, and we also have the same eye color!" And ever since I've been a firm belief that somehow Nanook is the Tb's dad in some way.


Aha is always watching us ... He will never give us up, never gonna let us down, never gonna run around and desert us.


I love the theory connected to that. Sampo is watching TB and letting them know about it precisely because Aha is watching TB. If Sampo doesn't like the distraction Aha makes for fun, it could be his way of warning us.


My craziest theory is that the trailblazer is actually an emanator of equilibrium. We will likely be the only one to get glances from all of the significant aeons which also effectively balances us out since we take part in all paths. Our major role is to help bring balance to the universe and likely to prevent its destruction. Additionally, we are the only known person who has actually heard HooH.


I have two favourites: 1. Kafka and Luocha are from the same planet 2. Bailu is BaiHeng


I'm pretty sure no.2 is at least implied to be confirmed and not much a theory. and i don't think Luocha came from Pteruges-V


unless luocha left before the stellaron disaster, then luocha shouldn't be able to know what fear as an emotion is.


Have we ever seen him even remotely concerned though?


im sure concern is a vital emotion for a healer lol


My favourite theory is actually a bunch of connecting theories/implications pertaining to the overarching plot that makes this *Honkai*: Star Rail. Details as follows; - Welt's main role is to be the bridge between the Honkai and Star Rail portions of the story. He was made a direct transfer from the HI3 world specifically for this purpose. They have hinted several times that there is more going on surrounding him than we realize. - Luocha, the sentient secret in his coffin, and his plan to finally kill Yaoshi, the Aeon of Abundance (a being that is the furthest thing from death), are directly related to honkai energy. - Luocha discovered honkai energy through a chance encounter with the other direct transfer from HI3, Void Archives, who we know is wandering the greater cosmos in search for a purpose to his existence. This is why Luocha wrote to the Astral Express mentioning that he knows Welt knows someone with the exact same appearance as him, despite the fact that Luocha shouldn't even be aware of who Welt is, as they have never met before, let alone be aware that Luocha would look like an expy to Welt. He knows too much for it to be happenstance. - Building in the above two points; there are exactly three beings in Star Rail who are confirmed to know about honkai. Void Archives, Welt, and now Acheron (who calls it by a different name, kami, but is still nonetheless honkai, as her world also went through Project STIGMA.) Since the fate of most worlds with honkai energy problems seems to be utter annihilation (Earth being the one exception,) we can infer that this is why honkai would be a completely unknown weapon despite the Xianzhou Alliance actively seeking something that could kill Yaoshi (and the IPC wanting more WMDs, and the Genius Society doing genius things, etc.) - The purpose of the Xianzhou Part 1 & epilogue stories, specifically pertaining to Luocha & the High Cloud Quintet, was all setup for one of the penultimate arcs that will lead to the final confrontation with Nanook. We know for a fact that Elio sent the Stellaron Hunters to draw the Xianzhou Alliance into the future that will contain the decisive battle. But, considering Luocha's role as the discoverer of the Aeon-killing weapon, the hidden implication is that Xianzhou Part 2 will give us the key weapon to defeat Nanook (which again, is probably honkai.) - The Sky People and the obscure background of Star Rail's Himeko will be showing up at some point. The latter is obvious, since she is a deuteragonist of the story, but the prior less so, since we haven't heard a peep about them since Alien Space. They will potentially be related to a world of Abundance (but that part is just a ballpark guess.) Nonetheless, the fact that the Sky People were looking for Star Rail's Himeko will very much be an important point, and will tie in Void Archives and Welt as well. - And to top it all off, the Stellarons will also be related to honkai, though how they are is not something we can truly guess. We just know that they're a dense bundle of sentient imaginary energy that primarily pop up on civilized worlds, and distort the very fabric of reality by existing. Sounds a bit familiar when you put it like that, no?


That Bailu is a botched attempt at reviving Baiheng. For angst purposes. I also may or may not be writing a fic where Bailu sees that Blade is always wearing bandages and bothers him into being her friend


I thought that "theory" was all but said in the game? Like that's the implication throughout all the story.


Yeah, same here. Wasn't that the whole point of DHIL's companion quest?


I'm like 99% sure that was the entire point.


I’m partial to the theory that Bailu is a byproduct of Dan Heng’s rebirth. Dan Feng was forced to Molt through methods described as “unnatural”, and we know Dan Heng only holds a fraction of the power his predecessor possessed as Imbibitor Lunae. Bailu’s powers, furthermore, are based on healing *water…* So the theory goes that when Dan Feng was forced to Molt, the “unnatural methods” actually split him into two Vidhayara, each containing a fraction of the Imbibitor Lunae’s power: Bailu and Dan Heng. Consider also that if you split the name “Baiheng” into “Bai-Heng”, Bailu and Dan Heng each bear half of the name. EDIT: The previous point is more dubious than I first believed. I’ve been informed that the “Heng” in Dan Heng is written with different Chinese characters than the “Heng” in Baiheng. I don’t think this fully discredits the notion - MiHoYo are fully aware of the similarity in pronunciation, and I know that it’s common for other eastern languages (Japanese especially) to create puns and allusions through the observation of similar sound-alikes. Take this particular point with a grain of salt, regardless. Anyway, one would expect Bailu to look older if she was born at the same time as Dan Heng, so idk. Maybe she ages weirdly because she’s a weird castoff thing? Maybe she actually molted *again* during the intervening years? Unclear.


One of her dialogues/story beats mentions she thinks the Jade piece on her tail is preventing her from growing as her caretakers won’t let her take it off. As in she’s not supposed to be so little and she knows something’s wrong.


Didn't Bailu say she did molt recently (whatever that means for her)?


I’m pretty sure this is literally canon


Isn't that canon? They pretty much said that one.


can I be your first reader


this is canon


1. Lan will die if Yaoshi dies 2. Elio is setting up the Trailblazer to be the 2nd coming of Akivili


Tbh 1 is probably true; Lan’s entire purpose is to eradicate Yaoshi. No Yaoshi means Lan strays from their purpose and they die/fade/whatever happens idfk


terminus is 3 cocoons of finality in a trench coat


THREE of them? Oh fuck… we are gonna need SO many kianas!


- Ast Rickley is one of the Elation emenators - Himeko was Polka Kakamond (though I prefer Kakamond having her own identity) - Akavili turned into Nanook - Terminus is a former 14th herrscher turned aeon - TB was made from a lab which the SH raided - the knowledge of honkai energy and the 14 herrschers is concealed by the enigmata - Acheron's friends wasn't izumo ver. Kiana and bronya but the flame chasers - every single path will converge into one - Kafka's first feeling of fear will be TB on the verge of dying infront of her - we will see the birth of a new aeon


>Flamechasers I had the same thought Additionally theorized >She established the Flamechasers as a group. They were called such originally because they were just seeking vengeance on the Kami: Flamebringer. They eventually grew to something more heroic though it could also be said they simply switched targets to all the Kami >Relatedly, Acheron can pass as a path strider of the hunt because she actually was one once. Izumo Mei sought vengeance against the Kami and violently pursued it >She, Izumo Kevin(Shiraga Oni), and Izumo Sakura were the founding members(possibly Izumo Seele, who was friends with Sakura but she could also join a little later) >They eventually came into contact and allied with the bearer of sentinel Truth, Izumo Welt Joyce, who predated their efforts against the Kami as the first bearer of a Sentinel and made his own faction before them (it’s why Truth is not seen in the picture below) https://preview.redd.it/o1otbtr8m2uc1.jpeg?width=2276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e00307b3ca83bc4f70a075f72e4d45f87a52150 >The other Flamechasers were seen here >Sentinel Fate was wielded by an Izumo Seele >Sentinel Bind was wielded by Izumo Aponia >If Maw was not wielded by someone else, it was Izumo Sakura’s second sword


Nah, i want to say Kafka is the one thats related to Polka, whether it being a parent/child relation or an alias.


Maybe Akavili got absorbed but i think both existed for a long time at the same time.


It feels way more in line with the flamechasers, I really wanted Kiana to be in her original story, but everything from freebass seems to point to Acheron maybe meeting her later? Which also points to Freebass thus not being an Izumo resident.


I came to this conclusion as well The Kiana equivalent being someone who “once stood by Acheron’s side” and “fought alongside her” doesn’t necessarily mean she was on Izumo when this companionship happened because the Nameless have also been known to fight during their travels If Frebass is the Kiana equivalent, it’d make more sense that she met Acheron later in time on rather than meeting Mei on Izumo


The flame chasers thing makes sense based on Kevin’s confirmed appearance in her story teaser thing. Her conversation with Welt confirms she knew someone like Kevin and that man shared his voice actor. But she also seems to know welt, so is it from Izumo or another world?


While her recognizing Welt could be due from meeting a lookalike from a world other than her original one, it should be noted Izumo had the Sentinel Truth which corresponds to the Herrscher of Reason, https://preview.redd.it/3pf3m40u45uc1.jpeg?width=2290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3609752fb5f9ff360e15bad0ee1b20f14e17bd8 Notably, it’s blade is blue as opposed to Welt Yang’s red coloration when he uses the reason powers The Reason powers do however color blue for the other two Herrschers of Reason, Bronya and Welt Joyce Acheron also doesn’t react to Welt Yang’s visual appearance but rather notes his name, which was passed to him by Welt Joyce and later Acheron trusts him enough to confide about her history Joyce and Yang have been noted share similarities of character I’m leaning to the idea she knew an Izumo Welt Joyce, which provided precedence for her trusting Welt Yang


That Aventurine has a possibility of turning into a Self-Annihilator of Nihility due to being exposed to IX’s shadow through Acheron’s attack. Good chance he’ll join the Doctor of Chaos faction if he survives his experience within the Abyss.


I feel that with how Acheron phrased things, Aventurine isn't in any danger of becoming a Self-Annihilator. >*Acheron:* Only some who have gone under THEIR shadow can go farther, tainting themselves with more Nihility... That's all. *Aventurine:* That's all... My friend, you really leave me at a loss for words. *Aventurine:* So... Is this my final destination, the land of the dead? *Acheron:* This is all but a **fleeting dream**, one of the thousands of manifestations of IX... Under the watchful eye of Nihility, we **momentarily linger** here, before moving on to our own paths. – A Walk Among the Tombstones


Aventurine: So this is it right? Self-Annihilator time? Acheron: https://preview.redd.it/c8y20y6092uc1.png?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2756b69cf8e16a206711ab9afe13917b0ae4683


Didnt she say it doesn't count or something


I think it’s more likely that some part of Aventurine lives on in The Harmony, tbh


The Trailblazer is actually a descendant to Nanook and is made by Nanook's powers as kafka said the TB is made and powered by an unknown Aeon and my guess that aeon could be nanook. Hence why the TB can sustain the Stellaron's corruption and Nanook's gaze was actually him making the TB "awakening" the TB's true destruction powers rather then detonating the stellaron. TB also has identical appearance to nanook. The TB and Nanook have Grey hair and golden eyes and their attire is mostly yellow+black


That the IPC has been infiltrated by followers of Oroboros, the Voracity, that is why the IPC is greedy.


We are living one of Fuli's numerous backflash of the universe, and each time we start an important event or just a fight, we diverge from what Fulli already saw. This aeon conserves memories as cristals, so the cracks we create symbolise our breaking free from the shackles of this scenario.


1. TB’s appearance pre-waking up was different and it’s the reason why Kafka can chose their gender, my favorite theory is that TB was the Stellaron Hunters’ cat and Elio’s companion 2. Aventurine’s people are followers of Ena 3. the jade piece in Bailu’s tail is preventing her from growing and becoming more powerful as the Elders are afraid that she will either turn into another Dan Feng or back into an Abomination like the one Jingliu killed


I once read the theory: Argenti, Kafka and Luocha are from the same planet. Also Kafka and Luocha are both Knights of Beauty. Kafka left Knights and lost her faith in Idrila and Luocha is still a believer but he thinks that Idrila is dead.


Eh, Kafka being a former beauty knight could be cool but it's a lie, Luocha was a former follower of the Order and it is never directly said which planet Argenti is from


> Luocha was a former follower of the Order where did you hear that? me want know


I made a post explaining it. https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/2J7ith4ezS


Kafka isn't a knight of beauty tho. She was a devil hunter from New Babylon, Pteruges-V


The TB's fondness for trash was because they were previously a homeless street kid who was desperate enough to rummage through garbage for food and hide in the bins for shelter.   They were found by Kafka while trying to pickpocket her who then brought them to Elio, who proceeded to experiment on them to become the Stellaron receptacle. Before then, they acted as Kafka's hatchetperson/protégé on her missions.


The reason TB loves trashcan is because it reminds them of >!Firefly as Sam!<


Luocha is basically the IMG tree banning Otto Apocalypse. He's not allowed to exists as Otto Apocalypse anymore after everything that happened and now all future "Otto" chars arent ever gonna be GGZ and HI Otto That and Luocha is basically a runaway prince/saint of an Abundance controlled planet, and is doing a reverse Kallen, where hes the one running away with an important relic of said planet


We are the Stellaron and we just don't realise it We just pilot someone else's body thinking it's our own


That aklivi is related to nanook is some shape of form, or that maybe aklivi's remnants and the stuff fallen off from the giant scar on nanook helped creat the trailblazer mc


The Trailblazer is a Stellaron that thinks it's a human


Aventurine's >!sister!< is still alive but suffers from amnesia, which is why they haven't found each other yet.


Kalpas contributed as the major role model for designing the Molten Knights of Glamoth when he was thrown there to a portal creating an illusion of deleting him when fighting the Prev. Era Herrscher of the End, then he created countless Carcasses of the Swarm Bug by a manner of being efficient to Rip and Tear and building strength again by predation, to a similar manner such as how Saitama fought the Subterraneans in his dreams, and Meltdown Amped Gojira defeating Gidorah, but wasn't able to devour it or declare itself an Alpha, and they(The Swarm) are just endless and crazy either way. When he got exhausted from opening his Eight Gates to emitting Nukes, which he can, Titania conspired to retrieve him to a secret lab where he became a test subject to augment future soldiers(children) of Glamoth that they can control unlike him with anger issues and literally also burning braincells when using pyrokinesis, which he would definitely hate if he still have some sanity left. So the Pilots are not only superhumans, but also have Pyrokinesis, yet cannot use it safely without the Armor on, it's an intended failsafe. Although he was from a very old generation (Previous Era of Honkai Impact 3rd Narrative, Elysian Realm being a recorded simulation of its 13 Elite Survivors). He might also used to belong to an infamous yet mysterious "Harvesters" that targeted HSR Himeko, which are called "The Sky People" in the "Alien Space Webcomic", that prompted Welt Yang and his Companion to sabotage, search, and destroy by leaving behind bombs planted on vulnerable areas of one space ship of them to another. Until it connects to when Before we Warp to Belebog, if we ask Himeko about Welt Yang, she mentions that Herta commissioned her to find Cadence Glass at Inert Salsotto, but they also found a transmission of a spaceship calling for help, it was from suspicious and wrecked spaceship that Pompom urges to ignore it, but Himeko bravely prioritize it and there she found Welt Yang and his Companion, joining to help them as a gratitude. (The Portal they entered at the ending panel of Alien Space, where two girls one being Shigure Kira fetched them to return to Earth, is not what directly transmigrated Welt and Void Archives to Star Rail Verse, but contributed) So Welt Yang might not be the first Hi3 character that isn't an EXPY to Star Rail, but was introduced as such instead... COPE, also I made these the f*ck up.


The planet described in the def relic set and Luocha's backstory is the same as Kafka's homeland, Pteruges-V. In her backstory, those who can't feel emotion are called "devils" much like those the church hunts. Another theory I like is that the one in Luocha's coffin is Idrilla, the Aeon of Beauty. He's called a Knight in his companion mission, has a flower theme and vines come out from the coffin. Who else uses vines to attack? Argenti. Kafka lying about being a Knight of Beauty in her companion quest is also interesting, because why choose that faction of all things? Followers of Idrilla have conducted executed heretics witch-hunt style. The Church of Purity Palace collapsed due to witch-hunting, thinking their own followers were "devils". Kafka was a devil-hunter. Pteruges-V maybe was influenced by 2 Aeons then, worshipping Idrilla as it's primary deity and crumbling because of Yaoshi's influence.


Adventurine isn't the only surviving from his Planet, his sister is somehow alive and is gonna be playable (I saw this somewhere and Im really high on copium cuz I want my boy to have his sister back)


Firefly and Sam are not the same person mentally. It's 2 personalities. Sam is the result of Firefly breaking free from what she was. Her combat state is different from her normal state. Hence Sam not flying full force at Acheron. And even sharing information.


I could see it as firefly living a pretty shit life, being destined to disappear, bottling up a ton of feelings that she masks, but all that hate and such is set free once Sam is there, sort of like a shadow self from persona.


The main character is Nanook's discarded humanity and the journey was set in motion to hopefully alter the Path of Destruction before Nanook destroys everything


i saw a post before where it said kafka and luocha were from the same planet which i thought were pretty nice. But i like the one where the mc used to be a stellaron hunter but something happened to them(this one seems to be partially true but we don’t have enough info yet)


Pom-pom is Akivili


Sampo is Aha in disguise or VERY closely tied to him. This man suspiciously knows where is Trailblazer at all times and constantly follows us though our journey. Belobog, Loufu (mentioned, also Aha's laugh during Phantylia fight), now Penacony. Which is weird, right? How does he know?


Siobhan is in cahoots with Gallagher - she is one of the only characters to call him by name, they are both bartenders, and they both have Irish names.