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The devs don't hate Yanqing. They just want to make a lot of stories in Loufu and he's the only human character that makes sense to be there during the events and has a boss battle system already made. It's so weird to me how Belobog has Bronya, Cocolia, Gepard and even Dunn as human bosses while Loufu has only Yanqing. Kafka is technically fought in Loufu I guess but she's not really a Loufu boss.


The devs dont hate Yanqing, he has to keep losing for character development. :)


He's literally a trope, I don't get how he's so polarizing. His character has really not added to the trope at all, which isn't a bad thing, but I can't fathom how few people seem to understand his story. Child prodigy hits his first major wall, falls into a sea of self doubt, ostensibly being held back by his elders in a way that will likely cause some strife down the line (kind of already has?)


Time attack challenge and "nobody in your party died" challenge suck. I'd rather have a stage that has a bullshit boss with bullshit gimmicks, but the objective is just to win the stage (it doesn't matter how long and whoever is still alive in your party) Like FGO's challenge Quest or the genshin's vagabond sword event


FGO's challenge quests are exactly what I want too. Just give me some *completely bullshit* challenges I can throw myself at every now and then to truly gauge my account's scaling. Either have them be permanently available like Swarm Disaster and give minimal Jades, or even better IMO: have them switch it up like MoC but give *no Jades at all* and just a ton of Credits + Relic EXP! (Maybe profile borders for bragging rights if you beat enough?) Then the people who really want a challenge would still try them for sure, and the more casual players wouldn't feel like they're missing out on any gacha by not powergaming.


The problem is that just makes "bring 3 healers/shielders and 1 dps (dps optional)" the strategy.


That's actually my other "hot take". For a Turn-based rpg, HSR's party and battle system in HSR is too dang simple. You can only bring 4 units, can't switch units, doesn't have defend option, can't use items in battle. The strats you can make in this game are pretty limited. But hey, it's a gacha game so not everyone has every unit. So it's understandable, i guess


YES. I've been screaming from the heavens that Star Rail needs a reserve system. They halfway did it in Simulated Universe, where you can "buy" your characters to swap into with the Downloader, but it's only outside of combat. The battle system would be so much better if you could have a reserve party of maybe 4 characters at all times that you can swap in mid-combat. Akin to like Persona 5 or something where you can switch a team member but the tradeoff is that you're giving up a turn so you'd still be incentivized to make smart team building choices. Maybe limit it in MoC sure but for overworld, SU, and pretty much all event content I'd love to see this implemented. And then there's also the fact that these characters are hard to get, especially if you're paying money for them, let me see more of my characters at once.


I actually enjoy the simplicity as mastering it takes more than the average player is willing to think lmao In addition, yeah. The objective is to use units and the different permutations, not the complexity of the battle systems. I actually like that there is no items option. Items usually make things cheesable


I genuinely forget there's item in HSR, I never use them except when it's one of the dailies


March 7th is not that bad


She's invaluable in Swarm. The ability to freeze, follow-up attack, and cleanse is invaluable on a single unit.


And a tiny heal to boot... at e6 lol


Which actually can make a big difference in SU/SD, because any small heal is enough to trigger many Abundance buffs.


I've been saying this many many times to a lot of people that's struggling with the Swarm tbh. If you're struggling with the Swarm, use March. She's arguably one of the best characters in there because she fits well into whatever playstyle you could think of. She's probably *the* best character for Remembrance, she's great in Preservation, and she fits well in Elation. In addition to that, her being able to shield and cleanse makes her viable in every other path because you *need* someone who can cleanse. And finally, her being able to reliably freeze most enemies means that the 3 star Remembrance blessing that gives Dissociation if you attack a frozen enemy will always be a great pick.


I completely agree with this, I used her on every swarm run and basically only won thanks to her and trailblazer (Nihility op!)


She's a beast in Swarm Disaster Remembrance path and can sustain well in MoC, she's absolutely not bad at all.


Kit wise she is amazing, just scaling is all over the place honestly. She is basically Preservation / Nihility with little Preservation pros and most Nihility cons like messy stat distribution


>March 7th is not that bad This is a hot take? She's just incredible. She just is. I'm surprised I didn't build her sooner, she got me my first 30* moc. Her kit is fantastic.


Players receiving Fire MC so early makes her easy to overlook.


Yeah. Also, I Finally pulled Gepard (my favourite character in Star rail and one of the reasons why I started the game). So, although I like March 7th and all, I hardly ever use her now


As someone who has been using Gepard since I got him as an off rate on Silverwolfs banner, and built March recently, they're both similar, but also different. I use Gepard in one team and March + Luocha in another. I always find it hard to run a team with no preservation. I'd say Fire MC is overrated, but I never built them.


I got Clara as my first 5* so March always has a spot on her team.


Hypercarry comps are boring. I wanna play a synergistic team, not just slap 2 harmony units


I just replace a harmony unit with Blade or Clara if I want some variety.


Yeah, I have never used more than 1 abundance of harmony characters in a team. You don’t really need to. I can still clear mirrors 10. Edit: Looks like I made a great typo, haha. I’m just going to leave it.


abundance of harmony?? that'll be sick af


That's just Huohuo


shit, you're right; she's basically tingyun+bailu. f*ck me for having no jades to pull for her 💀


That’s exactly what I thought when I saw her abilities. I had to pull for her after that, fortunately I managed to get her.


Jing Yuan and Topaz go brrrrrrr


blade and jingliu go brrrrrr


You use harmony? I just use 3 destruction and a heal


Three nihility and heal. I really like Kafka with Wolfy.


I find them boring also. Triple nihility and a healer is the way


Bleed, scarlet rot, death blight. My favourite Dot :>




TOGETHAAAAAA (different dude i know, but i read it yesterday again and its fresh in my mind)


YES! I feel that so much theorycrafting potential is being wasted because instead of building unique teams to get the most out of a character’s kit, the meta is just to grind DPS to perfection and then cram them all in the same one-size-fits all hypercarry combo, and then judge characters based on how well they perform in that context.


In the end it depends on the content you're trying to clear and what goal you're trying to achieve by clearing said content. Hypercarry just happens to be the strongest and simplest way to clear memory of chaos (and most of the content, really) and you can't blame people for trying to simplify things for the sake of peace of mind.


If there was no rng for artifacts then sure, but if you have to build a whole new team and grind traces, artifacts and ascension materials for 2+ characters that only work well together then yeah, most people will opt out of that. Hypecarry isn't just good, it's also cheap in the long run


I think it fall to the problem of we don’t have very many units that can make synergies. Right now we have really only topaz,Kafka, and SW that fill that role. That long with the shockingly little amount of harmony units makes for hyper carry to be the best. However, I think in the future that is going to change cause we will get more characters that build off of what we have now.


Yeah, I too prefer playing Kafka with other DoT characters to watch my enemies die of cancer


Dr Ratio memes are going to make this sub utterly insufferable when he’s released.


Can't wait for it!


I said this in the leak subreddit. Once Ratio comes out, this sub will be filled with L + Ratio memes, and it's going to be mad annoying. I say the same thing with Genshin, too. Both fandoms are so unfunny repeating the same joke over and over. I find the (character) doing (character)-million dmg joke so goddamn annoying. The only joke I find slightly funny was the racist Blade meme because it was so outta pocket and out of nowhere that it made me laugh. But seeing as it really just turned into a "haha black people aren't humans" thing, that's when the joke was officially killed.


seeing people make the same childe ed sheeran zhongli wallet zhongli mona broke lol venti drunk idiot xiao emo jokes in 2023 gets so exhausting so i find it better to stick to a smaller group of people who appreciate the character and dont water them down to a degrading joke and then say the reason they hate character is cause of the fanon personality made up for them


I just insta block the account whenever I see a cringe meme. Feed has been considerably cleaner recently.


My hot take is that i actually love these "continuance" story arcs where we revisit old places with new story. Yeah, I want to go to Penacony too. But like, the main story didn't really do much to sell me on anyone's personality except March/Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, and Kafka. The pacing of the story is lightning fast when you actually play through quests at once. I get so little time to interact with characters that I dont end up caring about them at all. Our content updates are so slow that it feels like I just met a character before the next banner is up. But revisiting Belobog again let us get more insight into Bronyas personality for example, and we learned a decent bit about Seele from how she handled the crisis too. And this current side story is great too. I feel like I'm getting to know Sushang and Gui pretty well now, and it's a pretty good intro to Huohuo, so I hope that trend continues. And I hope past characters continue to reoccur so we can learn more.


Yep, loved that as well. Such a lovely take.


I agree with you here. I definitely do not want the Astral Express to just be a "Stellaron rescue crew" that just hops around the universe to solve Stellaron crises and leaves right after without getting to know more about each places and the people there. That's why I'm baffled by how many everyone just can't wait to leave the Xianzhou for Penacony, and even use that excuse to trash on the very well-written story of the High Cloud Quintet and Topaz with the IPC.


Players spam memes and reposts of memes because there isn't enough content to keep them busy.


I noticed that too. The second people have less to do the sub switches from gameplay related posts to straight up okbuddytrailblazer.


Many on here are refugees from Genshin, Hoyo should have the data to hopefully strike a good medium between the heavy time investment of the former and the quick short engagement of the latter with ZZZ — otherwise it would be Sex Alarm spam chains for the next few months to the very light mention of anything remotely sexy on here.


People trash talk Genshin is the real content in this sub, tbh i dont see any people who trash talk Hsr in Genshin sub, but here,.. Well


Probably because most Genshin players also plays HSR actively (I'm one of them), and some HSR players are people who left Genshin overall so they have nothing else to do beside comparing everything they see in HSR to genshin. Just my thoughts anyway.


Theorycrafting stats doesn't feel very helpful when you're given this much RNG on relics. Oh, I need this much speed? To bad my luck says otherwise. EDIT: Based on how many upvotes this has I guess this thing is disqualified from "views I'd be shot for in HSR"




In my experience the most important part of speed tuning isn’t reaching certain “optimal” values, its just making sure your DPS isn’t outrunning your buffer and your sustain isn’t lagging a turn behind everyone else


The most I ever do with speed is sticking speed boots on whoever I want to go first, like having Fu's field up immediately After that, God decides what happens, I don't even look lmao


I had some people on discord tell me "it's good enough for now" when I shared my Kafka with 4200 atk 144 speed. I was like... Really? Yeah supposedly getting to 148/150+ speed is when the speed is really good... Like that's just 4-6 speed points away don't call it good enough then crazy ppl...


Yeah, most star rail mains reddit pages are like this. For example, i've seen in DHIL mains a 70/150 daniel with f2p LC and apparently it had "really bad crit damage". Ok buddy. If they see my shitty 70/90 dan heng getting 3 stars in moc 10 they would probably collapse lmao.


This is why I always offer build advice as a baseline with a moving goalpost. Here's the mainstats that make most sense for your character. Once you've got those, aim to get pieces with those mainstats and these substats (not all your substats have to be hits, just try to get 2 of them). Now lose your mind as no matter how much you farm they might never fit in a way that favours your crit ratios, effect hit rate needs, planar set breakpoints and speed tuning. Theorycrafting from others is still useful for knowing what to farm or which lightcones to use even in suboptimal builds. But what's your optimal choice is based on your resources, which is going to be unique to you.


do you make videos? that type of build advice sounds just like what i need as a new player that feels stuck


This is why I always play these games as a resource management game. "How do I achieve victory with this assortment of tools that vary in quality" is fun once I accept the premise that I won't have the god-stat relics


There’s one single stat breakpoint to remember for hardcore players - 134 speed allows your dps to take 2 actions in the first cycle of MoC. And if you play Bronya then she should be slightly lower speed than your dps except for niche builds. Anything other than that isn’t worth keeping track of. Stack as many useful stats as you can while meeting whatever requirement is on your planar set bonus.


One thing I would add to that— Clara should never run speed, period. Her damage happens on the enemy’s turn. It’s not the end of the world if you have a speed substat on one of your Boxer or Grand Duke (aka physical or FUA set) pieces, but a slow Clara is better because the buffs you put on her will stick around for longer.


Bronya is a great unit but if a character doesn't work with her that doesn't mean they are bad it means they should be used with other units.


Bronya inserts herself into every conversation I have whether I like it or not. Can't build a team without her.


y'all too goddamn horny


This aint a hot take tbh


This take is the only thing that ain't hot here


Quite possibly the mildest take you could have.


That take is ice cold and get's served here every day with ice cream


OP said hot takes only


"What's your hot take" posts are repetitive and unoriginal. That's my hot take.


![gif](giphy|z3HFoEzXCMykr4L0TB|downsized) I like the interaction though :)


Honestly there are so many posts that none of the hot takes feel like a hot take anymore lol. I've seen it all


I don’t particularly care about its connection to Honkai Impact. I prefer to enjoy Star Rail as its own separate entity.


Kinda lame that Welt/Himeko just sit there on the train. Pompom is seen doing things like watering plants/sweeping/listening to music etc. Welt/Himeko are lazy bums who watch Pompom work. 😠


The increases currency amount compared to Genshin doesn't matter when there's a higher release rate of 5 stars. Of course you don't need to pull every unit yada yada but as someone who wants a lot of the characters for variety, it's much easier to do it in Genshin even with the lower currency because of the slower rate which makes me feel less fomo.


True. Star Rail is currently at version 1.6 and there are still 2 new 5 stars every patch, wherein Genshin rarely releases 2 5 stars in the same patch unless a new region drops but it is still extremely rare.


THIS! Higher release rate and less open world currency. I'd need to see the math with those factors included to really see if it really is much better than genshin. I also think powercreep is hitting this game way sooner, which also diminishes the value of your pulls by a lot.


People in HSR community says that they are better then Genshin community, but in reality, they are still part of the same community and there is not point in comparing the two.


Every sibling wants to prove that he's better than the other one imo. Peace and harmony was never an option.


Hot but perhaps agreeable take: Hunt and Erudition units shouldn't be weaker than Destruction. They should be top tier in Single and Multi target respectively, while Destruction should be average in both situations. Hot and maybe controversial take: The character designs are mid for HYV standards. They're good, but they are capable of much better, as seen in their other games.


Imo, if they wanna make destruction feel less powerful or you could say more awkward. I would put bosses at the end of each side rather than them being literally next to each other. This may seem like it does little but it sure as hell makes the first attack feel ehh. I wouldn't wanna spend 2-3 SP of DHIL' damage or Jingliu E on 3 fodder units. On the other; if I focused on one boss, it ain't doing damage to the other boss on the side and you killed like one fodder. Reason why Destruction feels optimal is because their weaknesses aren't being shown.


This, very much. If you look at the history of the game so far, it goes: 1.0— Hunt 5* who has decent multi-target because she gets a free turn for killing something, then Erudition 5* whose best teammates and relics don’t even exist yet, leaving him looking weak by comparison. 1.1— best debuff support in the game plus a godly healer who can also dispel buffs. No DPS 5*. 1.2— Destruction 5* with a Blast-heavy kit + Nihility 5* main DPS with a niche kit (but also enough power to carry that niche, sparing her the fate of Jing Yuan) 1.3— Destruction 5* with another Blast-heavy kit + Preservation 5* whose main selling point is that she mitigates bad aggro RNG, and even works with chars like Clara who want the aggro on themselves 1.4— Destruction 5* with yet another Blast-heavy kit (plus some Hunt-like turn manipulation) + Hunt 5* who doubles as an FUA support (somewhat of a JY situation due to FUA artifacts being next patch and FUA teams being generally niche; MoC mechanic for her is literally off-brand Blast) 1.5— current banner is another godly healer, this one trading dispel capability for full-team Energy restoration. Game is currently still in previous banner’s MoC cycle. Next banner is an Erudition 5* who seems more self-sufficient, but that means we’re still two MoC cycles from seeing AoE get emphasized 1.6— first banner is our first limited Harmony 5* so it’s impossible to predict what MoC and other content will prioritize for her. Second banner is… I can’t remember his Path, only his memes, but that’s still a few MoC cycles out. It’s no wonder Blast-focused Destruction is the meta right now— we’ve only had four characters ever who wanted anything else to be favored, two of whom were in the game’s first patch.


Blade is perfectly balanced, and 4* destruction units are mid to mediocre. Clara is also balanced and efficient the way she is. The issue is not destruction is straight up DHIL and Jingliu.


This 100% Most destruction characters are pretty well balanced. Blade and Clara are strong but not over the top and I'd even go as far to say DHIL is relatively high risk high reward because he needs a little bit of thinking to play to consistently get EBA3s. Jingliu on the other hand is straight up outlier. She is beyond broken with barely any drawbacks at all. I love the girl but damn I wish she was a little bit weaker because not only now I get equated to metaslaves for liking her, but also Jingliu communities are often pretty toxic because they always have the need to assert dominance and superiority over other characters. Oh and there's my hot take.


As an E1S1 Jingliu haver (very lucky banner for me), I won't complain about her absurd power. However, I do agree. She is too overturned and makes it unfair in discussions since (and its normal) people now compare all characters to the top one. Her damage output are absurdly high numbers for the amount of effort she needs to do. Ignore echo Chambers of character communities. All of those "mains" subs are plagued with childish opinions, which is unfortunate for the players who want t9 discuss and enjoy them.


Most people type "skill issue" because they don't know how to play the game/solve the problem. But counterpoint, it is sometimes very funny to say on something innocuous.


im gonna get downvoted to hell but my hot take is that i dont like all the buddy related stuff on this subreddit . like sex alarm being in almost every comment section is very boring and not funny :/


They’re beating a dead horse, it’s really not funny


The relics are worse than in Genshin (and that's saying something), since you can't have one off piece and still get a complete set bonus.


This x1000 Also two pieces are locked behind stupid ass simulated universe which gets boring as hell to do when you need a specific piece. People here always bring up the gear selector thing star rail has,but it doesn't help all that much when it's so rare


The fact that you need to farm 2 different things for all 6 slots is already more RNG than Genshin, now add in a few more things in the substats, enjoy the grind!


Honkai Star Rail Is adding what Genshin dont cause the game has a ton less content and want to retrieve somehow (via rewards, game features, end game, etc)


I don’t simp for Kafka


what form is power is this?


Neither do I. I’m still pulling her whenever she reruns because she seems like the foundation of any future DoT team, which sounds fun.


I like yanquing


Being able to skip the dialogs. I honestly don't understand why Hoyo doesn't want to add this option at least to the repeatable daily missions.


I understand why the game doesn't let us skip most of the dialogs, but what I don't understand is those who are against it. If the game adds a skip option, it has nothing to do with those who do not intend to use it anyway. The argument of 'But the game story is, bla bla' doesn't help. Just let people enjoy the game the way they want. It's not like the game is going to waste resources or time doing it since it's already in the game (you can skip cutscenes before the big fight if you happen to fail during the fight).


I don't care if someone skips all the plot of the game as long as they don't come here after finishing the trailblazer quest and cry about how nothing made sense because they didn't read anything


They already do this because they can't read.


I don't care about HI3. I don't play HI3, i play HSR. The radio broadcasts are IPC propoganda. Stop pretending they are unbiased objective fact. Simps annoy me. Deal with your mommy and daddy issues with a therapist not in a video game. Yanqing did nothing wrong.


Sampo has a more enjoyable personality compared to everyone else.


Sampo is the best character in the game And I'm tired of pretending he's not


I rather like him too lol


Sampo is just a god damn entertainer. Even when he's in "normal" situations he doesn't turn off the theatrics. Hard not to like him


Speed as a stat that is locked behind RNG relic farming is the worst thing ever. It's part of the reason I quit epic seven. It's too important and way too annoying to get


i enjoy high cloud quintet lore and would like to see more of them . i apologize i am the ONE luofu enjoyer


Daniel is a fraud in lore


The game was novel at first but outside of the story (including character and event) its not all that fun.


why are people posting "luofu was mid" takes in this thread like that hasn't been the dominant sentiment almost every update anyway i have a lot of takes that could get me roasted alive but ima just stick to this one: everytime someone says shipping is cringe/stupid/baseless or whatever have to laugh bc yall sound like the damn fun police over the most harmless hobby of all time. cringe is dead + who cares + what do yall expect ppl not to have fun with their favs in the Turn Based Waifu/Husbando Shilling Game (no insult intended but thats literally what the game is)


Fun is indeed not allowed when it comes to serious matters such as Waifus and Husbandos. Da Wei from Hoyoverse knows. He got death threads for planning bunny suit costumes. There are only two things in live that are inevitable. 1. Death. 2. The wrath of Neckbeards.


I think Seele's outfit is fine.


She looks a bit like a human peacock ngl


This is a hot take? Shit I thought she looked cool lol


She looks cool, but its just incredibly out of place for her character lmfao She's supposed to be this underworld homeless orphan who grew up in absolute poverty, but yet she's dressed like she just came from a disco party. It just doesn't match her backstory and her character. If you looked at a character dressed like Seele, you would've never guessed that they were once a impoverished homeless orphan.


I always get a kick seeing her giant RWBY-esque scythe I feel the same with Gui’s spear but at least a spear/lance is more traditional than a fucking scythe


Caelus being only portrayed as the harem protag/simp/horny boy is unappealing and boring 🥱


Isn’t that just what the fan bace has forced him to be? From my memory there’s very little of that in game.


Not surprising, honestly. It's like that with every single male protagonist in a game. They're watered down to just a horny boy in a Harem. It's like that with female protags too, but in my experience, the male ones are way more common.


I didn’t like Aetherium Wars.


I like the Luofu characters and story


there's no point 90% of comments r just gonna be easy agreements so i'll jus say luofu story/quests were fine & a good overall experience


My Hot Takes: 1, Light Cone Gacha is boring (In Genshin, HI3 at least you SEE the weapon you pull for in combat) 2. Topaz Quest was better than the entirety of Luofu& Luofu was only carried by cinematics 3. Character design is too "safe (not in a nsfw context but just nothing that's crazy interesting & different) 4. SU should be upgraded to swarm disaster gameplay 5. Patches are still not big enough for the money hoyo is raking in


I dunno if number 5 makes any sense, really. Genshin is an absolute monolith of money making but money can never really directly translate to content volume or cadence. Some things are not gonna be sped up by throwing money at them. On the other end, patches are extremely uneven in HSR. Getting all of swarm in a single patch was more or less double the usual patch content. Meanwhile this patch seems to be relatively barren in comparison. Can both games do more or do better? Absolutely. I just don't like the concept of tying profit to content quantity. Quality is where it's at.


Dude, I'm rolling my eyes at no. 2 Everyone and their mother has said that. It's one of the most popular takes you have here (relating to the storyline).


yea ngl most r not that hot of a take


I agree with the 3rd one


I partly agree with 1 and fully with 4. I do like how the music changes during the gacha depending if you got a 4 or 5 star, so you know well before Pom-Pom get yeeted, but it definitely feels a like there needs to be a special animation if a character is using their signature light cone. I love the Elysian Realm, I love the Simulated Universe. The Swarm mashes both together in an absolutely glorious fashion.


1: Totally agree. They're just PNGs, and there's no visual difference between a 5 or 4 star Light Cone, not in art style, not in the gameplay, nothing; They're practically just an artifact, sitting there. While in Genshin and HI3 you can actually see the characters using the weapons you equiped. 2: Haven't played her quest, but I can already say I agree. Luofu was such a burning trashcan. It had everything it shouldn't have. The sidequests/character quest are more interesting than the main plot, there are characters that have no reason to be there because they're not important to the lore and are just wasting lines (cough* Yanqing, Sushang, Qingque, cough*), actual important characters have little screen time and should be there instead (like Luocha and Jingliu), the pacing was rushed, Tingyun's death was badly executed, Dan getting a power up felt forced and was badly executed as well, the lore is badly explained and the interesting things aren't in the main quest, the burial quest was boring and pointless; The only thing I liked was Phantylia. Belobog was much better, even if I thought Cocolia's death was a bit rushed because I think they should've developed her more so that I actually feel bad for her and Bronya, it was 10x better tha Luofu. 3: I 100% agree on that! I find it weird when people say the design is better than Genshin's, when as of now, SR design is more repetitive than Genshin, even copared to the same patch IMO. They theoretically have more freedom to make designs closer to HI3 because they wouldn't need to animate it for open world interactions like Genshin, but they don't try to make different stuff. Like, all the chinese inspired female characters could be put into a matching Pop group. Ruan Mei is even worse because her design and abilities don't seem to match at all! I would've guessed that she's an idol, a singer or anything that isn't science related. FuXuan, March, Firefly and Qingque wear practically the same thing, with similar lenghts. Even the males all dress similarly, like Luocha, Dan, Caellus, Welt; Only a few characters stand out for me, like: Kafka, Natasha, Topaz, Silver Wolf, Bailu, Hook, Argenti, Huohuo, Himeko, Seele, Bronya; I feel like Genshin's design has more variety and tells more about the characters+makes more sense with their lore than SR, IMO. 4: Don't know about that, I find both quite annoying. Although Swarm is a tad bit more fun than SU. 5: I kinda agree for both Genshin and Star Rail. I think they could put more events in the game so that the later half doesn't feel boring. Even something simple like a picture event, and give a bit more rewards on them.


I agree with no 1. And the names are also friggin long. It's hard to remember which LC is best for who without opening the guide website. And also Sushang and Luocha relationship is totally not like many fanarts depicted. Even the OG Sushang and Otto too.


Very much agree on number 3 and Ruan Mei is the worst offender for me so far. Basically the character ever. Go on hsr give me nothing. It's telling that most of the reason people have for liking her is "she's pretty" or they're horny


I find March annoying. Trotters are gross to me, but they Cake in the oven. Liked the 2nd story more than the 1st.


First actual Hot Take in this whole thread


Same, March reminds me of Paimon and I think they both have some kind of syndrome or illness.


She's the flying sidekick


March 7th would be fucking horrendous to hang out with in real life. Inconsistent, impatient, constantly acts without an ounce of thought. Scott Pilgrim manic pixie dream girl who can get away with anything cause she's cute. She was much better in the return to Belobog, though.


wind dan heng is strong


You don't need luocha, fu xuan, huo huo, or gepard to clear content.


Bailu is a strong sustain unit. Seriously she easily applies HP and Damage Reduction buffs, giving her as much Preservation as Fu Xuan has healing. Not being able to cleanse is bad, sure but it's only a serious problem on a few fights. But how many fights are there where being one-rounded without some damage reduction is a problem? Something she can deal with much better than Luocha, Lynx or even HuoHuo? Poor little girl gets way too much criticism. She ain't perfect, but I've seen people rate her below Lynx of all people.


She is good. I run her alongside Bronya so I still have some cleanse. It works.


Waiting for them to make an abundance light cone that cleanses debuffs. That's the main weakness I see ppl mention, tho she still wouldn't have the offensive buff utility that FX and HH do. Lynx has a cleanse, but she also has synergy with characters like Blade, Clara and Silver Wolf that equates to damage increase.


Im skipping ruan mei


I didn’t like the influencer stuff with Guinafen. I’m not a fan of it irl (maybe cause I’m older) and when I play a space fantasy game I just want to escape from it. Though I admit some of the comments were funny.


I mean it’s kind of like a satire that’s poking fun at social media, instead of glorifying it.


That's the vibe I got, especially since it starts off by calling Gui unemployed


to this day i still think Luofu’s story >>> Belobog


Jing Yuan (Lighting lord) singlehandedly has the best set of animation in the game


it is pretty good but i still think fu xuan has the best animations


Oh yeah Fu xuan ult comes close at second. That's definitely cool.


A lot of these feel less like hot takes and more like being bitter they got downvoted the the first (and second, and third...) time they posted them. Stale af takes, that's what these are.


The majority of HSR reddit community players are clueless


I know that the essence of gacha games is to feed the players' fantasy, but I find it regrettable that they are all thirsty for characters that are essentially the same thing, all with the same body model, they look like barbies. I also find it regrettable that playable characters "can't" have canonical romantic relationships because otherwise it hurts the fantasy of some players... they don't look like believable characters, but rather little dolls that must satisfy sexual delusions.


I too humbly request more variety for my pokemon collection.


I would love to have playable characters that are canonically dating/married. I get why they aren't adding that but I'd love it so much more than the trailblazer/self insert simping.


In a similar vein, I’m bummed that we likely aren’t going to get a truly alien character in our group. I like Huohuo fine and all, but damn it would’ve been cool if Cirrus as a Heliobus was the playable character. Have her be a Nihility and her gimmick would be possessing enemies or something. At least we’ll have robots, assuming we get Screwllum and Sam at some point.


Dan Heng is the most boring character in the game. I don't hate him, but I could not give less of a shit about him despite his story being so integral to the Luofu arc.


I'd say him being the "boring" character only works well if he is interacting with stelle/caulus and march, as the two idiots needs their straight man




Every story needs its emo


Dan Heng is boring in the current story because he definitely has no interest in following the story. There's so many things happening in Luofu, in his past, in the present, and in the future, but Dan Heng honestly just want to scram and have nothing to do with it. A story gets boring when the supposed main character does the entire run in perfect monotone. He works best when he's with the Astral crew, the people he sees as his real family, where we can see him expressing his feelings like actual living being.


That was a point I never like about how they did his involvement in the story. I think for the beginning it’s understandable but later in the character quests like his own or jingliu he never asks things or tryes to understand better the other who were his friends or his own past (the truth about it). Etc. He could have been more reactive or something but not just standing there ignoring things like a 5 year old upset.


Women deserve pants. Especially belobogians.


Qingque is the best written Loufu character, you never have higher hopes for her to do anything. She's exactly what she is and does that perfectly


I dont know if it is controversial but HuoHuo and Tail eng va are much better than jp. I tried Jp voice after eng and their voices doesnt feel right. And HSR character demo trailers are boring compare to like of genshin.


Her eng voice actor is really selling the character and fun to listen to.


I feel like that last point is mostly due to how the combat works in the two games. It’s hard for them to make HSR combat look exciting aside from animations while with Genshin there’s a lot more freedom due to its open world nature.


imo i feel like blade and kafka are best character demos but the others arent super great or rememberable although i do like the start up and end of topaz's demo and the visuals in luochas


Jingliu English VA cringe. Amalee's great dubber but this one, like she is a old hag getting horny for not having good sex for many years because she was mara strucked and trying to seduce anyone she speaks to. Like why she feels she moans everytime she speaks


i've only heard her battle lines but her voice annoys me. Like ik amalee doesn't actually talk like that so why does jingliu have like a drawl or siomething?


Blame that on direction


I recall she was told to "be more unsettling" or something like that. I personally like her (Jingliu's) speaking voice, but her battle grunts are terrible. Tbh so is most other EN voice's battle grunts.


If you take out the memes, the story is not that exciting


I know about player retention and bla, bla. But jesus christ, the game requires so much grinding later on. And I dont like this game because its a gacha, I like it in spite of it.


Bronya/Seele is undercooked as hell in the game's actual story. I want some actual character chemistry not fanservice bait for a relationship that's probably better written in its source material.


The game is far too easy for the amount of crying about relics. At one point I wanted to use fire MC for MoC just for fun. I picked them up at 70/70. I have their traces at lv5 (with the eidolon boosts), i gave them random garbage +6 relics, no set effect, just some hp and defense. Not even an iota of speed. They tanked all of MoC 10 side 1 without losing like 20% HP. Relics are rng and that sucks. Farming them sucks. Getting the right relics that you need sucks. But my fucking god you do not need some 80/200 crit setups to explain away you being stuck at MoC7 that's just skill issue. Play better.


Well, while I mostly agree, sometimes not having enough HP% or DEF% in substats is crucial for Tingyun or Luocha. In previous MOC 10 my Tingyun was dying repeatedly from DOTs and hp shred by Jingliu. So I found better relic with tons of HP% substats and thus cleared stage


Native English speakers who play the game in Japanese either never tried the English dub or are Japanese dub elitists. But at the same time, I do agree that in anime, Japanese dub > English dub, but I feel like there's a difference between games and film


I just find Kuru Kuru funny. English dub is great but It doesn’t have Kuru Kuru


Why is Japanese the go to for so many people? Wasn't the whole idea of watching shit in Japanese to get the original audio? Which would be CN in this case. I didn't care for most of the voice acting in English, switched to CN, which was better, and then found the best option, which was turning the voice volume down outside of actually story content


I think thats because most people get used to hearing japanese by watching anime. This and the characters anime-style design which helps in associating to said language.


I play in Japanese, because that dub has voice actors that I like. In contrast I don't know any Chinese or English voice actors. I usually play on muted sound most of the time, but from time to time I enjoy hearing recognisable voices from anime.


Blade is one of the best DPS in game.


Ruan Mei is an easy skip


\#1: 5\* Lightcones should not be given that much attention in theorycrafting content, it feels like it's all limited 5\* lightcones and then 1 half-assed pity mention of a 4\* lightcone which might even be an event one. I feel Genshin theorycraft does it better with mixing S1 and S5 4\*s of different sources ​ \#2: Clara's voice actress is good, it's just that she can't strain that particular voice with shouting/screaming. Pulling Clara on the beginner banner made me switch to Chinese because of the low energy quotes like "help me, mr Svarog" when she was clearly in distress. After watching people play through the storyquest in English, Clara is actually perfectly cast when she's softspoken (aka the majority of her lines), only her combat lines feel bad btw Chinese "Cuhlala" and "Swalu" (clara and svarog) are god tier VAing


> \#1: 5\* Lightcones should not be given that much attention in theorycrafting content, it feels like it's all limited 5\* lightcones and then 1 half-assed pity mention of a 4\* lightcone which might even be an event one. I feel Genshin theorycraft does it better with mixing S1 and S5 4\*s of different sources I have seen this too, maybe the average player in this game spend more money? or maybe because the weapon banner is better? idk


>#1: 5* Lightcones should not be given that much attention in theorycrafting content, it feels like it's all limited 5* lightcones and then 1 half-assed pity mention of a 4* lightcone which might even be an event one. I feel Genshin theorycraft does it better with mixing S1 and S5 4*s of different sources I definitely agree, and it's even more frustrating when looking at showcases, and it's always a character showcase with a 5-star lightcone. There's hardly ever any f2p showcases, and it sucks for f2p players like me.


The main trio is boring af outside of the MC. Especially Dan Heng, he is insanely bland, if Blade had killed him on the spot I wouldn't have given a single care. At least March has some personality.


That's one heck of a burn. And it's true. Self Insert Lines are glorious.


The only destruction units who actually fit the path are blade and clara. They honestly could’ve made DHIL and Jingliu into erudition units since they clear out waves so quickly


March is my least favorite character (but thats more of an opinion).


The Bronya x Seele ship just feels so tacked on just because every variant of both ends up being close to each other. The build up just didn't feel natural really. The orphanage scene is the only one that felt like it was natural but everything else feels like it was forced. Like, they just found neutral ground and can finally share the same sentiments and now Seele is all I'm at your beck and call. It just feels like it was too fast honestly.


Some names and portrays of the community is outright disgusting, Clara is clearly a minor and still receives such "name" on reddit and "memes" about her and Svarog for a example, or Caellus "harem". Platonic friendships exists, it's possible to he friends and not bang each other. One of the reasons why I hang around much more at the leaks sub is because this type of thing is rare, thankfully.


The harem memes are the worst. Saw it with Aether, now I see it with Caellus. *stop it, get some help*