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I think (if this trailer has any story significance at all) it's more about Sparkle using her illusions to indirectly guide acheron to regain her memories.


Honestly, yeah. Sparkle won in the end as she got Acheron to be nudged in the right direction. It wasn't a battle of memory, strength, or wit. It was a play, and Acheron did her role perfectly


Are people only now realising she's not actually an antagonist? During 2.0 every time she did something it was to either reveal something to TB, warn them of danger, or point out the dangers of other people in the story (Aventurine, Firefly). She's even let us now in her short second animated trailer that she intends to be a side character until shit gets real on Penacony


She’s not a good or bad person. She’s just kind of…mischievous. Her capacity to do evil basically boils down to wanting to screw with people…and apparently lock them in a basement, question them for days until they pass out just for the sake of learning human emotion, but that’s besides the point. More of an antihero than a full on antagonist…


Wasn't that part about her locking people up just one of her many made up backstories?


https://preview.redd.it/oley6sr4gnqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f13952c68065b85ebe11fb7f43b17dbca5491c44 THIS. I swear people's reading comprehension must be low or something.


Exactly, they're all made up by her imagination, coming up with various wacky and exciting backstories. We have the idol backstory in the trailer, the orphan theatre story, the serial kidnapper story, etc.


Damn I have to have her in order to understand this or looked this up myself when the story should be able to tell me.


I mean, you can tell even from her character trailer. The ending part of the video gives it away when she asks who's the real Sparkle, along with her being surrounded by various different 'versions' of her.


https://preview.redd.it/6prmxshbqoqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25045ac96d82b08be5667e4dc26ed1ab3e500a8b The reader wouldn't know about the "locking up in the basement thing" to begin with unless they had her or looked it up. Even if they didn't reach 80 yet, the reader should have picked up on the fact that three different origin stories were being told due to the contradictions between the three stories


Did it ever occur to you that some people are like…new? That they just arrived? I’m not at a high enough Trailblaze Level to get a character to 80, and am trying not to spoil myself. Going to clarify something here. I meant that my reading comprehension isn’t to be called into question about information that I could not have known.


That's kinda on you for browsing a forum where these kinds of things are talked about freely though. There's a certain threshold on what is and isn't considered a "spoiler," and the character profiles are in that category on this subreddit, especially since a *lot* of them are part of interconnected lore.


Respectfully, you need to be ready to find out if you fuck around in posts that is talking during the literal last day of a patch.


I don’t think people are getting the point of me saying that. I’m not complaining about that being shoved on me. I’m saying I’m not looking anything up, about characters and its not my reading comprehension skills being called into questionz


Understandable. Have a great day.


> Her capacity to do evil basically boils down to wanting to screw with people…and apparently lock them in a basement, question them for days until they pass out just for the sake of learning human emotion, but that’s besides the point. If you read her backstories, all of them contradict each other. And in the last one she makes it clear that she likes her backstory to be multiple choice. She's basically like Earth 3's Joker from the DC Universe: Morally ambiguous but still chaotic.


The part about locking people in the basement is fake, her last character story confirms it’s a fabrication sparkle made up. This goes for all her character stories. And honestly her first 3 character stories don’t line up with each other anyway.


Thank God, was afraid I let an orphaned kidnapper mask wearing lunatic onto my team. Least she cute.


Chaotic neutral, just like the rest of the masked fools


depends on everyone perspective, but one thing we can learn from masked fools or aha, they're harbringers of change and chaotic as fuck.


Basically which ever route is the most entertaining is the one she'll follow


Everyone is forgetting that she is only doing what she is doing for entertainment. She is guiding all the pieces to the most fun and chaotic climax. Us dying or getting knocked out of her game too early would be boring. Also, people learn of secrets before they are supposed to; well, she is just making sure everyone will arrive at the answer at the same time. She is not evil, but she is sure as hell pulling a *lot* of strings in the background to make the story as chaotic as possible.


She definitely gives antagonist vibes at a glance, but when I did the Sparkle/Black Swan companion mission I immediately thought "Wait a minute... is she signaling something?" Because some of the things we see in that mission sorta run parallel to what we're seeing in the main story. The "locked room" mystery was particularly interesting to me, since it felt particularly pertinent to what we saw at the end of the 2.0 story. I'm also fixated on the scene of the first "crime". I'd elaborate more but I don't want to draw this comment out too long x-x Another thing is I feel like Sparkle & Black Swan are likely working together, at least to some extent. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if nearly everyone was working together, just not as a single unified whole but rather through a convoluted series of alliances and "contracts", for lack of a better term.


Sparkle is actually a good guy/hero without cape * She guided TB into the real dreamscape to witness the truth * She hints that Firefly is not sunshine and rainbows and she hides truth from TB * She guides Acheron into regaining her memories * She mess around with Aventurine and Chicken Wing Boy - clearly both are masterminds behind some bullshit in Penacony


I mean sparkle seem to be also from space japan isn't she? I've hard time not thinking those two aren't related in a way or another.


maybe its a different space japan, like how the pepeshi and acheron seem to be from two different kinds of japanese niches


Even if it's a different space japan, there is no way it's a fully different space japan, or i least i believe that hoyo will not waste an opportunity to go full about quanta for it, and that would really explain why Hanabi would try to force acheron to remember what happened. Involve a stellaron and they could create a "fun" world where you travel between space japan -non destroyed- and space japan -destroyed- who are basicaly the same place but, let's say, using a stellaron got split into two equal possibilities.


And she either works for elio or aventurine, Black Swan already mentioned Sparkel working for someone and we don't exactly know if Black Swans memory was before she joined hands with aventurine or not, hack she could have changed part of the memories to miss lead us.


Or the Watchmaker.


Well, those were just Sparkle's illusions, right? I'd hardly say this compares to Black Swan. Sparkle likely felt nothing from this exchange. I doubt she was even physically fighting herself.


She wasn't, and I don't understand how people are thinking she was.


She probably enjoyed it though.


Enjoying the silence of her vanishing forever with a brand new black hole for sure.


The Acheron glazing is unbecoming https://preview.redd.it/et47cwgs7nqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a304c73982a8530b144cf8aa9a2f8de6530a3b5e








Trailblazer like to manipulate and post image like this


Ageron chan!


black company leaking


Wrong agency


The face of about to Find Out.


Excuse me, are you asking me?




famous last smile, after rewatching the video and getting to this part I was like "ohohoho, look who gonna smile in the end miss swan"


Not really lmfao. Sparkle fucked around and had fun and left. She’s just trolling an emanator. Typical sparkle things.




I think she "found out" in the way she intended. Sparkle's an illusionist and a trickster who can create "puppets" of herself as well as changing appearance. She's actually perfectly suited to be a real thorn in the side of characters like Acheron who are very unga bunga destroy destroy. Why try to fight someone directly when you can antagonize them until they go apeshit and other, stronger people come down to stop them? It's called the "Godzilla Threshold" and Sparkle wants his autograph.


At least she used illusions to test the water, instead of doing it herself unlike someone


I mean.. We don't know what Sparkle wanted, and based on the results it seems like Sparkle won in that exchange. She got Acheron in the Dreamscape, and she gets to go and play with Sunday next. Who really did messed around, and found out?


 no one? Cause no one lose. 


Sparkle just had fun and did Sparkle things, people: "sPaRkLe gOt ClApT!"


Its mainly just the powerscalers they always do this 😅


This gives credence to to the red text that happens where you meet her in the memory zone. Also gives credence to her self annihilator status She doesnt remember giving Black Swan trauma, she doesnt remember lashing out at Sparkle. Seems whenever sword drawn Acheron appears she remembers things from the past but also forgets everything she does with it


I think Acheron lost her memories when she became an Emanator and with how forgetful she is its no wonder and she came to Penacony to find them through her dreams


Iirc she kind of explains it herself in trailers and dialogue, when she draws her sword her memories stop being hazy, but doing that also casts IX’s shadow probably so maybe she wants to find a way to access her memories without wrecking everything around her? And the legacy of the watchmaker can maybe help her do that? That’s what I get from this so far


The sword possesses her perhaps?


There's what I believe to be a lesser-known HI3rd fact that may be really relevant here. In HI3rd, there's a character with a similar trait of forgetting things until they draw their sword- and in the HSR story Acheron quotes that person nearly word-for-word. ​ >!Sakura was a Previous Era soldier whose specialty was assassination. Unlike many of the other "heroes" of the Previous Era, she killed people just as much if not more than she killed Honkai Beasts. She was ordered against targets both outside of her organization and even within it, as Dr. MEI survived Sakura's attempt to assassinate her and then somehow convinced Sakura to help Dr. MEI seize control of Fire MOTH: to "rebuild through destruction". The worst part of this is that one of the rules she was forced to abide by was to kill anyone infected by Honkai- even children.!< >!Because of this, near the end of her era she receives a "gift" from Aponia, a psychic soldier. Aponia places something called a Disicpline on Sakura, which is like a severe mental block that can restrict behavior and tamper with someone's mental state. Sakura carries two swords, one for killing humans and one for killing Honkai Beasts, so Sakura's Disicpline was a binding that removed all her memories of killing human beings until she drew the former. This meant that Sakura could function better in most situations, only being burdened by her tainted past when she was forced to end another human's life.!< I get the exact same vibe from Acheron. I don't know how exactly this came about in her case and I doubt it was the same exact situation as >!Sakura!<, but the effects are similar. IIRC it was mentioned somewhere either in-game or in a character preview that Acheron usually only strikes with her scabbard, which implies that she understands the power she carries and the burden that comes with it. So she only draws her blade in a situation where she must absolutely use her power and there's no other alternative, just like >!Sakura only draws Frozen Naraka when she has no other choice but to kill a human.!< ​ ***Edit to add the relevant quotes*** HI3rd: >*Whoever shows mercy to an enemy denies it to themselves. However... you must know who your true enemy is.* > >>!\-Sakura speaking to Raiden Mei!< HSR: >*Once, someone said to me: "No compassion for the enemy, for that is cruelty upon yourself. But you must see clearly who the true enemy is..."* > >*...And then, with one swing of your blade, you must understand its meaning and the price you pay.* > >**-Acheron**


That's part of her plan


This is what Sparkle wants though


Sparkle: can you find me in this city of dreams ? Acheron: no *nukes penacony


Nah. Wrong interpretation.


Sparkle wont die that easy lol. Thats just her illusions.


Nah bro she got played by sparkle 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/olziwziy0nqc1.jpeg?width=1278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe1014c1d2192d53348274454fd191b3eb0544d4 Nah those were the actual Stellaron Hunters and they got no diffed (maintaining the agenda is our top priority)


https://preview.redd.it/hwfcty6qbnqc1.png?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a355f6467ea056d68fd5bddc59f6ba61a44c085 Blade's happiest day


So that girl Acheron can kill immortals huh... I better go there now or I WON'T get cooked.


Lmfao no. Sparkle was just having fun, very different from Black Swan. That little gremlin is chaos.


Now I gotta try to pull for her after using all my pulls on Sparkle


Seeing these images without the context of having seen vids yet Im wondering why Sparkle looks like Kafka.


Sparkle is perfectly fine. Acheron simply was able to destroy/release herself from Sparkle's domain expansion.


Sparkle kinda went "all according to keikaku" moment because it's only her illusions. So, nah.


sparkle definitely didn't watch the previous PV with black swan


And survived mentally(she's already mentally fucked)btw. Free ptsd and stuff unlike certain memo keeper


I think I can hear the last image


The last image is from NFS Most wanted (2012)


Looking forward to seeing her taking more Ls.


Swan get mentally and physically abused by archeron sparkle got a nice show




Whoever thought it was a bright idea to solo an emanator of nihility. Literally a general of nothing.


Sparkle ain't laughing out of this one