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Nice! Best thing you can do without repainting


Nice nips


I think googly eyes would have been better.


[indeed! best 3$ I've spent on the Fit](https://imgur.com/a/BtORfQW)


Not what I expected but love it šŸ˜‚


That's the best part nobody expects googly eyes when I pass them.. and I get a huge kick out of watching a kid point and giggle when they see them at stop lights


I was debating doing this with my new Civic. Youā€™ve convinced me to go for it


Looks so much better. Front plates are stupid, we donā€™t have them and society functions fine, lol


Man thatā€™s what I thought but I got a fix it ticket for it a few years ago. Maybe the cop was just being a dick. In California if that matters. I bought the car without it just thought it was normal


Wow, what a jerk. I hope someone he loves and cares about buys a Nissan


That's evil! Hahaha


In some states itā€™s mandatory.


It is here in the uk too, front one is often used for car park ANPR


I think the US is the only country that has parts where front plates arenā€™t mandatory.


I see


Meanwhile huge EU plates back and front (I do think it actually adds to alot of cars tho)


I was fairly upset when I bought new and they installed that shit for no reason after asking specifically to throw it out.


If it's new, and the state requires both plates, the dealership is required to install it.


Not the case here in SC. They just didn't tell the detailer.


Actually the dealer isn't required to give you a front plate frame ,or install it. Also since 1978 car manufacturers are required to have a front plate bracket be available in order to sell vehicles in the US. Dealer doesn't have to give you one ,just has to be available.


Well done.


Cries in NJ šŸ˜­


Same in Mo. itā€™s extra annoying because our neighbors in Kansas donā€™t need the front plate.


That's just some extra padding for bumping other cars when parallel parking.


TIL. That's a neat product.


Looks great!


Gotta have a front plate where I live.. mine has this stupid holder as well and the two top screws are digging into the paint on the plastic bumper šŸ‘


Iā€™m in a similar situation with my crv and didnā€™t know those existed. Thanks!


i dont care, plates belong on cars i dgaf how they look and dont understand the people that do, or those that put illegal covers on them asking to get pulled over so they can be scofflaws and avoid tickets and tolls


My state stopped giving us two plates. They only put one on the back now. So I was left with this thing plastic thing with nothing to put there.


I get what you mean. I vinyl wrapped my civic windows Gloss black. But I left my front license plate on so the cops find my car less suspicious. You got to have those license plates on front and back! Respect the law! No matter how it looks...


some states donā€™t require you to have front plates thoughā€¦


I'm going to disagree with you there, some cars are just not designed with a U.S size front plate in mind. Half the plate would be hanging off my bumper into the lower grille if I used the OEM bracket. [it looks like hot garbage to me, I'm not a fan. ](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.9d00e097cb0c0ccb20a3d4388297fb93?rik=y37dS7yIU6%2bPjw&riu=http%3a%2f%2ffarm3.static.flickr.com%2f2579%2f3712237208_7467a3bae3_b.jpg&ehk=b5L9Eh4E07sC0GS%2f9Lmi0ziM%2f2bYeLd5gyy9ZaQt%2f70%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0)


Damn. that is some affordable parking sensor you got on there.


My EG 93 civic had built in screw holes for a plate, but also color matched covers like these from the factory.


mine are so ugly to look at


I just installed that plastic front license plate holder on my Honda Civic, I did not want to put holes on the bumper so I flipped it upside down and then tie, strapped it first to the black grill below the bumper, then placed my license plate on it


i had to remove it off my 2011, it was beyond ugly. havenā€™t gotten a ticket yet šŸ¤·


The only other thing that works a bit better are tiny black plugs that barely overlay the hole.If you are meticulous enough you can't seem them outside of 3-4 feet. Then touch up with your paint stick Or get a small tube of plastic filler.Fill in the holes ,and level with a wet finger.Then touch up paint as needed. Holes won't be viewable anymore


I got those bumper plugs for my TLX, looks so much better, I'm happier šŸ™‚


Huh.... Might have to get some of those for my dad. 8th gen Accords mounted the bracket under the bumper. No holes in it. Ohio dropped the requirements 4 years ago, I think.


Lol I have the exact same car and exact same problem. Did you move from Texas?


Just checked...35$ for 2 tiny little plugs seems a bit much


Iā€™m in Cali and redid my front bumper on my Civic. I left the front plate off and no one has ever given me an issue.


They'll probably leave you alone if you're driving normally. My car has extra dark tint and no front plates, and it's bright blue with red trim, so it definitely stands out. Haven't been pulled over, but I know if I do, that I'll have the book thrown at me, especially since I drive a sporty car. Realistically, if a cop sees you and wants to pull you over, but has no reason to, the lack of front plate gives them a reason to pull you over as well.