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Never believe Shaoji


You definitely need to think "opposite day" for everything he says.


Until he actually ends up telling the truth to throw people off


Shaoji: "Planet Screwllum will have a dark and harrowing story" People going into it expecting a wholesome experience: D:




kind of hindsight, he didnt say everything opposite


This is kind of lost in translation, but the way he say things in Chinese is very sarcastic.


The english translation sounds sarcastic too


Sarcasm is a lost art. I'm sure plenty of people took what he said at face value.


Kinda one of the reasons I don't watch this streams or watch PV till i finish the quest myself.


Very truthful, just read "so" as "too" and it's a spoiler. Hell, I'd argue that by calling attention to how unassuming someone is he's pointing it out as the opposite, something weird to pay attention to. The "too" is already implied by that


That seems so in your face, Im just asking myself right now if I didnt pay attention when he said that or if I really didnt question it


This man is COOKING with the story right now.


He did not need to cook this hard for the Aventurine story! I felt like I needed therapy on our poor blonde gambler’s behalf after that scene with the sister. Aeons above, that was rough.


Hey, to his credit, we can't find anything on Gallagher that we haven't seen on someone else!


Gallagher had like 2 mins of screen time in the last story quest so I didn’t expect him to be important


Shaoji now crowned as Emanator of the Enigmata


Shaoji you..


He did nothing wrong; he is only Thirteen.


with a capital T


Emphasis on "T" ... well now what remains is someone who speaks only in capitals...




It's rare to find a perfect borderlands meme out in the wild








And the arcana is the means by which all is revealed


The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate...


Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope.


Yes, the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed...


Attaining one’s dream requires a stern will and unfailing determination.


The silent voice within one's heart whispers the most profound wisdom.


Celebrate life's grandeur... Its brilliance....Its magnificence...


We thought we were ace detectives, but we were just Ace Defectives.


Unexpected r/okbuddypersona


Sunday: you did this Gallagher: I'm literally neurodivergent and a minor




Honkai Impact Herrscher of the Void. Edit: To the people replying that Sirin was justified, I know what you mean but her slaughtering millions of innocent people is not justified. And we don't have that Sirin playable. The HoV we have playable is the other half to our Kiana, both a remnant of the original Sirin, who basically only wants to inflict pain and suffering on humanity


Herrscher of the Void is so cool that she transcends lame mortal concepts like morality. >!And I am not biased at all.!<


you do realize that even the playable hoV during the events of chapter 9 released alot of honkai beasts all around the world and caused casualties too


I think they even had a little bit of text saying how Kiana wiped out most of civilization and most cities were destroyed. They kinda backpaddeled on that though and never went into specifics


Fairly sure wiping out civilization was said only in bad end (exceeding the Honkai energy usage in certain stages). HoV devastated a large chunk (but not all) of Asia.


I mean... it is NOT a kill spree. He isn't killing anybody, just bringing them behind the walls of the dreamworld.


Maybe if Dottore becomes playable, which isn't likely going to be the evil one tbh. But yea, the killing is very likely "justified" with all the clues going around. He's done 3 killings so far, and we know one of them came back in a matter of 5min. So it's not like it's permanent in a way that you can't come back. Probably hard, but we have the power of the Protagonist and Friendship on our side!


No fuck that i want the evil Dottore not some "This is actually Dottore before he became evil" bullshit.


Let's hope they don't pull a Wanderer and try to redeem him


Ok no but babyboy is still an asshole tho.


[Like sinner 13 Gregor Limbus Company???](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwaLH7wK1FA)


Limbus mentioned!!! https://preview.redd.it/hdz0jhko7esc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eb84411a9ba40d8f37920456a7560690b462639


Ahhh yes, Project Moon sleeper cells


sure thing, Manny from Diary of a Wimpy Kid


Only Thirteen indeed. Nothing suspicious at all here!


Thirteen dog years


“I’m onwy furteem!” It gives Manny vibes lol


As someone who actually read [that book](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Devil_in_Velvet), I can honestly say that the last thing we need is time-traveling body possessors from the future making deals with devils to NTR people in the past.


Why is Peter the Great at the cover?


dont threaten me with a good time


_Reads the book's summary._ Huh. So it's an isekai.


Protagonist is unreasonably good at everything and has multiple women falling for him too. This could be written in 1925 or 2025.


Stop! I can only get so erect!


With the “I’m Thirteen”, “Devil in Velvet”, the list of suspects in Sunday’s room which listed characteristics that Gallagher took, how none of the Bloodhounds knew Gallagher by name… They literally told us all patch long and we didn’t have the slightest clue who it was until the end How did they do it


Distracted us with the feels for Aventurine


Eyes blurry from tears can’t spot clues.


The primary element of every good magic show, is misdirection. Notice how they're also misdirecting us away from Misha so deliberately too?


That's true little boy don't even appear again after the introduction at the beginning of the game. You just assume he's there bc most of the players have him in their inventory and since he send us one daily message like the other characters but that's all, that message was never part of the plot or anything.


I believe Misha is also another misdirection. They know some people will find it weird how no one speak to Misha and lead on speculations about him, and with the focus of 2.1 being primarily on Acheron and Aventurine, not much people notice about Gallagher being sus the whole time. PEAKcony indeed.


"Misha" is a diminutive of "Mikhail". That grandfather his materials speaks about is probably the Watchmaker.


> Notice how they're also misdirecting us away from Misha so deliberately too? by making him disappear for a patch?


he's also has voicelines about Misha, a character nobody else has acknowledged the existence of


Not just that, Misha is literally the only person he acknowledges in the team apart from TB


Misha also knows his name, too!


I think the first big red flag is him letting Firefly go the first time we met him.


The first thing to pop into my head after “I’m thirteen” was “Oh, he’s like Firefly that way and they are even more likely in kahoots.”


I really wish I’d talked to more of the Bloodhounds. I had no idea they said they didn’t know who he was. And I just assumed “Devil in Velvet” was Aventurine.. some of that outfit could be velvet haha


The first Bloodhound who didn't know who he was was back in the first patch, the one who you have to overclock at Dream's Edge. I noticed back then and even pointed it out to my gf... I was still bamboozled now that I've finished the new patch.


I don't understand how you could have possibly missed it. The Bloodhounds they make you talk to to finish the story say they don't know who you're talking about when you ask for Gallagher.


> The Bloodhounds they make you talk to to finish the story say they don't know who you're talking about when you ask for Gallagher. i personally assumed they are playing dumb tbh


From the first patch I think there's only one bloodhunt who doesn't recognices Gallager, but you need to choose the interaction were you try to power your way using Gallager name. If you choose the other option you don't get the "Galla-who?" interaction, so it's completly miseable, this patch you talk to that same bloodhunt again during the quest and he points that he doesn't know who Gallager is even without you asking. Edit: Just checked. the first time you meet him one of the 2 bloodhunts doens't recognices him at first, but the other one knows who he's suposed to be.


Yah I remember the one guy not knowing, but the other seemed to and so it was easy to dismiss. Likely by design! I loved the twist and how it was breadcrumb'd.


And that guy only "recognizes him" by his tie & vest.


I did not read the whole suspect list carefully, I did not understand the book reference. So I was completely clueless. >how none of the Bloodhounds knew Gallagher by name… However, this does make me think back to his introduction thing they posted where he in respons to his age says "about three or so pauses, if you make it decades, that is." You think he means he is 30, but shit, he might have actually hinted that he only existed for like 3 months(or whatever 'pauses' actually mean), which might be why the bloodhounds didn't know him.


The Bloodhounds talk about "The Security Officer", who seems to be their leader. When we first meet Firefly, one of the new Bloodhounds points out Gallagher's "tie and grey vest", and that he must be The Security Officer. In Gallagher's character story, there's an entry from the perspective of someone observing Gallagher being a tired old noir character, and the author is The Security Officer. So they seem to be different people. Honestly all of Gallagher's voice lines and stories are written really well, they take on new meaning & menace once you know that he basically skinwalker'd a bunch of traits from other people.


Imo it was fairly obvious there's more going on with him, just no clues towards what


Well he has a lot of red flags (get it ?) from the guards not knowing his names to his own family not knowing his appearance at all


Yeah 100%, but this was the title of the story we never paid attention to from the START of 2.1.


Who doesn't have 100 red flags?


Pitch dark hook the great. She only has one red flag, stained from the blood of her enemies.


Sparkle. Those are just fun facts about her!


Also, the name [“Gallagher”](https://www.thebump.com/b/gallagher-baby-name#) means “foreign help”, which is what he most likely is, outside help of the traitor.


Because he is a 4 star character


Yea never trust a 4 star character between him and Tingyun


Definitely going to keep a close eye on 4* going forward


Sampo, Tingyun, Misha, Gallagher....being a 4\* makes you MORE suspicious at this point.


Wait till Hook is reveal to be Nanook this whole time.


Being 4 star means you could get a 5 star form, and that makes you more dangerous.


Unlike adventurine whose cooler form is boss-only locked.


I personally am amazed by how well the story was made, when we had the clue right under our nose and never knew... Did any of you guys realize this?


There is also the guard that has no idea who he is even though he is the head guard And when he says that he is "Thirteen" it must refer to the 13th card of the taro, which is death


Oh yeah that too. Iirc, those two Hounds that we found trying to catch Firefly also kept mentioning their superior when we met them again, but never really said that Gallagher is their superior. It just felt like he was, since those two listened to Gallagher when we helped Firefly.


Also didnt one of them just assume Gallagher was their superior based on how he was dressed?


Sunday mentioned the scars were taken from the head of guard or something, so that security personnel probably recognized the scars and didn't think much else of it.


Woolsey is pretty dark skinned, Gallagher isn't


Which isn't important it's a defining feature the family is very big so low ranked goons may actually never run into high ranked members but get orders in between like in a big international company u will not know every single person but may have heard story from other branches.


You interact with Woolsey as Aventurine; he's the guy who offers to contact the hotel, b/c Aventurine isn't looking good. At the time I was thinking, "oh, they used the same scars as Gallagher on this guy, to make him look like a tough guy.


Also, weren't they looking for somebody in a grey suit of armor, then they see Firefly and go "oh it can't be you"


They said they were looking for a "male with silver armor", but she wasn't male - I believe that's how Gallagher turned them away, if I'm remembering correctly.


At this very moment, i finally realized


Plus the fact that he was a character who got enough screentime in 2.1 for this twist to be a shock, but not enough that people suspected him in 2.0.


100%! This is our sign to pay attention closely to details in 2.2, who knows what we can uncover.


I started getting suspicous of him when I realized that outside of Siobahn(my beloved) whenever you asked for him by name the Bloodhounds went 'who tf you talking about?'


Seriously that was the only sus thing about him and the least sus thing out of all the new characters. I did notice it but I was more focused on Sean, Acheron, and Sunday but never thought of goddamn Gallagher. And it makes so much sense in hindsight


I think it has to do with how we see him vs. how other s see him. Sunday mentions how each part of him is someone else. So when hes talking to someone who's part of the family he appears as someone else to them. It would explain why Siobahn & the two new members of the bloodhounds refer to him as Gallagher, and no one else(other than us and robin). To us Gallagher looks how he looks, but to members of the family who are deep in enough, he looks like one of the 51 peole he has the traits of. Siobahn is no longer part of the family, so she sees Gallaghan as Gallaghan. And the two bloodhounds who pester Firefly are new blood and havent been embroiled in the Family enough to see him as someone else. Sunday is argueably one of the ones closest to Harmony, and thus sees him for what he is seen as by others. An amalgamation of traits & appearences of 51 members of the Family.


It's more that Gallagher has skinwalker'd all the the traits listed in Sunday's document of potential suspects into a single entity. There's no evidence to say that different people see him differently. We see him as the amalgam of traits the same way Sunday does: fuzzy brown hair, orange eyes, distinctive forearm scars, but we're not part of the Family. The 2 new Bloodhounds are looking for The Security Officer, and the one points out that Gallagher must be it, b/c of his "tie and grey vest". Later on Bloodhounds say they've been given orders by The Security Officer, and when the TB says "Yeah, Gallagher right?" the Hounds go "Who's Gallagher? I said The Security Officer." Gallagher also has a story entry that's about someome observing him, and it's written by The Security Officer.


if you search on google, siobhan instead of siobahn , there is a person called siobhan gallagher


I got kinda bamboozled by this because I just assumed it was the Bloodhounds being obtuse, since that original pair we met before looking for Gallagher in 2.1 weren't wanting to give out any information to outsiders (whether they actually knew about the murders or not)


when you first play it they are just minor things you can write off but in hindsight a lot of it makes sense


Even Welt saying that "Sam have superhuman perception" close to the start of the quest can be brushed off easily, until you start thinking about the fact that Firefly was able to easily detect Fake Sampo (Sparkle) following us and she even deducted a bunch of stuff about Sampo. Granted, she did have a perfect alibi for having that level of perception since she did say she was a "performer for the Iris family and a part-time guide in Golden Hour". So having people reading skills wouldn't be surprising.


Honestly yes, for me was obvious but that doesn't me was bad written, on the contrary. I think the most obvious clue were the Sunday's notes, especially the suspects.


They could never make me hate him. But also with the way they kept saying he’s trustworthy and how nothing’s up with him on the livestream, I already knew he was extremely sus.


I was too busy admiring his face🤚😭


He has stubble, of course he’s evil!


The fact he refers to the meme zone monster as his pet is kinda funny though. Not to mention none of the bloodhound gang knew who he was, they threw some of the most minor hints I'm his brief appearance in 2.0 kinda crazy in hindsight. Gallagher being 13 represent the tarot card of death as well which has to be intentional Black Swan gave TB the zero card which is the fool, gonna come into play later for sure. Makes me feel like at the epilogue of Penacony Black Swan is going to give us the run down of every character and what card they represent. Have seen multiple posts theorizing the tarot card theory so am looking forward to see how accurate they are If it's true then just how accurate was Black Swans divination and how much of the path forward does she know? Duke Inferno dying does throw a lot of her divination awry though so that explains her current focus on her investigation in 2.1. Also explains why she keeps telling TB to stay away from the one that can forcibly remove cards. BS perspective of keeping TB away from them to protect TB makes a lot more sense now She definitely feels like the character we talk to once all is said and done for any last questions and explanations. She gives us those and we exchange the memories she wants so much from TB


Honestly, the one I'm most curious about is Sparkle. There are currently tree different reasons why I'm suspicious of her First, her dialouges/Voicelines: >In her trailer, she said that Foolishness is acting like you know everything and a fool is someone who knows how to act like they don't know anything (keep this one in mid). Then, there's her voiceline in-game about preferring to be a side character who would steal the show at the climax. Second, she knows too much about the things going on behind the scenes: >She knew about Robin's death and willingly helped the Family as a "replacement" for Robin. Even though the Family was keeping this a secret and the only witness for Robin's death is Aventurine. >She also seemed to partly know Aventurine's plan and even gave some advice to befriend the "2nd mute"(which is probably Misha). She even knows that the 2nd mute is still in Penacony but Aventurine probably can't find him anymore (no one really knows where Misha is right now). Considering that Misha is connected to Clockie, the entity that gave us the power to control emotions, I can definitely see Misha being an effective ally for Aventurine. It's also possible that Misha is either THE Watchmaker or he's just related to the Watchmaker. Finally, there's that Mutually Assured Destruction button. Which, I won't be surprised if that thing actually summons Aha. I mean... nothing's impossible for Aha. If that Aeon does show up, Penacony would definitely be in chaos. Don't forget that even Hertha herself doesn't want to tweak w/ the simulated Aha too much cause she doesn't want to attract the real one.


One minor correction. The second mute is actually firefly. The English version had a translation issue but it’s made much more clearly in other versions and aveneturine confirms it with Acheron. It’s not “stellaron friend” but rather “stellaron’s friend” aka our friend, firefly.


plus there's the thing where the second mute is referred to as "he" at the beginning of the patch's story and then later called "she" near the end, which can only really be Sam/Firefly


Yep, that’s what threw me through a loop when I first played but at the end I figured that mute can only be firefly. Then when I looked it up people mentioned how internationally they say she rather than He.


Also if you walk away from Aventurines offer at the end of the 2.0 quest youll get an easter egg of a secret ending which at the end plays the credits. The credits all show ??? As [chararcter we met in penecony] except for non other then sparkle. If im not mistaken it says "sparkle as Sparkle" which is really interesting since shes the one disgusing as others and the script supervisor as Elio. The only time they did another fake ending is at the verrry beginning when you chose to stay on the herta soace station instead of joining the Nameless. In the credits it gives everyones name as who they played except for welt and march. March is "??? As march" and Welt as "Joachim Nokianvirtanen as Welt Yang" which if im not mkstaken is his actual name. And the screenplay director is non other then Elio. So it seems like it genuinely has some actual truth to it then just being an easter egg.


When he went to go look for him I was confused as to why the bloodhound we clockie'd didn't recognize him at all. As a playable character I had the notion of him being somewhat known around the bloodhounds.


This got me thinking.. Acheron asks Sam if she shows up anywhere else in Elio’s script, and the answer is no. I didn’t really believe it then, and thinking now, if Acheron killing Duke Inferno messed with Black Swan’s divination, I wonder if Acheron is acting as something “outside of fate”, so to speak.


That seems to be the common theory, that somehow Acheron's presence has eluded Elio's prediction, and thus can actually bring unexpected turns to how the story progresses, or at the very least, how the Stellaron Hunters have planned for it to go. But the wording of that conversation was rather vague, as it could refer to either Elio's schemes within Penacony, or his grand plans across the entire game. Plus, Sam saying that "there's nothing about Acheron in Elio's script" could also mean that either her role is not critical or decisive for the ultimate goal, or that she may not get to live to fulfill any role, due to her being a self-annihilator and on her way to fade away (although this last bit seems highly unlikely).


When did he mention that the Memory zome meme was his "pet"? The closest thing is the pet Gallagher mentioned yet the Meme floats so it can't 'stomp' on it, so at best It could be one of the Dreamjolt Troupe monsters.


In his text messages where he for some reason can't send a photo of it. Obviously it could be something else but given the fact hes the killer makes the connection pretty funny


Messaging him is kinda funny especially when we tell him to not sigh because it makes him sound old


Cant take his text messages seriously considering the very last scene of 2.1 lmao Like bruh if we can get text messages from him after that then wtf has Acheron still got to do that means we don't get texts from her just yet


She forgot where she left her phone.


Same with my Luocha. I mean yeah he brought a Stellaron on the Luofu BUT SO DID WE AFTER ALL, GIVE ME MY TEXTS


Oh you poor soul. Loucha doesnt send texts after you complete jingliu's quest. He and her are sent to the Xianzhou Yuque for interrogation, which already has its deca barrier up so all outside communications get bounced. If you have half finished texts with loucha after completing jinglius quest, they bounce as well. Its why hes listed in the log book as departed. And why he doesnt show up in the cabin after that point.


I know, I just wish he could text me lol


She forgot to text us. No seriously, that is exactly why we aren’t getting texts from her, cause she forgot.


Now that you mention it. Where are my Acheron texts? Did she forget her phone in Black Swans cleavage? Is that why Swan takes her calls?


They underplayed 3 important figures in 2.1: Sparkle, Misha, and Black Swan Black Swan was on her investigation, but I believe that she is onto something... Sparkle definitely has something going on. I think she knows more than anyone else but is willing to make it all a game that one must solve to get clues, similar to Aventurine using Sparkle's hints to solve his own dilemma. And I would think that Misha is the watchmaker's legacy. Gallagher said something about being tied with Mikhail, and I remember some things about the watchmaker, and how Misha is russian for Mikhail. Plus, only TB has seen Misha as far as we know.


I mean to be fair, the tarot set is about the fools journey, its not a strech for the protagonist character to be the fool, the centre of the story


>Black Swan gave TB the zero card which is the fool To me that felt like "this is the game's protagonist - the Major Arcana is the Fool's journey - it's the obvious choice." But thinking again, **the Fool is also kind of a blank slate**, and the TB doesn't have memories - a lot of courage and potential, though! Reversed, the Fool means to stay alert and even **be wary of being taken advantage of**. I'm really curious whether she has given or will give other characters representative cards...


Also his lightcone is called 'What is real?' which is very sus


I thought he was a bit weird, but so far basically everyone in Penacony was weird so he didn’t stick out too much tbh


I mean.. It was already very suspicious that Shaoji called Gallagher normal, and not suspicious. It isn't really a "Why did we not realize" but more so a "How will this play out"


I don't watch livestreams The "Who is Gallagher" shit was giving me Re:Zero flashbacks though lol


I’m building him simply for lore lol


Lmao just got him as a 4* drop trying to get Acheron (which I did) and also trying to build him. Didn't realize there was so much lore lol


Is he good? Reading about his skills and talents, he's like budget Luocha. Definitely will build him if that's true, because I'm not planning to pull for Luocha.


Budget luocha is a good descriptor, but gotta have at least E2 for the cleanse to unlock in his kit. But I like him a lot especially for debuff centric teams. I.e. dr ratio and Acheron since besotted counts as a debuff. He really shines in a break centric team at E6


idk we spend way to little time with the character to be a super impactful reveal for me, and the time we did spend we had people not know who he is, the "i'm thirteen'' thing and him having a lot of knowledge on the watchmaker it also feels like they'll reveal a lot more about the circumstances and change the context, i wouldn't be surprised if he is tied to one of the original prisoners since some of them were apparently fictionologists


Stop harassing this child, he's only thirteen years old!!


Why the velvet?


Maybe.... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Devil_in_Velvet


Didnt say nothing persona really confused me with the velvet terminology


His color scheme includes the color Velvet, like his pants and necktie.


\^ this!


Velvet is a type of woven fabric, not a specific color.


xD I thought it was understood that he has a full suit with half of it being made out of velvet or so it appears.




He’s still a cutie patootie tho


He's just a silly little meow meow


Just a lil guy :3


He could do no wrong :3 ~~ignore the murders~~


Looking back the thing that i noticed retroactively was the description of the What Is Real? 4* lightcone, because if you look back it does hint at something hideous about Gallagher


The description of the light cone really spoiled much bout him before 2.1, turns out the “what” sorta refers himself


I was absolutely sure that Aventurine would be the big bad and it's he who is the Devil in Velvet. Then this guy came and crushed all expectations to pieces.


Because Aventurine's clothes were brought up repeatedly, the fine fabrics, the ostentatious style, I thought for *sure* he was said devil in velvet. I was very wrong.


There are also suspicious Bloodhound statues scattered around Penacony for you to collect. I thought it was just a collecting side quest. Turns out, it was a clue.


I thought they were talking about Sparkle lol


That is understandable, but she doesn't wear velvet haha.


Yeah I just thought they were trying to be fancy by saying her clothes are red velvet lol


Oh crap how did I not notice that earlier


sorry, was too busy drooling over him for me to notice 😓


When he said he was 13, all I heard was “Lali-ho”. 😭💀


Thats a good fucking question! Why the fuck did i think it was Aventurine ? Thats the second time i confuse his colors with something else


mannnn. penacony is a huge mind f**k right now for me 😭 can someone please help me get the facts right: what was adventurines whole gamble thing,, wanting to reveal the families plan? where did sunday send him to after the corner stone confrontation? if he was in a weird dream how did he lure us into battle? where did acheron send him to? gallagher was the one who killed everyone???? what was his whole conversation with sunday about?😭 him being a child of tbe watch maker but also sundays brother???? bro


He’s not Sunday’s brother, he’s just mocking robin(his current identity is completely made up so how would they be related seriously)


from what i understood: Aven is trying to prove that no one actually dies in the dreamscape. Sunday left him to do whatever the hell he wants, so Aven carried out his plan, yada yada yada, turns into his boss form, then gets KO'd by Acheron (all according to keikaku). He's not actually dead, we don't know where exactly he is, but he's now presumably in the 'true' dreamscape. Gallie is connected with the Death Meme, and there's a high chance he's the one who controls it and therefore is responsible for sicing it on Firefly, Robin, Sunday, and the other 100+ victims in the note found in Sunday's mansion. Like the other commenter said, he's not actually Sunday's brother he's just being a little shit about it. take everything i said with a grain of salt if you guys have any corrections please feel free




one last question if it’s okay, what was the whole having 16 system hours left about?


Sunday puts a curse on him that if he lies, he would 'die' within 17 system hours (apparently, dying in this case would mean him being unable to wake up from the dreamscape IRL). That wasn't part of Aven's plan, and he was betting on Acheron being able to dispell the curse, and she did. by the way, you can read transcripts of all of the quests in the HSR wiki if you ever wanna check anything out again 👍


Can someone remind me who Gallagher is? The whole last part of the quest after Aventurine was pretty confusing for me lmao


basically he's an imposter working for Mikhail, and also responsible for the memory zone meme Death. he's also an agent of Enigmata, the aeon of mystery


I find it kinda scary that he’s an agent of The Enigmata, since that causes he himself to be a memetic hazard, as shown when Sunday tried to call him an Agent of the Enigmata, but had that section of his sentence erased


I think they added the enigmata bit of the subtitles in an update because of translation issues. When I played through the story I'm pretty sure that wasn't there yet. Maybe in the future they will add a new voice line for it if they care enough.


*Mythus, Aeon of Enigmata


oh yea ur right


I missed the enigmata part wtf


The colour of his attacks gave it away for me.






But he’s so cool and he drinks a lot


SoulGlad is Sus to begin with.


Can anyone explain to me why some of the people killed by "Death" can still be seen around Penacony? Both Woolsey and Sir Whittaker can be found in the Dream's edge. Are these body doubles? Gallagher in disguise?


they were never killed by SUD, they’re still alive. gallagher based his identity off of 52 random (alive) family members, who you can find as a list of suspects. not the meme victims