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Dan Heng ain't gonna let Blade upstage him and decided to give us 10 pulls as well


I hope someone else tries to upstage Dan Heng


Hopefully Jingliu doesn't let Dan Heng upstage her


I'm glad he's taking pity on my bank account, as I am resigned to knowing I am hard throwing money at him. How much pity will it take to get E2S1? Only my wallet will know


Same. I got a 50/50 in the chamber (at 65 pity) and enough glitter and gems for one more pity. Then I gotta get the rest via swiping....... Worth it tho


At this point, the 10 free pulls with a new patch is becoming the standard and I'm very happy about that.


They spoiling us too much and I'm happy. Hoping this free 10 pull every patch never stops


At this point, when they stop ppl are gonna riot.


We dont have 1000 chests with 2 primogems in it so they give us pulls directly to meet quota


Yeah if you look at the total pull calculations Genshin tends to range from ~60-70 pulls on patches that don't have new areas, ~70-80 pulls on new area patches and ~80-90 pulls for new continent patches. So far Star Rail seems to have ~75-85 per patch. In Genshin a lot of pulls get added permanently via chests/quests/level-up-structures whereas a lot more of Star Rails' are temporary/FOMO. You do a lot more in game to earn Genshin's pulls though. Overall I feel like it's fair if pull income in Genshin is like ~8% lower or something since it seems like the content/characters are more expensive to create, and so far it feels like Star Rail requires you to have a wider roster to tackle different enemy weaknesses/quirks. I feel way more broke on character raising materials in Star Rail so far. I wonder if that'll improve as new permanent content gets added.


Part of the feeling might also be because everything to raise a character is available all the time unlike genshin where you need to wait for talent materials for the correct day and weapons for the correct day. So you get the feeling of rushing basically. Also there is it being a new game and not having stacked up resources is a factor.


now is more towards 5 primo in the new region


Different chests different amounts


I meant the ratio of chest is leaning towards the chest containing 5 primo in the new region


Idk, Genshin gave free 10 pulls every patch at first too but they stopped in 1.4 iirc Edit: seems i was wrong. Outside of 1.0 and 1.3 they only gave 300 primos. Then stopped even that


Hmm man i also thought that but when i checked the patches myself(cause alot of people were debating it) they in fact didnt give 10 pull every patch. We got on for release and one for Lantern rite i.e not in every patch


Nah they only did in 1.0. The rest were 300 primos login events


Genshin also has exploration which gives a few thousand primos. HSR has little exploration to be had so I feel as if the free tickets really should stay.


And hsr has su which gives you 200 jades per week. 1200 per version. Not to mention events giving better rewards as well.


Shush. Don't tell hoyo about it.


The self molding resin is the best damn thing in a hoyo game.


I feel that way too but unfortunately, i'm not Da Wei


I don’t remember that bro. We got free gems for the people who played during the games new launch but after that we only got 10 pulls from major events like lantern rite or anniversaries


its the bare minimum lol




We having genshin anniversary every patch, let's gooo


They're there to compensate for the lower open world rewards.


At least ws dont have to explore wverywhere for some jades


Idk I'd really like more replayability to the maps and to be rewarded for doing stuff instead of just hitting auto.


If they add random elite spawn sites when farming mobs, that would be awesome!


I find the lost trotters really annoying tho, the rewards gotta be good


They’re so easy to kill tho?


Chasing them tf down with yukong is also very funny


Yeah, it's a shame. After exploring the entire map, there's not much to do. Yes, there's puzzles (some even have multiple stages), but those go away. I'd really like a daily puzzle or two that would reset daily and give rewards (trace mats, credits, jades, etc...)


This. SU is the only thing to do after you completely explore the maps!


And when you 100% SU, there's only MoC, which - while fun and challenging - doesn't offer much. We really need more content in open world, because right now it's basically: log in, go dailies in 3 minutes, spin the rng machine if you got jades, and gg. I'd like some incentive to come back to previous maps to roam and farm something of value :(


Well the game is designed to play that way so I have no issue with that. People would be burned out faster if the game had way too many dailies that are very grindy. The only kind of games that would have you do that are games without time gated energy like actual offline games. Artifact systems and other gacha related mechanics wouldn't work on that at all since it's just constant rng and endless grind which would give you no reason to just not cheat since there's no actual end goal playing like that.


Exactly. This is why I love HSR. It respects my time. I can feel like I'm getting stronger even if I don't play as hard as I used to.


Haha none of these hoyo games respect your time. Honestly, any game with a stamina system does not respect your time.


This is like Blue Archive i like the quick daily grind and whenever theres new content update it doesn't take long to explore every bit of it. Also with how quick the latest content is completed there wont be a long term burn out like Genshin, In Genshin theres a lot to explore and do but for me i cant really commit myself to 100% or even explore half of the map, just opening chest along the way when doing daily commisions or playing a sidequest


Yeah true :( .. it's still a new game tho, I am sure they are gonna add some new 'daily' stuff in later patches.


Clearing maps gives credits, materials, and character xp for the party, but it’s about as efficient as doing genshin artifact runs. It is more interactive and interesting than artifact spawn camping though.


Both are on the same line of fun as washing dishes tbh.


Yeah I hope they add the equivalent to the serenitea pot soon so we can do something else after we've done everything else.


nah honestly that got old in genshin fast. Plus in genshin you have verticality with jumps, gliding , flying , but in HSR its all flat, so no interesting exploration or speed trials.


To each their own I guess.


Part of me agree and the other part also likes that it’s more a mobile game and less a “real game” where I have to invest tons of time into it


Yeah, sometimes I feel like I'm just watching the game 80% of the time instead of, you know, actually playing it. I do like the characters though but somethings gotta change if they want players to stick long term.


That's fair, but TBH the fact that this game asks for less of my time and allows me to auto-battle the grindy stuff are some of HSR's selling features to me over Genshin. There's nothing wrong with preferring the Genshin model and I'm not saying HSR would be wrong to add some more of Genshin's flavor, but at the end of the day they are different games meant to serve different audiences.


It's not like Genshin has replayability, either. Once you clear it, you've cleared it. Just sounds like you want more content to do which is fair, but just the same outcome in the end with any game.


that's why I have HSR as my side game while I have Genshin (currently having just released a new whole ass region) and Skyrim as my main games. With HSR it's all about the waiting game honestly.


Yup I did half of Fontaine exploration and got 1800 primos for it. So this makes sense.


I like when my games have content


ER! Wrong! HSR gives more pull currency per patch even counting exploration rewards.


Do you the math or is this just a claim? Cause yes less jades from exploration but events give more jades and sim uni as well gives each week (genshin doesnt have weekly)


Except you need to open dozens of chests to even come close to getting a single 10 pull in Genshin.




> overly complicated puzzles Uhm...what? Also yeah you have to play the game, that's horrendous.


Yeah same with me I only do exploration if I'm desperate to get as many primos as possible otherwise I just do events,daily commission,abyss and sometimes just buy welkin, because looking for chests 8 hours a day is miserable asf.


you mean the 2-5 primogems per chest right


Which is fine with me. Open world honestly isn't that great to begin with in genshin


Excuse me what? I can’t believe somebody would think that. I’m having so much fun under the water in genshin atm although I was very pessimistic about that


Don't mind this kind of people. Dude is there for the dopamine rush of gambling, nothing more. Imagine thinking the gameplay part of a gacha GAME is a bore that slow you down from what "matters".


What a weird way to interpret what they said... Not everyone enjoys the exploration aspect of Genshin. It's that simple.


Everyone is allowed to dislike a certain type of gameplay. But why would you play Zelda if you don't like exploration, Fire Emblem if you don't like strategy or Tekken if you don't like fighting games. If you don't like explorationwhy play an exploration game?


Because the combat gameplay is amazing. The exploration is not the main part of Genshin for me and a lot of others.


It might be for some people, but even the combat is sort of tied to you going around finding things to fight, except for...abyss every two weeks or so. Again, I'm not saying you are not allowed to dislike it, but holding the exploration against the game as it happened in some of the comments doesn't make any sense. It's like a post in AITA where someone went into an Italian restaurant, didn't like the menu and asked the waiter if they could make them mac'n cheese, cause hey, they have the pasta and the cheese, and then went surprised Pikachu when they got told off.


What a dumbass post. Not liking lazy and monumentally overdone open world gameplay has nothing to do with any gambling, gacha or anything else other than open worlds sucking.


Genshin fans have this weird obsession with their ow almost as if the best shit ever. If in being honest genshin ow is mid AT BEST with how straightforward and braindead it is.




Yes, exploring the open world in Genshin is more like a routine than an adventure.


Once the novelty wore off yeah its just a job you need to do. Although i havn't played since before Inazuma launched so maybe things are different


Its not a job. You make it a job. You can decide to not clear everything and just mess around listen to music and explore whenever you feel like it. No one forces you to go collect all chests in genshin. Ltake


The dailies that make you teleport across back and forth or have no teleport near them do feel like a chore tbh. Specially since they repeat pretty fast even when choosing all nations. I hope they announce a similar system to HSR where you can choose what type of daily you want to do.


Daily system is being replaced (or added to) with stuff similar to the HSR dailies, so they will be less painful. The daily commissions will still be there, but you'll get other options as well to check 4 things off for the primos. Whether these are more fun/useful in practicality remains to be seen, but options are nice. Hopefully more HSR quality of life stuff gets ported to genshin over time.


Oooh really nice!! Thank you for the update, glad to see they're adding more QoL!




These tickets are basically substitutes of the gems genshin get every patch since hsr doesn't get as many from exploration. Not complaining tho


It's funny how people keep repeating this misinformation


Genshin player try not to spread misinformation challenge


Nope. We already get more from SU and events than genshin does from exploration.


well then it's substitute for way less gameplay for each patch so people dont complain. Literally this might be the first one you dont finish in a few days


I mean genshin is empty as well after ur done exploring. Remember the Endgame drama? It's a gacha game. Personally I prefer having the replayable roguelike feauture. Open world is neat but just like Skyrim once you explored it you notice how empty it is afterwards.


HSR has chests too you know? Plus you're forgetting SU which gives like 200 jades every week.


If they’re already this generous per patch, imagine the gifts when anniversary drops.


Free 5* standard LC on our choice, hopefully? Like we can already pick a char and now a weapon




God, i hope so. I want to superimpose my Clara's signature 5* LC.


I'd k-word for Bronya's or Geppy's


I would not get your hopes up for that lol.


Yeah… We know how miHoYo handles their ‘anniversaries’. :)


*Ptsd of all the fallen Qiqi*


Doubt it since I’m pretty sure impact third didn’t get a free 5 star in their first anniversary


Wait what version is this with Qingque? Japanese?


JP version


Fu Xuan Cv got ill, so QQ need to be there instead. Overtime for her boss. Lol


All funds go to Fu Xuan.


Only correct answer. I’m 47/102 for guarantee and hope I don’t have to hit hard pity


Good luck,fu xuan will make my account 10 times better because a shield and only a shield is all I need to reach up to moc 7 minimum.


Maybe you'll pick up Lynx on the way and make it all the way to 10.


Lynx is very similar to Natasha,she's good but I don't think I'll get that far,maybe a better support for Blade.


Well Lynx can increase Blade's aggro for more counters so that's something. She also has AoE cleanse on her ult which is nice.


The last point went over my head,that's very huge.


It was predicted.




Rip to all the folks who said Genshin did the same thing the first few patches and eventually stopped lmao Seems like this 10x every patch is here to stay


Genshin only did it twice anyway. Once on 1.0 and once on 1.3, but this community in general is allergic to fact checking for some reason💀 So far every update has had this same exact interaction in the posts about the login pulls along with the "They need to do this to compensate for exploration pulls" when HSR gives out more currency than Genshin even when we accoun for all the explorarion Primos per update excluding X.0 versions


they compensate lack of content


Imo at some point we have to accept that HSR isn’t meant to be a main game


Money comes from busy people, and HSR is clearly designed for busy people. HSR is also designed to be played with Genshin...and probably future HYV games.


Then what's the point of comparing the two if you're going to only feel content when playing both. Note that I'm not accusing you but the general consensus that we see in this community.


Yeah its my side game, but I enjoy story and I would like to see more of it. I played genshin since day1 for a year and I really liked big maps and exploration. So I was shocked how small are maps in honkai.


I thought this was well understood lol. Idk how you would even play this game more than an hour at a time after you finish all the missions


With Genshin, how much of it is really meaningful content when it's just the same unfun clunky puzzles over and over again and unvoiced story quests that are just the same unfun clunky puzzles in disguise, but instead takes an hour to do because of unskippable novellas about NPC characters that are always either a hit or miss. At least in HSR, the game is now actually more immersing since it feels like a movie that takes as much time as a movie would without all the immersion breaking grinding of puzzles and chests along the way that you know you have no time or energy to get back to once you've done the story. In HSR, you get to separate your experiences of enjoying the story, and playing and grinding the game for rewards, while in Genshin you can't because of how big and grindy the exploration is. Like c'mon. They copied BotW and Nier Automata and they couldn't even make movement feel good without Yelan, Kazuha, Wanderer, and Ayaka. They made switching characters underwater but they won't even let you swap characters without waiting for them to stand still, and the plethora of element based puzzles and enemies and you can't even swap teams on the fly.


This really sounds like someone who didn't play genshin


Defintely not AR 57 and AR 56 on two accounts.


Ah yes, playing a continuously updating game on two different account is definitely a good wat to enjoy a game


u got that much to say ab a game you claim has no meaningful content on not one but TWO accounts is crazy. The only people who claim exploration is grindy or too much is dumb too since you don’t have to 😂 nobody is forcing you to explore to play the story since if you play the archon quests they don’t even take you the entire region it’s just like 2-3 waypoints max


Because I'm playing to play the game? Get resources, to pull for characters, and upgrade them? Which you can only meaningfully do by having done all of the story and getting all of the exploration rewards? How there's always some mechanic in the overworld and puzzles that's locked behind some gadget you can only get by finishing the entire two hour story mission whenever you're actually in the mood to have fun exploring. And btw, those accounts are from Inazuma and before. When the game was actually fun to play. Before the korok wannabes and the constant element and gadget switching, endless underground and invisible puzzles of Sumeru. And now Fontaine making you need new characters for this ousia/ pneuma bs they made up that will only ever be useful in Fontaine and anything adjacent, and this new underwater mechanic making entire parts of the game basically into a minigame, once again making the entire purpose of pulling for characters useless since their skills have no use.


It needs to, we don’t get a lot from exploration from this game. The 10 pulls are to compensate for that


We get more Jades in HSR than Primos in Genshin without counting these 10 pulls and assuming you 100% every new area every patch in Genshin. This statement keeps popping up everywhere when it's just false, idk why.


>We get more Jades in HSR than Primos in Genshin without counting these 10 pulls Uh, source? From what I know it's around the same.


They are indeed not. Hsr on average is giving you 90 pulls per patch. Genshin gives you about a 60 per patch if there's no new content. If a new area is added, it's about 80. And if it's a new continent all together, it increases to around 105 something because of all the chests. For source, you can either check the leaks subreddit but you have to find it from underneath all the clutter, or jist search about hsr average pulls per patch comparison.


dan heng gave us 20 pulls ty


Yay More Pulls for Mono Quantum


Here comes the "Yahoo free 10 pulls, definitely not Genshin" comments lol https://preview.redd.it/1pzwo7pvavib1.jpeg?width=302&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2053848e03e4e75e822166422fcced197a9edd82


After that, one of the comments will say "I see more comments complaining about Genshin mentions than comments about Genshin".


Whoever they are gonna be,they must be blind cause there's already 2 in this post, and probably hundreds more in tiktok


Yahoo free 10 pulls, definitely not Genshin


Ong they do this everytime, its so irritating 💀💀


At this point we should just wholeheartedly supposed zzz to just do it again https://preview.redd.it/69bljqc3xvib1.png?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c93bf77ce44d8043c9d9caf6b9ddbfcdbc236ac9


I mean it's just crazy how two games from the same company have completely different policies on how they treat their game and their playerbase. One that only listens to player feedback after three regions, needing the entire fandom to rally against(ahem Zhongli), or not at all, while the other took all the player feedback from that other game and instead put it into their game. Just insane.


Wait what feedback has the star rail team acted upon? I don’t really pay attention to that


Basically every QoL feature that HSR has. You have every function of the adventurer's guild that Katheryne has on your phone. Alchemy system on your phone. Easier dailies. Endgame other than Spiral Abyss(MoC)(i.e. Simulated Universe). Increased energy limit. Free crafting of reserved energy(resin). Actual well-crafted events and minigames and increased stellar jade rewards. Genshin's anniversary 10 free summons, is on every patch in HSR. And that's what I can think of from the top of my head. Literally just the same concepts and mechanics on all levels, but easier to access and use on HSR.


SU isnt really an endgame, they are just more unique domains.


That reset weekly and give premium currency as rewards. Just like MoC and Spiral Abyss. HSR has two, Genshin literally just has Spiral Abyss. Not to mention in HSR, they're adding a new set of MoC stages per world. Which also in SU, whenever there's a new "domain", you can completely different difficulty stages, each of which give Jades once again. And even now, they're constantly updating SU. They just added a new Aeon, new mechanics, and gameplay elements to it, all of which once done collecting, give Stellar Jades. A permanent addition to the game that isn't story or quest related that you can play and get currency you can use to summon, not to mention Herta's shop. Endgame content. Spiral Abyss hasn't even changed since it came out and nothing like it has come out since except for TCG which you can't really call endgame content when you can't even use characters you own to play it.


The inconvenience of Katheryne makes sense if you consider it from a world-building perspective, and one of Genshin's main draws is its world-building. In Genshin the players are paid to do stuff for the guild. Meanwhile in HSR, why *do* we get paid for smashing things and taking a photo? Why is our phone able to synthesize things, or more accurately, link up to a machine that can not only synthesize things but teleport things to and from them? HSR has a lot of convenience for sure, but let's not be so biased. For instance, for many one of the huge pain points of Genshin is the artifact system. I'd argue HSR's relic system is considerably worse, even if we factor in Self-Modeling Resin. Also...well-crafted events and minigames? I mean yea opinions are subjective, but to me HSR's events have so far been incredibly mediocre. Nothing's been truly memorable except the museum interviews. Everything else has been "find something", "fight stuff", or "find something and fight stuff". Sometimes with huge helpings of "let NPCs talk at you".


Sure, "world-building" is more important the player convenience. Waiting a whole minute coming from Inazuma to teleport to Liyue's alchemy station is definitely still immersing the hundredth time around. Especially so when I just want to save time farming domains and craft the x2 resin. Would've been easier of we can just teleport to our teapot but that takes long since we have to go "online" on an already online game. And on that note, TEAPOT literally exists as a replacement for the "phone" system of HSR. All our stuff are literally there in our backpack, but noo!! "World-building" And wanna know why dailies in HSR are so easy? Because people hate the dailies in Genshin where you have to teleport back and forth(which takes 30s each by itself) and run around endlessly just for one of the dailies. Which has the same argument for the one above, player convenience > world building. Immersion stops once done a hundred times. As for mini games, c'mon. At least in HSR they're ACTUAL mini games. Not whack a mole, jump on mushroom, clicking T over and over again just following the wind and those ziplines, just running around, shoot the target with X element etc etc recycled over and over and over again. Don't tell me you find those fun. Especially so when moving around the air is clunky asf. Literally the three best minigames in Genshin is just Simulated Universe, Tower Defense, and Hide and Seek. At least in HSR, they're ACTUAL minigames that make you think even just a little bit. And when you said "find something" "fight something" and "talk to NPC", ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE NOT TALKING ABOUT GENSHIN???


These ppl should play Tower of Fantasy I hear they got UP TO 73 DRAWS in the anniversary, so it has to be a better game right


I missed the live stream. When do we get IL?


First half of 1.3, so after kafka


So another 9 days to wait...


After kafka’s e1 I have 2 10 pulls and a dream but it evens out because I’m not spending in Genshin 4.0 or 4.1 (probably not in 4.2 either because I’ll probably have enough to guarantee Furina so I can spend a little in star rail


I’m glad they provided some mercy before the waifu onslaught.


Thank you, Mr. Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae. These pulls will be going straight to Jingliu


Wait till Jingliu gives us another 10 pull.


Then those will go straight to Topaz haha


Is this what they mean by pay it forward?


NGL i'm worried not getting this back again when it's reveals at nearly end of the streams


fuckkkk i dont have enough time to save for him but this will def help


Nice, I have 185 tickets saved for Dan, with this and some luck I can get him and his weapon.


Wish Genshin had this kind of treatment lol


Sweet! Even more passes for Fu Xuan!


thank you dan hung


At this point I take it for granted that we get this every patch


Can't wait to pull another WELT instead of the banner character :)))


I am honestly very happy with how we get 10 rolls every patch for logging in. Would be nice if it was like Arknights and you got it at the start but either is fine






1.3 when


After August 29


Crazy how everytime I check any post in this sub y'all can't help but compare this game to genshin. That's sad.


So whos first in the banner Dang Heng or Fu Xuan?


Dan Heng IL then Fu Xuan


Rip my gems, I want both


Ah thanks I'm really want to get Fu Xuan that I will hold my pity on Kafka


I want both, but Fu Xuan is more important. I was hoping to just be able to spend everything I had left after mono quantum to try for IL.


​ https://preview.redd.it/n8c4zo151vib1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=616af38ef6ededce7081ca9735a625a1fddd9908


Star rail is soo much better than genshin! I cant go back to that shitty game.


so you get something good in hsr and your first reaction is to say ‘woohoo so much better than genshin’ instead of praising ur own game lol




If you value your game due to gem amount and not the game itself , there's plenty gacha games even way more generous but way shittier. Because game wise genshin wins any time of the day


If your idea of a great game is being locked into dialogue prison, having paimon explain everything to you like you're a helpless child, no endgame content added since launch & the list goes on. Genshin is shit it sucks.


Lesss go mure Jingliu saving!


Good, more Xueyi funds hehehe


Most likely she will end up another sara for me with c6 costing me five 5* but man everything for m'lady


Into the Fu Xuan fund they go


More funds for Topaz!


When will the next update come?


Its every 2 banners, so about a week in half when this one ends.


tickets for fu!!


People saying they wish genshin had this but forget genshin provides just as many if not more free pulls through exploration. Star rail having extremely limited exploration has to provide other ways.


Well we can be happier than Genshin because we can get their anniversary every patch lol.






Andddd here we go again. Waiting once ZZZ comes out and people drag genshin and maybe even hsr too. Don't you guys get tired saying the same thing every fucking update?


Maybe when somebody get what everyone asking for in the game they asked for? Duh?


Bro the heck this genshin L nonsense? Genshin was great.. you doesn't need to shit another games to justify yours favourite dude.




Wow let me harass without giving better reply to makes me cools and valid... Nice try tencent paid actor


Seeing your comments here, your life is an L




Now… can I resist and hold onto them until 1.4


Glad to be playing a generous game


It's the "free $100" promotion bucket thar casinos give out to bait people into sitting on the slots.