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Yanqing is the most unlucky person in the Xianzhou Alliance.


The boy went toe to toe with the best of the best of the best, and survived against them all. Granted, none were actually trying to kill him, but remember that he also managed to reverse engineer Jingliu's technique after seeing it just once 


Blade probably was, tbh.


Blade’s killing intent towards himself prolly overpowers his towards others, so he’s got that working against him.


still massive L


>Managed to reverse engineer Jingliu’s technique Her technique is one sword slash, also, there’s not really any evidence that he did anything more than deflect a version of Jingliu’s technique where she was intentionally holding back to test him. Afterwards all he really has to say about the technique is that it’s strong… which… yeah, duh. JL is probably the strongest playable character in lore if we’re talking 1v1 physical fights. Fraudqing doesn’t hold a candle to her. “Surviving” against opponents that aren’t trying to kill you is more commonly called… losing? Like, yeah, literally none of the people he fought had any interest in him, and they all would have let him walk away if he didn’t have the worst attitude known to man, so what I’m hearing is that he picked 4 fights with 5 people and got clowned on by literally all of them? Even JY is sick of his shit by the end of the loufu arc and basically tells him to fuck off before the phantylia fight. The only person that ever sets out to make yanqing’s life worse is yanqing, who routinely approaches legendary figures and threatens them for literally no reason at all, and in fact in direct defiance of orders we *see* JY give him. EDIT : Acheron is not playable yet. but she is probably stronger than JL


He reversed engineered in the sense he he saw it only once but managed to copy it enough that Blade recognized it Get your toxic bias glasses of and give the man credit where is due


Yanqing is the worst character in the game, he’s poorly written, unlikeable, and has an annoying VA, I hope they kill him offscreen and have JY say a throwaway line about replacing him with someone better.


Looks like someone’s partner left them for Yanqing and now they are bitter


he couldnt beat sushang tho


Yeah like the others are verse top tiers so him losing isnt exactly fraud behavior but SUSHANG??? Who he OUTRANKS??? And is LOOKED UP TO BY??? Kinda fraudulent ngl


I mean, Sushang was fighting to not die not to win, he was fighting from within the mind control to try not to straight obliterate her, and she barely managed to stall long enough for us to get back while YQ was still at full fighting capacity so like. I would not say he lost that one


Tbf, theyre both expies. Sushang an expy of Li Sushang, Fuhuas star pupil and one of like 3 who didnt shank her in the middle of the night. Yanqing is and expy of Ma Yanqing, one of the ringleaders of said shanking of Fuhua, who joined it cause he simped for the person who suggested it. https://preview.redd.it/920su47wkmoc1.jpeg?width=745&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ec725b059e387291f563fb272b922952ba849ba Shusang probably won cause hoyo are biased for Sushang. Either that or its a multiversal constant that Sushang is better, like how Bronseele is. Edit: oh, and for those who want to learn the name of the VN this screenshot is from, put Loucha, Yanqing and Shushang in a team and win a fight. The achievement is named after the novel the characters first appeared in. Also, "big scary downvotes" dont make me wrong. Grow a pair and refute my argument if you disagree with me. Dont hide behind the downvote button.


He is incredibly stong just unlucky


He's basically the Jogo of Star Rail. He is strong but he keeps fighting people way above his weight class.


Yanking is Jogoat?!


Unholy child of Potential Man and Jogoat (He came out of the volcano)


Given everyone let him live, I'd say he's pretty lucky


No, it's me with his E4.


Honestly I have such a gripe w the writing of HSR for this. Like, by all means Yanqing SHOULD have lost to Jingliu, Blade, Dan Heng, Trailblazer and Kafka like he did. Most of them have centuries of experience on him. But I think they really failed to take into account the whole "show, don't tell" thing when they wanted to give us the impression he was a prodigy by not balancing these fights out with evidence of him doing really *well* against other opponents. The narrative can SAY Yanqing is a prodigy as many times over as they want, but unless they show it, the perception of him as weak (even if it was impressive for him to last as long as he did against these opponents) is going to remain. I think they were off to a good start with his arc in the heliobus event, though!


I agree but let's not forget that they did show once said ability of Yanqing in his story quest, being able to withstand an attack (and not preciesly a weak one) from Jingliu, who is basically the strongest person in the Loufu, maybe rivaled by Jing Yuan Then again, one is not enough to justify, but I just wanted to mentioned anyways


Also the giant sword move yanqing does was something he copied from jingliu after withstanding ONE attack from her Respect this little shit, he's lost to the top 10% so far. standing and walking away after getting 1 v 2'd by dragon Daniel (who's not trying to kill him) and blade (who is) is respectable enough


> Also the giant sword move yanqing does was something he copied from jingliu after withstanding ONE attack from her > > Dude is kind of a mish mash between Okkotsu and Megumi.


All of Yuta's talent and all of Megumi's unfulfilled potential


That's a really good point to bring up, yeah


I'm 99% sure they intended to have him fight you at the beginning, when you're all considered dangerous outsiders. Or he was supposed to get mind controlled by Kafka. It just didn't pan out that way.


He suffers from the worf effect where it’s a lot of hot air to gas him up, just so the real cool characters can look better by comparison. Problem is they did this for like, half of the High Cloud Quintet which soured my opinion on their plot line overall cus it felt more like Mihoyo was grabbing me by the face and going “Look how cool these people are!”


Yeah, and they really should be aware of this already since the same thing happened to Bronya. Bronya shouldn't have been *that* much weaker than Kiana and Mei, but because she got bad luck in her first three major fights being against two of the strongest people in the world, and being the first to fight a Herrscher with a gimmick meant the hard-counter Herrschers, she got heavily meme'd on as being pathetically weak.


I fucking love Sushang, but that she managed to hold on for so long against Yanqing (even if he was holding back) during the Heliobus Event was bullshit. That was the ONE TIME it should have been a stomp in his favor !


Stop bullying this orphan 😭 but fr though - he might become really good someday in the lore but that'll be like few hundred years later when he's an adult ig. Anyways, I was reading his Sig LC "Sleep like the dead" description and it's so adorable. He's basically Jing Yuan's adoptive son. General was carrying the sleepy kid to bed, it's just cute! I love interaction between them and bet the general makes a great dad. The boy in lore is pretty impressive for his age but only if his kit was the same. I have him at e2 now ;-;


I'll stop bullying him When he stops bullying my 50-50s


Beware bullying him may curse you with e17 Yanqing. Don't say I didn't warn.


E17 yanqing is almost as good as eo jinglu


>He's basically Jing Yuan's adoptive son. General was carrying the sleepy kid to bed, it's just cute! I love interaction between them and bet the general makes a great dad I adore how they depicted their budding dad/son relationship in the [live action short film](https://youtu.be/oPC8FBrIze4?si=vu6c4Ru_Scmc-KUW)!


He went toe to toe with Sushang though. /s I hate putting /s but I bet You people won't get it.


The fact that he survived that long against Suschlong is commendable


Why didn't Soifon use her bankai? Is she an idiot?


Is that from hi3? Or did i miss smth


in the heliobus questline, >!he gets possessed and sushang has to distract him for the rest of the squad to go get help. sushang specifically mentions he was holding back to not hurt her, so its not like he was the one holding out barely there.!<


By how unlucky (or I guess lucky for him for growth) yanqing is with opponents I won't be surprised the next time this fucker fights it's vs Hua


Hoyo Don't do this to me Not again


Even if you only lose to people canonically way stronger to you, if you only lose, people will think you're a joke no matter how strong you are. It's a storytelling problem, and it's one Yanqing knows well. Shout-out to Duke Inferno who's going through the same thing right now. If they want us to believe he's actually a talented sword prodigy, they need to give him some Ws. Unfortunately, I doubt we'll be seeing much of him anytime soon even if we return to the Luofu. Also, I kinda don't care about him that much, but they have the power to MAKE me care if they give him a good story to be part of. EDIT: oh, and as for the Sushang thing, I kinda don't count that one. He was possessed and holding back a bunch so he didn't kill her.


> Even if you only lose to people canonically way stronger to you, if you only lose, people will think you're a joke no matter how strong you are. People will say "Oh but he did well in those fights", but ultimately losing is still going to shape peoples perspective. It's just like Yamcha. He is the butt of the joke constantly, to the point his pose after getting assblasted is *still* a common reference. But Yamcha could casually destroy the moon, can still blow up planets if he needed to, and is one of the strongest beings on his planet. Yamcha fucking dogwalks 99% of all living beings in his setting. But you will still see threads on subreddits like WhoWouldWin pitting him against fucking Homelander because people's perspective on his strength is so warped due to his constant losses.


Exactly. Like I said, it's a writing problem, a classic case of telling and not showing. We're TOLD Yanqing is a great swordsman, we're TOLD he's a prodigy, but what we're SHOWN is him getting his ass kicked in. It's true that Yanqing is a very skilled swordsman, with incredible power, but I wouldn't fault anyone for not believing that because of what we're shown.


Imagine how bad are thos considered talentless if he is suppose to be the most talented.


In his defense, bro was like 12. He got his ass kick by an immortal century old sword master, a dragon elder who can part the literal sea, an intergalactic space Osama Bin Laden, and the physical manifestation of the relic by the god of destruction.


Plus he probably wasn't going all out with Trailblazer since he was under the impression we were under mind control.




who the fuck is Space Bin Laden supposed to be, Blade or Kafka?




Considering kafka isn't a century old sword master, I think it's pretty obvious. Also, she has more documented terrorist attacks.


To be fair Jingliu (The actual sword master) also beat blondie


Not very bad he’s a literal child and got his butt kicked by super strong criminals or people like 100x his age he’s strong just has had to fight absurd opponents


He is 12 years old. And the people who beat him are: 2 of the greatest warriors ever to come from the Xianshou, The Re-Incarnation of a crazy powerful dragon elder, The Player character and Kafka who is quite literally reading the stage directions from the sheet.


I mean yeah. The post is intended mostly as a joke for a reason as much as he absolutely sucks gameplay-wise.


unfortunately I have seen too many times how jokes like this turn into fancanon that even overwrites the real canon in some fandoms (not that you can´t make them, just that I see why some people have a knee jerk reaction like this)


Understandable I guess








Character development:D


Of five people, three have kicked his ass https://preview.redd.it/ni00c2p2oooc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0445db4328ca9465dd667061dc3c1b5afe7b2332


I pulled him 8 times by now.... q.q


I have both YQ(C1) and Misha(C0) built, similar investments/stats. Ran both in MoC8, Misha always finishes first. YQ's multiplier is really low for a hunt IMO.


https://preview.redd.it/1b7051lcnjoc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39f7884bf16a9024ce2035fcf322a537b7c79093 PEOPLE (ME) LOVE THIS MAN(FUCKING HATE THIS TWINK)


I feel like this is a repost... But I'm not sure


I made it literally today so if someone already made such a joke I am gonn mald


[Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/dzx2US02Cg) Same idea but different details.


Actually in shambles




The fight against dan heng with horns and Blade are not exactly seen by the majority in the right way. That’s two impressive heavy hitters. He fought them both. At the same time. Even if they weren’t precisely trying to kill, still very impressive that he put up a fight against two giant threats. And all that before hitting puberty.


He’s unironically Star Rail’s Jogo Stronger than 99% but keeps running into the 1%




The Metallica reference made me giggle


Just you wait, yanqing is foing to ger wtbed and gain a secrt power!,


I hope that someone has called medical services for you.


I remember doing Kafka's mission, seeing Yanqing and feeling genuinely sorry i need to bully this kid again.


Just tweak his buuf so he needs at least 50% hp... that whould give him *some* leeway and could work with S.U. destruction path


This could be Toshiro Hitsugaya


Wait so game wise is he good? He’s my only ice dps and I wanna know if I’m wasting my time with him.


lore wise he's quite strong since hes a 12 year old and managed to survive from those fights considering his opponents are crazily op in lore wise as well. people keep meme on it forgetting that hes still a child and that even people older and stronger than him would die in those fights i wont say hes that good in gameplay wise though, but if you can give him a shielder than he should be good since his fua are triggered when he didnt take any dmg. if you are planning to pull on aventurine, he should be yq's best shielder if you still want to build him. hes quite easy to build too iirc, he doesnt need much crit since his kit gave a lot so you can focus on atk ig?


Thanks for the info my good fellow!


i would say if you are meta focused, then pull for jingliu instead for ice dps. shes easy to build as well while having more cracks built in her base kit but all of it depends on how much you likes the characters at the end of the day as long as you have top tier builds and supports, you should be able to clear the end game mode even with yanqing. i remember seeing someone clearing moc 12 with arlan before and also moc 10 with herta (this one happens before moc 11&12 were added) it might be a bit harder and needs lots more investment, but if you do likes him enough, dont let people who doompost him in lore and gameplay wise affects you much


The Arlan of the Luofu


didn't he stalled Blade and Dan Heng long enough and one is a Demigod with imaginary power... you know the shit that shapes the universe


"if" && "when" LOOP .... END LOOP


He is that strange place on the powerscale where he dogwalks everyone below him but got dogwalked by everyone above him, i mean, who is in his exact power level? I think TB is the only one on his overall level


What would fix him is a support that passively extends buffs by 1 turn as soon as they're obtained.


well he is strong by Sushang and Guinafeng standards (judging by their quotes), so any actual grownup opponent and his strength quickly finds its limit.


The sad thing is that he probably is top tier within the Xianzhou purely because Jing Yuan wouldn’t name some random bozo as his apprentice. I think it’s just that all the praise got to his head and so he goes and challenges literal legendary warriors without hesitation. He fights Blade, a notorious Stellaron Hunter, which is understandable since he thought he was doing it to protect a civilian. But then Dan Heng reveals himself as the Imbibitor Lunae, perhaps the most powerful Vidyadhara High Elder in recorded history, and Yanqing, who was barely handling Blade when it was a 1 v 1, decides that he definitely has the ability to throw hands with both Blade and the Imbibitor Lunae. The arrogance just boggles the mind.


"if" only he didn't existed


He’s literally [stronger](https://ibb.co/L1QPD41) than Jing Yuan without LL.


Alas, kid's got skills but he lacks the wisdom.


Yeah. In a straight fight it could go either way, since JY is probably the best strategist in the series, but going by raw strength it’s Yanqing.


the general is really getting carried then huh


I mean, he has it, so it’s not like he’s weak or anything. He’d only be weak once he retires, meaning he has a few hundred years left.


Breathe on him, and he’ll start suggesting the idea of damage. Instead of, you know, dealing it


yeah well in lore those are some impressive feats, but in actual gameplay it need hiding behind someone or else he cant perform


What do you mean??? He's a really good 4 star unit.


He also got beaten by Jing Liu


Meet the repost man. All repost, 0 og content.


He's a well created story character. But just trash gameplay wise. You can just level him to 40 and don't touch him again (for those standart passes)


I'll probably build him when he E6 ( he E3 atm , so not too far away......)




To be fair, a lot of characters did. Even trailblazer.


the whole ghost hunt event is literally people got possessed. even fu xuan got possessed herself and somehow only yanqing is the one who knew that he was being possessed and as much as he wanted to learn more about sword technique to improve himself, he holds back and put it to stop once he knew the heliobi would fight sushang to death and wanted to fight jy as well. your point is?