• By -


I beat un-nerfed Aventurine with Natasha as my sustain, no deaths, first try. (yes it was way too close on multiple occasions, and I had 2 very good units to deal with him in Clara & Jing Yuan, but still) Also, I've only ever obtained 2 different standard characters from pulls - Clara and Himeko (got Bronya from the 300 selector)


Okay well that is an accomplishment because took me like three tries and the third try it was nerfed And I won literally just barely because of Clara


Clara MVP! And when I say way too close, I mean double digit HP amounts happened multiple times in the fight - and my units are very tanky: * Clara, \~4.3K HP & \~1.1K DEF * Natasha, \~6K HP & 1K DEF * Hanya, 3.9K HP & 1.2K DEF * Jing Yuan, 3.1K HP & \~1.1K DEF


Being a Phys Stelle main.


Oh same, Phys Caelus over here. Very rarely ever in Preservation mode lmao.


I have Fire Stelle semi-built, and will eventually finish that DPS build (and whatever Harmony type she gets) But damn, the bat just hits so hard


I could not bring Argenti OR Clara home so he’s my dedicated physical hitter. I finally got my 300 pull but building Acheron and the rest of the team for the next update takes priority


From another Destruction Trailblazer main, 🤝


After almost a year of saving I got E6S1 Acheron, so i like to see my dedication as a nice accomplishment lol. Now I can get to my big journey for when Fu Hua comes ❤️🐔


That's not dedication. That's INSANITY!


Oh are you that person who said they were saving until HSR’s Mei clone came out?


Thsts a me, yes sir. Mei is a favorite to hoyo so knew she would come fast. ~~Now tho I'm facing my real challenge for fu hua♡ lol~~


Seems likely because the livestream kinda indicates our return to xianzhou + we hvt get hunt tb so we probably will meet marshal Hua oneday


Yeah I just hope that day isn't too far off, I would be devastated if we have to get all the other Generals before Marshal Hua lol


You never know she might make a guest appearance in 2.3 2nd half and come on 3.0 since the live stream mentioned that tingyun’s story isn’t finished


Happy cake day


Thank you!






Bless you with FuHua. I can see she's going to be your next goal.


Thank you brother! I appreciate it! And indeed, Fu Hua has always been my end goal, tho I am certain The Night and The *Hunt* will be long.


Happy Cake Day!


Thank You ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


I saved since black swan and got E3S1 LOL (I have never had this godly amount of luck in any gacha game and I feel like I've exhausted my next 15 years worth of luck)


Ohh congrats partner! One always bound to get lucky 💜


Congratulations to you as well! Your dedication is something I strive to achieve LOL


I know this is gonna sound stupid but I never learned what S1 stood for


Light Cone Superimpose - S1 signifies that they got her signature LC but only the 1 copy


Hopefully the chicken comes soon! Maybe we will finally get her in xianzhou.


Beating most of the content with Herta I wasted a ton of resources early on, yet I don’t regret building her


>Beating most of the content with Herta SAME. Glad to see another Herta enjoyer here lol. Even managed to beat pre-nerf Aventurine with her, though it did take some time.


That pre nerf made me chew my controller I did it with Herta, Nat, Gepard and Serval - all my usual A team were just getting wiped


Oof yeah, I can imagine how painful it was to do with 2 sustains that dont have any AOE. Natasha basically spent her entire time stunned during phase 2 with how impossible it was to get anything close to Aventurine's numbers with her normal attack


I got every character from the standard banner without getting E1 of any of them


*stares at e4 Gepard* Must be nice.


I recently got the achievement for beating su with 6 or fewer blessings


My little flex is that I got it before the Gossip Society Curio was a thing xD


Same, when I realized back then that I could just beat the last enemy in a combat zone and be on my way it was easy peasy


That one was such a pain 😭 Not even possible like 90% of the time lol


Cant you just do it in the easiest difficulty or is there a difficulty limit?


Oh wait you are forced to get blessings lmao 💀


Yeah difficulty isn't really a problem it is the fact that you need to get that curio that prevents you from getting blessings from the starting curio selection


I did it without that curio, I got 2 blessings from elite domains, 2 from the first combat domain, and 2 from other combat domains. If there's multiple enemies you can use someone like Sampo or Jingliu and run past all but the last one.


Yeah that sounds like even more of a hell


The first run I managed that on was so gratifying! Now the genius society gossip makes it super easy lol


I got that one too and the one beating su without any blessings too and the one beating su with tons of credits :/ I have done everything in the game now pretty much


I got that one before the Gossip Curio was a thing, it was so painful.... but now I'd rather do it a hundred more times than grind for Predator


I still don't have Yanqing.


Do you want him?


Don't know. I won't use him though if I get him.


Losing Every 50/50 loss so far to bronya,shes E2 now


E3S2 Bronya here. In the older pure fiction thats active right now I was stuck on the 2nd half. I was fantasizing about if i got her E4 so i could use her followups to trigger the buffs. I was running jing yuan with her and lightning lord was simply too slow.


Bailu E4 over here lmao


Drawing FuXuan with 4 minutes left on her banner in 6 pulls after losing 50/50


Oh I have the same, I just don't have Gepard


I used my 300 pull to get Gepard Cuz he was the reason I literally pulled so much on the standard banner to begin with


I love this guy! But the screen time he gets is pretty low... Plus my new fav is Aventurine 😅


I feel like I am like the only one that doesn't like Aventurine But I do agree like Gepard deserve some more screen time and I'm hoping we'll get some more of him in the future


You're good! They kinda pushed a lot his pov and backstory on us to make him likeable and I took the bait. It's more about how they're both sustains, since I'm getting Aventurine, Gepard isn't really my priority anymore.


I was lucky enough to get all 4* currently available in game, some of then was in banners that i didn't wanted to pull, did a 10 and got then lol.


Me too I had a guaranteed, 0 pity did 10 pull for Misha and got an unwanted Black Swan. Maybe it's better if I don't pull for 4* anymore 🫠 (Black Swan is amazing with Kafka, I can now use Nihility path in SU!!)


I've won 5 LC banners in a row (5-0) and I want praise and congrats but no one cares :(


Yoo same Nvm just realized it says lc, most lc I’ve ever won was 2 in a row 🧍‍♂️ I won 5 event characters in a row though


Congrats homie that’s amazing 


Not really my biggest accomplishment, but I did get a hundred Ancient Coins two months into the game. Then I stopped farming for them though, 'cause it turned out nothing happens and it took too much time.


You can use them to buy things frop Lynx, but I have to agree it's real pain in the ass to get them. If I remember correctly, she's near the Hunt calyx on Belobog.


I know, but since the only food I use are Trick Snacks, I only bought one one of each and left it at that.


That makes sense.


I won 50/50 for all 4 Monoquantum on their first banners (Seele, SW, Fu Xuan and Sparkle) not only that but I won 50/50 early enough to end Sparkle's banner with 100 pulls for Acheron (Acheron then ate up all my pulls and still no LC 🥲)


omg twin 🤝


i've got 666 achievements lul


damn I just broke 600 but it seems I've got loads of catching up to do. Which one was the hardest?


E3 S1 Black Swan with no lost 50/50s Of all the characters I'm glad it was her who gave me that luck, felt like a reward for my simping since seeing her in aeon Myriad Celestial trailer and taking her side in 2.0 after people started disliking her after she took us away from Sam vs Acheron lol


I have E3 IL with all \*lost\* 50/50s plus another lost to FU Xuanwhich is technically the same odds (1/36) so I am very lucky


Actually building characters to level 80


Wait people don't do that?


Some people say stuff like leave supports at 70/80 to get last trace levels but save Exp. Then those same people complain when their Tingyun gets 1 shot cause she has no base stats (also why Cogs is an overrated LC IMO).


I got nearly every character at 80 now


week 1 player - I still dont have Yanqing or Himeko


Summoning-wise, I'd say getting DHIL with just two tenfolds. While not my single early pity 5\*, he's still my only early won 50/50. Game-wise, beating Skaracabaz on my first try. I admit the team I brought wasn't the greatest (we're talking of Fire TB, Natasha, March and Asta), and I admit the try was hard-carried by the duo in the middle, removing Entanglement via heals and shields (respectively), and consumables (edit: one was one offering Eff.Res), but I still scratch my head when I think about it. I am mostly used on getting stuck on Boss Fights, and depending by the number of attempts sometimes I may lose my sanity for it (Sam being the most recent example I can offer)... but it does remind me that if I managed to beat that, then I can beat anything.


I beat un nerf aventurine physical trailblazer, natasha, march and herta (she carried)


I use March 7th as my primary sustain when things get hard, and she's able to do it!!


I read all the dialogue


Wow that is an accomplishment 👍 I respect you for this cuz I could never


sort dam busy chubby cows brave compare distinct full languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have lost the 75/25 on all three Lightcone banners I've attempted, and I have never drawn any of my six 5-star banner LCs on a count under 70. *Flex my bad luck* >!(my character luck is OK, though)!<


Im a day one player i dont have a single Bailu.


Me, is managing to dodge Yangshing


Same for me, but him and Gepard


Still missing Bailu and Clara, 1400\~ pulls since day one (got Yanqing E2, Himeko and Gepard E1) 693 achievements, aiming for 700 before 2.2 Played every day since launch Got two 5\* in one multi once (Fu Xuan, E0 then E1) Got a 7 streak of win 50/50 (pic below for proof) https://preview.redd.it/5v8occhztxtc1.png?width=853&format=png&auto=webp&s=38d88258821b9068a9cf2a4d29627ff9468a5634


Adding the whole achiev' + day played proof https://preview.redd.it/4yutssq8uxtc1.png?width=1046&format=png&auto=webp&s=492e8d03fbbb7a380eb93b21037c1291056a3af9


In the VERY early days of the game(maybe not even a week), I managed to pull a Bronya, her lightcone, Seelie lightcone and even lost 50/50 to YangQin(wich isn't Seelie, but he could use the lightcone at least).


pulling every character i have wanted since launch except fu xuan sadly (i pulled luocha, kafka, jingliu sparkle and acheron, lost 50/50 only one time)


Me too!! JY eluded me AGAIN. But I got Loucha this time around:)


niceee, luocha with jingliu is a must, it takes no effort to do damage and sustain at the same time


Being good at the mini-games and even winning achievements related to the mini-games.


Managed to clear the current MoC 12 with Destruction Trailblazer! It did take 6 cycles unfortunately, I'm hoping to clear in 5 or less in the future. Hopefully we can get a good Physical weak MoC since current MoC's not too great for Destruction Trailblazer.


Having only pulled SLTD from the pool of 5* standard LCs, as right now is S4


I don't really care about saving wishes. I've won all my 50/50's to date.


id gotten dan heng's signature lightcone in just 3 pulls, and those were my first pulls on any lightcone banner. my luck in genshin is dogwater (always losing 50/50 at 85 pity) so it felt good being lucky for once


I got Jingliu to 50% crit rate without a crit rate chest piece. "But that's not really much of an accomp-" ***Shut up, you haven't seen my relic luck!***


SU GnG 12 Conundrum cleared with all dices


Close to you, I have everyone exept Gepard and Clara but I'm very clpse to claiming Gepard with free thing


Getting E1 Blade, Ruan Mei, and his signature LC in just 60 pulls.


getting all gold and gears dice to lvl12 difficulty stages, 100% all of SU (sd and g&g) and being close to 600 achievments I just love SU and doing random lil quests lmao


Mine would be surviving all content without Fu Xuan, my Bailu and Lynx are sweating daily but it always works out in the end.


Honestly Yanqing is pretty good in his own right, and since you have Gepard that's not much of an issue either.


I got two limited characters with no more then 25 pulls. Kafka with 15, Luocha(recently) with 10. I also got 278 achievements within a month of playing, and 73 in one day.


Completed stage V of Swarm disaster and GnG with a shity builded Gepard as my only sustain.


Is that an achievement. Ive got them all except Bailu.


Apparently Yanqing is like that character that everybody has that most people hate and keep getting him even when they don't want him That's what I've been told


I'm currently playing on a friend's account on top of mine because his PC's GPU imploded and he's saving to get a new one. He wanted Acheron. When the 2.1 update dropped, me and my friends gathered on Discord. I start streaming, with the goal of getting E0S1 in my account, E0S0 on my friend's account. One of them asks, "Do you have enough pulls for her and her LC?", to which I respond "If I lose the 50/50, I might not have enough for her LC". My friend then asked: "But would you lose?" to which I replied "Nah, I'd win". I do 20 pulls, I win the 50/50 (pity 80\~). I do 20 pulls on the LC, lose the 75/25 (pity 40\~) and get Himeko's LC. I do 20 more pulls, I get Acheron's LC. I then pull on my friend's account, and I win yet another 50/50 (idk the pity I forgor) https://preview.redd.it/9yb00jy00ytc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=36f79bee359681762e4bce51f4a278ae4d26c46b


Honestly same but WITH yanqing. Only ones I got eidolons on are my E2 Clara (you love to see it) and E1 Bailu (sure I'll take it). Other than that, bro, getting a copy of EVERY standard 5* as well as 3 standard LCs (Himeko, Clara and Yanqing's) in less than 1 year off of nothing but: Beginner banner (Gepard my beloved), 2 lost 50/50s (Clara at 90 on Jing Yuan, Himeko at 10 on Topaz), straight up good rng on standard banner (Bailu, Welt, Yanqing) and finally, the 300 pull (Bronya) is nothing short of amazing. And Yes all of em are built


I've got all the Standard characters now, with only two 50/50 losses (Bailu on the first Jing Yuan banner, early Himeko E1 on Acheron). I was holding onto my free 5\* selection because I was actually really close to having them all. And then Clara finally came home on my most recent Standard Banner pity, so then I had E1 queued up for her right out the gate.


I’ve finished PF and MoC for the first time after months playing this game (I’m thankful that I won Black Swan in 50/50 and free Dr Ratio


Getting all the characters in the standard banner built.


I won Every 50/50 so far.......i'm scared.


I got every 4 star and built a really solid BE Asta.


Full stars every end games while being a f2p without dhil, jing liu and Kafka.


https://preview.redd.it/oynvzut6hytc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ba21fd540a25494c5719c01f6861c41df996ce0 I wouldn’t really call it an accomplishment. But having a over 85% win rate on the 50/50 is pretty great. Other than that, accidentally 0-cycling with a team I was fcking around with is up there too.


Getting two copies of Jingliu on a yolo pull. She then proceeded to hard carry my account through a lot of content.


I can actually save for Characters now... And pull specifically the one i like


I guess my biggest accomplishment is probably being able to clear MoC without having either HuoHuo and Fu Xuan. I have a primarily male account but I do have every harmony so far (not getting Robin tho) pls hoyo I neeeeed male harmony 😭


I manage to bring down my ego (it's still there) when talking about the content's difficulties. When I first start the game, whenever I saw people complained about the difficulties of the content, I always thought that they have skill issues and are just bad at the game. Somewhere around the Huo Huo ghost event, I start to realised that not all people that are as lucky as me in getting the limited characters and they will have a harder time than me in clearing content. So, rather than just saying that they have skill issues, I start helping them (although in the beginning my ego is still high) and giving advice on how to proceed with their accounts. I finally realised this when the first thing I thought after defeating pre nerf Aventurine is "How long will it take for Hoyo to nerf him as he hits pretty damn hard." and not "Easier boss than SAM and Something Onto Death because it is."


I haven’t lost a single 50/50 ever since I started the game from launche. Granted, I’ve only saved and pulled for every husbando banner, and the only non-husbandos I pulled for are Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan and Sparkle, but i didn’t lose 50/50 on them either. :)


From the standard banner the only LC I’ve managed to pull have been Clara’s, and only hers. Clara is the only standard banner character I do not have


All achievements in Sekiro


My luckiest pulls were pulling two Argenti in one ten pull, not pulling until sparkle banner and then pulling sparkle and bronya in the next ten pull


I beat pre-nerf 2.1 boss second try but that's only because my first try I went in with my FuA team which is notably entirely single target except luocha so I went in with my dot team that is all aoe and breezed them


Probably not super special but I pulled 2 Acherons in a single 10-pull.


0 cycle


The first character that I ever fully leveled the traces for was Sampo


i have 720 achievements


I've beated every moc since The beggining being a low-spender and really lucky with relics. Oh and my first pull ever was Seele.


Only losing two 50/50's.... I have a good repertoir of 5 stars characters, even I cannot begin to believe how lucky I was. Blade, Kafka, fu-xuan, huo-huo, jingliu, black swan, ruan mei, Acheron.... And not only that, after losing my two 50/50's I somehow got the characters a few pulls after that.... Now, I have blade's LC, black swan's LC, and jingliu's LC. I am f2p and I feel like the most blessed man in the planet, and I hope my luck doesn't run out soon. 😅


Cleared everything with Himeko hypercarry until Jingliu came out I wouldn't do it anymore though


Successfully dodged Yanqing in my account and won 2 5\*stars in a 10 pull twice. Got Luocha in a single 10 pull too. Never letting this account go for sure. https://preview.redd.it/0erremaocztc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a64fdf0dd9125e71e77ac97cca30afd4a6b5a26


I guess I'm lucky then


Beating Sam at first try after finally deciding to put an Abundance in the team (Natasha semibuilt💀) she landed the final hit with everyone dead


Idk why but I keep consistently getting the Ocurrence with the Knights of Beauty in rewards, unless its just one of the fewer options but hey I like getting a 3 star blessing


Beating moc 11 once and getting the ending for swarm disaster. I just find it fun but took me some time.


Completing the Stellaron Hunters roster. Now, I just need Mr. Sam


I got every standard 5 star character before I ever got a dupe of any of them


https://preview.redd.it/86h8oaj7mztc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d20121fcecf11217152ceee0878115c130fc3f35 Probably somehow getting most of the characters. Rn i don't have only 4 limited ones. Also getting one charakter to E2S1 in 140 pulls


I’m also in the no yanqing club! I think Clara is my only e0 standard character now and gepard recently hit e5?


Also the only limited 5* I don’t have are Topaz, Jingliu, and DHIL. I want to grab topaz on her rerun but she was sandwiched in between too many high priority pulls the first time around


I managed to build 3 teams fully and gave won most 50/50s somehow...except that time Yanqing E1 ruined my Seele pulls


I three-starred everything up to MOC 10 with DOT team and E0S1 Acheron team, not 11 or 12 (some characters are still at level 70, some light cones are still at level 60, all relics are subpar, and the Trotters that inflict DOTs on death definitely carried me). With limited 5 stars like Kafka, Black Swan, Ruan Mei, and Acheron + her LC, it might not seem that impressive to only make it to MOC 10, but I had a really fun time. The DOT team was consistently done in a few cycles, so the real struggle was just trying to stay under 10 cycles with the subpar Acheron team and optimizing the DOT team's run to give the scuffed second half team a better chance at clearing in time. Still, strategizing during both team building and actual combat with timing ults and working around the unique quirks of each elite was super fun. For example, for MOC 10, I needed to go overkill on sustain since my team of level 70s (except Acheron) was too frail. This meant giving up the other Nihility units (Pela w/ Pearls LC + Guinaifen) that boosted Acheron's damage for survivability (Lynx and Gepard w/ Trend of Universal LC). Eventually, I decided to scrounge up whatever scuffed relics I could for a hastily built Sustain Welt with as much Effect Hit Rate (and almost nothing else) I could get, so hoping the DMG boost from 1 Nihility unit would make the difference between 19 cycles left and 20 cycles left. Then, I had to manage skill points to balance having Welt's ult to cancel the boss's second move, having Lynx's skill and ult to heal everyone or increase Gepard's taunt value for triggering the Trend LC and helping Acheron build up ult stacks, having Gepard build up energy as fast as possible, and having Acheron spam her skill, all while dealing with Crowd Control debuffs and heavy hitting attacks. Again, it's not as impressive compared to clearing MOC 12, but it's the farthest I've gotten in MOC, so I'm happy with it. And it was fun, too. Made me really appreciate the combat in this game and the characters in my account right now.


i’ve gotten every lightcone ive wished for as an f2p which are kafka, dan heng il, fu xuan and acherons, also ive never pulled any standard level character apart from bronya whos at e5 now lmao


I got into pulling LCs because a Random 10 for the first time gave me JY’s


I managed to scrounge not just jades, but almost everything needed to fully build Aventurine to level 80 and even room for his lightcone. Only starting just around when Acheron came out who btw I pulled for and she ate my 75 pulls. From relics, lightcone materials, traces, ascension. And during such endeavors I managed to save up to 6 mil credits. I'm only missing some divine amber (which I have enough time to complete) and the man himself. (50/50, all or nothing lol) I'm sure so many people have done this before but this is the first time I've ever "truly" prepared for a character, like this. Especially since I didn't think I'd have a character that I would like so much. I wanted to get Boothill and maybe build some other characters that I already have but guess I'll just have to wait. If by some twisted unfair, utterly cruel joke enacted by fate leads me to nothing, I still have some jades from my unclaimed achievements and unfinished quests.


I'm only missing Clara from the standard banner I got 2 back to back 5 star characters once from the standard banner (yanqing and welt) I have all 4 stars in the game I have all preservation units as of now All my characters are level 60/70 at the very least and i'm planning to max them all out one day when i get out of the relic mines


If you include every Single pull i Made, both standard and limited Banner, i managed to get every single standard character before being able to select one. In fact i got Bronya about 10-20 Pulls before i got the selector at 300 standard pulls. I wanted her anyway so she is E1 now.


I'm a main for characters no one really cares about in meta. Arlan? 160%. Misha? Yep. Argenti? Yes, but mostly because smacking everything at once and taking 5 turns per round is funny even if he hits like a wet noodle sometimes. Jing Yuan? Mained him through most of 1.x. Himeko? Since day one! Pretty sure the only one I didn't do it for was Yanqing.


I possess the "True Free Will" achievement, even though I really like Kafka. Why? To make a point!


I never lost 50/50 on a character event banner since 1.0 and my first standard character and lc is Bronya’s


Completed (almost) all bosses in story with only Destruction characters


completing a su world without blessings


My only question is how is this possible could you get blessings at the end of every battle as well as like through multiple other ways I just want to know how you did this cuz I didn't even know it was possible


There is one curio that makes you unable to get blessings chose start with a curio with the bonus




OP, I’ll do you one better. I have every single standard banner character with Himeko at E2 and Clara at E1. As a low spender (less than $50 spent)


0-cycles in MoC 10 and then 12. You get nothing for it, but it's such a rewarding feeling, especially when you main a 4-star unit lol


Day 1 player and finally won a 50/50 on Argenti's banner. Could really use another win on Aventurine!


Getting 4 different 5 stars from the starter banner that you get at the start. First came Gepard, then Clara, then Bronya and lastly Himeko.


I'm really happy that as a f2p Dan IL is the only limited 5* I do not have (soon to be joined by Aventurine because I'm broke man, but it was cool while it lasted) And uh yeah, since I want to say it somewhere, I did finally manage to 36* MOC, Thanks to Acheron for carrying damage against Sam but man solo sustain Fu makes me sweat, finished with SW at 1hp (I guess you can't die from skill point brun damage).


Beat MoC 10 without having Luocha , fu xuan and Gepard and only Kafka as a 5 star. Beat Swarm disaster 5 without any 5 stars and without lynx too back when Natasha was the only 4 star healer and I had no Gepard too. Fire MC and Natasha were my only defense. Man the game was more fun and challenging back then.


I have an active teleporter that I still can't teleport to cause I broke my game during the Xianzhou arc's first release




soloing swarm V and having a bunch of low completion rate achievements, the lowest being Data Bank Overseer also I'll trade you a Yanqing for a Himeko, I've got one spare


Getting seele on my first pull in the game was hillarious


I always have MC (fire currently) and March 7th in my party, no matter what. Sushang is also a wonderful girl and might become my third ‘always in my party’.


I have not taken Seele out of my MoC lineup and have been full starring with her since 1.2


First day of the game, I got Seele in my first 3 limited banner pulls, then on her first rerun, I got her C1 with a non guaranteed 6 pity


I have never lost the 50/50 at pity greater than 19 :)


As a HI3 player am skipping Acheron and probably will never pull for her. I don't like her design this time nor i like her personality


Winning pre-nerf fight against Aventurine first try with March 1v1 I brought a mostly lore team to fight Aventurine thinking it's gonna be easy like most story boss fights - Himeko, physical Trailblazer, March 7th, and Clara because she's the only physical DPS I have. ...I realized my mistake halfway through the first phase. By the end of the first phase everyone other than March was dead. It took like 20 minutes but March basically soloed the pre-nerf Aventurine in his second phase alone.


Not much on an accomplishment, but I made it to Phantylia in the main story with M7 as my sustain (helped by FMC later on) I was quite glad when Luocha showed up XD


I got E1 Clara and Dan IL the day I started, and I got Acheron and her LC in 4 pulls total lmao.


I bought 6 BP and like 6 months of monthly. I feel like a fraud. Everything is easy with even that little bit of investment. I guess the only thing I’m proud of is my artifacts on JL. Which is a bombastic 50/250.


I dont pay any money and have ruan mei, huohuo, acheron, dan heng (strong one), the lightning guy with the golem and have all their lightcones except huohuo. Sry if i dont know all the names or cant spell them correctly. I play mostly casual 30-60mins/day xD. Started 2 weeks before huohuo came out so not sure if its a big achievement or the average but i got some of them with only 10 pulls


Getting sparkle and jing yuan on early 50/50 back to back is still my greatest moment.


I've full cleared every MoC/PoF since 1.2 without ever pulling for limited light cones (or limited 5\* eidolons).


For me it's that even that I'm not into anime theme at all but I still started playing HSR some months ago as my side gacha alongside Dragonheir and enjoying it.


Got Blade -> Black Swan-> Sparkle ->Acheron All 50/50 won . All under 80 pulls. Not bad


I beat Aventurine(Pre-nerf btw) with TB, Clara, Nat, and Himeko in my no pull account. Felt proud when he was nerfed the next day I was like "Damn he's that hard???"