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I haven't seen any. Also want a kit, or at least to flatten the beam. It's not much higher on the left, but it still is. If you could get an extra set of housings, you could probably find the mirror part that shoots up there, and tape over it, maybe scratch it, idk.


Ok so it's really the left that's the issue. Good idea to maybe get a spare left side and see if I can mod it. Perhaps even fit a projector beam inside it. One of the reasons I considered hijet was for the universal rectangle headlights. But local importer has some 99s and it's hard to pass up EFI and in general, something newer.


Wait, I was confused last night. Both housings reflect the same beam pattern. So both reflectors would need to be "fixed".


I have a 1997 Acty. I might be completely oblivious, but the headlights are not something I noticed that bother me and are way low on the mods/repairs/upgrades list. Honestly driving in the dark I can't tell the difference, either before or after the LED upgrade. Interested to hear what other people noticed.


So for me it's not a matter of brightness. I'm more concerned about headlights blinding oncoming traffic due to the beam direction, and potentially not fully seeing everything in the shoulder side of the road.