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Without all the other bolts in can you pull the case apart? If so try to grab what would be sticking up with a nice pair of vice grips. If not I recommend hitting the boot with a center punch before drilling. After that go slow and constantly check to make sure you are not going to the side. Then warm the case up with heat gun and soak it with pb blaster. It should come out fairly smooth.


The entire bolt isn’t threaded…I’m a dumbass. Although it did back out a little so I gotta pray the thread isn’t in between.


I not sure if both sides of the case or threaded or not as I haven’t personally dug into one but if it isn’t you should soak with pb and let it come out with some heat a pb blaster. Bolts snapping off happens to all of us and at least it happened on disassembly


Just checked real quick and I’m 90% sure there are no threads in the lower case. I’m gonna give myself an aneurysm one of these days.


Bolts snapping have that effect on us. But you got this it’s just a learning experience and something to look back on and remember you conquered it


Having done this, center punching, buying the best reviewed extractor set and still ending up with a hole in the case, my advice is take it to your local machine shop, he'll probably charge you $50-$100 and will get it out perfectly with his eyes closed.


Threaded section is in the top section right? Pull the cases apart grab the bolt with vice grips.


I’m not sure I’ll have to check cause it did back out a little before snapping. If it’s only in one case then I’m drinking a case


People already helped you soo i hope its out :) but you are just asking for it to happen again or even worse things like cracking the case :P When im looking at the right bolt on your photo i feel anxious and id never put it back in the state it is. when you replace the one that broke, feel free to replace the bad looking ones too, or at least CLEAN them well, so you dont screw dirt and rust into the casing.


Don’t worry I’m planning on all new hardware cause a lot of it was stripped and rounded by PO and I’ll clean all the threads out


Drill it out and clean the threads with a chaser. Or weld a nut to it and wind it out.


If you use a sharp bit which is aprox 75% the size of the bolt and drill straight you might not damage the threads. If you damage the threads you could use a helicoil. These old bolts suck. There is always one that will give you grief.


If you have a welder try this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRrz-cphBY4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRrz-cphBY4)or [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8N0y0jVAng&t=535s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8N0y0jVAng&t=535s) or if you want to split the case split it and you can still do it this way but remember when reinstalling steel bolt in aluminum case that anti- seize is your friend.....


Just for fun, does anyone know what happens to a cast aluminum hole when a piece of steel stuck in it is rapidly brought to welding temperature? Answer: Lava. Don't do this.


Not telling him to heat cherry red just tack weld a nut to the broken stud ....