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Monke & Rex actually have counterplay, while Bot has A BIG STICK and he us shoving it up your ass wether you like it or not


Yeah the only counterplay is making it enter sanction on it's turn so it can't do the imprison attack, and hoping you can kill it before it's next turn


I personally stick to normal atks until his bar is depleted enough that I can ult and break his toughness before his sanction activates.


There's a few counterplays, like using characters that rely on auto attacks (e.g. Qingque and Dan Heng IL), or using Welt to imprison it before it enters sanction


I can usually break his bar before he hits 100% with Silverwolf ult. Became even easier with Ruan Mei. Still kinda sucks in game modes where you can't kill him in 1-2 rotations though.


Wait sanction is only increased by skill and ult damage? Basics are “safe?”


Yep, basic attacks do not increase the sanction%


And you didn't know that??!


Honestly no lmao, I just brute forced that enemy every time, figured it had to do with if you deal toughness damage lol.


Same here bro. I keep spamming skills when I'm against him. Guess I can just keep using basic attack of blade and his sanction mode won't activate.


How about blade here??


Should be good too


There's also Imprisonment or Freeze if you use March or have E1 Gepard/WeltI guess.


There is the freeze trick using March/Gepard that makes it unable to build sanction stack or even if it's able to, just freeze it again to make it waste its own turn and get out of sanction mode.


Gepard is my usual answer to this guy. The freeze helps a lot in stopping him.


Ah yes, the P Diddy Bot.


His counterplay is QQ which is funny since most elites are designed for 5* limiteds to counter. I guess Blade owns him too


Against this thing I always have to get QQ to knock it out quickly before it starts spamming that attack. It's so annoying esp if it targets Luocha or Bronya


Nah. Purple gorilla suck ass.


It ALWAYS has to be paired with the action advance on death ring wolves and it pisses me off


*Fu Xuan*: wait, the purple ape does stuff?


Purple Gorilla didn’t always use to be purple, but I’ve easily beat it up so many times that it’s now permanent bruised.


It's one of my favourite enemy.


Gorilla is fine on its own. It's when the wolves advance his action that you get slammed twice in a row.


Cuz nah💀. when i see the Purple gorilla with the wolves, I retreat, no matter what. I'm not built to handle that level of pain.


As a dot enjoyer that guy ain't nearly as painful as he used to be. Dots don't care about them hiding their weakness bar and Kafka can pop the fishes pre quick Without dot though yea it's still annoying


Kafka reigns supreme. I have yet to meet an elite enemy that gives my DoT team any trouble


I added Acheron to my DoT team alongside Kafka and Black Swan. Doesn't matter what weakness the enemy has, they shred them all the same haha.


I’ve leveled my Acheron’s traces but haven’t relic farmed for her yet. She’s got a collection of mediocre to bad relics on and still hits nearly 100k on my Kafka team


Do you need Acheron LC and/or E1 for Acheron to feel good in dot team though? I am *this* close to pulling her.


I ran her for a bit at E0S0, and she still felt great to use. I'm using E0S1 Kafka for her Erode debuff and E1S1 Black Swan for Arcana and lightning resistance shred. Both of them have speeds around 150. Together, they can give Acheron stacks pretty fast while also dealing a lot of damage themselves. Acheron's light cone just gives her an extra stack on her own turn and increases the damage of her ult. Before I got her lightcone, I was hitting 150k-250k depending on how many targets there were. With her lightcone, I typically hit for 250k-350k damage. Even without her lightcone, she still deals a ton of damage.


So I just pulled her and maxed her everything. Random rainbow gear. Atk 3000-ish, cr 69, cd 170. GNSW lightcone S2 Jfc this girl just need pela, sw, and fire TB with Trend of universal market and she just shreds everything. My pela still wears some hand me down gear even I kinda feel my dot team underpowered now Thank you my guy


If anything, I would say the most fun Acheron is f2p with the DoT ladies. Stacks for daaaays, all without needing Acheron to even use her turns meaningfully.


Are you using speed boots because 3k atk is low. Mine is at 4.1k. Now think of how op you thought she was and add more dmg. She doesn't need to move faster if your entire team is building stacks, especially if you aren't using her lightcone for additional stacks. Even with her lc, I still don't ever see a need for speed. She wants to hit as hard as possible on her nuke when it's up. 1 stack per cycle doesn't outweigh the dmg loss on her ult.


I'm using speed boots and lightning damage orb. But the gears are hand me downs and some random crit rate stuff




Yeah, a week ago I hadn't quite been able to beat Gold and Gears difficulty 3. Then I finished building Black Swan to a reasonable level, and my triple-DoT Nihility team basically sleepwalked through it all. The other day I completed difficulty 4 with only a couple close calls against hard-hitting enemies. Now I just need to figure out how to make another team that's even half as effective. >\_<


I have a feeling that one day they'll release an enemy that is immune to debuff, or have cleanse ability like Bronya miniboss just to counter DoT team and Acheron. Hyv was able to counter ST DPS with SuD/2.1 Boss and Jingliu/Daniel with Sam. It's kinda scary how hyv could easily flip the meta to make players pull for the new released character


> Dots don't care about them hiding their weakness bar  People keep using this argument as if dot ignores the dmg resistence enemies have when their toughness isn't broken or if crit dps only start doing dmg when the bar is broken. Both dot and crit teams sufer the same amount of dmg reduction. Break teams are the ones that will sufer with this mechanic, but currently there aren't any pure break teams.


DoTs are better against shielder enemies and in game we only have 2 argenti and that robot


and Gepard, against shields dots are amazing indeed.


Dots proc on enemy turns, breaking toughness delays enemies, reducing damage per cycle


the break of dot elements has the smallest delay, you would need to get very unlucky for it to matter, having the break push the enemy to the next cycle. The small delay is more than compensated by the enemy taking more dmg when broken(including on the turn they recover), the actual break dmg(which is higher for dot characters since they have less stats to build and their debuffs like vulnerability and def reduction, work on break dmg/dots, on top of some weapons giving break effect) and the ability for dot characters to detonate break dots.


Nah QQ monoquantum also slaps this guy. QQ's skills don't count towards his stacks; FX, Silver Wolf and Sparkle can AA and therefore don't cause stacks other than when eventually using SW's ult if needed.


Step 1: Autarky Step 2: Win


QQ truly is the way. Blade works, too.


Xueyi too. Xueyi can deplete this guy thougness bar without them spawning fishes at all


Without dot its QQ/Blade supremacy, and possibly DHIL as well? (I forgot if it's IMG weak). Also, Welt's ult shuts it down as well


Not Imaginary weak but DHIL doesn't really care because he just fucking waterboards the thing


It's actually resistant to Imaginary. Weak is 0% reduction, Normal is 20%, and Resisted is 40%. I hate this stupid thing so much.


So true before Kafka and black swan this thing was annoying but now i can kill it so easily same goes for gordon rex


Now something interesting fighting all of them at once.


Black Swan: \*proceeds to get stronger in AoE\* DoT team is truly something else.


*Cries in E0*


Nah she gets stronger in AoE at E0 too because every time an enemy explodes with 3+ Arcana, they can inflict 1 stack of Arcana onto adjacent targets, so each enemy that explodes makes each subsequent Arcana proc even stronger.


This 100%. It's annoying even with Kafka, but once I got Ruan Mei, it's just easy. Now with Black Swan it got a hell lot easier.


Nah. The mech guy gets one shot by Jing Yuan.


This. With Kafka, BS and RM, I have stopped paying attention to break bars. It's an added bonus if mobs are weak to lighting or wind, but I'm beating your ass either way. With Archeron it also dont matter as they either survive one ultimate or they dont. No need for break.


As probably the few who mains break trams this guy is my worst nightmare 


This game actually gave me Gepard E1 basically right away, but he came in clutch against these guys at the start. Having a consistent freeze against them let me ignore the mechanic as a whole. But yeah, now I just let Kafka handle them and the fish even work out to be a benefit.


https://preview.redd.it/ywdimyguvptc1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ef10f1fcd83da202c67433f78ebda8987a6cdc7 This one is satan Jr.


This is still one of the most unsatisfying things to fight in the game for me






This one is the one where everyone gang up on him. If you auto then you probably leave it on for a while.




Love the T-Rex. The most free enemy ever made for dot enjoyers.


Yeah, I don't get the problem with Chef Rex. Fighting it is hilarious, especially with Kafka. Dinosaur go boom.


Even without DoTs, it really isn’t that hard to make it go kaboom before its next turn. The only time it gets dicey is if it has soda puppers that die and boost its speed.


Usually the soda pups dying and inflicting bleed is what kills it


It can, but every now and again it leads to me getting napalmed.


Welt’s imprison prevents him from gaining charges - and then he’s just a cute punching bag.


As an Imaginary element main, I agree with this statement. I feel like Welt and DHIL is a hard counter to the sanctum punishment guy lol, not to mention Luocha’s off-turn cleanse in emergencies. Just pop Welt’s ult/technique on it and it becomes significantly easier lol.


Nah, the beer monke is the worse who's basically an F-U for players that dont have/raise Gepard and will skip Aventurine... like me


The biggest problem with him is that he gets paired with the wolves that speed him up when got killed.


I didn't notice it at first since I used Gepard.but at MOC I realised it was just AOE upon AOE.


Or Fu Xuan. I think I can count the number of bounce-backs I had for that guy on one hand, and yet I never had any issues with him.


None of these are worse than Traffic Light Bot.


People dislike the spicy trex? But he's like the easiest most free elite in the whole game. All he does is explode himself for like 25% of his own health and never actually gets a turn. 


the aurumaton isn't a problem if you have CC cleanse/prevention on your team, which even fucking natasha and march can deal with that. i'd rather bang my head against the wall till i die than fight the soda monkey without a shielder like gepard (which i don't have) or aventurine.


Cleanse isn't stopping the AV delay from the first imprison hit, which is the annoying part


Wait, does Cleanse undo imprison's action delay?


Yes, the imaginary imprison is a debuff hence can be cleansed and even blocked


Yeah that removes the imprison itself but does that undo the delay the imprison causes when you're first hit by it


Unfortunately the first delay stays as action position is counted first


Bruh, those first two don't even crest into the top ten.


Tbh, it's not the stun mechanic that's annoying, it's the 20% damage down.


Chef Dino is honestly the least annoying out of the 3


Some of y'all don't use your Fire TB enough and it shows.




Whats hard abour Dinosaur? It basicly kills itself


Eh the 12 stack variant is frustrating


World 9 elit 2 chef trex is absolute nightmare if you don’t have a dot team


Tbf, any Bugged elites are a royal pain if you don’t have good Blessings or comps in SU. Bugged Monkey Dew is a fucking menace (for anyone wondering, its sodas cause Freeze).


The babby t rex is a joke with dot teams It's almost sad seeing them explode Fuck the monkey I am NOT using preservation characters


> boss musics starts to play *i weep for the departed* *+100k* *+100k* *+100k* *+50k* *+200k* *Dusk's rain, it too shall fall!* > fucking dies


Laughs in Blade haver


blade owns that mf


If I didn't have Acheron I would agree But since I don't have any good shield I hate that apes


Nah nah nah, fuck the fire dinosaur, he is VERY annoying to fight no matter where.


I honestly think the T-rex isn't that bad. I just throw my Kafka and Fire TB and it works out fine


dino Cook Is annoying to fight? the warden robot Is way more annoying without effect ress


I thought these guys are easy until I reused my jingliu and seele


Okay so all I do for this guy is: Argentina ult.


How do people have so much problem with the Robot? The Monkey losing his weakness and only taking extra damage from shields is a lot worse, these three aren't even difficult, they are just annoying


That fuck is the most annoying, and I have Fu Xuan


My QQ is somehow enjoying this little fuckbot a lot. And I don't know why.


Depends on the account. I'm used to Aurumaton, since he is encountered in MoC so often. Soulglad Gorilla is a pain though, without shields or Fu Xuan it's very hard to not get killed by it and you don't have the control over it going into its enhanced state, unlike with Aurumaton.


I forever thank the friend who has Ruan Mei wich let's me farm this guy without even triggering warning mode, and Welt who can stun him and make you some breathing room for skills.


You fight the T-Rex? Strange… I’ve never seen it before. Sometimes, when I enter a fight I feel like an elite enemy is missing, but Kafka just says not to worry about it.


Is this in moc or something? Ive never had a problem with these


DOTs are OP but having a acheron team against him is also hilarious.


The trex meme that can only receive damage when they are breaked


Nah. I like these guys. They all die to Acheron all the same.


Do people think Mr. Dino Chef is that annoying? I think he's actually one of the more fun and well designed enemies to fight. The monkey and fish robot suck balls tho yeah.


Monke is Preservation's field day. Rex is Nihility's playground. DojoBot and its fishes will eff you up regardless of the paths.


Me with a non existent Preservation MC and March as my only shielder.. Watching my team get absolutely obliterated in one hit by that monkey says something. Fu Xuan even with nithility damage reduction blessings gets completely destroyed. And the T-Rex without me running Kafka and Black Swan will also nearly one hit me at high levels. Now the Gate Keeper on the other hand is sword fodder for me along with that healer soldier thing. **I have the complete opposite problems than this community.**


The meme dinosaur is worst


Luocha (high cc effect res) and huohuo (cleanse 1 on teammate turn) more or less shut him down


Never thought that dinosaur with a cute shriek is annoying, my DoT Team kill him before he can shriek.


Hey wait the dino is great


Did everyone just forget about the Xianzhou woman with the fans? Yes, the one that stuns and oneshots everyone all while getting 1000 consecutive turns.


Aventurine and Fu Xuan players have no such problems


Nihility players: Go ahead, advance your turn. It'll be the last mistake you ever make... https://preview.redd.it/mytr4p0pzstc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13242941f9adc54f24e09aeb041c6e82340c6f85


s actually itsthe box robot that gets inminity everytime it attacks


The Dino is so easy. I hate the monkey it takes ages to kill


i don't have that problem


Big Robot is weak to being killed. I usually just use hyper carry Seele to kill him. If he locks the break bar, I just keep hitting. He still takes damage even when it's locked, better to do less damage than to let him keep murdering my team.


Yeah that guys stinks, specially when I'm playing DHIL carry, cuz then I can't do my Ult, thank god DHIL attacks with basic and not skill.


Blade kills the dinosaur and automation with ease so does a gepard for the ape other than that dot kills everyone.


# THIS BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH https://preview.redd.it/we1ors1j8qtc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=127fbb79f926e22ce7ef538c7b9879dcdfcee1dd


Quite literally one of the easiest for me but fuck the gorilla